985 resultados para multifrequency antennas


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For the reciprocal-test fixtures, there are six independent S-parameters to. be determined, and the thru-short-match (TSM) calibration can provide eight calibration equations. In this paper, the relation of calibration equations is investigated. It has been shown that the four equations obtained from the measurement with a transmission standard can be used simultaneously in the calibration. Experimental results show that the different choice of equations will lead to quite different solution, and the calibration accuracy can be improved by taking advantages of the established relation among the calibration equations and properly choosing calibration equations.


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Near-space, defined as the altitude region between 20 and 100 km, offers many capabilities that are not accessible for low Earth-orbit (LEO) satellites or airplanes because it is above storm and not constrained by orbital mechanics and high fuel consumption. Hence, a high flying speed can be obtained for the maneuvering vehicles operating in near-space. This offers a promising solution to simultaneous high-resolution and wide-swath synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imaging. As such, one near-space wide-swath SAR imaging technique is presented in this letter. The system configuration, signal model, and imaging scheme are described. An example near-space SAR system is designed, and its imaging performance is analyzed. Simulation results show that near-space maneuvering vehicle SAR indeed seems to be a promising solution to wide-swath SAR imaging.


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We present a new nonlinear integral transform relating the ocean wave spectrum to the along-track interferometric synthetic aperture radar (AT-INSAR) image spectrum. The AT-INSAR, which is a synthetic aperture radar (SAR) employing two antennas displaced along the platform's flight direction, is considered to be a better instrument for imaging ocean waves than the SAR. This is because the AT-INSAR yields the phase spectrum and not only the amplitude spectrum as with the conventional SAR. While the SAR and AT-INSAR amplitude spectra depend strongly on the modulation of the normalized radar cross section (NRCS) by the long ocean waves, which is poorly known, the phase spectrum depends only weakly on this modulation. By measuring the phase difference between the signals received by both antennas, AT-INSAR measures the radial component of the orbital velocity associated with the ocean waves, which is related to the ocean wave height field by a well-known transfer function. The nonlinear integral transform derived in this paper differs from the one previously derived by Bao et al. [1999] by an additional term containing the derivative of the radial component of the orbital velocity associated with the long ocean waves. By carrying out numerical simulations, we show that, in general, this additional term cannot be neglected. Furthermore, we present two new quasi-linear approximations to the nonlinear integral transform relating the ocean wave spectrum to the AT-INSAR phase spectrum.


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Embedded wireless sensor network (WSN) systems have been developed and used in a wide variety of applications such as local automatic environmental monitoring; medical applications analysing aspects of fitness and health energy metering and management in the built environment as well as traffic pattern analysis and control applications. While the purpose and functions of embedded wireless sensor networks have a myriad of applications and possibilities in the future, a particular implementation of these ambient sensors is in the area of wearable electronics incorporated into body area networks and everyday garments. Some of these systems will incorporate inertial sensing devices and other physical and physiological sensors with a particular focus on the application areas of athlete performance monitoring and e-health. Some of the important physical requirements for wearable antennas are that they are light-weight, small and robust and should also use materials that are compatible with a standard manufacturing process such as flexible polyimide or fr4 material where low cost consumer market oriented products are being produced. The substrate material is required to be low loss and flexible and often necessitates the use of thin dielectric and metallization layers. This paper describes the development of such a wearable, flexible antenna system for ISM band wearable wireless sensor networks. The material selected for the development of the wearable system in question is DE104i characterized by a dielectric constant of 3.8 and a loss tangent of 0.02. The antenna feed line is a 50 Ohm microstrip topology suitable for use with standard, high-performance and low-cost SMA-type RF connector technologies, widely used for these types of applications. The desired centre frequency is aimed at the 2.4GHz ISM band to be compatible with IEEE 802.15.4 Zigbee communication protocols and the Bluetooth standard which operate in this band.


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This paper investigates the effects of antenna detuning on wireless devices caused by the presence of the human body,particularly the wrist. To facilitate repeatable and consistent antenna impedance measurements, an accurate and low cost human phantom arm, that simulates human tissue at 433MHz frequencies, has been developed and characterized. An accurate and low cost hardware prototype system has been developed to measure antenna return loss at a frequency of 433MHz and the design, fabrication and measured results are presented. This system provides a flexible means of evaluating closed-loop reconfigurable antenna tuning circuits for use in wireless mote applications.


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When miniaturized wireless sensors are placed on or close to the human body, they can experience a significant loss inperformance due to antenna detuning, resulting in degradationof wireless performance as well as decreased battery lifetime.Several antenna tuning technologies have been proposed formobile wireless devices but devices suitable for widespread integration have yet to emerge. This paper highlights the possible advantages of antenna tuning for wearable wireless sensors and presents the design and characterization of a prototype 433MHz tuner module.


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Science Foundation Ireland (CSET - Centre for Science, Engineering and Technology, Grant No. 07/CE/11147)


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Both the emission properties and the evolution of the radio jets of Active Galactic Nuclei are dependent on the magnetic (B) fields that thread them. A number of observations of AGN jets suggest that the B fields they carry have a significant helical component, at least on parsec scales. This thesis uses a model, first proposed by Laing and then developed by Papageorgiou, to explore how well the observed properties of AGN jets can be reproduced by assuming a helical B field with three parameters; pitch angle, viewing angle and degree of entanglement. This model has been applied to multifrequency Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) observations of the AGN jets of Markarian 501 and M87, making it possible to derive values for the helical pitch angle, the viewing angle and the degree of entanglement for these jets. Faraday rotation measurements are another important tool for investigating the B fields of AGN jets. A helical B field component should result in a systematic gradient in the observed Faraday rotation across the jet. Real observed radio images have finite resolution; typical beam sizes for cm-wavelength VLBI observations are often comparable to or larger than the intrinsic jet widths, raising questions about how well resolved a jet must be in the transverse direction in order to reliably detect transverse Faraday-rotation structure. This thesis presents results of Monte Carlo simulations of Faraday rotation images designed to directly investigate this question, together with a detailed investigation into the probabilities of observing spurious Faraday Rotation gradients as a result of random noise and finite resolution. These simulations clearly demonstrate the possibility of detecting transverse Faraday-rotation structures even when the intrinsic jet widths are appreciably smaller than the beam width.


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Inverse diffraction consists in determining the field distribution on a boundary surface from the knowledge of the distribution on a surface situated within the domain where the wave propagates. This problem is a good example for illustrating the use of least-squares methods (also called regularization methods) for solving linear ill-posed inverse problem. We focus on obtaining error bounds For regularized solutions and show that the stability of the restored field far from the boundary surface is quite satisfactory: the error is proportional to ∊(ðŗ‚ ≃ 1) ,ðŗœ being the error in the data (Hölder continuity). However, the error in the restored field on the boundary surface is only proportional to an inverse power of │In∊│ (logarithmic continuity). Such a poor continuity implies some limitations on the resolution which is achievable in practice. In this case, the resolution limit is seen to be about half of the wavelength. Copyright © 1981 by The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.


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Pulse design is investigated for time-reversal (TR) imaging as applied to ultrawideband (UWB) breast cancer detection. Earlier it has been shown that a suitably-designed UWB pulse may help to improve imaging performance for a single-tumor breast phantom with predetermined lesion properties. The current work considers the following more general and practical situations: presence of multiple malignancies with unknown tumor size and dielectric properties. Four pulse selection criteria are proposed with each focusing on one of the following aspects: eliminating signal clutter generated by tissue inhomogeneities, canceling mutual interference among tumors, improving image resolution, and suppressing artifacts created by sidelobe of the target response. By applying the proposed criteria, the shape parameters of UWB waveforms with desirable characteristics are identified through search of all the possible pulses. Simulation example using a numerical breast phantom, comprised of two tumors and structured clutter distribution, demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed approach. Specifically, a tradeoff between the image resolution and signal-to-clutter contrast (SCC) is observed in terms of selection of the excitation waveforms.


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Digital avionics systems are increasingly under threat from external electromagnetic interference (EMI). The same avionics systems require a thermal cooling mechanism and one method of providing this is to mount an air vent on the body of the aircraft. For the first time, a nacelle-mounted air vent that may expose the flight critical full authority digital engine controller (FADEC) to high intensity radiated fields (HIRF) is examined. The reflection/transmission characteristics of the vent are reported and the current shielding method employed is shown to provide a low shielding level (5 dB at 18 GHz). A new design has been proposed, providing over 100 dB of attenuation at 18 GHz. To the authors' knowledge this is the first time this shielding method has been applied to aircraft air vents.


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The new rigorous numerical-analytical technique based upon Galerkin method with the entire domain basis functions has been developed and applied to the study of the periodic aperture arrays containing multiple dissimilar apertures of complex shapes in stratified medium. The rapid uniform convergence of the solutions has enabled a comprehensive parametric study of complex array arrangements. The developed theory has revealed new effects of the aperture shape and layout on the array performance. The physical mechanisms underlying the TM wave resonances and Luebbers' anomaly have been explained for the first time.


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Channelled waves in 2-D periodic anisotropic L-C mesh metamaterials have been investigated. Circuit simulation and the newly developed analytical model of a unit cell have demonstrated full qualitative agreement for both lossless and lossy cases. Isofrequencies for a lattice unit cell and the circuit simulations of finite meshes have shown that propagating waves are channelled from a point source as pencil beams which can travel only along specific trajectories. The beam direction varies with frequency, and at the resonance frequency, the phase and group velocities of the travelling wave are orthogonal. The effect of losses was explored, and it was shown that losses cause qualitative changes of the channelled wave type. It was proven that the channelled waves do not follow the laws of geometrical optics (Snell's law, specular reflection, etc.) at the interfaces of L-C meshes but are governed by the conditions of phase synchronism and impedance matching. Only in the special case of dual L-C and C-L meshes with the interface parallel to the axis of rectangular grid excited at the resonance frequency (X=1) do the channels follow the trajectories of optical rays. A planar mesh test cell has been designed and used for retrieving the unit cell L-C parameters from the S-parameter measurements.