998 resultados para tanque classe A


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In this paper are discussed the main project stages of an atmospheric storage tank with floating roof. It emphasizes the calculations of the bottom, the shell and the floating roof, discussing its stages and conditions, based on the technical standards of the project. The storage tanks are static equipment working under low pressure and has an essential importance for the operation of a process plant. This paper has the purpose of obtaining the dimensions and materials of each component of the tank through the calculations and prove them with results obtained by numerical simulation by finite elements with the help of Autodesk Inventor software, consolidating the project


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The machining process is so much important in the economic world. Many machining parameters have been studied to maximize results, in terms of cost and lifetime. (decrease of cutting tool wear, improved surface finish, among others). The objective of this study is to evaluate the wear of a ceramic tool in the machining of the aluminum alloy 6005 A. The analysis of the wear of the cutting tools is very important due to its big impact on the final finishing of the piece as a whole. The evaluation took place in two stages, first it was done a detailed study of the literature of the whole machining process, where the study of the formation and swarf classification were among the most important steps in this phase. The second step consisted in the machining of the piece of aluminum 6005 A with a ceramic cutting tool constituded of aluminum oxide and magnesium oxide with silicon carbide impregnation. The swarf generated in this process was then photographed with a Zeiss optical microscope and analyzed for its size and shape. Through this comparison it was concluded that the swarf are generated shear swarfs, shaped like a tangled, fragmented and arcs connected, thus classifying the material as medium difficulty machining. Through the image analysis tool it was concluded that the parameter of lower wear was the: Vc = 500m / min, f = 0.10mm / rev and ap = 0.5mm


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Machining processes are one of the most important manufacturing processes in the modern world. In these processes, there are many elements which will influence in the final result of the machined part. Among them, the tools are the principal factor of the rising cost, because its global influence on the process. In aeronautical industries, this can be more evidenced due the need to machining several alloys, between them, aluminum alloys. These alloys have to demonstrate a specific surface finishing to be used in aircraft's fuselage. This kind of industry is one of the segments which is still rising in Brazil, and they are looking viable alternatives in the manufacturing processes of materials, due the need to produce more and more parts and equipment, with costs increasingly reduced. The purpose of this project is the development of a ceramic with differentiated properties. The ceramics were developed using a pre-sintering at 1200 °C, with posterior sintering at 1600°C, and subjected to dry turning process on aluminum alloy 6005. The characterizations showed that ceramics presented with toughness on the center of 1700 MPa and on the surface of 1950 MPa, density 98,5 ±0,14. g/cm³. Ceramics were grinded and faceted, according to ISO standard 1832, and subjected to turning tests in a ROMI lathe brand, model GL240M, using cutting speeds of 500, 800 and 1000 m/min with different feed rates. The machining results showed low occurrence of flank wear to all cutting speeds, and better surface finishing average values of Ra = 0,4935 μm and Rt = 8,112 μm. In general, it could be seen that the tool presents important potential to machining 6005 alloy, and that the use of correct parameters can decrease and/or eliminate subsequent processes, providing important reductions in costs related to the machining processes


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In this paper are discussed the main project stages of an atmospheric storage tank with floating roof. It emphasizes the calculations of the bottom, the shell and the floating roof, discussing its stages and conditions, based on the technical standards of the project. The storage tanks are static equipment working under low pressure and has an essential importance for the operation of a process plant. This paper has the purpose of obtaining the dimensions and materials of each component of the tank through the calculations and prove them with results obtained by numerical simulation by finite elements with the help of Autodesk Inventor software, consolidating the project


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The machining process is so much important in the economic world. Many machining parameters have been studied to maximize results, in terms of cost and lifetime. (decrease of cutting tool wear, improved surface finish, among others). The objective of this study is to evaluate the wear of a ceramic tool in the machining of the aluminum alloy 6005 A. The analysis of the wear of the cutting tools is very important due to its big impact on the final finishing of the piece as a whole. The evaluation took place in two stages, first it was done a detailed study of the literature of the whole machining process, where the study of the formation and swarf classification were among the most important steps in this phase. The second step consisted in the machining of the piece of aluminum 6005 A with a ceramic cutting tool constituded of aluminum oxide and magnesium oxide with silicon carbide impregnation. The swarf generated in this process was then photographed with a Zeiss optical microscope and analyzed for its size and shape. Through this comparison it was concluded that the swarf are generated shear swarfs, shaped like a tangled, fragmented and arcs connected, thus classifying the material as medium difficulty machining. Through the image analysis tool it was concluded that the parameter of lower wear was the: Vc = 500m / min, f = 0.10mm / rev and ap = 0.5mm


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Machining processes are one of the most important manufacturing processes in the modern world. In these processes, there are many elements which will influence in the final result of the machined part. Among them, the tools are the principal factor of the rising cost, because its global influence on the process. In aeronautical industries, this can be more evidenced due the need to machining several alloys, between them, aluminum alloys. These alloys have to demonstrate a specific surface finishing to be used in aircraft's fuselage. This kind of industry is one of the segments which is still rising in Brazil, and they are looking viable alternatives in the manufacturing processes of materials, due the need to produce more and more parts and equipment, with costs increasingly reduced. The purpose of this project is the development of a ceramic with differentiated properties. The ceramics were developed using a pre-sintering at 1200 °C, with posterior sintering at 1600°C, and subjected to dry turning process on aluminum alloy 6005. The characterizations showed that ceramics presented with toughness on the center of 1700 MPa and on the surface of 1950 MPa, density 98,5 ±0,14. g/cm³. Ceramics were grinded and faceted, according to ISO standard 1832, and subjected to turning tests in a ROMI lathe brand, model GL240M, using cutting speeds of 500, 800 and 1000 m/min with different feed rates. The machining results showed low occurrence of flank wear to all cutting speeds, and better surface finishing average values of Ra = 0,4935 μm and Rt = 8,112 μm. In general, it could be seen that the tool presents important potential to machining 6005 alloy, and that the use of correct parameters can decrease and/or eliminate subsequent processes, providing important reductions in costs related to the machining processes


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O tratamento da má oclusão de Classe II sem extrações dentárias vem ganhando popularidade na comunidade ortodôntica já há três décadas. Aparelhos funcionais fixos vêm sendo utilizados por profissionais, de maneira crescente, para promover compensações dentoalveolares e corrigir a má oclusão de Classe II. Os efeitos mais significativos são observados em pacientes com padrão de crescimento horizontal. Um caso clínico será relatado com o uso do aparelho fixo Twin Force Bite Corrector em uma paciente do sexo feminino, para a correção da Classe II. Esse dispositivo de ancoragem fixa dispensa o uso de aparelhos funcionais removíveis e não necessita da cooperação do paciente.


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A saúde é determinada por condições sociais, econômicas, educacionais, políticas e ambientais, extrapolando, portanto, a dimensão exclusivamente biológica. O presente trabalho tenta estabelecer uma reflexão interpretativa sobre os princípios do SUS e mostrar a interface deles com a proposta da classe hospitalar, uma modalidade de educação especial que estimula a construção de conhecimentos, a capacitação e o ensino de algumas habilidades, contribuindo para o desenvolvimento infantil. Tratase de um exercício de argumentação para o entendimento do papel da classe hospitalar na realização da atenção integral à saúde no Brasil. O desenvolvimento de atividades pedagógico-educacionais em hospitais permite oferecer às criaas e adolescentes hospitalizados a continuidade do seu aprendizado.


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Testo da sottoporre ad analisi prevalentemente linguistica in classe o individuale ("tesina")


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Il progetto è incentrato sulla riqualificazione dell’area occupata dai vecchi stabilimenti dell’Eridania a Forlì risalenti al 1900, ora di proprietà della Cooperativa Muratori di Verucchio. L’area è situata in una zona a Nord del centro storico, adiacente alla linea ferroviaria. Attualmente verte in stato di forte abbandono dal 1973, anno della chiusura dello stabilimento: è la più vasta area dismessa in prossimità del centro storico, una ferita aperta nel cuore della città. Le dimensioni e la vicinanza al centro cittadino costituiscono il maggiore potenziale dell’area che si presta per questo all’introduzione di funzioni di pubblico interesse, spazi per la cultura e lo svago, edifici residenziali e commerciali; inoltre, essendo caratterizzata da una prevalenza di spazi verdi, nasce spontanea l’ipotesi di un nuovo grande parco urbano al servizio della comunità. Oltre al valore dell’area è da sottolineare il pregio architettonico di alcuni degli edifici che possiamo considerare come grandiosi esempi di archeologia industriale. Gli edifici, attualmente, versano in un notevole stato di degrado dovuto all’abbandono dello stabilimento e al grave incendio che nel 1989 ha distrutto i capannoni di deposito, risparmiando però il corpo principale dell’intervento. Nonostante ciò, gli edifici hanno conservato pressoché intatta la loro struttura e, di conseguenza, l’immagine originaria nel suo complesso. È quindi possibile ipotizzarne il mantenimento, una volta effettuati i necessari interventi di consolidamento strutturale e ristrutturazione architettonica. Il progetto di recupero dell’area nasce quindi da un’esigenza concreta e fortemente sentita dalla cittadinanza. Si deve inoltre considerare che, senza un intervento tempestivo, si va incontro all’aggravamento dello stato delle strutture superstiti, fino ad un possibile collasso, rischiando così di perdere definitivamente un prezioso bene del patrimonio architettonico della città. Il dibattito sull’ex Eridania e le sue possibilità di trasformazione si è riacceso negli ultimi anni, soprattutto in seguito all’incendio dell’89. In particolare, il PRG di Forlì del 2003, successivamente adeguato alla legge regionale 20/2000 nel 2007, definisce un nuovo piano di riqualificazione per le aree dismesse e le aree ferroviarie, con nuovi contenuti e procedure d’intervento. Nel 2008 la Cooperativa Muratori di Verucchio, proprietaria dell’area e degli stabilimenti, ha proposto un accordo di programma che prevedeva per il corpo centrale dello zuccherificio la destinazione a caserma delle forze dell’ordine, e per gli spazi circostanti la costruzione di case popolari, di un centro sportivo, di residenze private, edifici per uffici e negozi, oltre al mantenimento di ampie aree verdi. Il progetto non è stato finora realizzato a causa degli alti costi d’intervento per la messa in sicurezza degli edifici preesistenti. Nello steso anno l’associazione Italia Nostra ha proposto l’organizzazione di un concorso di idee per il recupero dell’area, ipotizzando per lo stabilimento principale la trasformazione in un ampio spazio coperto, aperto a diverse e numerose possibilità di destinazione rivolte alla collettività. Gli alti costi di recupero, insieme all’immobilismo amministrativo e ai limiti legati a una burocrazia complessa, e spesso inefficace, hanno finora invalidato qualsiasi tipo d’intervento e, ad oggi, la questione del riutilizzo dello zuccherificio rimane una domanda aperta ancora senza risposta. E’ quindi importante continuare ad interrogarsi sul futuro dell’area progredendo, se non con fatti concreti, con nuove idee e proposte, in attesa che si creino le condizioni necessarie ad intervenire e ridare alla città una parte di sé, arricchita di nuovo valore.


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The convergence of information technology and consumer electronics towards battery powered portable devices has increased the interest in high efficiency, low dissipation amplifiers. Class D amplifiers are the state of the art in low power consumption and high performance amplification. In this thesis we explore the possibility of exploiting nonlinearities introduced by the PWM modulation, by designing an optimized modulation law which scales its carrier frequency adaptively with the input signal's average power while preserving the SNR, thus reducing power consumption. This is achieved by means of a novel analytical model of the PWM output spectrum, which shows how interfering harmonics and their bandwidth affect the spectrum. This allows for frequency scaling with negligible aliasing between the baseband spectrum and its harmonics. We performed low noise power spectrum measurements on PWM modulations generated by comparing variable bandwidth, random test signals with a variable frequency triangular wave carrier. The experimental results show that power-optimized frequency scaling is both feasible and effective. The new analytical model also suggests a new PWM architecture that can be applied to digitally encoded input signals which are predistorted and compared with a cosine carrier, which is accurately synthesized by a digital oscillator. This approach has been simulated in a realistic noisy model and tested in our measurement setup. A zero crossing search on the obtained PWM modulation law proves that this approach yields an equivalent signal quality with respect to traditional PWM schemes, while entailing the use of signals whose bandwidth is remarkably smaller due to the use of a cosine instead of a triangular carrier.