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This work reports on an experimental and finite element method (FEM) parametric study of adhesively-bonded single and double-strap repairs on carbon-epoxy structures under buckling unrestrained compression. The influence of the overlap length and patch thickness was evaluated. This loading gains a particular significance from the additional characteristic mechanisms of structures under compression, such as fibres microbuckling, for buckling restrained structures, or global buckling of the assembly, if no transverse restriction exists. The FEM analysis is based on the use of cohesive elements including mixed-mode criteria to simulate a cohesive fracture of the adhesive layer. Trapezoidal laws in pure modes I and II were used to account for the ductility of most structural adhesives. These laws were estimated for the adhesive used from double cantilever beam (DCB) and end-notched flexure (ENF) tests, respectively, using an inverse technique. The pure mode III cohesive law was equalled to the pure mode II one. Compression failure in the laminates was predicted using a stress-based criterion. The accurate FEM predictions open a good prospect for the reduction of the extensive experimentation in the design of carbon-epoxy repairs. Design principles were also established for these repairs under buckling.
This paper addresses the problem of finding several different solutions with the same optimum performance in single objective real-world engineering problems. In this paper a parallel robot design is proposed. Thereby, this paper presents a genetic algorithm to optimize uni-objective problems with an infinite number of optimal solutions. The algorithm uses the maximin concept and ε-dominance to promote diversity over the admissible space. The performance of the proposed algorithm is analyzed with three well-known test functions and a function obtained from practical real-world engineering optimization problems. A spreading analysis is performed showing that the solutions drawn by the algorithm are well dispersed.
In this work, an experimental study was performed on the influence of plug filling, loading rate and temperature on the tensile strength of single-strap (SS) and double-strap (DS) repairs on aluminium structures. The experimental programme includes repairs with different values of overlap length (LO=10, 20 and 30 mm), and with and without plug filling. The influence of the testing speed on the repairs strength is also addressed (considering 0.5, 5 and 25 mm/min). Accounting for the temperature effects, tests were carried out at room temperature, 50ºC and 80ºC. This will permit a comparative evaluation of the adhesive tested below and above the Glass Transition Temperature (Tg), established by the manufacturer at 67ºC. The global tendencies of the test results concerning the plug filling and overlap length analyses are interpreted from the fracture modes and typical stress distributions for bonded repairs. According to the results obtained from this work, design guidelines for repairing aluminium structures were recommended.
The structural integrity of multi-component structures is usually determined by the strength and durability of their unions. Adhesive bonding is often chosen over welding, riveting and bolting, due to the reduction of stress concentrations, reduced weight penalty and easy manufacturing, amongst other issues. In the past decades, the Finite Element Method (FEM) has been used for the simulation and strength prediction of bonded structures, by strength of materials or fracture mechanics-based criteria. Cohesive-zone models (CZMs) have already proved to be an effective tool in modelling damage growth, surpassing a few limitations of the aforementioned techniques. Despite this fact, they still suffer from the restriction of damage growth only at predefined growth paths. The eXtended Finite Element Method (XFEM) is a recent improvement of the FEM, developed to allow the growth of discontinuities within bulk solids along an arbitrary path, by enriching degrees of freedom with special displacement functions, thus overcoming the main restriction of CZMs. These two techniques were tested to simulate adhesively bonded single- and double-lap joints. The comparative evaluation of the two methods showed their capabilities and/or limitations for this specific purpose.
Bonded unions are gaining importance in many fields of manufacturing owing to a significant number of advantages to the traditional fastening, riveting, bolting and welding techniques. Between the available bonding configurations, the single-lap joint is the most commonly used and studied by the scientific community due to its simplicity, although it endures significant bending due to the non-collinear load path, which negatively affects its load bearing capabilities. The use of material or geometric changes in single-lap joints is widely documented in the literature to reduce this handicap, acting by reduction of peel and shear peak stresses at the damage initiation sites in structures or alterations of the failure mechanism emerging from local modifications. In this work, the effect of hole drilling at the overlap on the strength of single-lap joints was analyzed experimentally with two main purposes: (1) to check whether or not the anchorage effect of the adhesive within the holes is more preponderant than the stress concentrations near the holes, arising from the sharp edges, and modification of the joints straining behaviour (strength improvement or reduction, respectively) and (2) picturing a real scenario on which the components to be bonded are modified by some external factor (e.g. retrofitting of decaying/old-fashioned fastened unions). Tests were made with two adhesives (a brittle and a ductile one) varying the adherend thickness and the number, layout and diameter of the holes. Experimental testing showed that the joints strength never increases from the un-modified condition, showing a varying degree of weakening, depending on the selected adhesive and hole drilling configuration.
A avaliação de empresas sempre constituiu um tema de elevada reflexão, sendo que vários especialistas tentam encontrar os modelos que melhor se adaptam a situações específicas e para as quais precisam de determinar um valor. No contexto empresarial português começa a ganhar significância a prática da gestão orientada para a criação de valor (Value-Based Management). O conceito de Value-Based Management assistiu a um particular desenvolvimento nos últimos 20 anos como resultado da globalização e desregulamentação dos mercados financeiros, dos avanços nas tecnologias de informação e do aumento da importância dos investidores institucionais. Vários analistas apresentaram evidência de que as empresas que adotam sistemas VBM melhoram o seu desempenho económico em relação a outras de dimensão semelhante no mesmo setor. É neste contexto que o EVA (Economic Value Added) se apresenta como uma métrica de desempenho privilegiada nos processos de controlo das decisões estratégicas tomadas. No presente trabalho pretendemos abordar o conceito da gestão baseada na criação de valor e a sua importância para o acionista, o que implica rever outros modelos de avaliação tradicionais baseados no valor contabilístico. Como métrica de avaliação do desempenho passado da empresa ao nível da criação de valor vamos dar particular importância ao estudo do EVA, fazendo referência à possível correlação entre esta métrica e o MVA (Market Value Added). O objetivo principal é analisar empiricamente a relação do EVA como medida de desempenho associada à criação de valor para os acionistas com a performance da empresa. Com efeito, vamos efetuar um estudo de caso, que vai incidir sobre um grupo empresarial português, referência no seu setor de atividade, o Grupo Galp Energia, cotado na Euronext Lisbon. Pensamos que a crescente prática da gestão baseada na criação de valor nas empresas cotadas em Portugal e a necessidade de aferir os resultados desta, tornam esta investigação pertinente, para além do facto de serem poucos os estudos empíricos à questão da criação de valor e a sua correlação com o valor acrescentado de mercado e com o valor de mercado dos capitais próprios das empresas cotadas em Portugal.
A new method is proposed to control delayed transitions towards extinction in single population theoretical models with discrete time undergoing saddle-node bifurcations. The control method takes advantage of the delaying properties of the saddle remnant arising after the bifurcation, and allows to sustain populations indefinitely. Our method, which is shown to work for deterministic and stochastic systems, could generally be applied to avoid transitions tied to one-dimensional maps after saddle-node bifurcations.
Density-dependent effects, both positive or negative, can have an important impact on the population dynamics of species by modifying their population per-capita growth rates. An important type of such density-dependent factors is given by the so-called Allee effects, widely studied in theoretical and field population biology. In this study, we analyze two discrete single population models with overcompensating density-dependence and Allee effects due to predator saturation and mating limitation using symbolic dynamics theory. We focus on the scenarios of persistence and bistability, in which the species dynamics can be chaotic. For the chaotic regimes, we compute the topological entropy as well as the Lyapunov exponent under ecological key parameters and different initial conditions. We also provide co-dimension two bifurcation diagrams for both systems computing the periods of the orbits, also characterizing the period-ordering routes toward the boundary crisis responsible for species extinction via transient chaos. Our results show that the topological entropy increases as we approach to the parametric regions involving transient chaos, being maximum when the full shift R(L)(infinity) occurs, and the system enters into the essential extinction regime. Finally, we characterize analytically, using a complex variable approach, and numerically the inverse square-root scaling law arising in the vicinity of a saddle-node bifurcation responsible for the extinction scenario in the two studied models. The results are discussed in the context of species fragility under differential Allee effects. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
We show that a light charged Higgs boson signal via tau(+/-)nu decay can be established at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) also in the case of single top production. This process complements searches for the same signal in the case of charged Higgs bosons emerging from t (t) over bar production. The models accessible include the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) as well a variety of 2-Higgs Doublet Models (2HDMs). High energies and luminosities are however required, thereby restricting interest on this mode to the case of the LHC running at 14TeV with design configuration.
We present a generator for single top-quark production via flavour-changing neutral currents. The MEtop event generator allows for Next-to-Leading-Order direct top production pp -> t and Leading-Order production of several other single top processes. A few packages with definite sets of dimension six operators are available. We discuss how to improve the bounds on the effective operators and how well new physics can be probed with each set of independent dimension six operators.
Uma grande parte do tempo de uma organização é despendida em atividades que não criam qualquer tipo de valor. Este tipo de atividades são consideradas como desperdícios, pois consomem recursos e tempo, como é o caso de deslocações, controlos, ajustes, armazenamento de materiais, resolução de problemas, entre tantos outros, levando a um elevado custo dos produtos disponibilizados. Em 1996 a designação de Lean Thinking foi usada, pela primeira vez, por Womack e Jones, onde é falada como uma filosofia de gestão, que tem como principal objetivo reduzir os desperdícios num processo produtivo. Reduzindo os desperdícios aumenta-se a qualidade e diminui-se os tempos de processamento e, consequentemente, os custos de produção. É nesta base que assenta o documento aqui presente, que tem o objetivo de criar e desenvolver um jogo de simulação onde seja possível aplicar várias ferramentas Lean. O jogo de simulação é uma continuação de uma pesquisa e estudo teórico de um aluno de erasmus e faz parte de um projeto internacional do Lean Learning Academy (LLA). Criou-se um processo produtivo de montagem de canetas que fosse o mais semelhante ao que se encontram nas empresas, com todos os acessórios para o pleno funcionamento da simulação, como é o caso de instruções de montagem, procedimentos de controlo e ordens de produção, para assim posteriormente ser possível analisar os dados e as dificuldades encontradas, de modo a aplicar-se as ferramentas Lean. Apesar de serem abordadas várias ferramentas Lean neste trabalho, foram trabalhadas mais detalhadamente as seguintes: - Value Stream Mapping (VSM); - Single Minute Exchange of Dies (SMED); - Balanceamento da linha. De modo a ser percetível o conteúdo e as vantagens das três ferramentas Lean mencionadas no trabalho, estas foram aplicadas e simuladas, de forma a existir uma componente prática no seu estudo, para mais fácil compreensão e rápida aprendizagem.
In this study, the tensile strength of single-lap joints (SLJs) between similar and dissimilar adherends bonded with an acrylic adhesive was evaluated experimentally and numerically. The adherend materials included polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), carbon-epoxy (CFRP), and glass-polyester (GFRP) composites. The following adherend combinations were tested: PE/PE, PE/PP, PE/CFRP, PE/GFRP, PP/PP, CFRP/CFRP, and GFRP/GFRP. One of the objectives of this work was to assess the influence of the adherends stiffness on the strength of the joints since it significantly affects the peel stresses magnitude in the adhesive layer. The experimental results were also used to validate a new mixed-mode cohesive damage model developed to simulate the adhesive layer. Thus, the experimental results were compared with numerical simulations performed in ABAQUS®, including a developed mixed-mode (I+II) cohesive damage model, based on the indirect use of fracture mechanics and implemented within interface finite elements. The cohesive laws present a trapezoidal shape with an increasing stress plateau, to reproduce the behaviour of the ductile adhesive used. A good agreement was found between the experimental and numerical results.
O presente trabalho foi elaborado no âmbito da Dissertação Final de Mestrado do curso de Engenharia Mecânica – Gestão Industrial do Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto. Este foi realizado numa empresa da indústria de pneus, a Continental Mabor S.A.. Nos dias atuais, a indústria esta cada vez mais competitiva, os custos e os prazos da entrega são cada vez mais reduzidos e a qualidade cada vez mais exigente, assim sendo, é imprescindível uma constante melhoria do sistema produtivo. Este fato fez com que o presente trabalho tivesse como principal objetivo determinar o estado atual e delinear um plano de melhoria para um equipamento (Extrusora de pisos nº6), recentemente instalado na fábrica mas oriundo de outra fábrica do grupo, recorrendo para tal ao Lean Manufacturing e a ferramentas que lhe estão associadas. Inicialmente realizou-se uma análise e diagnóstico ao processo de extrusão de pisos na Extrusora nº6, com o intuito de avaliar todas as suas ineficiências e ainda formular um plano de melhorias para a ineficiência de maior impacto no sistema produtivo. Esta análise foi realizada em diferentes turnos e diferentes equipas de trabalho de forma a se obter uma amostra mais representativa da realidade global. Após esta análise verificou-se que as principais ineficiências eram Setup, conformidade do material, dimensões e encravamentos, entre outros. Sendo que os Setup provocam um tempo de paragem de 101 minutos por turno, escolheu-se esta perturbação como o foco do plano de melhorias a realizar posteriormente. De forma a reduzir os tempos de mudança (Setup), o autor no presente trabalho utilizou ferramentas Lean Manufacturing, principalmente o SMED. Conjuntamente com o SMED ainda foram utilizadas outras ferramentas Lean Manufacturing tais como: 5S, Gestão Visual, Problem Solving e Normalização do Método de Trabalho. Após a implementação de todas estas ferramentas obteve-se uma redução de tempos de mudança de 43% com 1 operador e 71% com 2 operadores, ou seja, reduziu-se de 40,5 minutos gastos por turno para a mudança de fieira para 23,13 min e 11,79 min respetivamente, o que corresponde a um ganho monetário anual de 63.621€ ou 105.045€, respetivamente. Com este trabalho conclui-se que a utilização de ferramentas Lean Manufacturing contribuem para a redução dos desperdícios do processo produtivo. Por isso, espera-se que este estudo seja aplicado na Extrusora nº6 e nas restantes Extrusoras de pisos existentes na fábrica, e num futuro próximo que se realize estudos semelhantes em máquinas com diferentes funções.
Brain dopamine transporters imaging by Single Emission Tomography (SPECT) with 123I-FP-CIT (DaTScanTM) has become an important tool in the diagnosis and evaluation of Parkinson syndromes.This diagnostic method allows the visualization of a portion of the striatum – where healthy pattern resemble two symmetric commas - allowing the evaluation of dopamine presynaptic system, in which dopamine transporters are responsible for dopamine release into the synaptic cleft, and their reabsorption into the nigrostriatal nerve terminals, in order to be stored or degraded. In daily practice for assessment of DaTScan TM, it is common to rely only on visual assessment for diagnosis. However, this process is complex and subjective as it depends on the observer’s experience and it is associated with high variability intra and inter observer. Studies have shown that semiquantification can improve the diagnosis of Parkinson syndromes. For semiquantification, analysis methods of image segmentation using regions of interest (ROI) are necessary. ROIs are drawn, in specific - striatum - and in nonspecific – background – uptake areas. Subsequently, specific binding ratios are calculated. Low adherence of semiquantification for diagnosis of Parkinson syndromes is related, not only with the associated time spent, but also with the need of an adapted database of reference values for the population concerned, as well as, the examination of each service protocol. Studies have concluded, that this process increases the reproducibility of semiquantification. The aim of this investigation was to create and validate a database of healthy controls for Dopamine transporters with DaTScanTM named DBRV. The created database has been adapted to the Nuclear Medicine Department’s protocol, and the population of Infanta Cristina’s Hospital located in Badajoz, Spain.
Trabalho de projeto apresentado à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Gestão Estratégica das Relações Públicas.