958 resultados para ääni-imago


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Metglas 2826 MB having a nominal composition of Fe40Ni38Mo4B18 is an excellent soft magnetic material and finds application in sensors and memory heads. However, the thin-film forms of Fe40Ni38Mo4B18 are seldom studied, although they are important in micro-electro-mechanical systems/nano-electromechanical systems devices. The stoichiometry of the film plays a vital role in determining the structural and magnetic properties of Fe40Ni38Mo4B18 thin films: retaining the composition in thin films is a challenge. Thin films of 52 nm thickness were fabricated by RF sputtering technique on silicon substrate from a target of nominal composition of Fe40Ni38Mo4B18. The films were annealed at temperatures of 400 °C and 600 °C. The micro-structural studies of films using glancing x-ray diffractometer (GXRD) and transmission electron microscope (TEM) revealed that pristine films are crystalline with (FeNiMo)23B6 phase. Atomic force microscope (AFM) images were subjected to power spectral density analysis to understand the probable surface evolution mechanism during sputtering and annealing. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) was employed to determine the film composition. The sluggish growth of crystallites with annealing is attributed to the presence of molybdenum in the thin film. The observed changes in magnetic properties were correlated with annealing induced structural, compositional and morphological changes


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The Raman and FTIR spectra of [C(NH2)3]2M(SO4)2 ·6H2O (withM= Co, Fe, Ni) were recorded and analysed. The observed spectral bands are assigned in terms of vibrations of guanidinium ions, sulphate groups and water molecules. The analysis shows that the sulphate tetrahedra are distorted from their free state symmetry Td to C1. This is attributed to the presence of hydrogen bonds from water molecules. The order of distortion of the metal oxygen octahedra influenced the distortion of the sulphate tetrahedra. The appearance of 1– 3 modes of water molecules above 3300 cm−1 indicates the presence of weak hydrogen bonds


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Fecha tomada del c??digo del documento


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El libro es el resultado de la compilaci??n de las colaboraciones de expertos internacionales reunidos en un Simposio Internacional sobre Psicolog??a y Psicobiolog??a Educativa e Integraci??n Social de las personas con S??ndrome de Down, organizado por Juan Perera (Asociaci??n S??ndrome de Down de Baleares. Universidad de las Islas Baleares) y Jean A. Rondal (Laboratorio de Psicoling????stica de la Universidad de Lieja, B??lgica), bajo los auspicios del Gobierno Balear y otras instituciones y organismos. La colaboraci??n de los autores murcianos (Candel, Carranza y P??rez L??pez) versa sobre el desarrollo socio-afectivo de los ni??os afectados por el S??ndrome y presenta los resultados de una investigaci??n longitudinal sobre el temperamento de los ni??os con s??ndrome Down. Los objetivos de la investigaci??n son: el estudio de los componentes temperamentales en el desarrollo de los ni??os con S??ndrome Down. La evaluaci??n del grado de estabilidad/inestabilidad de las diferencias temperamentales en los ni??os con S??ndrome Down y an lisis del grado de homogeneidad de los componentes temperamentales de estos ni??os como grupo y las diferencias con un grupo de control de ni??os no retrasados. Los resultados confirman la existencia de diferencias individuales en el temperamento de los ni??os con S??ndrome Down.


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Resumen tomado parcialmente de la publicaci??n


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Vertically aligned carbon nanotubes have been grown using Ni as catalyst by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition system (PECVD) in various pre-patterned substrates. Ni was thermally evaporated on silicon substrates with anodized alumina mask prepared in different methods including 2 step anodization of porous alumina template and interference lithography assisted array of pores. The templates helped to define Ni nanodots inside the pores which in turn catalyzed the growth of carbon nanotubes inside the PECVD system at temperature of 700-750C using mixture of ammonia and acetylene gases. The resulting well-aligned multi-walled carbon nanotubes were further investigated using SEM, TEM and Raman spectroscopy. The size, shape and structure of the grown carbon nanotubes were also discussed.


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Scaling down of the CMOS technology requires thinner gate dielectric to maintain high performance. However, due to the depletion of poly-Si gate, it is difficult to reduce the gate thickness further especially for sub-65 nm CMOS generation. Fully silicidation metal gate (FUSI) is one of the most promising solutions. Furthermore, FUSI metal gate reduces gate-line sheet resistance, prevents boron penetration to channels, and has good process compatibility with high-k gate dielectric. Poly-SiGe gate technology is another solution because of its enhancement of boron activation and compatibility with the conventional CMOS process. Combination of these two technologies for the formation of fully germanosilicided metal gate makes the approach very attractive. In this paper, the deposition of undoped Poly-Si₁₋xGex (0 < x < 30% ) films onto SiO₂ in a low pressure chemical vapor deposition (LPCVD) system is described. Detailed growth conditions and the characterization of the grown films are presented.


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Resumen tomado de la publicación


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Procedimiento que sigue el escolar al resolver un problema matem??tico. Campo heur??stico y formas arquet??picas. Escolares de quinto curso de EGB de la ciudad de Santander escogidos al azar. 102 ni??os de 4 colegios. Despu??s se reducen a 20 ni??os sin p??rdida de representatividad. Establecimiento de actos protot??picos por los cuales los ni??os resuelven sus problemas y ejercicios. Se establecen 5 ??reas: Conjuntos, Numeraci??n, C??lculo, Magnitudes y Geometr??a; los problemas se obtienen de un modo aleatorio, escogidos por los profesores de los colegios pertenecientes a la muestra. 20 problemas escogidos se presentan a los alumnos eligiendo aquellos resueltos por el 60-75 por ciento de los escolares, tomando uno de cada ??rea. Se reduce la muestra por el m??todo de elecci??n al azar. Se reelaboran los 4 problemas y se registra la conducta de los escolares en su resoluci??n. Parejas de observadores adiestrados, registros auditivos y visuales, c??digos de registro. T de Student, coeficiente de Scott, matrices de transaci??n y c??lculo de vectores l??mite. No aparecen. Faltan ??stas p??ginas.


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Resumen basado en el de la publicación


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Josep-Maria Terricabras és el director de la Càtedra Ferrater Mora de Pensament Contemporani. Ara fa vint anysque va tenir la idea de crear una càtedra de pensament en una Girona que tenia estudis universitaris però que encara no tenia universitat pròpia. Han passat els anys i es pot afirmar que ha estat una jugada reeixida perquè, gràcies a la Càtedra, han passat per la ciutat personatges destacats de la cultura, com Chomsky, Quine, Cavalli-Sforza, Nyman o Stieglitz, fins a completar una llista que molt aviat arribarà a la trentena. La Càtedra Ferrater Mora de Pensament Contemporani és més antiga que la mateixa Universitat de Girona. El 2 de novembre vinent farà vint anys que es va crear


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Resumen en ingl??s y castellano.


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Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n