597 resultados para Óxidos de cério
The region Indiara (GO) is located in southwestern of São Francisco Craton in the Internal Zone of the Brasília Belt, western part of the Tocantins Province. In this locality outcrop rocks of the Goiás Magmatic Arc. These rocks are muscovite gneiss with biotite, muscovite-biotite gneiss, biotite gneiss with muscovite and garnet, biotite-muscovite gneiss, muscovite porfiroclastic gneiss, biotite porfiroclastic gneiss, muscovite-quartz schists, garnetquartz schists, and metamafic rock (hornblende schists) as metric or kilometric lenses. The gneisses have granodioritic composition, granoblastic texture, with some portions with lepidoblastic texture, constituting a discontinuous centimeter to millimeter banding; the structure is anisotropic, marked by the preferred orientation of all the minerals. These gneisses are leucocratic, generally are inequigranular and fine to medium grained. The hornblende schists have nematoblastic texture, are inequigranular and fine to medium grained and have anisotropic structure that is given by a foliation, marked by a strong preferential orientation of the crystals of amphibole and other minerals present in the rock. The gneisses of the area are composed of plagioclase (oligoclase/andesine), quartz, microcline, muscovite, biotite, epidote, apatite, zircon, garnet, kyanite, oxides and hydroxides of iron and opaque minerals. And the metamafic rocks of Indiara region are composed mainly of amphibole, plagioclase (oligoclase/andesine), quartz, titanite, biotite, allanite, garnet, oxides and hydroxides of iron, apatite, epidote, rutile, muscovite and opaque minerals. At least three phases of deformation were observed in the rocks of area of study (Dn-1, Dn and Dn +1). The Dn phase and represented by a well-marked foliation Sn having low dip angle (average dip of 20 °) and dip direction to SW (210/21) and to NE (18/20); the Dn-1 phase is represented by a compositional banding (Sn- 1), this banding is generally...
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Ciência dos Materiais - FEIS
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fuel cells powered directly with ethanol (Direct Ethanol Fuel Cell-DEFC) are very attractive for the possibility of using a renewable fuel in the generation of clean energy. However, it is still necessary to deepen the understanding of catalytic processes and their dependence on the catalytic properties. This work proposes to study the catalytic activity of ethanol oxidation in an alkaline medium of Pd nanoparticles supported in carbon oxide hybrids using various transition metal oxides (MoO3, TiO2, WO3 and ZrO2). The materials prepared were characterized by techniques such as X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and X-ray dispersive spectroscopy (EDX) to verify the structure, the distribution of particles in the supports and the presence of Pd on particles oxide. Experiments of X-rays absorption spectroscopy were carried out using soft X-rays (SXS) to evaluate the changes in the electronic properties of the Pd particles caused by interactions with different oxides. Measurements of cyclic voltammetry and potential sweeps of adsorbed CO oxidation allowed evaluating general aspects of the catalysts' electrochemical behavior and determining the electrochemically active area thereof. The catalytic performances of ethanol oxidation in alkaline medium were evaluated by electrochemical techniques (potential scan and chronoamperometry), and showed an improvement in activity with the addition of oxides in material containing only carbon, which was most pronounced for the catalyst containing TiO2. This improvement was predominantly associated with the electronic effects caused by the interaction of Pd on the support, causing a vacancy in the 4d band of Pd which, in turn, produces variations in adsorption energies of the species...
The present work aims to study one-dimensional nanomaterials semiconductors grown via by phase systems Grande oxides Technological Interest for applications in gas sensors. The Used material was tin oxide (SnO2) for their functional properties, and the grow method was the Polymeric Precursors. The films grown were the nanomaterials about substrates of alumina, deposited via spin coating technique, followed by heat treatment at 300C for 1 hour and 650C for 2 hours. Later the films of Performance sensors (sensitivity, speed response, selectivity, and stability) will be in avaliated in a hermetic chamber with controlled atmosphere and temperature. The synthesized materials were its structural and morphological properties characterized in atomic force microscopy (AFM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and transmission electron microscopy (not have this result with Me). We sought to investigate one influence of different conditions for obtaining films (Variation Layers number) in structural and microstructural properties of semiconductors oxides. The synthesis method proved very effective, generating films with micro definitely, uniformity of the nanoparticles and hum high level of porosity, what makes the material of a viable final paragraph applicability
Fuel cells powered directly with ethanol (Direct Ethanol Fuel Cell-DEFC) are very attractive for the possibility of using a renewable fuel in the generation of clean energy. However, it is still necessary to deepen the understanding of catalytic processes and their dependence on the catalytic properties. This work proposes to study the catalytic activity of ethanol oxidation in an alkaline medium of Pd nanoparticles supported in carbon oxide hybrids using various transition metal oxides (MoO3, TiO2, WO3 and ZrO2). The materials prepared were characterized by techniques such as X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and X-ray dispersive spectroscopy (EDX) to verify the structure, the distribution of particles in the supports and the presence of Pd on particles oxide. Experiments of X-rays absorption spectroscopy were carried out using soft X-rays (SXS) to evaluate the changes in the electronic properties of the Pd particles caused by interactions with different oxides. Measurements of cyclic voltammetry and potential sweeps of adsorbed CO oxidation allowed evaluating general aspects of the catalysts' electrochemical behavior and determining the electrochemically active area thereof. The catalytic performances of ethanol oxidation in alkaline medium were evaluated by electrochemical techniques (potential scan and chronoamperometry), and showed an improvement in activity with the addition of oxides in material containing only carbon, which was most pronounced for the catalyst containing TiO2. This improvement was predominantly associated with the electronic effects caused by the interaction of Pd on the support, causing a vacancy in the 4d band of Pd which, in turn, produces variations in adsorption energies of the species...
The present work aims to study one-dimensional nanomaterials semiconductors grown via by phase systems Grande oxides Technological Interest for applications in gas sensors. The Used material was tin oxide (SnO2) for their functional properties, and the grow method was the Polymeric Precursors. The films grown were the nanomaterials about substrates of alumina, deposited via spin coating technique, followed by heat treatment at 300C for 1 hour and 650C for 2 hours. Later the films of Performance sensors (sensitivity, speed response, selectivity, and stability) will be in avaliated in a hermetic chamber with controlled atmosphere and temperature. The synthesized materials were its structural and morphological properties characterized in atomic force microscopy (AFM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and transmission electron microscopy (not have this result with Me). We sought to investigate one influence of different conditions for obtaining films (Variation Layers number) in structural and microstructural properties of semiconductors oxides. The synthesis method proved very effective, generating films with micro definitely, uniformity of the nanoparticles and hum high level of porosity, what makes the material of a viable final paragraph applicability
This paper presents the classification of 110 copper ore samples from Sossego Mine, based on X-ray diffraction and cluster analysis. The comparison based on the position and the intensity of the diffracted peaks allowed the distinction of seven ore types, whose differences refer to the proportion of major minerals: quartz, feldspar, actinolite, iron oxides, mica and chlorite. There was a strong correlation between the grouping and the location of the samples in Sequeirinho and Sossego orebodies. This relationship is due to different types and intensities of hydrothermal alteration prevailing in each body, which reflect the mineralogical composition and thus the X-ray diffractograms of samples.
As Regiões Organizadoras de Nucléolo (NORs - nucleolar organizer regions) são utilizadas para descrever regiões de cromatina coradas por Nitrato de Prata e estão relacionados com a atividade de síntese de RNAr e com a agilidade e rapidez na proliferação celular nos tecidos estudados. O objetivo deste trabalho foi relacionar a quantidade de AgNORs, a atividade proliferativa e o estágio da gestação em equinos, utilizando a coloração de Nitrato de Prata. Os anexos embrionários foram coletados, fixados em solução de formaldeído tamponado 10%, emblocadas em paraplast e submetidos à coloração de Nitrato de Prata. Os grupos foram determinados de acordo com a idade gestacional. A quantidade de NORs encontrada no cório no começo da gestação indica início da atividade celular e na medida em que a gestação avança, a quantidade de NORs aumenta, sugerindo maior atividade de síntese e aumento da sua importância na manutenção do feto. Ao contrário do que ocorre no cório, a quantificação das NORs foram maiores no final da gestação do que no inicio, sugerindo a estabilização destas membranas no final da gestação. A cinta coriônica e o saco vitelino foram encontrados no início da gestação e apresentaram grande quantidade de NORs, sugerindo função de síntese e proliferação no inicio da gestação, visto que suas funções é manutenção do embrião até a formação completa da placenta verdadeira (cório-alantoide). Concluímos que as membranas que se desenvolvem de maneira progressiva de acordo com o crescimento embrionário/fetal (cório, alantoide e âmnio) têm aumento no número de NORs e as membranas que involuem após a formação do embrião/feto (saco vitelino e cinta coriônica) têm um decréscimo neste número, sugerindo a diminuição da atividade proliferativa nestas membranas.
Il lavoro svolto in questa tesi fa parte di un progetto volto alla realizzazione di un sistema per svolgere test di guida di motoveicoli al banco a rulli, gestendo l’intera prova in remoto, ossia dall’esterno della cella. Tale sistema, denominato RideIT, è stato progettato da Alma Automotive per conto della nota casa motociclistica MV Augusta. Tramite il sistema RideIT, è possibile automatizzare la guida di motoveicoli sul banco a rulli, riproducendo via software, tramite un modello che governa degli attuatori, il comportamento del pilota per quel che riguarda gli azionamenti di acceleratore, frizione, cambio e freno durante un test. I vantaggi di questa soluzione riguardano soprattutto la sicurezza degli addetti, che possono effettuare tutte le prove del caso rimanendo al di fuori della sala prove, oltre alla possibilità di incrementare la ripetibilità e la riproducibilità dei risultati dei test, grazie all’eliminazione del fattore di soggettività legato al guidatore. Il sistema nasce con la specifica di poter eseguire test di omologazione al banco a rulli anche se, grazie alla flessibilità che è in grado di garantire, può essere perfettamente riconfigurato, anche in vista di futuri sviluppi del progetto.
El grupo de científicos llega hasta la primera estación en “Confluencia", es allí donde comienza el trabajo, un equipo de especialistas se dirige en busca del inmenso glaciar Horcones inferior. Los glaciólogos y crio-geólogos que llegan hasta allí estudian los comportamientos de esta gran masa que llega a desplazarse hasta 35 metros por día, y produce cambios imprevistos en la geomorfología del lugar.
Se estudian las formas de hierro extraídas con oxalato ácido de amonio, pirofosfato de sodio, ditionito-citrato-bicarbonato, así como el hierro total en disolución en suelos Alisoles en el municipio de Acaxochitlán, Hidalgo, México. Los suelos estudiados soportan distintos tipos de vegetación forestal: Pinus patula Schlecht and Cham (Pp), Pinus teocote, (Pt) y Quercus spp, (Q). El objetivo del trabajo fue determinar si la vegetación influye significativamente sobre las diferentes fracciones de hierro (Fe) en el suelo. Los contenidos de Fe total son significativamente mayores en suelos bajo vegetación de Pp (14,5% de Fe2O3), el mayor porcentaje de ferrihidrita (38,0% del Fe total en suelo) y de complejos organominerales de Fe y óxidos amorfos de Fe (20,9% y 16,3% respectivamente del Fe total en suelo, se dio en el bosque de Pt. En los suelos bajo bosques de Pp predominaron formas de Fe lábil (56,7% del Fe total en suelo) y formas cristalinas de Fe (goetita/hematita). La vegetación de Q mostró mayor alteración de los suelos y en el caso de Pt y Pp se presentó una mayor evolución en el proceso de organización estructural de los oxihidróxidos de Fe. El tipo de vegetación forestal influye en el grado de evolución del suelo, y en la distribución, contenido y formas de óxidos de Fe. En un orden de mayor a menor el contenido de Fe total en el suelo fue Pinus patula > Quercus spp > Pinus teocote.
El trabajo demuestra que las concentraciones de óxido de azufre y monóxido de carbono han disminuido como consecuencia de los incrementos de la calidad de los combustibles y de las normas de emisión de los vehículos desarrollados durante el periodo de estudio. Sin embargo, las concentraciones de los óxidos de nitrógeno, partículas materiales y ozono se han mantenido constantes pese a la mejora de las emisiones por vehículo, como consecuencia del aumento de la movilidad. Además, las concentraciones de los óxidos de nitrógeno y partículas materiales se encuentran por encima de los estándares de emisión permitidos.