945 resultados para three-body
In this present work we present a methodology that aims to apply the many-body expansion to decrease the computational cost of ab initio molecular dynamics, keeping acceptable accuracy on the results. We implemented this methodology in a program which we called ManBo. In the many-body expansion approach, we partitioned the total energy E of the system in contributions of one body, two bodies, three bodies, etc., until the contribution of the Nth body [1-3]: E = E1 + E2 + E3 + …EN. The E1 term is the sum of the internal energy of the molecules; the term E2 is the energy due to interaction between all pairs of molecules; E3 is the energy due to interaction between all trios of molecules; and so on. In Manbo we chose to truncate the expansion in the contribution of two or three bodies, both for the calculation of the energy and for the calculation of the atomic forces. In order to partially include the many-body interactions neglected when we truncate the expansion, we can include an electrostatic embedding in the electronic structure calculations, instead of considering the monomers, pairs and trios as isolated molecules in space. In simulations we made we chose to simulate water molecules, and use the Gaussian 09 as external program to calculate the atomic forces and energy of the system, as well as reference program for analyzing the accuracy of the results obtained with the ManBo. The results show that the use of the many-body expansion seems to be an interesting approach for reducing the still prohibitive computational cost of ab initio molecular dynamics. The errors introduced on atomic forces in applying such methodology are very small. The inclusion of an embedding electrostatic seems to be a good solution for improving the results with only a small increase in simulation time. As we increase the level of calculation, the simulation time of ManBo tends to largely decrease in relation to a conventional BOMD simulation of Gaussian, due to better scalability of the methodology presented. References [1] E. E. Dahlke and D. G. Truhlar; J. Chem. Theory Comput., 3, 46 (2007). [2] E. E. Dahlke and D. G. Truhlar; J. Chem. Theory Comput., 4, 1 (2008). [3] R. Rivelino, P. Chaudhuri and S. Canuto; J. Chem. Phys., 118, 10593 (2003).
The research for this PhD project consisted in the application of the RFs analysis technique to different data-sets of teleseismic events recorded at temporary and permanent stations located in three distinct study regions: Colli Albani area, Northern Apennines and Southern Apennines. We found some velocity models to interpret the structures in these regions, which possess very different geologic and tectonics characteristics and therefore offer interesting case study to face. In the Colli Albani some of the features evidenced in the RFs are shared by all the analyzed stations: the Moho is almost flat and is located at about 23 km depth, and the presence of a relatively shallow limestone layer is a stable feature; contrariwise there are features which vary from station to station, indicating local complexities. Three seismic stations, close to the central part of the former volcanic edifice, display relevant anisotropic signatures with symmetry axes consistent with the emplacement of the magmatic chamber. Two further anisotropic layers are present at greater depth, in the lower crust and the upper mantle, respectively, with symmetry axes directions related to the evolution of the volcano complex. In Northern Apennines we defined the isotropic structure of the area, finding the depth of the Tyrrhenian (almost 25 km and flat) and Adriatic (40 km and dipping underneath the Apennines crests) Mohos. We determined a zone in which the two Mohos overlap, and identified an anisotropic body in between, involved in the subduction and going down with the Adiratic Moho. We interpreted the downgoing anisotropic layer as generated by post-subduction delamination of the top-slab layer, probably made of metamorphosed crustal rocks caught in the subduction channel and buoyantly rising toward the surface. In the Southern Apennines, we found the Moho depth for 16 seismic stations, and highlighted the presence of an anisotropic layer underneath each station, at about 15-20 km below the whole study area. The moho displays a dome-like geometry, as it is shallow (29 km) in the central part of the study area, whereas it deepens peripherally (down to 45 km); the symmetry axes of anisotropic layer, interpreted as a layer separating the upper and the lower crust, show a moho-related pattern, indicated by the foliation of the layer which is parallel to the Moho trend. Moreover, due to the exceptional seismic event occurred on April 6th next to L’Aquila town, we determined the Vs model for two station located next to the epicenter. An extremely high velocity body is found underneath AQU station at 4-10 km depth, reaching Vs of about 4 km/s, while this body is lacking underneath FAGN station. We compared the presence of this body with other recent works and found an anti-correlation between the high Vs body, the max slip patches and earthquakes distribution. The nature of this body is speculative since such high velocities are consistent with deep crust or upper mantle, but can be interpreted as a as high strength barrier of which the high Vs is a typical connotation.
The southern Apennines of Italy have been experienced several destructive earthquakes both in historic and recent times. The present day seismicity, characterized by small-to-moderate magnitude earthquakes, was used like a probe to obatin a deeper knowledge of the fault structures where the largest earthquakes occurred in the past. With the aim to infer a three dimensional seismic image both the problem of data quality and the selection of a reliable and robust tomographic inversion strategy have been faced. The data quality has been obtained to develop optimized procedures for the measurements of P- and S-wave arrival times, through the use of polarization filtering and to the application of a refined re-picking technique based on cross-correlation of waveforms. A technique of iterative tomographic inversion, linearized, damped combined with a strategy of multiscale inversion type has been adopted. The retrieved P-wave velocity model indicates the presence of a strong velocity variation along a direction orthogonal to the Apenninic chain. This variation defines two domains which are characterized by a relatively low and high velocity values. From the comparison between the inferred P-wave velocity model with a portion of a structural section available in literature, the high velocity body was correlated with the Apulia carbonatic platforms whereas the low velocity bodies was associated to the basinal deposits. The deduced Vp/Vs ratio shows that the ratio is lower than 1.8 in the shallower part of the model, while for depths ranging between 5 km and 12 km the ratio increases up to 2.1 in correspondence to the area of higher seismicity. This confirms that areas characterized by higher values are more prone to generate earthquakes as a response to the presence of fluids and higher pore-pressures.
This thesis reports on the realization, characterization and analysis of ultracold bosonic and fermionic atoms in three-dimensional optical lattice potentials. Ultracold quantum gases in optical lattices can be regarded as ideal model systems to investigate quantum many-body physics. In this work interacting ensembles of bosonic 87Rb and fermionic 40K atoms are employed to study equilibrium phases and nonequilibrium dynamics. The investigations are enabled by a versatile experimental setup, whose core feature is a blue-detuned optical lattice that is combined with Feshbach resonances and a red-detuned dipole trap to allow for independent control of tunneling, interactions and external confinement. The Fermi-Hubbard model, which plays a central role in the theoretical description of strongly correlated electrons, is experimentally realized by loading interacting fermionic spin mixtures into the optical lattice. Using phase-contrast imaging the in-situ size of the atomic density distribution is measured, which allows to extract the global compressibility of the many-body state as a function of interaction and external confinement. Thereby, metallic and insulating phases are clearly identified. At strongly repulsive interaction, a vanishing compressibility and suppression of doubly occupied lattice sites signal the emergence of a fermionic Mott insulator. In a second series of experiments interaction effects in bosonic lattice quantum gases are analyzed. Typically, interactions between microscopic particles are described as two-body interactions. As such they are also contained in the single-band Bose-Hubbard model. However, our measurements demonstrate the presence of multi-body interactions that effectively emerge via virtual transitions of atoms to higher lattice bands. These findings are enabled by the development of a novel atom optical measurement technique: In quantum phase revival spectroscopy periodic collapse and revival dynamics of the bosonic matter wave field are induced. The frequencies of the dynamics are directly related to the on-site interaction energies of atomic Fock states and can be read out with high precision. The third part of this work deals with mixtures of bosons and fermions in optical lattices, in which the interspecies interactions are accurately controlled by means of a Feshbach resonance. Studies of the equilibrium phases show that the bosonic superfluid to Mott insulator transition is shifted towards lower lattice depths when bosons and fermions interact attractively. This observation is further analyzed by applying quantum phase revival spectroscopy to few-body systems consisting of a single fermion and a coherent bosonic field on individual lattice sites. In addition to the direct measurement of Bose-Fermi interaction energies, Bose-Bose interactions are proven to be modified by the presence of a fermion. This renormalization of bosonic interaction energies can explain the shift of the Mott insulator transition. The experiments of this thesis lay important foundations for future studies of quantum magnetism with fermionic spin mixtures as well as for the realization of complex quantum phases with Bose-Fermi mixtures. They furthermore point towards physics that reaches beyond the single-band Hubbard model.
Die Bor-Neuroneneinfang-Therapie (engl.: Boron Neutron Capture Therapy, BNCT) ist eine indirekte Strahlentherapie, welche durch die gezielte Freisetzung von dicht ionisierender Strahlung Tumorzellen zerstört. Die freigesetzten Ionen sind Spaltfragmente einer Kernreaktion, bei welcher das Isotop 10B ein niederenergetisches (thermisches) Neutron einfängt. Das 10B wird durch ein spezielles Borpräparat in den Tumorzellen angereichert, welches selbst nicht radioaktiv ist. rnAn der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz wurde die Forschung für die Anwendung eines klinischen Behandlungsprotokolls durch zwei Heilversuche bei Patienten mit kolorektalen Lebermetastasen an der Universität Pavia, Italien, angeregt, bei denen die Leber außerhalb des Körpers in einem Forschungsreaktor bestrahlt wurde. Als erster Schritt wurde in Kooperation verschiedener universitärer Institute eine klinische Studie zur Bestimmung klinisch relevanter Parameter wie der Borverteilung in verschiedenen Geweben und dem pharmakokinetischen Aufnahmeverhalten des Borpräparates initiiert.rnDie Borkonzentration in den Gewebeproben wurde hinsichtlich ihrer räumlichen Verteilung in verschiedenen Zellarealen bestimmt, um mehr über das Aufnahmeverhalten der Zellen für das BPA im Hinblick auf ihre biologischen Charakteristika zu erfahren. Die Borbestimung wurde per Quantitative Neutron Capture Radiography, Prompt Gamma Activation Analysis und Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectroscopy parallel zur histologischen Analyse des Gewebes durchgeführt. Es war möglich zu zeigen, dass in Proben aus Tumorgewebe und aus tumorfreiem Gewebe mit unterschiedlichen morphologischen Eigenschaften eine sehr heterogene Borverteilung vorliegt. Die Ergebnisse der Blutproben werden für die Erstellung eines pharmakokinetischen Modells verwendet und sind in Übereinstimmung mit existierenden pharmakokinetische Modellen. Zusätzlich wurden die Methoden zur Borbestimmung über speziell hergestellte Referenzstandards untereinander verglichen. Dabei wurde eine gute Übereinstimmung der Ergebnisse festgestellt, ferner wurde für alle biologischen Proben Standardanalyseprotokolle erstellt.rnDie bisher erhaltenen Ergebnisse der klinischen Studie sind vielversprechend, lassen aber noch keine endgültigen Schlussfolgerungen hinsichtlich der Wirksamkeit von BNCT für maligne Lebererkrankungen zu. rn
We hypothesized that network analysis is useful to expose coordination between whole body and myocellular levels of energy metabolism and can identify entities that underlie skeletal muscle's contribution to growth hormone-stimulated lipid handling and metabolic fitness. We assessed 112 metabolic parameters characterizing metabolic rate and substrate handling in tibialis anterior muscle and vascular compartment at rest, after a meal and exercise with growth hormone replacement therapy (GH-RT) of hypopituitary patients (n = 11). The topology of linear relationships (| r | ≥ 0.7, P ≤ 0.01) and mutual dependencies exposed the organization of metabolic relationships in three entities reflecting basal and exercise-induced metabolic rate, triglyceride handling, and substrate utilization in the pre- and postprandial state, respectively. GH-RT improved aerobic performance (+5%), lean-to-fat mass (+19%), and muscle area of tibialis anterior (+2%) but did not alter its mitochondrial and capillary content. Concomitantly, connectivity was established between myocellular parameters of mitochondrial lipid metabolism and meal-induced triglyceride handling in serum. This was mediated via the recruitment of transcripts of muscle lipid mobilization (LIPE, FABP3, and FABP4) and fatty acid-sensitive transcription factors (PPARA, PPARG) to the metabolic network. The interdependence of gene regulatory elements of muscle lipid metabolism reflected the norm in healthy subjects (n = 12) and distinguished the regulation of the mitochondrial respiration factor COX1 by GH and endurance exercise. Our observations validate the use of network analysis for systems medicine and highlight the notion that an improved stochiometry between muscle and whole body lipid metabolism, rather than alterations of single bottlenecks, contributes to GH-driven elevations in metabolic fitness.
In 1996, a cadaver in adipocere condition was discovered in a bay of the Brienzer See in Switzerland. The torso was named "Brienzi" following the "Iceman" Ötzi. Several outer parts of the body were incrusted; the incrustation was in blue color. Further investigations showed that the bluish covering of parts of the adipocere torso were a mineral known as Vivianite. Vivianite (Fe(3)(PO(4))(2-)(H(2)O)(8)) is an iron phosphate mineral with needle lengths between 100 and 150μm. It is normally associated in a context with organic archaeological and geological materials (some hundreds to millions of years old). Hitherto, it is only described in three cases of human remains. We were able to reconstruct the following facts about 'Brienzi': The man drowned in Lake Brienz or in one of its tributaries during the 1700s. The body was subsequently covered with sedimentation and thus buried under water. An earthquake produced an underwater landslide which eventually exposed the corpse.
Lodox Statscan provides high-speed, high-quality, low radiation, full body imaging in a single scan, combined with three-dimensional reconstructive and zooming functionality. Several trauma centres have incorporated it into their advanced trauma life support protocol. This review gives a brief overview of the system.
OBJECTIVE: Foreign body ingestion is common and potentially lethal. This study evaluates the use of low-dose Statscans (LODOX) in emergency departments. DESIGN: This comparative cross-sectional study retrospectively assessed 28 289 digital chest x-rays and 2301 LODOX scans performed between 2006 and 2010 at a tertiary emergency centre. The radiographic appearance, image quality and location of ingested foreign bodies were evaluated in standard digital chest and LODOX radiography. The mean irradiation (μSv) and cumulative mean radiation dose per patient with the ingested foreign body were calculated according to literature-based data, together with the sensitivity and specificity for each modality. RESULTS: A total of 62 foreign bodies were detected in 39 patients, of whom 19 were investigated with LODOX and 20 with conventional digital chest radiography. Thirty-three foreign bodies were located in the two upper abdominal quadrants, 21 in the lower quadrants-which are not visible on conventional digital chest radiography-seven in the oesophagus and one in the bronchial system. The sensitivity and specificity of digital chest radiography were 44.4% and 94.1%, respectively, and for the LODOX Statscan 90% and 100%, respectively. The calculated mean radiation dose for LODOX investigations was 184 μS, compared with 524 μS for digital chest radiography. CONCLUSIONS: LODOX Statscan is superior to digital chest radiography in the diagnostic work-up of ingested foreign bodies because it makes it possible to enlarge the field of view to the entire body, has higher sensitivity and specificity, and reduces the radiation dose by 65%.
PURPOSE: Obesity is a growing problem in industrial nations. Our aim was to examine how overweight patients coped with systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) after polytrauma. METHODS: A total of 651 patients were included in this retrospective study, with an ISS≥16 and age≥16 years. The sample was subdivided into three groups: body mass index (BMI; all in kg/m(2))<25, BMI 25-30 and BMI>30, or low, intermediate and high BMI. The SIRS score was measured over 31 days after admission together with measurements of C-reactive protein (CRP), interleukin-6 (IL-6) and procalcitonin (PCT). Data are given as the mean±SEM if not otherwise indicated. Kruskal-Wallis and χ(2) tests were used for statistical analysis and the significance level was set at p<.05. RESULTS: The maximum SIRS score was reached in the low BMI-group at 3.4±0.4, vs. 2.3±0.1 and 2.5±0.2 in the intermediate BMI-group and high BMI-group, respectively (p<.0001). However, the maximum SIRS score was reached earlier in the BMI 25-30 group at 1.8±0.2 days, vs. 3.4±0.4 and 2.5±0.2 days in the BMI<25 and BMI>30 groups, respectively (p<.0001). The incidence of sepsis was significantly higher in the low BMI group at 46.1%, vs. 0.2% and 0% in the BMI 25-30 and BMI>30 groups, respectively (p<.0001). No significant differences in the CRP, IL-6 or PCT levels were found between groups. CONCLUSIONS: A higher BMI seemed to be protective for these patients with polytrauma-associated inflammatory problems.
The CIAO Study is a multicenter observational study currently underway in 66 European medical institutions over the course of a six-month study period (January-June 2012).This preliminary report overviews the findings of the first half of the study, which includes all data from the first three months of the six-month study period.Patients with either community-acquired or healthcare-associated complicated intra-abdominal infections (IAIs) were included in the study.912 patients with a mean age of 54.4 years (range 4-98) were enrolled in the study during the first three-month period. 47.7% of the patients were women and 52.3% were men. Among these patients, 83.3% were affected by community-acquired IAIs while the remaining 16.7% presented with healthcare-associated infections. Intraperitoneal specimens were collected from 64.2% of the enrolled patients, and from these samples, 825 microorganisms were collectively identified.The overall mortality rate was 6.4% (58/912). According to univariate statistical analysis of the data, critical clinical condition of the patient upon hospital admission (defined by severe sepsis and septic shock) as well as healthcare-associated infections, non-appendicular origin, generalized peritonitis, and serious comorbidities such as malignancy and severe cardiovascular disease were all significant risk factors for patient mortality.White Blood Cell counts (WBCs) greater than 12,000 or less than 4,000 and core body temperatures exceeding 38°C or less than 36°C by the third post-operative day were statistically significant indicators of patient mortality.
OBJECTIVE: To determine the association between the 3-dimensional (3-D) motion pattern of the caudal lumbar and lumbosacral portions of the canine vertebral column and the morphology of vertebrae, facet joints, and intervertebral disks. SAMPLE POPULATION: Vertebral columns of 9 German Shepherd Dogs and 16 dogs of other breeds with similar body weights and body conditions. PROCEDURE: Different morphometric parameters of the vertebral column were assessed by computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging. Anatomic conformation and the 3-D motion pattern were compared, and correlation coefficients were calculated. RESULTS: Total range of motion for flexion and extension was mainly associated with the facet joint angle, the facet joint angle difference between levels of the vertebral column in the transverse plane on CT images, disk height, and lever arm length. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Motion is a complex process that is influenced by the entire 3-D conformation of the lumbar portion of the vertebral column. In vivo dynamic measurements of the 3-D motion pattern of the lumbar and lumbosacral portions of the vertebral column will be necessary to further assess biomechanics that could lead to disk degeneration in dogs.
Recently, a new oxygenator (Dideco 903 [D903], Dideco, Mirandola, Italy) has been introduced to the perfusion community, and we set about testing its oxygen transfer performance and then comparing it to two other models. This evaluation was based on the comparison between oxygen transfer slope, gas phase arterial oxygen gradients, degree of blood shunting, maximum oxygen transfer, and diffusing capacity calculated for each membrane. Sixty patients were randomized into three groups of oxygenators (Dideco 703 [D703], Dideco; D903; and Quadrox, Jostra Medizintechnik AG, Hirrlingen, Germany) including 40/20 M/F of 68.6 +/- 11.3 years old, with a body weight of 71.5 +/- 12.1 kg, a body surface area (BSA) of 1.84 +/- 0.3 m(2), and a theoretical blood flow rate (index 2.4 times BSA) of 4.4 +/- 0.7 L/min. The maximum oxygen transfer (VO(2)) values were 313 mL O(2)/min (D703), 579 mL O(2)/min (D903), and 400 mL O(2)/min (Quadrox), with the D903 being the most superior (P < 0.05). Oxygen (O(2)) gradients were 320 mm Hg (D703), 235 mm Hg (D903), and 247 mm Hg (Quadrox), meaning D903 and Quadrox are more efficient versus the D703 (P < 0.05). Shunt fraction (Qs/Qt) and diffusing capacity (DmO(2)) were comparable (P = ns). Diffusing capacity values indexed to BSA (DmO(2)/m(2)) were 0.15 mL O(2)/min/mm Hg/m(2) (D703), 0.2 mL O(2)/min/mm Hg/m(2) (D903), and 0.18 mL O(2)/min/mm Hg/m(2) (Quadrox) with D903 outperforming D703 (P < 0.0005). During hypothermia (32.0 +/- 0.3 degrees C), there was a lower absolute and relative VO(2 )for all three oxygenators (P = ns). The O(2) gradients, DmO(2) and DmO(2)/m(2), were significantly lower for all oxygenators (P < 0.01). Also, Qs/Qt significantly rose for all oxygenators (P < 0.01). The oxygen transfer curve is characteristic to each oxygenator type and represents a tool to quantify oxygenator performance. Using this parameter, we demonstrated significant differences among commercially available oxygenators. However, all three oxygenators are considered to meet the oxygen needs of the patients.
A body sensor network solution for personal healthcare under an indoor environment is developed. The system is capable of logging the physiological signals of human beings, tracking the orientations of human body, and monitoring the environmental attributes, which covers all necessary information for the personal healthcare in an indoor environment. The major three chapters of this dissertation contain three subsystems in this work, each corresponding to one subsystem: BioLogger, PAMS and CosNet. Each chapter covers the background and motivation of the subsystem, the related theory, the hardware/software design, and the evaluation of the prototype’s performance.
The objective of this retrospective study was to assess image quality with pulmonary CT angiography (CTA) using 80 kVp and to find anthropomorphic parameters other than body weight (BW) to serve as selection criteria for low-dose CTA. Attenuation in the pulmonary arteries, anteroposterior and lateral diameters, cross-sectional area and soft-tissue thickness of the chest were measured in 100 consecutive patients weighing less than 100 kg with 80 kVp pulmonary CTA. Body surface area (BSA) and contrast-to-noise ratios (CNR) were calculated. Three radiologists analyzed arterial enhancement, noise, and image quality. Image parameters between patients grouped by BW (group 1: 0-50 kg; groups 2-6: 51-100 kg, decadally increasing) were compared. CNR was higher in patients weighing less than 60 kg than in the BW groups 71-99 kg (P between 0.025 and <0.001). Subjective ranking of enhancement (P = 0.165-0.605), noise (P = 0.063), and image quality (P = 0.079) did not differ significantly across all patient groups. CNR correlated moderately strongly with weight (R = -0.585), BSA (R = -0.582), cross-sectional area (R = -0.544), and anteroposterior diameter of the chest (R = -0.457; P < 0.001 all parameters). We conclude that 80 kVp pulmonary CTA permits diagnostic image quality in patients weighing up to 100 kg. Body weight is a suitable criterion to select patients for low-dose pulmonary CTA.