993 resultados para single-state oxygen


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For the first time. effect of halide ions (F-, Cl-, Br-, and I-) introduction on structure, thermal stability, and upconversion fluorescence in Er3+/Yb3+-codoped oxide-halide germanium-bismuth glasses has been systematically investigated. The results show that halide ions modified germanium-bismuth glasses have lower maximum phonon energy and phonon density, worse thermal stability. longer measured lifetimes of I-4(l1/2) level, and stronger upconversion emission than germanium-bismuth glass. All these results indicate that halide ions play an important role in the formation of glass network, and have an important influence on the upconversion luminescence. The possible upconversion mechanisms of Er3+ ion are also evaluated. © 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Low-threshold and highly efficient continuous-wave laser performance of Yb:Y3Al5O12 (Yb:YAG) single crystal grown by a temperature gradient technique (TGT) was achieved at room temperature. The laser can be operated at 1030 and 1049 nm by varying the transmission of the output coupler. Slope efficiencies of 57% and 68% at 1049 and 1030 nm, respectively, were achieved for 10 at. % Yb:YAG sample in continuous-wave laser-diode pumping. The effect of pump power on the laser emission spectrum of both wavelengths is addressed. The near-diffraction-limited beam quality for different laser cavities was achieved. The excellent laser performance indicates that TGT-grown Yb:YAG crystals have very good optical quality and can be potentially used in high-power solid-state lasers.


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High-quality Nd:LuVO4 single crystal was successfully grown by Czochralski method. The assessment of the crystalline quality by the chemical etching method and Conoscope image was reported. The absorption spectra from 300 to 1000 nm and emission spectra from 960 to 1450 nm of Nd: LuVO4 were measured. Laser performance was achieved with Nd:LUVO4 crystal for the transition of F-4(3/2) -> I-4(11/2) (corresponding wavelength 1065.8 nm) in an actively Q-switched operation, and the average output power reached 5.42 W at a pulse repetition frequency (PRF) of 40 kHz under pump power of 18 W, giving an optical conversion efficiency of 30.1%. The pulse energy and peak power reached 138 mu J and 16.2 kW at PRF of 25 kHz under pump power of 14.2 W, and the pulse duration was 8.5 ns. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Defects in as-grown U3+ : CaF2 crystals grown with or without PbF2 as an oxygen scavenger were studied using Raman spectra, thermoluminescence glow curves, and additional absorption (AA) spectra induced by heating and gamma-irradiation. The effects of heating and irradiation on as-grown U3+: CaF2 crystals are similar, accompanied by the elimination of H-type centers and production of F-type centers. U3+ is demonstrated to act as an electron donor in the CaF2 lattice, which is oxidized to the tetravalent form by thermal activation or gamma-irradiation. In the absence of PbF(2)as an oxygen scavenger, the as-grown U3+:CaF2 crystals contain many more lattice defects in terms of both quantity and type, due to the presence of O2- impurities. Some of these defects can recombine with each other in the process of heating and gamma-irradiation. (c) 2005 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.


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For the first time, a high optical quality 10 at.% Yb3+-doped gadolinium oxyorthosilicate laser crystal Gd2SiO5 (GSO) was grown by the Czochralski (Cz) method. The segregation coefficient of Yb3+ was studied by the inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometer (ICP-AES) method. The crystal structure has monoclinic symmetry with space group P2(1)/c; this was determined by means of an x-ray diffraction analysis. The absorption spectra, fluorescence spectra and fluorescence decay curves of Yb3+ ions in a GSO crystal at room temperature were also studied. Then, the spectroscopic parameters of Yb:GSO were calculated. The advantages of the Yb:GSO crystal include high crystal quality, quasi-four-level laser operating scheme, high absorption cross-sections and particularly broad emission bandwidth (similar to 72 nm). The results indicated that the Yb:GSO crystal seemed to be a very promising laser gain medium in diode-pumped femtosecond laser and tunable solid state laser applications when LD pumped at 940 and 980 nm.


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The effects of Na+ doping level on the thermal conductivities, absorption and emission spectra, and fluorescence lifetimes of Yb3+ ,Na+ :CaF2 crystals were systematically studied. Sites structure, covalent force, and crystal field strength of Yb3+ :CaF2 crystals were markedly varied by codoping Na+ as charge compensator. The 2.0at% Yb3+ and 3.0at% Na+-codoped CaF2 crystal was demonstrated to operate in diode-pumped passively mode-locking scheme. Transform-limited 1 ps laser pulses were obtained, showing the crystal capable of producing ultra-short laser pulses. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Gamma-ray irradiation induced color centers and charge state recharge of impurity and doped ion in 10 at.% Yb:YAP have been studied. The change in the additional absorption (AA) spectra is mainly related to the charge exchange of the impurity Fe2+, Fe3+ and Yb3+ ions. Two impurity color center bands at 255 and 313 nm were attributed to Fe3+ and Fe2+ ions, respectively. The broad AA band centered at 385 nm may be associated with the cation vacancies and F-type center. The transition Yb3+ -> Yb2+ takes place in the process of gamma-irradiation. Oxygen annealing and gamma-ray irradiation lead to an opposite effect on the absorption properties of the Yb:YAP crystal. In the air annealing process, the transition Fe2+ -> Fe3+ and Yb2+ -> Yb3+ take place and the color centers responsible for the 385 nm band was destroyed. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Periodic nanostructures along the polarization direction of light are observed inside silica glasses and tellurium dioxide single crystal after irradiation by a focused single femtosecond laser beam. Backscattering electron images of the irradiated spot inside silica glass reveal a periodic structure of stripe-like regions of similar to 20 nm width with a low oxygen concentration. In the case of the tellurium dioxide single crystal, secondary electron images within the focal spot show the formation of a periodic structure of voids with 30 nm width. Oxygen defects in a silica glass and voids in a tellurium dioxide single crystal are aligned perpendicular to the laser polarization direction. These are the smallest nanostructures below the diffraction limit of light, which are formed inside transparent materials. The phenomenon is interpreted in terms of interference between the incident light field and the electric field of electron plasma wave generated in the bulk of material.


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The effects of oxygen partial pressure on the structure and photoluminescence (PL) of ZnO films were studied. The films were prepared by direct current (DC) reactive magnetron sputtering with various oxygen concentrations at room temperature. With increasing oxygen ratio, the structure of films changes from zinc and zinc oxide phases, single-phase ZnO, to the (002) orientation, and the mechanical stresses exhibit from tensile stress to compressive stress. Films deposited at higher oxygen pressure show weaker emission intensities, which may result from the decrease of the oxygen vacancies and zinc interstitials in the film. This indicates that the emission in ZnO film originates from the oxygen vacancy and zinc interstitial-related defects. From optical transmittance spectra of ZnO films, the plasma edge shifts towards the shorter wavelength with the improvement of film stoichiometry. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The optical absorption edge and ultraviolet (UV) emission energy of ZnO films deposited by direct current (DC) reactive magnetron sputtering at room temperature have been investigated. With the oxygen ratio increasing, the structure of films changes from zinc and zinc oxide coexisting phase to single-phase ZnO and finally to the highly (002) orientation. Both the grain size and the stress of ZnO film vary with the oxygen partial pressure. Upon increasing the oxygen partial pressure in the growing ambient, the visible emission in the room-temperature photoluminescence spectra was suppressed without sacrificing the band-edge emission intensity in the ultraviolet region. The peaks of photoluminescence spectra were located at 3.06---3.15 eV. From optical transmittance spectra of ZnO films, the optical band gap edge was observed to shift towards shorter wavelength with the increase of oxygen partial pressure.


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Zirconia films were prepared by e-beam evaporation, and oxygen plasma treatment was used to modify film properties. Spectrophotometry, x-ray diffractometry (XRD), and atomic force microscopy were used to characterize refractive index, extinction coefficient, rnicrostructure, and surface roughness, respectively. The experimental results indicate that both refractive index and extinction coefficient of the films were reduced slightly after oxygen plasma treatment, with the decrease of intrinsic stress and surface roughness. From XRD spectra, the intensity decrease of the T(110) diffraction peak was clearly observed after the treatment, which was caused by the restructuring of the film atoms. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Tubular graphite cones (TGCs) with a single-crystal nanotip have been achieved by means of microwave plasma-assisted chemical vapor deposition using in-situ-evaporated Fe catalysts. The absence of the disorder-induced D band in Raman spectra revealed the single-crystalline feature of the nanotip. TGCs were found to stem from Fe catalytic carbon spherules on the order of 100 mum diameter, whose critical role in promoting both nucleation and plasma annealing in the formation of highly crystalline TGCs is discussed. The crystalline quality of such TGCs can be further verified by the investigation of their oxidative stability in air. All TGCs can survive up to 600 degrees C without any structural variations, and a few TGCs still survive with an anisotropic etched and stepped nanotip at temperatures up to 800 degrees C, much better than CNTs. Thus, TGCs with single crystalline nanotips are potential candidates for scanning probes in high-temperature oxygen-containing environments.