898 resultados para water management
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The water management in any area is highly important to the success of many business and also of life and the understanding of your relationship with the environment brings better control to its demand. I.e. hydrogeological studies are needed under better understanding of the behavior of an aquifer, so that its management is done so as not to deplete or harm it. The objective of this work is the numerical modeling in transient regime of a portion of the Rio Claro aquifer formation in order to get answers about its hydrogeological parameters, its main flow direction and also its most sensitive parameters. A literature review and conceptual characterization of the aquifer, combined with field campaigns and monitoring of local water level (NA), enabled the subsequent construction of the mathematical model by finite elements method, using the FEFLOW 6.1 ® computational algorithm. The study site includes the campus of UNESP and residential and industrial areas of Rio Claro city. Its area of 9.73 km ² was divided into 318040 triangular elements spread over six layers, totaling a volume of 0.25 km³. The local topography and geological contacts were obtained from previous geological and geophysical studies as well as profiles of campus wells and SIAGAS / CPRM system. The seven monitoring wells on campus were set up as observation points for calibration and checking of the simulation results. Sampling and characterization of Rio Claro sandstones shows up a high hydrological and lithological heterogeneity for the aquifer formation. The simulation results indicate values of hydraulic conductivity between 10-6 and 10-4 m / s, getting the Recharge/Rainfall simulation in transient ratio at 13%. Even with the simplifications imposed on the model, it was able to represent the fluctuations of local NA over a year of monitoring. The result was the exit of 3774770 m³ of water and the consequently NA fall. The model is considered representative for the...
The study aimed to determine the coefficient of the yellow passion fruit cultivation and irrigation set capable of increasing crop productivity and quality of production in the environmental conditions of the semi-arid region of Piauí. The experiment was conducted in the Pilot Project for Fruit Crops Irrigated area in Santa Rosa, PI. We used a randomized block design with six treatments and four replications. Treatments (irrigation) were defined according to percentages of reference evapotranspiration (ETo): T1 25%, T2: 50%, T3: 75%, T4: 100%; T5: T6 and 125%: 150%. For monitoring water in the soil profile was used tensiometers. To determine the crop coefficient (Kc) used the water balance in the soil treatment based on 100% replacement of water. Morphological and physiological characteristics of yellow passion fruit were evaluated. The maximum yield of 27.052 kg ha-1 yr-1 was obtained by applying a water depth of 763.80 mm. The values of average fruit weight ranged from 0.207 kg (T6) and 0.159 kg (T1). The average kc obtained for the vegetative stage was 0.57 to 0.94 and flowering stage to fruiting phase 1.04. The water depth of greater efficiency comprise in the range of 75% and 100% ETo.
Water management has in the watershed plans an important tool to plan the territory and adjust the activities develop over it to the natural resources availability. The incorporation of uncertainty analysis associated with hydrological modelling predictions is a manner to simulate scenarios and work with chances and probabilities that certain events happens inside these plans. Using stochastic methods is possible to consider uncertainty from estimations and even model it. Stochastic methods developed considerably during the last 30 years, but its applications to real-world problems have been limited, and did not turn into routine in hydrology. This paper brings an overview from eminent hydrologists about this subject and discuss the Brazilian and Paulista situation in the scope of groundwater monitoring.
Fundação de Apoio à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - FCAV
Water is an economic, strategic and social valuable resource of the utmost importance to society. This renewable natural resource is increasingly scarce with the growing of populations, industries and agriculture, in addition to the pollution surface and underground water and the waste have aggravated this situation. Investments in the sector of water resources so that this resource meets in quantity and quality the demand from its multiple uses, represent a significant portion of national and regional budgets. Therefore, the use of alternative sources of water capture can reduce the pressure on conventional public water supply systems. In this work was designed and executed a rain water collection system to a residence in the city of Barueri (SP), which can be applied to other residences. In this system, the rooftop of the residence was used as the waterproof and capture area. The gutter and the PVC conductors were used for driving the water to two connected reservoirs. The stored water was designed to address activities that are not potable, such as washing clothes and external areas and garden irrigation. The system showed economic viability, with 34-month return of investment time, wherein after that period, in addition to environmental and social benefits derived from the implementation of the project, the economy made with the payment of public supply rates should be considered. This rainwater capture system is inexpensive and uses materials available in the market. Therefore, its application to a greater number of households should be encouraged as a measure of sustainable water management
This work aimed to carry out a study of the environmental conditions of the Permanent Preservation Areas (PPAs) in the sub-basin of Marimbondo Stream in the city of Jales (SP), through remote sensing techniques and taking as the basis Brazilian environmental legislation, the Forest Code Federal Law Nº 12,651/2012. Permanent Preservation Areas are inserted intrinsically improved conditions in the quantity and quality of water in the areas of springs and along water bodies in rural properties. Therefore, we also carried out studies on the new Forest Code compared to the old Federal Law Order no. 4771/1965 and the observation of its application in the area of sub-basin as well as carrying out the simulation. The results of this research allowed toverify the need for direct implementation of the monitoring measures with the Forest Code, and this water management tool in Brazil, which will ensure sustainable management practices of land use and land cover, with direct benefits to water production, mainly for public supply. Also there was a greater need for involvement by the public actors, the Basin Committee of the São José dos Dourados and the municipal government of Jales, in order to truly act aimed at the protection and maintenance of the water body Stream Wasp
A região Amazônica, detentora de grande potencial hídrico, tem atraído indústrias que promovem uso intensivo de água, por isso, existe uma emergência por instrumentos que administrem essa tendência. Neste trabalho foi diagnosticado o nível de racionalização do uso da água pelo setor industrial de produção de bebidas no estado do Pará, assim como as causas do comportamento do setor. As variáveis dependentes (de comportamento) foram classificadas de acordo com quatro dimensões (gestão ambiental, manejo da água, manejo dos efluentes e medidas avançadas de racionalização) que compõe o nível de racionalização da gestão industrial hídrica. As variáveis independentes foram associadas ao: porte, ramo, tipo de embalagem utilizada, disponibilidade hídrica e valor econômico da água. Os dados levantados mostraram que a produção de bebidas tem uma grande pegada hídrica operacional total (acima de) 15.250 m3/dia, com as pequenas empresas apresentando o maior consumo relativo por unidade produzida (maior que 7 L de água/L de bebida). O setor como um todo apresenta baixo nível de racionalização do uso da água, a dimensão mais eficiente é a de gerenciamento da água; entretanto algumas medidas avançadas podem ser visualizadas, especialmente a recirculação da água em torres de resfriamento. A análise das variáveis de estudo demonstra que o nível de racionalização é dependente diretamente do ramo e do porte da empresa. Conclui-se que o consumo tende ao desperdício; em resposta a este quadro, devem ser priorizadas políticas públicas voltadas para internalização dos custos ambientais embutidos no processo.
Water is an economic, strategic and social valuable resource of the utmost importance to society. This renewable natural resource is increasingly scarce with the growing of populations, industries and agriculture, in addition to the pollution surface and underground water and the waste have aggravated this situation. Investments in the sector of water resources so that this resource meets in quantity and quality the demand from its multiple uses, represent a significant portion of national and regional budgets. Therefore, the use of alternative sources of water capture can reduce the pressure on conventional public water supply systems. In this work was designed and executed a rain water collection system to a residence in the city of Barueri (SP), which can be applied to other residences. In this system, the rooftop of the residence was used as the waterproof and capture area. The gutter and the PVC conductors were used for driving the water to two connected reservoirs. The stored water was designed to address activities that are not potable, such as washing clothes and external areas and garden irrigation. The system showed economic viability, with 34-month return of investment time, wherein after that period, in addition to environmental and social benefits derived from the implementation of the project, the economy made with the payment of public supply rates should be considered. This rainwater capture system is inexpensive and uses materials available in the market. Therefore, its application to a greater number of households should be encouraged as a measure of sustainable water management
This work aimed to carry out a study of the environmental conditions of the Permanent Preservation Areas (PPAs) in the sub-basin of Marimbondo Stream in the city of Jales (SP), through remote sensing techniques and taking as the basis Brazilian environmental legislation, the Forest Code Federal Law Nº 12,651/2012. Permanent Preservation Areas are inserted intrinsically improved conditions in the quantity and quality of water in the areas of springs and along water bodies in rural properties. Therefore, we also carried out studies on the new Forest Code compared to the old Federal Law Order no. 4771/1965 and the observation of its application in the area of sub-basin as well as carrying out the simulation. The results of this research allowed toverify the need for direct implementation of the monitoring measures with the Forest Code, and this water management tool in Brazil, which will ensure sustainable management practices of land use and land cover, with direct benefits to water production, mainly for public supply. Also there was a greater need for involvement by the public actors, the Basin Committee of the São José dos Dourados and the municipal government of Jales, in order to truly act aimed at the protection and maintenance of the water body Stream Wasp
Nutrient criteria as reference concentrations and trophic state boundaries are necessary for water management worldwide because anthropogenic eutrophication is a threat to the water uses. We compiled data on total phosphorus (TP), nitrogen (TN) and chlorophyll a (Chl a) from 17 subtropical reservoirs monitored from 2005-2009 in the Sao Paulo State (Brazil) to calculate reference concentrations through the trisection method (United States Environmental Protection Agency). By dividing our dataset into thirds we presented trophic state boundaries and frequency curves for the nutrient levels in water bodies with different enrichment conditions. TP and TN baseline concentrations (0.010 mg/L and 0.350 mg/L, respectively) were bracketed by ranges for temperate reservoirs available in the literature. We propose trophic state boundaries (upper limits for the oligotrophic category: 0.010 mg TP/L, 0.460 mg TN/L and 1.7 mu g Chl a/L; for the mesotrophic: 0.030 mg TP/L, 0.820 mg TN/L and 9.0 mu g Chl a/L). Through an example with a different dataset (from the Itupararanga Reservoir, Brazil), we encouraged the use of frequency curves to compare data from individual monitoring efforts with the expected concentrations in oligotrophic, mesotrophic and eutrophic regional systems. Such analysis might help designing recovery programs to reach targeted concentrations and mitigate the undesirable eutrophication symptoms in subtropical freshwaters.
In a field experiment performed in Lins County (Sao Paulo State, Brazil), treated sewage effluent (TSE) irrigation increased sugarcane yield but caused an excessive increase in the exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP) and clay dispersion after 16 months due to an intense irrigation regime (2500 mm/16 months) with sodium rich effluents. After two additional complete cycles with lower TSE irrigation rates (1200 mm year(-1)), 1700 kg ha(-1) of phosphogypsum was added to a section of the irrigated plots to evaluate its residence time and its implications on Na+ dynamics and other soil properties. Undisturbed soil cores were taken 2 years after phosphogypsum application to verify soil physical properties up to 0.2 m depth, and disturbed soil samples were taken every year up to 1 m depth for chemical analyses. After 5 years of consecutive TSE irrigation (2005-2010), soil acidity (pH approximate to 5) and basic cations (Ca approximate to 12, Mg approximate to 6 and K approximate to 2 mmol(c) kg(-1)) were maintained in adequate conditions for plant development without the necessity of liming, while acidity was increased (pH approximate to 4.5) and Ca (approximate to 9 mmol(c) kg(-1)), and the Mg (approximate to 4.5 mmol(c) kg(-1)) concentration decreased in the rainfed without phosphogypsum treatment. An increase in water retention capacity at -30 (from 0.14 to 0.17 m(3) m(-3)) and -1500 kPa (from 0.08 to 0.12 m(3) m(-3)) potentials was also observed in all TSE irrigated treatments. The plots with a phosphogypsum treatment showed average increases of 2 mmol(c) kg(-1) of Ca2+ and 7 mg kg(-1) of S-SO42- in all soil profiles and an average reduction of 2 mmol(c) kg(-1) of Na+ up to 0.4 m from 2008 to 2009. However, the extent of the chemical effects was greater after the first year compared to the second year. The high concentration of Na+ found in previous studies performed in the same area returned to low concentrations after continued TSE irrigation at lower rates, even without the phosphogypsum application. An unusual phosphorus migration was observed to the 0.4-0.8 m soil layer as a result of TSE irrigation, most likely due to a high pH and a Na carbonate-dominated TSE. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Domínio sobre um território. Monopólio do uso da força. Possibilidade de indicar representantes em outros países. Promover acordos bilaterais ou com organismos multilaterais. Essas são algumas das definições clássicas de soberania. Elas são válidas atualmente? Teriam perdido significado diante do avanço de organismos multilaterais e de empresas transnacionais? São operacionais na resolução de problemas transfronteiriços, como ocorre em grande parte dos temas ambientais? Esses aspectos são discutidos a partir de autores clássicos e contemporâneos que abordam a soberania. É preciso rever a definição de soberania, sem precisar abandoná-la como defendem neoliberais, para reafirmar seu papel relevante nas relações entre países no mundo contemporâneo. Esse é o objetivo central desse artigo, que trata do conceito tendo como exemplo o acesso à água. Para alcançar esse objetivo, ele foi organizado em quatro partes: revisita aos clássicos, a paz de Westfália, o debate contemporâneo e as considerações finais.