992 resultados para sensory-motor incongruence
BACKGROUND: After sub-total hemi-section of cervical cord at level C7/C8 in monkeys, the ipsilesional hand exhibited a paralysis for a couple of weeks, followed by incomplete recovery of manual dexterity, reaching a plateau after 40-50 days. Recently, we demonstrated that the level of the plateau was related to the size of the lesion and that progressive plastic changes of the motor map in the contralesional motor cortex, particularly the hand representation, took place following a comparable time course. The goal of the present study was to assess, in three macaque monkeys, whether the hand representation in the ipsilesional primary motor cortex (M1) was also affected by the cervical hemi-section.¦RESULTS: Unexpectedly, based on the minor contribution of the ipsilesional hemisphere to the transected corticospinal (CS) tract, a considerable reduction of the hand representation was also observed in the ipsilesional M1. Mapping control experiments ruled out the possibility that changes of motor maps are due to variability of the intracortical microstimulation mapping technique. The extent of the size reduction of the hand area was nearly as large as in the contralesional hemisphere in two of the three monkeys. In the third monkey, it represented a reduction by a factor of half the change observed in the contralesional hemisphere. Although the hand representation was modified in the ipsilesional hemisphere, such changes were not correlated with a contribution of this hemisphere to the incomplete recovery of the manual dexterity for the hand affected by the lesion, as demonstrated by reversible inactivation experiments (in contrast to the contralesional hemisphere). Moreover, despite the size reduction of M1 hand area in the ipsilesional hemisphere, no deficit of manual dexterity for the hand opposite to the cervical hemi-section was detected.¦CONCLUSION: After cervical hemi-section, the ipsilesional motor cortex exhibited substantial reduction of the hand representation, whose extent did not match the small number of axotomized CS neurons. We hypothesized that the paradoxical reduction of hand representation in the ipsilesional hemisphere is secondary to the changes taking place in the contralesional hemisphere, possibly corresponding to postural adjustments and/or re-establishing a balance between the two hemispheres.
Apart from several growth factors which play a crucial role in the survival and development of the central and peripheral nervous systems, thyroid hormones can affect different processes involved in the differentiation and maturation of neurons. The present study was initiated to determine whether triiodothyronine (T3) affects the survival and neurite outgrowth of primary sensory neurons in vitro. Dorsal root ganglia (DRG) from 19-day-old embryos or newborn rats were plated in explant or dissociated cell cultures. The effect of T3 on neuron survival was tested, either in mixed DRG cell cultures, where neurons grow with non-neuronal cells, or in neuron-enriched cultures where non-neuronal cells were eliminated at the outset. T3, in physiological concentrations, promoted the growth of neurons in mixed DRG cell cultures as well as in neuron-enriched cultures without added nerve growth factor (NGF). Since neuron survival in neuron-enriched cultures cannot be promoted by endogenous neurotrophic factors synthesized by non-neuronal cells, the increased number of surviving neurons was due to a direct trophic action of T3. Another trophic effect was revealed in this study: T3 sustained the neurite outgrowth of sensory neurons in DRG explants. The stimulatory effect of T3 on nerve fibre outgrowth was considerably reduced when non-neuronal cell proliferation was inhibited by the antimitotic agent cytosine arabinoside, and was completely suppressed when the great majority of non-neuronal cells were eliminated in neuron-enriched cultures. These results indicate that the stimulatory effect of T3 on neurite outgrowth is mediated through non-neuronal cells. It is conceivable that T3 up-regulates Schwann cell expression of a neurotrophic factor, which in turn stimulates axon growth of sensory neurons. Together, these results demonstrate that T3 promotes both survival and neurite outgrowth of primary sensory neurons in DRG cell cultures. The trophic actions of T3 on neuron survival and neurite outgrowth operate under two different pathways.
With aging, bimanual movements are performed with increased cerebral activity in frontal and parietal areas. In contrast, motor switching is poorly documented and is expected to engage increasing resources in the elderly. In this study, spontaneous electroencephalographic activity (EEG) was recorded while 39 young participants (YP) and 37 elderly (EP) performed motor transitions from unimanual tapping to symmetric bimanual tapping (= Activation), and opposite (= Inhibition). We measured the delay of switching using the mean and standard deviation of transition time (meanTT and sdTT). Task-related power (TRPow) in alpha frequency band (8-12Hz) was used to measure electro-cortical changes, negative values corresponding to increased cerebral activity. A balance index (BI) was computed between frontal and parietal regions, values non-significantly different from "zero" representing a comparable level of cerebral activity in these regions. The results reveal higher sdTT 1) in EP compared to YP in both transitions, 2) in Activation compared to Inhibition in both groups. TRPow tends to reach greater negative values (p=0.052) in EP compared to YP in both tapping modes and both motor transitions. Furthermore, the results show more negative TRPow 1) in both motor transitions compared to the tapping movements and 2) in frontal region for YP compared to EP during Inhibition only. BI values differ significantly from "zero" for YP in Inhibition only. In conclusion, motor transitions are more variable and tend to be resource-consuming in the elderly. Moreover, the cerebral activity spreading in EP characterized by similar level of activity between frontal and parietal regions suggest reduced capacity to recruit specialized neural mechanisms during motor inhibition.
Sensory information is an important factor in shaping neuronal circuits during development and adulthood. In the barrel cortex of adult rodents, cells from layer IV are able to adapt their functional state to an increased flow of sensory information from the mystacial whisker follicles. Previous studies in our group have shown that whisker stimulation induces the formation of inhibitory synapses in the corresponding barrel (Knott et al., 2002) and decreases neuronal responses toward the deflection of the stimulated whisker (Quairiaux et al., 2007). Together these observations have turned the barrel cortex into a model to study homeostatic plasticity. At the cellular level, neuronal activity triggers intracellular signaling cascades leading to a transcriptional response. To further characterize the molecular pathways involved in the synaptic changes after whisker stimulation in the adult mouse, a previous doctoral student in our group performed a microarray analysis on laser-dissected barrels in sections through layer IV. This study identified the regulation (up and down) of a series of genes in the stimulated barrels (thesis of Johnston-Wenger, 2010). We here focused on ten genes that presented the highest fold change according to the microarray analysis. Out of these genes, 7 are known as neuronal activity-dependent genes (Tnncl, Nptx2, Sorcs3, Ptgs2, Nr4a2, Npas4 and Adcyapl) whereas three have so far not been related to neuronal plasticity (Scn7a, Pcdhl5 and Cede3). The study aimed at confirming the results of the microarray analysis and localizing molecular modifications in the stimulated barrel column at the cellular level. In situ hybridization for Pcdhl5 after different periods of whisker stimulation (3, 6, 9, 15, 24 hrs) allowed us to confirm that the 1.25 fold change used for the microarray analysis is an appropriate threshold for considering a regulation significant after sensory-stimulation. Moreover, we confirmed with in situ hybridization a significant upregulation of the genes of interest in the stimulated barrels. In situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry allowed us to observe the distribution of the genes of interest and the corresponding protein products at the cellular level. Three observations were made: 1) alterations of the expression was restricted to the stimulated barrels for all genes tested; 2) within a barrel column not all cells responded to whisker stimulation with an altered gene expression; 3) in the stimulated barrels, two different patterns of mRNA and protein expression can be distinguished. We hypothesize that this segregation of the activity-induced gene expression reflects the segregation of the two principal thalamocortical pathways conveying the sensory information to the barrel cortex. Moreover, only neurons reaching the critical threshold will modify their gene expression program resulting in structural as well as physiological modifications that prevent the subsequent propagation of the excess of excitation to the postsynaptic targets. The activity-induced gene expression is therefore adapted in a cell-type-specific manner to induce a homeostatic response to the entire neuronal network involved in the integration of the sensory information. This to our knowledge the first study showing the distinct, but complementary contribution of the two thalamocortical pathways in experience-dependent plasticity in the adult mouse barrel cortex. -- L'information sensorielle nous permet de continuellement façonner nos circuits neuronaux autant durant le développement qu'à l'âge adulte. Chez le rongeur l'information sensorielle perçue par les vibrisses est intégrée au niveau du cortex somatosensoriel primaire (appelé en anglais « barrel cortex ») dont les cellules de la couche IV sont capables d'adapter leur état fonctionnel en réponse à une augmentation d'activité neuronale. Ce modèle expérimental a permis à notre groupe de recherche d'observer des changements rapides du circuit neuronal en fonction de l'activité sensorielle. En effet, la stimulation continue d'une vibrisse d'une souris adulte pendant 24 heures induit non seulement un remaniement synaptique (Knott et al., 2002), mais également des changements physiologiques au niveau des neurones du tonneau correspondant (Quairiaux et al., 2007). Ces observations nous permettent d'affirmer que le « barrel cortex » est un modèle approprié pour y étudier la plasticité synaptique. Au niveau cellulaire, l'activité neuronale déclenche des cascades de signalisation intracellulaire résultant en une réponse transcriptionnelle. Afin de caractériser les voies moléculaires impliquées dans la plasticité synaptique, une puce à ARN nous a permis de comparer l'expression de gènes entre un tonneau correspondant à une vibrisse stimulée et un tonneau d'une vibrisse non-stimulée (Nathalie). Cette analyse a révélé un certain nombre de gènes régulés de manière positive ou négative par l'augmentation de l'activité neuronale. Nous nous sommes concentrés sur 10 gènes dont l'expression est fortement régulée. L'expression de sept d'entre eux a déjà été démontrée comme dépendante de l'activité neuronale (Tnncl, Nptx2, Sorcs3, Ptgs2, Nr4a2, Npas4 otAdcyapl) alors que l'expression des trois autres (Scn7a, Pcdhl5 et Cedei) n'a pour le moment pas encore été liée à la plasticité neuronale. Le but de cette thèse est de confirmer les résultats de la puce à ARN et de déterminer dans quel type cellulaire ces gènes sont exprimés. L'hybridation in situ pour le gène Pcdhl5, après différentes périodes de stimulation des vibrisses (3, 6, 9, 15 et 24 heures), nous a permis de confirmer que le seuil de 1.25x utilisé dans l'analyse de la puce à ARN est approprié pour considérer qu'un gène est régulé de manière significative par la stimulation sensorielle. Nous avons également pu confirmer à l'aide de cette technique que la stimulation sensorielle augmente significativement l'expression de ces dix gènes. L'expression de ces gènes au niveau cellulaire a été observée à l'aide des techniques d'hybridation in situ et d'immunohistochimie. Trois observations ont été faites : 1) la régulation de ces gènes est restreinte aux tonneaux correspondants aux vibrisses stimulées ; 2) au niveau d'une colonne corticale correspondant aux vibrisses stimulées, seules certaines cellules présentent une altération de leur expression génique ; 3) au niveau des tonneaux stimulés, deux profils d'expression d'ARNm et de protéines sont observés. Notre hypothèse est que cette distribution pourrait correspondre à la terminaison ségrégée des deux voies thalamocortical qui amènent l'information sensorielle dans le cortex cérébral. De plus, seul les neurones atteignant le seuil critique d'activation modifient leur expression génique en réponse à la stimulation sensorielle. Ces changements d'expression géniques vont permettre à la cellule de modifier ses propriétés structurales et physiologiques de manière a prevenir la propagation d'un excès d'activité neuronale au niveau de ses cibles postsynaptics. L'activité neuronale agit donc spécifiquement sur certains types cellulaires de maniere a induire une réponse homéostatique au niveau du réseau neuronal impliqué dans l'integration de l'information sensorielle. Nos travaux démontrent pour une première fois que les deux voies sensorielles contribuent d'une manière distincte et complémentaire à la plasticité corticale induite par un changement de l'activité sensorielle chez la souris adulte.
El TFC consisteix en l'anàlisi i disseny d'un sistema que permeti administrar les regles d'una organització. Les regles de negoci són importants per a les empreses, ja que descriuen com aquestes realitzen les seves activitats. En aquest TFC es proposa un sistema que permetrà gestionar les esmentades regles.
Primary cultures were made from adult mouse spinal ganglia for depicting an ultrastructural description of rabies virus (RABV) infection in adult mouse sensory neuron cultures; they were infected with rabies virus for 24, 36, and 48 h. The monolayers were processed for transmission electron microscopy and immunochemistry studies at the end of each period. As previously reported, sensory neurons showed great susceptibility to infection by RABV; however, in none of the periods evaluated were assembled virions observed in the cytoplasm or seen to be associated with the cytoplasmic membrane. Instead, fibril matrices of aggregated ribonucleoprotein were detected in the cytoplasm. When infected culture lysate were inoculated into normal animals via intra-cerebral route it was observed that these animals developed clinical symptoms characteristic of infection and transmission electron microscopy revealed assembled virions in the cerebral cortex and other areas of the brain. Sensory neurons infected in vitro by RABV produced a large amount of unassembled viral ribonucleoprotein. However, this intracellular material was able to produce infection and virions on being intra-cerebrally inoculated. It can thus be suggested that the lack of intracellular assembly in sensory neurons forms part of an efficient dissemination strategy.
Machado-Joseph disease or spinocerebellar ataxia type 3, the most common dominantly-inherited spinocerebellar ataxia, results from translation of the polyglutamine-expanded and aggregation prone ataxin 3 protein. Clinical manifestations include cerebellar ataxia and pyramidal signs and there is no therapy to delay disease progression. Beclin 1, an autophagy-related protein and essential gene for cell survival, is decreased in several neurodegenerative disorders. This study aimed at evaluating if lentiviral-mediated beclin 1 overexpression would rescue motor and neuropathological impairments when administered to pre- and post-symptomatic lentiviral-based and transgenic mouse models of Machado-Joseph disease. Beclin 1-mediated significant improvements in motor coordination, balance and gait with beclin 1-treated mice equilibrating longer periods in the Rotarod and presenting longer and narrower footprints. Furthermore, in agreement with the improvements observed in motor function beclin 1 overexpression prevented neuronal dysfunction and neurodegeneration, decreasing formation of polyglutamine-expanded aggregates, preserving Purkinje cell arborization and immunoreactivity for neuronal markers. These data show that overexpression of beclin 1 in the mouse cerebellum is able to rescue and hinder the progression of motor deficits when administered to pre- and post-symptomatic stages of the disease.
OBJECTIVES AND METHODS: Excitability changes in the primary motor cortex in 17 spinal-cord injured (SCI) patients and 10 controls were studied with paired-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation. The paired pulses were applied at inter-stimulus intervals (ISI) of 2 ms and 15 ms while motor evoked potentials (MEP) were recorded in the biceps brachii (Bic), the abductor pollicis brevis (APB) and the tibialis anterior (TA) muscles. RESULTS: The study revealed a significant decrease in cortical motor excitability in the first weeks after SCI concerning the representation of both the affected muscles innervated from spinal segments below the lesion, and the spared muscles rostral to the lesion. In the patients with motor-incomplete injury, but not in those with motor-complete injury, the initial cortical inhibition of affected muscles was temporarily reduced 2-3 months following injury. The degree of inhibition in cortical areas representing the spared muscles was observed to be smaller in patients with no voluntary TA activity compared to patients with some activity remaining in the TA. Surprisingly, motor-cortical inhibition was observed not only at ISI 2 ms but also at ISI 15 ms. The inhibition persisted in patients who returned for a follow-up measurement 2-3 years later. CONCLUSION: The present data showed different evaluation of cortical excitability between patients with complete and incomplete spinal cord lesion. Our results provide more insight into the pathophysiology of SCI and contribute to the ongoing discussion about the recovery process and therapy of SCI patients.
Immunoreactivity to calbindin D-28k, a vitamin D-dependent calcium-binding protein, is expressed by neuronal subpopulations of dorsal root ganglia (DRG) in the chick embryo. To determine whether the expression of this phenotypic characteristic is maintained in vitro and controlled by environmental factors, dissociated DRG cell cultures were performed under various conditions. Subpopulations of DRG cells cultured at embryonic day 10 displayed calbindin-immunoreactive cell bodies and neurites in both neuron-enriched or mixed DRG cell cultures. The number of calbindin-immunoreactive ganglion cells increased up to 7-10 days of culture independently of the changes occurring in the whole neuronal population. The presence of non-neuronal cells, which promotes the maturation of the sensory neurons, tended to reduce the percentage of calbindin-immunoreactive cell bodies. Addition of horse serum enhanced both the number of calbindin-positive neurons and the intensity of the immunostaining, but does not prevent the decline of the subpopulation of calbindin-immunoreactive neurons during the second week of culture; on the contrary, the addition of muscular extract to cultures at 10 days maintained the number of calbindin-expressing neurons. While calbindin-immunoreactive cell bodies grown in culture were small- or medium-sized, no correlation was found between cell size and immunostaining density. At the ultrastructural level, the calbindin immunoreaction was distributed throughout the neuroplasm. These results indicate that the expression of calbindin by sensory neurons grown in vitro may be modulated by horse serum-contained factors or interaction with non-neuronal cells. As distinct from horse serum, muscular extract is able to maintain the expression of calbindin by a subpopulation of DRG cells.
Els models literaris analitzats se centren quasi exclusivament en les obres de Chrétien de Troyes i en els lais de Maria de França. S'ha pretés en tot moment fer una lectura de la novel·la en clau femenina per tal de demostrar que la figura central de l'heroi actua i evoluciona generalment gràcies a o a causa de la voluntat, les decisions o les accions de les dones que troba en la seua aventura. No hi pot haver cavalleria sense amor; tot cavaller ha de lluitar per la seua dama tant al camp de batalla com a la cort.
Three Enterococcus faecalis and one Enterococcus faecium strains were characterized by plasmid profile, pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and determination of antimicrobial minimal inhibitory concentrations. VanA elements were characterized by Long PCR, overlapping PCR and DNA sequencing. Enterococcal strains showed resistance to vancomycin and harbored the vanA gene, and three these were teicoplanin susceptible while one showed intermediate resistance to teicoplanin. Two E. faecalis strains showed indistinguishable PFGE profile while the third was unrelated. E. faecalis strains showed a deletion in the right terminal region of the Tn1546-like element. The E. faecium strain showed an insertion element in the vanXY intergenic region. Mutations in VanA elements were not found. Rearrangements in the VanA element could be responsible for incongruities in genotype and phenotype in these strains.
Introduction : The pathological processes caused by Alzheimer's disease (AD) supposedly disrupt communication between and within the distributed cortical networks due to the dysfunction/loss of synapses and myelination breakdown. Indeed, recently (Knyazeva et al. 2008), we have revealed the whole-head topography of EEG synchronization specific to AD. Here we analyze whether and how these abnormalities of synchronization are related to the demyelination of cortico-cortical fibers. Methods : Fifteen newly diagnosed AD patients (CDR 0.5-1) and 15 controls matched for age, participated in the study. Their multichannel (128) EEGs were recorded during 3-5 min at rest. They were submitted to the multivariate phase synchronization (MPS) analysis for mapping regional synchronization. To obtain individual whole-head maps, the MPS was computed for each sensor considering its 2nd nearest topographical neighbors. Separate calculations were performed for the delta, theta, alpha-1/−2, and beta-1/−2 EEG bands. The same subjects were scanned on a 3 Tesla Philips scanner. The protocol included a high-resolution T1-weighted sequence and a Magnetization Transfer Imaging (MTI) acquisition. For each subject, we defined a 3mm thick layer of white matter exactly below the cortical gray matter. The magnetization transfer ratio (MTR) - an estimator of myelination - was calculated for this layer in 39 Brodmann-defined ROIs per hemisphere. To assess the between-group differences, we used a permutation version of Hotelling's T2 test or two-sample T-test (Pcorrected <0.05). For correlation analysis, Spearman Rank Correlation was calculated. Results : In AD patients, we have found an abnormal landscape of synchronization characterized by a decrease in MPS over the fronto-temporal region of the left hemisphere and an increase over the temporo-parieto-occipital regions bilaterally. Also, we have shown a widespread decrease in regional MTR in the AD patients for all the areas excluding motor, premotor, and primary sensory ones. Assuming that AD-related changes in synchronization are associated with demyelination, we hypothesized a correlation between the regional MTR values and MPS values in the hypo- and hyper-synchronized clusters. We found that MPS in the left fronto-temporal hypo-synchronized cluster directly correlates with myelination in BA42-46 of the left hemisphere: the lower the myelination in individual patients, the lower the EEG synchronization. By contrast, in the posterior hyper-synchronized cluster, MPS inversely correlated with myelination, i.e., the lower the myelination, the higher the synchronization. This posterior hyper-synchronization, more characteristic for early-onset AD, probably, results from the initial effect of the disease on cortical inhibition, reducing cortical capacity for decoupling irrelevant connections. Remarkably, it showed different topography of correlations in early- vs. late-onset patients. In the early-onset patients, hyper-synchronization was mainly related to demyelination in posterior BAs, the effect being significant in all the EEG frequency bands. In the late-onset patients, widely distributed correlations were significant for the EEG delta band, suggesting an interaction between the cerebral manifestations of AD and the age of its onset, i.e., topographically selective impairment of cortical inhibition in early-onset AD vs. its wide-spread weakening in old age. Conclusions : Overall, our results document that the degradation of white matter is a significant factor of AD pathogenesis leading to functional dysconnection, the latter being reflected in EEG synchronization abnormalities.
A partir de diferents enquestes de satisfacció institucional i de l'anàlisi de l'arxiu 'log' del servidor de la biblioteca respecte a l'ús i al comportament dels usuaris, es va detectar que cada cop era més complex accedir als continguts i serveis de manera proporcional al creixement d'aquests darrers i de l'augment del nombre d'usuaris. El creixement dels recursos i de les diferents aplicacions desenvolupats a la Biblioteca Virtual de la UOC (BUOC) va fer necessari la selecció i la implementació d'un motor de cerca que facilités de manera global l'accés als recursos d'informació i als serveis oferts a la comunitat virtual de la UOC d'acord amb la tipologia d'usuari, l'idioma i el seu entorn d'aprenentatge. En aquest article s'exposa el procés d'anàlisi de diferents productes i la implementació de Verity a la BUOC amb els desenvolupaments realitzats en les diferents aplicacions perquè el motor de cerca pugui fer la seva funció.