942 resultados para seed germination and germination recovery
ABSTRACT: Transcription factors (TFs) are proteins that have played a central role both in evolution and in domestication, and are major regulators of development in living organisms. Plant genome sequences reveal that approximately 7% of all genes encode putative TFs. The DOF (DNA binding with One Finger) TF family has been associated with vital processes exclusive to higher plants and to their close ancestors (algae, mosses and ferns). These are seed maturation and germination, light-mediated regulation, phytohormone and plant responses to biotic and abiotic stresses, etc. In Hordeum vulgare and Oryza sativa, 26 and 30 different Dof genes, respectively, have been annotated. Brachypodium distachyon has been the first Pooideae grass to be sequenced and, due to its genomic, morphological and physiological characteristics, has emerged as the model system for temperate cereals, such as wheat and barley. RESULTS: Through searches in the B. distachyon genome, 27 Dof genes have been identified and a phylogenetic comparison with the Oryza sativa and the Hordeum vulgare DOFs has been performed. To explore the evolutionary relationship among these DOF proteins, a combined phylogenetic tree has been constructed with the Brachypodium DOFs and those from rice and barley. This phylogenetic analysis has classified the DOF proteins into four Major Cluster of Orthologous Groups (MCOGs). Using RT-qPCR analysis the expression profiles of the annotated BdDof genes across four organs (leaves, roots, spikes and seeds) has been investigated. These results have led to a classification of the BdDof genes into two groups, according to their expression levels. The genes highly or preferentially expressed in seeds have been subjected to a more detailed expression analysis (maturation, dry stage and germination). CONCLUSIONS: Comparison of the expression profiles of the Brachypodium Dof genes with the published functions of closely related DOF sequences from the cereal species considered here, deduced from the phylogenetic analysis, indicates that although the expression profile has been conserved in many of the putative orthologs, in some cases duplication followed by subsequent divergence may have occurred (neo-functionalization).
El tomate (Solanum lycopersicum L.) es considerado uno de los cultivos hortícolas de mayor importancia económica en el territorio Español. Sin embargo, su producción está seriamente afectada por condiciones ambientales adversas como, salinidad, sequía y temperaturas extremas. Para resolver los problemas que se presentan en condiciones de estrés, se han empleado una serie de técnicas culturales que disminuyen sus efectos negativos, siendo de gran interés el desarrollo de variedades tolerantes. En este sentido la obtención y análisis de plantas transgénicas, ha supuesto un avance tecnológico, que ha facilitado el estudio y la evaluación de genes seleccionados en relación con la tolerancia al estrés. Estudios recientes han mostrado que el uso de genes reguladores como factores de transcripción (FTs) es una gran herramienta para obtener nuevas variedades de tomate con mayor tolerancia a estreses abióticos. Las proteínas DOF (DNA binding with One Finger) son una familia de FTs específica de plantas (Yangisawa, 2002), que están involucrados en procesos fisiológicos exclusivos de plantas como: asimilación del nitrógeno y fijación del carbono fotosintético, germinación de semilla, metabolismo secundario y respuesta al fotoperiodo pero su preciso rol en la tolerancia a estrés abiótico se desconoce en gran parte. El trabajo descrito en esta tesis tiene como objetivo estudiar genes reguladores tipo DOF para incrementar la tolerancia a estrés abiotico tanto en especies modelo como en tomate. En el primer capítulo de esta tesis se muestra la caracterización funcional del gen CDF3 de Arabidopsis, así como su papel en la respuesta a estrés abiótico y otros procesos del desarrollo. La expresión del gen AtCDF3 es altamente inducido por sequía, temperaturas extremas, salinidad y tratamientos con ácido abscísico (ABA). La línea de inserción T-DNA cdf3-1 es más sensible al estrés por sequía y bajas temperaturas, mientras que líneas transgénicas de Arabidopsis 35S::AtCDF3 aumentan la tolerancia al estrés por sequía, osmótico y bajas temperaturas en comparación con plantas wild-type (WT). Además, estas plantas presentan un incremento en la tasa fotosintética y apertura estomática. El gen AtCDF3 se localiza en el núcleo y que muestran una unión específica al ADN con diferente afinidad a secuencias diana y presentan diversas capacidades de activación transcripcional en ensayos de protoplastos de Arabidopsis. El dominio C-terminal de AtCDF3 es esencial para esta localización y su capacidad activación, la delección de este dominio reduce la tolerancia a sequía en plantas transgénicas 35S::AtCDF3. Análisis por microarray revelan que el AtCDF3 regula un set de genes involucrados en el metabolismo del carbono y nitrógeno. Nuestros resultados demuestran que el gen AtCDF3 juega un doble papel en la regulación de la respuesta a estrés por sequía y bajas temperaturas y en el control del tiempo de floración. En el segundo capítulo de este trabajo se lleva a cabo la identificación de 34 genes Dof en tomate que se pueden clasificar en base a homología de secuencia en cuatro grupos A-D, similares a los descritos en Arabidopsis. Dentro del grupo D se han identificado cinco genes DOF que presentan características similares a los Cycling Dof Factors (CDFs) de Arabidopsis. Estos genes son considerados ortólogos de Arabidopsis CDF1-5, y han sido nombrados como Solanum lycopersicum CDFs o SlCDFs. Los SlCDF1-5 son proteínas nucleares que muestran una unión específica al ADN con diferente afinidad a secuencias diana y presentan diversas capacidades de activación transcripcional in vivo. Análisis de expresión de los genes SlCDF1-5 muestran diferentes patrones de expresión durante el día y son inducidos de forma diferente en respuesta a estrés osmótico, salino, y de altas y bajas temperaturas. Plantas de Arabidopsis que sobre-expresan SlCDF1 y SlCDF3 muestran un incremento de la tolerancia a la sequía y salinidad. Además, de la expresión de varios genes de respuesta estrés como AtCOR15, AtRD29A y AtERD10, son expresados de forma diferente en estas líneas. La sobre-expresión de SlCDF3 en Arabidopsis promueve un retardo en el tiempo de floración a través de la modulación de la expresión de genes que controlan la floración como CONSTANS (CO) y FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT). En general, nuestros datos demuestran que los SlCDFs están asociados a funciones aun no descritas, relacionadas con la tolerancia a estrés abiótico y el control del tiempo de floración a través de la regulación de genes específicos y a un aumento de metabolitos particulares. ABSTRACT Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) is one of the horticultural crops of major economic importance in the Spanish territory. However, its production is being affected by adverse environmental conditions such as salinity, drought and extreme temperatures. To resolve the problems triggered by stress conditions, a number of agricultural techniques that reduce the negative effects of stress are being frequently applied. However, the development of stress tolerant varieties is of a great interest. In this direction, the technological progress in obtaining and analysis of transgenic plants facilitated the study and evaluation of selected genes in relation to stress tolerance. Recent studies have shown that a use of regulatory genes such as transcription factors (TFs) is a great tool to obtain new tomato varieties with greater tolerance to abiotic stresses. The DOF (DNA binding with One Finger) proteins form a family of plant-specific TFs (Yangisawa, 2002) that are involved in the regulation of particular plant processes such as nitrogen assimilation, photosynthetic carbon fixation, seed germination, secondary metabolism and flowering time bur their precise roles in abiotic stress tolerance are largely unknown. The work described in this thesis aims at the study of the DOF type regulatory genes to increase tolerance to abiotic stress in both model species and the tomato. In the first chapter of this thesis, we present molecular characterization of the Arabidopsis CDF3 gene as well as its role in the response to abiotic stress and in other developmental processes. AtCDF3 is highly induced by drought, extreme temperatures, salt and abscisic acid (ABA) treatments. The cdf3-1 T-DNA insertion mutant was more sensitive to drought and low temperature stresses, whereas the AtCDF3 overexpression enhanced the tolerance of transgenic plants to drought, cold and osmotic stress comparing to the wild-type (WT) plants. In addition, these plants exhibit increased photosynthesis rates and stomatal aperture. AtCDF3 is localized in the nuclear region, displays specific binding to the canonical DNA target sequences and has a transcriptional activation activity in Arabidopsis protoplast assays. In addition, the C-terminal domain of AtCDF3 is essential for its localization and activation capabilities and the deletion of this domain significantly reduces the tolerance to drought in transgenic 35S::AtCDF3 overexpressing plants. Microarray analysis revealed that AtCDF3 regulated a set of genes involved in nitrogen and carbon metabolism. Our results demonstrate that AtCDF3 plays dual roles in regulating plant responses to drought and low temperature stress and in control of flowering time in vegetative tissues. In the second chapter this work, we carried out to identification of 34 tomato DOF genes that were classified by sequence similarity into four groups A-D, similar to the situation in Arabidopsis. In the D group we have identified five DOF genes that show similar characteristics to the Cycling Dof Factors (CDFs) of Arabidopsis. These genes were considered orthologous to the Arabidopsis CDF1 - 5 and were named Solanum lycopersicum CDFs or SlCDFs. SlCDF1-5 are nuclear proteins that display specific binding to canonical DNA target sequences and have transcriptional activation capacities in vivo. Expression analysis of SlCDF1-5 genes showed distinct diurnal expression patterns and were differentially induced in response to osmotic, salt and low and high temperature stresses. Arabidopsis plants overexpressing SlCDF1 and SlCDF3 showed increased drought and salt tolerance. In addition, various stress-responsive genes, such as AtCOR15, AtRD29A and AtERD10, were expressed differently in these lines. The overexpression of SlCDF3 in Arabidopsis also results in the late flowering phenotype through the modulation of the expression of flowering control genes such CONSTANS (CO) and FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT). Overall, our data connet SlCDFs to undescribed functions related to abiotic stress tolerance and flowering time through the regulation of specific target genes and an increase in particular metabolites.
Gibberellins (GAs) are plant hormones that affect plant growth and regulate gene expression differentially across tissues. To study the molecular mechanisms underlying GA signaling in Arabidopsis thaliana, we focused on a GDSL lipase gene (LIP1) induced by GA and repressed by DELLA proteins. LIP1 contains an L1 box promoter sequence, conserved in the promoters of epidermis-specific genes, that is bound by ATML1, an HD-ZIP transcription factor required for epidermis specification. In this study, we demonstrate that LIP1 is specifically expressed in the epidermis and that its L1 box sequence mediates GA-induced transcription. We show that this sequence is overrepresented in the upstream regulatory regions of GA-induced and DELLA-repressed transcriptomes and that blocking GA signaling in the epidermis represses the expression of L1 box–containing genes and negatively affects seed germination. We show that DELLA proteins interact directly with ATML1 and its paralogue PDF2 and that silencing of both HD-ZIP transcription factors inhibits epidermal gene expression and delays germination. Our results indicate that, upon seed imbibition, increased GA levels reduce DELLA protein abundance and release ATML1/PDF2 to activate L1 box gene expression, thus enhancing germination potential.
Identifying the types and distributions of organic substrates that support microbial activities around plant roots is essential for a full understanding of plant–microbe interactions and rhizosphere ecology. We have constructed a strain of the soil bacterium Sinorhizobium meliloti containing a gfp gene fused to the melA promoter which is induced on exposure to galactose and galactosides. We used the fusion strain as a biosensor to determine that galactosides are released from the seeds of several different legume species during germination and are also released from roots of alfalfa seedlings growing on artificial medium. Galactoside presence in seed wash and sterile root washes was confirmed by HPLC. Experiments examining microbial growth on α-galactosides in seed wash suggested that α-galactoside utilization could play an important role in supporting growth of S. meliloti near germinating seeds of alfalfa. When inoculated into microcosms containing legumes or grasses, the biosensor allowed us to visualize the localized presence of galactosides on and around roots in unsterilized soil, as well as the grazing of fluorescent bacteria by protozoa. Galactosides were present in patches around zones of lateral root initiation and around roots hairs, but not around root tips. Such biosensors can reveal intriguing aspects of the environment and the physiology of the free-living soil S. meliloti before and during the establishment of nodulation, and they provide a nondestructive, spatially explicit method for examining rhizosphere soil chemical composition.
NADP+-isocitrate dehydrogenase (NADP+-IDH; EC is involved in the supply of 2-oxoglutarate for ammonia assimilation and glutamate synthesis in higher plants through the glutamine synthetase/glutamate synthase (GS/GOGAT) cycle. Only one NADP+-IDH form of cytosolic localization was detected in green cotyledons of pine (Pinus spp.) seedlings. The pine enzyme was purified and exhibited molecular and kinetic properties similar to those described for NADP+-IDH from angiosperm, with a higher catalytic efficiency (105 m−1 s−1) than the deduced efficiencies for GS and GOGAT in higher plants. A polyclonal antiserum was raised against pine NADP+-IDH and used to assess protein expression in the seedlings. Steady-state levels of NADP+-IDH were coordinated with GS during seed germination and were associated with GS/GOGAT enzymes during chloroplast biogenesis, suggesting that NADP+-IDH is involved in the provision of carbon skeletons for the synthesis of nitrogen-containing molecules. However, a noncoordinated pattern of NADP+-IDH and GS/GOGAT was observed in advanced stages of cotyledon development and in the hypocotyl. A detailed analysis in hypocotyl sections revealed that NADP+-IDH abundance was inversely correlated with the presence of GS, GOGAT, and ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase but was associated with the differentiation of the organ. These results cannot be explained by the accepted role of the enzyme in nitrogen assimilation and strongly suggest that NADP+-IDH may have other, as-yet-unknown, biological functions.
High salinity is a severe constraint on tomato growth and productivity in many regions and situations. To obtain an ideal gene donor for improving the salt tolerance of tomato cultivars, the potential of tolerance response to salinity were evaluated for 14 tomato accessions including wild and cultivated species. By investigation of seed germination and seedling survival, a common cultivar, Solanum lycopersicum 'moneymaker', is evidenced significantly salt-tolerant among them and correspondingly, a wild accession, Solanum cheesmanniae 'LA0317', is most vulnerable to salinity. The performance of Moneymaker and LA0317 upon salinity was then compared in detail for their growth inhibition and some physiological changes. Complete dominance of Moneymaker and its high gene identity in tomato species lead us to use it in microarray experiment and apply it as gene donor for salt tolerance. The results indicated some mechanism differences between Moneymaker and LA0317 in salt response, proposed the potentially high salt tolerance of cultivated tomato and implied that Moneymaker is a valuable gene donor in this field, potentially minimizing the growth inhibition and yield reduction in transgenic plants.
Heterotrimeric G proteinshave been previously linked to plant defense; however a role for the G beta gamma dimer in defense signaling has not been described to date. Using available Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) mutants lacking functional G alpha or G beta subunits, we show that defense against the necrotrophic pathogens Alternaria brassicicola and Fusarium oxysporum is impaired in G beta- deficient mutants while G alpha-deficient mutants show slightly increased resistance compared to wild-type Columbia ecotype plants. In contrast, responses to virulent (DC3000) and avirulent (JL1065) strains of Pseudomonas syringae appear to be independent of heterotrimeric G proteins. The induction of a number of defense-related genes in G beta-deficient mutants were severely reduced in response to A. brassicicola infection. In addition, G beta-deficient mutants exhibit decreased sensitivity to a number of methyl jasmonate- induced responses such as induction of the plant defensin gene PDF1.2, inhibition of root elongation, seed germination, and growth of plants in sublethal concentrations of methyl jasmonate. In all cases, the behavior of the G alpha- deficient mutants is coherent with the classic heterotrimeric mechanism of action, indicating that jasmonic acid signaling is influenced by the Gbg functional subunit but not by G alpha. We hypothesize that G beta gamma acts as a direct or indirect enhancer of the jasmonate signaling pathway in plants.
Guayule (Parthenium argentatum Gray) is a rubber-producing shrub native to the semi-arid region of north central Mexico and southwestern Texas. Timely harvest is critical to achieve maximum seed viability, vigour, and yield. The objective of this study was to investigate possible indicators of optimum seed maturity in guayule. The optimum harvest maturity time for guayule was studied by comparing quality parameters at different times after flowering. Heat units expressed as growing degree-days after flowering were calculated and related to seed development stages and quality. Seed quality at different stages of development was assessed by germination, capitulum dry mass, 1000 seed mass, and percentage of filled seeds. The maximum seed quality was recorded at 329 growing degree-days (GDD). This was 28 days from time of flowering. At this date, the moisture content of the capitulum was 48% on a wet basis and the colour was comparable to cinnamon (Code 165C) on the Royal Horticultural Society (R.H.S.) standard colour chart. Of all the parameters GDD, 1000 seed mass, and percentage of filled seeds provided a more rapid and reliable measure of optimum seed maturity. Colour identification can be used as an additional indicator. (C) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Lepidocaryum tenue Mart. (Arecaceae) is a small, understory palm of terra firme forests of the western and central Amazon basin. Known as irapai, it is used for roof thatch by Amazonian peoples who collect its leaves from the wild and generate income from its fronds and articles fabricated from them. Increasing demand has caused local concern that populations are declining. Cultivation attempts have been unsuccessful. The purpose of this study was to investigate market conditions and quantify population dynamics and demographic responses of harvested and unharvested irapai growing near Iquitos, Peru. ^ Ethnobotanical research included participant surveys to determine movement of thatch tiles, called crisnejas, through Moronacocha Port. I also conducted a seed germination trial, and for four years studied five populations growing in communities with similar topography and soils but different land tenure and management strategies. Stage, survival, leaf production, and reproductive transitions were used to calculate ramet demographic rates and develop population projection matrices. ^ Weavers made an average of 20–30 crisnejas per day (90–130 leaves each), and earned US$0.09 to 0.70 each (US$1.80 to 21.00 per day). Average crisnejas per month sold per vendor was 2,955 with a profit range of US$0.05 to 0.32 per crisneja. Wholesalers worked with capital outlay from US$100 to 400, and an estimated ten to twenty vendors could be found at a given time. Consumers paid between US$0.23 to 1.20 per crisneja. Although differences in demographic rates by location existed, most were not significant enough to attribute to management. ^ After 60 months, mean seed germination rate was 19.5% in all media (37.9% in peat). Seedling survival was less than two percent after twelve months. Annual palm mortality was three percent, and occurred disproportionately in small (<50 cm) palms. Small palms grew more in height. Unharvested palms grew less than harvested palms. Large palms (≥50 cm) produced more leaves, were more likely to reproduce, and collectors harvested them more frequently. Reproductive potentials (sexual and asexual) were low. Population growth rates were greater than or not significantly different from 1.0, indicating populations maintained or increased in size. Current levels of irapai harvest appear sustainable. DNA analysis of stems and recruits is recommended to understand population composition and stage-specific asexual fecundity. ^
Morphological, anatomical and physiological plant and leaf traits of A. distorta, an endemic species of the Central Apennines on the Majella Massif, growing at 2,675 m a.s.l, were analyzed. The length of the phenological cycle starts immediately after the snowmelt at the end of May, lasting 128 ± 10 days. The low A. distorta height (Hmax= 64 ± 4 mm) and total leaf area (TLA= 38 ± 9 cm2) associated to a high leaf mass area (LMA =11.8±0.6 mg cm−2) and a relatively high leaf tissue density (LTD = 124.6±14.3 mg cm−3) seem to be adaptive traits to the stress factors of the environment where it grows. From a physiological point of view, the high A. distorta photosynthetic rates (PN =19.6 ± 2.3 µmol m−2 s−1) and total chlorophyll content (Chla+b = 0.88 ± 0.13 mg g−1) in July are justified by the favorable temperature. PN decreases by 87% in September at the beginning of plant senescence. Photosynthesis and leaf respiration (RD) variations allow A. distorta to maintain a positive carbon balance during the growing season becoming indicative of the efficiency of plant carbon use. The results could be an important tool for conservation programmes of the A. distorta wild populations.
There is no information on the effect of sulfuryl fluoride (SF) on durum wheat technological properties and products made from fumigated durum wheat. Durum wheat and semolina were exposed to a range of SF applications under conditions that might be typically encountered in bulk storage facilities used in many countries. SF greatly reduced the germination percentage of fumigated durum wheat with increasing impact under higher SF concentration, grain moisture content, and fumigation temperature. SF greatly reduced seed germination percentage impacting more the higher the SF concentration. SF had little to no effects on grain test weight, 1000 grain weight, hardness, protein content, semolina ash content and mixograph properties. At the highest SF concentration (31.25 mg/L for 48 h) there was a tendency for pasta cooking loss to be increased but still acceptable while other pasta properties were largely unaffected. Fumigation with SF did not have any impact on the baking properties of a wholemeal durum flour-commercial flour mix. Therefore, SF is not recommended if the grains are to be used as seeds for agricultural production but for the production of semolina, pasta and bread, SF used under typical fumigation conditions has little to no impact on technological properties of durum wheat.
Tese de Doutoramento, Biologia (Ecologia Vegetal), 25 de Junho de 2013, Universidade dos Açores.
Tese de Doutoramento, Biologia (Ecologia Vegetal), 24 de Junho de 2013, Universidade dos Açores.
There is no information on the effect of sulfuryl fluoride (SF) on durum wheat technological properties and products made from fumigated durum wheat. Durum wheat and semolina were exposed to a range of SF applications under conditions that might be typically encountered in bulk storage facilities used in many countries. SF greatly reduced the germination percentage of fumigated durum wheat, with increasing impact under higher SF concentration, grain moisture content, and fumigation temperature. SF greatly reduced seed germination percentage, impacting more the higher the SF concentration. SF had little to no effect on grain test weight, 1,000-grain weight, hardness, protein content, semolina ash content, and mixograph properties. At the highest SF concentration (31.25 mg/L for 48 h) there was a tendency for pasta cooking loss to be increased but still acceptable, and other pasta properties were largely unaffected. Fumigation with SF did not have any impact on the baking properties of a wholemeal durum flour-commercial flour mix. Therefore, SF is not recommended if the grains are to be used as seeds for agricultural production, but for the production of semolina, pasta, and bread, SF used under typical fumigation conditions has little to no impact on technological properties of durum wheat. © 2016 AACC International, Inc.
Poincianella pyramidalis (Fabaceae), Schinopsis brasiliensis (Anacardiaceae) and Sideroxylon obtusifolium (Sapotaceae) are native species of the Caatinga vegetation from Northeastern Brazil and have both biological importance and potential economic uses. Little is known about the water uptake and degradation of storage proteins during seed germination of these species. The aim of this study was to evaluate the imbibition and quantify the amount of storage proteins during seed germination of P. pyramidalis, S. brasiliensis and S. obtusifolium. Two lots of S. obtusifolium seeds with different vigour were used. Four replicates of 20 seeds of P. pyramidalis, S. brasiliensis and S. obtusifolium, were sown onto gerboxes with blotting paper soaked in distilled water and incubated during 72, 200 and 624 hours. Before and after imbibition seeds were weighed and frozen at until the sequential extraction and analysis of the seed storage proteins. Based on our results, we conclude that seed germination of P. pyramidalis, S. brasiliensis and S. obtusifolium has a well-defined triphasic imbibition. All storage proteins content of P. pyramidalis and S. brasiliensis seeds degraded along with the seed imbibition. Likewise, the content of albumins, globulins and glutelins decreased as S. obtusifolium seeds absorbed water