983 resultados para Émile Durkheim
En este artículo se focaliza el recurso de la alegoría como método exegético en la composición de los sermones panegíricos de Juan Espinosa Medrano (Perú, siglo XVII). Se traza el recorrido de la alegoría (y las humanidades en general) en relación –siempre tensa– con el cristianismo a lo largo de su historia; y se llega a la Contrarreforma y el uso exacerbado del método en la predicación barroca; particularmente en la oratoria sagrada de Espinosa Medrano, quien abarca elementos diversos y extraídos de distintas fuentes (filosofía natural, mitología clásica, tradición emblemática, relatos bíblicos), a los que hace funcionar como signos de otra verdad mayor, la sagrada. Si bien las preceptivas sagradas impulsaban una predicación más llana y simple, la profusión de alegorías mitológicas, que el autor resemantiza según su interés de guiar la interpretación, pueden explicarse por varias circunstancias, motivos de estudio en este trabajo.
Mary Douglas argues that, ‘There are some things we cannot experience without ritual.’ Ex-prisoner reintegration may be one of them. The punishment process involves an inordinate amount of ritual behavior, from the drama of the courtroom to the elaborate de-individuation processes involved in institutionalization. Durkheim argues that these rituals served a distinct purpose for society: engendering social solidarity and shaping penal sensibilities. Like the commission of a crime, the reintegration of the former outcast back into society represents a challenge to the moral order, a delicate transition fraught with danger and possibility. However, unlike punishment, reintegration is not a process characterized by well-orchestrated and familiar rituals. This lack might explain the failings of prisoner reentry in contemporary society. This article reviews the sociological and anthropological literature on rituals, explaining what they are and what they do, focusing in particular on the role of status degradation ceremonies in criminal justice work. Drawing on this literature, the core elements that would be needed to develop rituals of reintegration powerful enough to counteract these degradation effects are discussed, and the potential impact of such hypothetical rituals is explored.
Durkheim’s idea that war reduces suicide through greater social and political integration has been used to explain suicide trends during the Northern Ireland conflict and in the period of peace. The applicability of Durkheim is critically evaluated through a case study of suicide trends by age, gender and cause of death over a forty year period. The key finding is that the cohort of children and young people who grew up in the worst years of violence during the 1970s, have the highest and most rapidly increasing suicide rates, and account for the steep upward trend in suicide following the 1998 Agreement. Contrary to Durkheim, the recent rise in suicide involves a complex of social and psychological factors. These include the growth in social isolation, poor mental health arising from the experience of conflict, and the greater political stability of the past decade. The transition to peace means that externalised aggression is no longer socially approved. It becomes internalised instead.
Gene expression profiling has the potential to enhance current methods for the diagnosis of haematological malignancies. Here, we present data on 204 analyses from an international standardization programme that was conducted in 11 laboratories as a prephase to the Microarray Innovations in LEukemia (MILE) study. Each laboratory prepared two cell line samples, together with three replicate leukaemia patient lysates in two distinct stages: (i) a 5-d course of protocol training, and (ii) independent proficiency testing. Unsupervised, supervised, and r(2) correlation analyses demonstrated that microarray analysis can be performed with remarkably high intra-laboratory reproducibility and with comparable quality and reliability.
I undertook the 2012 ECOSEP travelling fellowship, sponsored by Bauerfeind, between May and August 2012, which involved visiting 5 European sport medicine centres and spending approximately one week in each centre. The 5 centres included: National Track and Field Centre, SEGAS, Thessaloniki, Greece; Professional School in Sport & Exercise Medicine, University of Barcelona, Spain; Sport Medicine Frankfurt Institute, Germany; Isokinetic Medical Group, FIFA Medical Centre of Excellence, Bologna, Italy, and Centre for Sports and Exercise Medicine, Barts and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry, Mile End Hospital, England. Throughout the fellowship, the clinical cases which were routinely encountered were documented. The following sections detail my experiences throughout the fellowship, the sports of the athletes and the injuries which were treated at each of the sport medicine centres during the fellowship visit and the different forms of management employed. © 2012, CIC Edizioni Internazionali
Background: Durkheim’s seminal historical study demonstrated that religious affiliation reduces suicide risk, but it is unclear whether this protective effect persists in modern, more secular societies.
Aims: To examine suicide risk according to Christian religious affiliation and by inference to examine underlying mechanisms for suicide risk. If church attendance is important, risk should be lowest for Roman Catholics and highest for those with no religion; if religiosity is important, then ‘conservative’ Christians should fare best.
Method: A 9-year study followed 1 106 104 people aged 16–74 years at the 2001 UK census, using Cox proportional hazards models adjusted for census-based cohort attributes.
Results: In fully adjusted models analysing 1119 cases of suicide, Roman Catholics, Protestants and those professing no religion recorded similar risks. The risk associated with conservative Christians was lower than that for Catholics (HR = 0.71, 95% CI 0.52–0.97).
Conclusions: The relationship between religious affiliation and suicide established by Durkheim may not pertain in societies where suicide rates are highest at younger ages. Risks are similar for those with and without a religious affiliation, and Catholics (who traditionally are characterised by higher levels of church attendance) do not demonstrate lower risk of suicide. However, religious affiliation is a poor measure of religiosity, except for a small group of conservative Christians, although their lower risk of suicide may be attributable to factors such as lower risk behaviour and alcohol consumption.
The widespread availability and demand for multimedia capable devices and multimedia content have fueled the need for high-speed wireless connectivity beyond the capabilities of existing commercial standards. While fiber optic data transfer links can provide multigigabit- per-second data rates, cost and deployment are often prohibitive in many applications. Wireless links, on the contrary, can provide a cost-effective fiber alternative to interconnect the outlining areas beyond the reach of the fiber rollout. With this in mind, the ever increasing demand for multi-gigabit wireless applications, fiber segment replacement mobile backhauling and aggregation, and covering the last mile have posed enormous challenges for next generation wireless technologies. In particular, the unbalanced temporal and geographical variations of spectrum usage along with the rapid proliferation of bandwidth- hungry mobile applications, such as video streaming with high definition television (HDTV) and ultra-high definition video (UHDV), have inspired millimeter-wave (mmWave) communications as a promising technology to alleviate the pressure of scarce spectrum resources for fifth generation (5G) mobile broadband.
The European Union has set a target for 10% renewable energy in transport by 2020 to be met using biofuels and electric vehicles. In the case of biofuels, the biofuel must achieve greenhouse gas savings of 35% relative to the fossil fuel replaced. For biofuels, greenhouse gas savings can be calculated using life cycle analysis or the European Union default values. In contrast, all electricity used in transport is considered to be the same, regardless of the source or the type of electric vehicle. However, the choice of the electric vehicle and electricity source will have a major impact on the greenhouse gas saving. In this paper the initial findings of a well-to-wheel analysis of electric vehicle deployment in Northern Ireland are presented. The key finding indicates that electric vehicles require least amount of energy per mile on a well-to-wheel basis, consume the fewest resources, even accommodating inefficient fuel production, in comparison to standard internal combustion engine and hybrid vehicles.
Dissertação de mest., Psicologia (Psicologia da Saúde), Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Univ. do Algarve, 2010
Este trabalho é o relatório de estágio profissional realizado numa companhia francesa de arquitetura, especializado no planeamento urbano, que se-‐chama AREP. O trabalho desenvolvido teve como objectivo identificar os problemas dos transportes de mercadorias e de logística nas áreas urbanas e da intervenção do planeamento urbano para a mitigação daqueles problemas. Os transportes urbanos de mercadorias são uma prioridade para a definição de políticas num mundo cada vez mais urbanizado. As áreas urbanas necessitam cada vez mais da entrega e recolha de grandes quantidades de mercadorias, resultando na procura de com custos externos elevados e a degradação da qualidade de vida dos residentes. Em 2012, a OECD estimava que as atividades ligadas ao transporte de mercadorias iriam crescer entre 50% e 130% entre 2010 e 2050 nos países da daquela organização. Nos países que não fazem parte da OECD estimava que as atividades iriam crescer entre 250% e 550% durante o mesmo período. Com os problemas já existentes e com o crescimento que está previsto, é importante encontrar soluções que limitem os custos externos e que se encontrem alternativas mais sustentáveis. Tradicionalmente, os formuladores de políticas urbanas tendem a ver os transportes de mercadorias nas áreas urbanas como um problema, em vez de os considerar como um componente essencial do desenvolvimento urbano. Em consequência disso, as políticas implementadas foram desenvolvidas no sentido da restrição na atividade de distribuição de mercadorias. Ao mesmo tempo, os operadores de transporte têm continuado a desenvolver a sua função adequando-‐se às condições impostas com maiores níveis de eficiência. No entanto, este sucesso tem tido muitos custos externos negativos para a economia, a sociedade e o ambiente. Por isso, os transportes urbanos de mercadorias encontram-‐se numa tensão constante entre uma logística eficiente e um desenvolvimento urbano sustentável. Hoje, os decisores políticos começam a alterar a perspectiva sobre a intervenção sobre a circulação de transportes de mercadorias, atendendo à sua importância para a economia urbana e, simultaneamente, à necessidade de reduzir os impactes negativos associados ao transporte de mercadorias. Um dos desafios principais é o de compatibilizar as atividades logísticas e os transportes de mercadorias e a preservação das áreas urbanas, minimizando os impactes, garantindo uma boa qualidade de vida para os residentes. Trata-‐se de um assunto complexo pelos diferentes atores com interesses muitas das vezes conflituantes. A conciliação dos interesses constitui um dos problemas, nomeadamente nas soluções de curto prazo. O espaço disponível para os transportes e as atividades de comércio e serviços emáreas urbanas é limitado. Existe uma grande concorrência sobre o uso do solo urbano entre os diferentes atores.. A necessidade de espaço, conduz a que o sector da logística saía das cidades e se instale nas suas periferias. Esta tendência chama-‐se ‘logistic sprawl’ e tem vários efeitos negativos, por exemplo, o facto de os veículos terem de percorrer maiores distâncias para os seus clientes nas áreas urbanas. Ao mesmo tempo, os residentes, como consumidores, exigem ter uma grande variedade de produtos disponíveis, esquecendo que para isso há a necessidade de os transportar para e dentro da cidade. Quando as políticas de transportes de passageiros em áreas urbanas se tem vindo a concentrar na alteração modal, do transporte em automóvel para os transportes públicos, ou para a utilização da bicicleta ou a marcha a pé, as políticas de transportes de mercadorias devem igualmente potenciar a utilização de transportes alternativos mais sustentáveis do que o transporte em veículos de mercadorias com motores de combustão interna. Hoje em dia, 75% de todos os transportes de mercadorias por via terrestre a distâncias médias ou longas (mais de 50km), são realizados por via rodoviária. A distâncias mais reduzidas (last mile) essa percentagem é de quase 100%. Estes valores não são compatíveis com um desenvolvimento sustentável. O esforço desenvolvido no sentido da promoção dos modos mais sustentáveis, como a ferrovia e a utilização das vias navegáveis, têm encontrado a oposição das empresas de transporte de mercadorias pois a rodovia é mais flexível (entrega porta-‐a-‐porta), com reduzidos custos de utilização de infraestrutura e com custos-‐fixos mais baixos. Uma cooperação integrada e holística entre os diferentes níveis de governação do território é fundamental, sendo desejável uma maior cooperação entre o sector público e privado. As medidas a implementar têm que ter em conta os problemas a curto e longo prazo. Uma grande variedade de medidas (de regulação, de gestão da infraestrutura, de gestão e ordenamento do território, de promoção e de informação, etc.) têm que ser implementadas e coordenadas em conjunto com o sector privado. As medidas isoladas não resolverão os problemas de transporte de mercadorias na cidade, por isso, o desafio é o de implementar um pacote de medidas diferentes que contribua para uma distribuição das mercadorias mais sustentável, tornando as cidades mais habitáveis. Neste relatório, são discutidas e analisadas as diferentes medidas que podem ser implementadas pelos distintos níveis de governança, incluindo a apresentação de alguns case-‐studies.
Há muito que a arte é objecto de grande curiosidade, alargada a outras áreas do conhecimento, tanto pelo seu enraizamento profundo na vida social, como pelas suas evoluções radicais e ligações intensas com outras actividades, como escreveu Pierre Francastel (1956) na «Introdução» de Art et Technique. Da sociologia, à economia, à história da arte, à história cultural, à antropologia à filosofia ou aos estudos culturais, entre vários outros campos do saber, a reflexão sobre as artes, a criatividade, o poder da inspiração tem tido lugar desde sempre. Durkheim (1985 [1912]) quando descreve a religião, aparecendo a arte como uma derivação da primeira, ou Simmel (1988 [1925]) quando aborda a actividade de Rembrandt, Miguel Ângelo e Rodin; passando por Weber quando desenvolve o paralelo entre ciência e arte (Weber 1979 [1919]) e, de uma forma marginal, economia e arte (Weber 1971 [1920]). A ideia de que a contingência, a inspiração, a intuição, a imaginação e a incerteza são características associadas aos artistas como aos cientistas e ao seu trabalho; ou, a ideia de que as condições de trabalho dos artistas estão associadas a um comportamento contrário à racionalidade económica mais convencional, isto é, os indivíduos desenvolvem uma actividade carismática em articulação com os outros trabalhos de subsistência (solução económica para a sua persistência no mercado) são algumas das temáticas que têm animado as discussões (mas também muitos equívocos) em torno das artes e da cultura.
London Wall is a physical manifestation of the invisible city all around us; a poetic snapshot of social networking traffic from within a three-mile radius of the Museum of London. Over a ten-day period, publicly available status updates from popular websites like twitter and facebook will be selected then published as a vast array of A3 posters pasted onto a wall in the museum's foyer, revealing the idle mutterings of ourselves to ourselves as a form of concrete poetry. This commission is in the foyer and is part of relaunch the museums new galleries.
Using information gathered from some 30 UK surveys undertaken over the last 15 years, this paper provides planners with an understanding of road-based urban retail freight transport activity. The findings suggest that the average High Street business could expect up to 10 core goods and 7.6 service visits per week, in non-peak trading periods with 25% additional activity during the build up to Christmas. Vans (‘light goods vehicles’) were the dominant mode, responsible for 42% of delivery activity with a mean dwell time of 10 min. Where possible, load consolidation should be encouraged by methods such as Delivery and Servicing Plans and using out-of-town freight consolidation centres to bring in goods over the last mile in shared vehicles. Where this is not possible, loading bay monitoring and control, and preferred lorry routes can help manage the movement of vehicles in and out of dense urban areas. Service vehicle activity is a significant contributor to urban freight movements and often requires vehicles to be parked close to the premises being served. Centrally coordinating elements of service provision (e.g. for cleaning, equipment maintenance, recyclate collection), or providing improved, more flexible parking provision for service vehicles could be as or more beneficial in reducing overall freight impacts than focusing on core goods deliveries. In the case of the latter, ‘pay-as-you-leave’ car park charging systems could encourage short-stay service vehicles to park off-street.
This witness seminar on the events in the East End of London of 4 October 1936, traditionally known as the ‘Battle of Cable Street’, was held at the Institute of Historical Research on 1 May 1991. It was chaired by Professor Geoffrey Alderman and introduced by Noreen Branson. The participants were Sid Bailey (former member of the BUF), Dr David Cesarani, Tony Gilbert, Charlie Goodman, Joyce Goodman, Professor Colin Holmes, Frank Lesser, Kevin Morgan (biographer of Harry Pollitt), Phil Piratin (Communist MP for Mile End 1945–50), Michael Quill, Jack Shaw, Harold Smith, Ronald F. Webb (former member of the BUF) and Len Wise (former member of the BUF). Yvonne Kapp was unable to attend but she sent a short account of her recollections of the event and this has been included with this transcript.
The paper investigates the occurrence of non-injury incidents among cyclists in the UK, seeking to (i) generate a rate that can be compared with injury rates, (ii) analyse factors affecting incident rates, and (iii) analyse factors affecting the impact of incidents on cyclists. We collected data on non-injury cycling ‘incidents’ (near misses and other frightening and/or annoying incidents) from 1692 online diaries of cycle trip stages1 and incidents, participants having signed up in advance for a specific day. Following data cleaning and coding, a dataset was created covering 1532 diary days and 3994 records of incidents occurring within the UK. Incident rates were calculated and compared to injury risks for cyclists. Cross-tabulation and regression were used to identify factors affecting incident rates and the effect an incident has on the cyclist. Frightening or annoying non-injury incidents, unlike slight injuries, are an everyday experience for most people cycling in the UK. For regular cyclists ‘very scary’ incidents (rated as 3 on a 0–3 scale) are on average a weekly experience, with deliberate aggression experienced monthly. Per mile, non-injury incidents were more frequent for people making shorter and slower trips. People aged over 55 were at lower risk, as were those cycling at the weekend and outside the morning peak. Incidents that involved motor vehicles, especially those involving larger vehicles, were more frightening than those that did not. Near miss and other non-injury incidents are widespread in the UK and may have a substantial impact on cycling experience and uptake. Policy and research should initially target the most frightening types of incident, such as very close passes and incidents involving large vehicles. Further attention needs to be paid to the experiences of groups under-represented among cyclists, such as women making shorter trips.