897 resultados para middle layer
The Río Negro Formation (late Miocene-early Pliocene) mainly consists of continental deposits, but it contains a middle member of marine origin. It represents a transgressive-regressive sequence that can be seen at several outcrops along the N Patagonian coast. The taphonomical approach to the El Espigón marine deposits permits the identification of four main layers containing different kinds of skeletal accumulation, which mainly consist of oyster shells [Crassostrea patagonica (D'Orbigny, 1842)]. These concentrations display three different morphologies (pouches, pavements and bouquets) with a different taphonomic signature. These deposits were formed in shallow marine environments influenced by wave activity that produced valve concentrations of different entities. They contain several shell beds that represent event, composite, hiatal to lag skeletal concentrations. Traces of bioturbation in the sediment (Thalassinoides, Teichichnus) and bioerosion on the shells (Entobia, Gastrochaeonolites, Caulostrepsis), and encrusters (cirripeds, bryozoans), are also abundant in the outcrop and consititue common components of these Miocene materials. Layers 1 and 2 of the sequence were deposited in shoreface/foreshore environments at the beginning of a highstand systems tract, while layers 3 and 4 were deposited at the end, or at the beginning of a forced regression, in foreshore environments. A final erosional episode cut the top of the layer 4, which truncated the abundant bioturbaation developed there.
A photometric procedure was developed for determination of aflatoxin B1 in peanuts by TLC-CCD technique. The quantification and detection limit were 1.2 μg kg-1 and 0.4 ng per spot, respectively, with mean recovery of 98%. The CCD camera is sufficiently sensitive to detect small changes in spots fluorescence intensity and the results for performance confirmed the efficiency of the method. Another important property of CCD detector is its linearity for a wide range of luminous stimulus determined by analysis of five-point calibration curves using the intensity of AFB1 fluorescence versus AFB1 concentration (0.8 to 4.8 ng per spot). The method was applied to the analysis of thirty nine peanut samples and aflatoxin B1 levels ranged from 16 to 115 μg kg-1. The TLC-CCD and the photometric procedure developed in this study demonstrated to be a simple and efficient tool for quantitative analyses of AFB1 in peanut samples.
A method using HPTLC for quantitation of nifedipine in serum was developed and validated. It includes a liquid-liquid extraction, and carbamazepine as internal standard. Chloroform: ethyl acetate: cyclohexane (19:2:2, v/v/v) was the mobile phase. The method showed good relationship (r = 0.996) (2.00 to 25.00 ng/band, corresponding to 0.02 and 0.25 ng/µL in serum). The % RSD of intra-assay and inter-assay, were between 0.57 and 3.56 and 1.16 to 3.60, respectively. LOD and LOQ were 0.72 and 0.86 ng/band, respectively. The recovery values were between 93 and 102%. Rf for nifedipine and carbamazepine were 0.31 and 0.10, respectively.
Centrala teman i min avhandling är parallellskolesystem, linjedelning och segregering i högstadier och gymnasier. Det finns stora skillnader mellan länder gällande den årskurs då eleverna sorteras in i olika nivåer genom skilda klasser eller skolor. I Tyskland och Nederländerna till exempel delas eleverna upp före högstadiet medan Sverige och Finland har enhetsskolor på högstadienivå. Jag argumenterar att parallellskolesystem har en positiv effekt på elevernas testresultat i årskurserna före linjedelningen. Eleverna har incitament att jobba hårdare för att komma på i den akademiska linjen. Jag undersöker incitamentseffekter empiriskt, och hittar mönster konsistenta med incitamentseffekter både i brittisk och i internationell data. Det andra bidraget i avhandlingen är metodologiskt. Nationalekonomer brukar behandla testresultat från t.ex. IQ-tester eller internationella PISA-undersökningar som om absoluta nivån på poängantalen har betydelse i sig. I verkligheten antyder de endast en rangordning. Jag visar att normalfördelade testresultat i många fall ligger tillräckligt nära dess pengavärde på arbetsmarknaden för att ändå kunna tolkas som absoluta.
Current industrial atomic layer deposition (ALD) processes are almost wholly confined to glass or silicon substrates. For many industrial applications, deposition on polymer substrates will be necessary. Current deposition processes are also typically carried out at temperatures which are too high for polymers. If deposition temperatures in ALD can be reduced to the level applicable for polymers, it will open new interesting areas and applications for polymeric materials. The properties of polymers can be improved for example by coatings with functional and protective properties. Although the ALD has shown its capability to operate at low temperatures suitable for polymer substrates, there are other issues related to process efficiency and characteristics of different polymers where new knowledge will assist in developing industrially conceivable ALD processes. Lower deposition temperature in ALD generally means longer process times to facilitate the self limiting film growth mode characteristic to ALD. To improve process efficiency more reactive precursors are introduced into the process. For example in ALD oxide processes these can be more reactive oxidizers, such as ozone and oxygen radicals, to substitute the more conventionally used water. Although replacing water in the low temperature ALD with ozone or plasma generated oxygen radicals will enable the process times to be shortened, they may have unwanted effects both on the film growth and structure, and in some cases can form detrimental process conditions for the polymer substrate. Plasma assistance is a very promising approach to improve the process efficiency. The actual design and placement of the plasma source will have an effect on film growth characteristics and film structure that may retard the process efficiency development. Due to the fact that the lifetime of the radicals is limited, it requires the placement of the plasma source near to the film growth region. Conversely this subjects the substrate to exposure byother plasma species and electromagnetic radiation which sets requirements for plasma conditions optimization. In this thesis ALD has been used to modify, activate and functionalize the polymer surfaces for further improvement of polymer performance subject to application. The issues in ALD on polymers, both in thermal and plasma-assisted ALD will be further discussed.
This study aimed to apply mathematical models to the growth of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) reared in net cages in the lower São Francisco basin and choose the model(s) that best represents the conditions of rearing for the region. Nonlinear models of Brody, Bertalanffy, Logistic, Gompertz, and Richards were tested. The models were adjusted to the series of weight for age according to the methods of Gauss, Newton, Gradiente and Marquardt. It was used the procedure "NLIN" of the System SAS® (2003) to obtain estimates of the parameters from the available data. The best adjustment of the data were performed by the Bertalanffy, Gompertz and Logistic models which are equivalent to explain the growth of the animals up to 270 days of rearing. From the commercial point of view, it is recommended that commercialization of tilapia from at least 600 g, which is estimated in the Bertalanffy, Gompertz and Logistic models for creating over 183, 181 and 184 days, and up to 1 Kg of mass , it is suggested the suspension of the rearing up to 244, 244 and 243 days, respectively.
ABSTRACTThe current study aimed to evaluate the influence of three colors and two types of roofing materials under the internal temperature of bee colonies Apis mellifera. The experiment was conducted at the Agricultural Sciences Campus at the Federal University of Sao Francisco Valley located in Petrolina-PE, in November and December 2013, using 24 colonies housed in Langstroth hives. The experiment was a completely randomized factorial design (3x2) with three colors of box (blue, white, and traditional) and two types of cover (with and without the use of plaster) with six treatments and four replications. The internal temperature dates of the colonies were hourly recorded, during 24 hours, and surface temperatures were hourly recorded between 08h00 and 17h00. The highest values for surface and internal temperature were registered in the blue painted boxes without the use of plasterboard, and the blue painted boxes covered with plasterboard respectively. However, the lowest values were found in the white painted hives and hives that have not received the plasterboard. It is recommended to paint boxes with bright colors, and the use of plasterboard had no effect in reducing the internal temperature.
Tässä raportissa tarkastellaan Saaristomeren ja Ahvenmaan merialueen kuormitusta ja tilaa ja niissä viime vuosikymmeninä tapahtuneita muutoksia vuosiin 2008 ja 2009 saakka. Pääpaino on ravinnekuormituksessa ja veden laadussa, mutta mukana on taustatietoa ja muun muassa katsaus kalakannoista. Saaristomeren ja Ahvenanmaan merialueen tila on heikentynyt huomattavasti viimeisten vuosikymmenten aikana. Erityisesti fosforin ja a-klorofyllin määrät ovat kasvaneet ja näkösyvyys pienenentynyt. Viimeisen kymmenen vuoden aikana pintaveden fosforipitoisuuden kasvu on laantunut suurimmassa osassa aluetta, mutta pohjanläheisessä vesikerroksessa ja talvella fosforipitoisuus on jatkanut kasvuaan monin paikoin viime vuosiin asti. Myös a-klorofyllin määrä on lisääntynyt ulko- ja välisaaristossa 2000-luvullakin. Viime vuosina klorofyllipitoisuuden kasvu on kuitenkin laantunut tai pitoisuus laskenut varsinkin rannikonläheisissä vesissä. Merialueen suurin paikallinen ravinnekuormittaja on maatalous, mutta varsinkin typpeä tulee runsaasti myös ilmalaskeumana. Sisäinen kuormitus ja virtausten mukana Suomenlahdelta ja muualta Itämereltä tulevat ravinteet heikentävät niin ikään merialueen tilaa. Muita ravinnelähteitä ovat mm. haja-asutus, jätevedenpuhdistamot ja kalankasvatus. Ahvenanmaan merialueelle ravinteita tulee enemmän muualta kuin Ahvenanmaalta. Hajakuormituksessa on tapahtunut viime vuosikymmeninä selviä vuodenaikaisia muutoksia. Vuosina 1990 – 2009 jokien mereen tuoma ravinne- ja kiintoainekuormitus on ollut talvisin ja syksyisin selvästi suurempaa kuin vuosina 1970 – 1989. Talviaikaisen kuormituksen lisääntyminen johtuu aiempaa lauhemmista talvista, ja antaa viitteitä ilmastonmuutoksen mukanaan tuomista muutoksista. Vaikka Saaristomeren ja Ahvenanmaan merialueen tilassa on ollut viime aikoina nähtävissä myönteisiäkin merkkejä, on niiden tila edelleen huolestuttava. Ainoa keino merialueen tilan parantamiseksi on kuormituksen huomattava vähentäminen. Vähentäminen koskee niin paikallisia ravinnelähteitä, erityisesti maataloutta, kuin muualta Itämereltä virtausten mukana tulevia ravinteita ja ilmalaskeumaa.
PURPOSE: It was to assess the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in breast cancer survivors (BCS).METHODS: This cross-sectional study analyzed 67 BCS, aged 45 -65 years, who underwent complete oncological treatment, but had not received hormone therapy, tamoxifen or aromatase inhibitors during the previous 6 months. Lipid profile and CVD risk were evaluated, the latter using the Framingham and Systematic COronary Risk Evaluation (SCORE) models. The agreement between cardiovascular risk models was analyzed by calculating a kappa coefficient and its 95% confidence interval (CI).RESULTS: Mean subject age was 53.2±6.0 years, with rates of obesity, hypertension, and dyslipidemia of 25, 34 and 90%, respectively. The most frequent lipid abnormalities were high total cholesterol (70%), high LDL-C (51%) and high non-HDL-C (48%) concentrations. Based on the Framingham score, 22% of the participants had a high risk for coronary artery disease. According to the SCORE model, 100 and 93% of the participants were at low risk for fatal CVD in populations at low and high risk, respectively, for CVD. The agreement between the Framingham and SCORE risk models was poor (kappa: 0.1; 95%CI 0.01 -0.2) for populations at high risk for CVD.CONCLUSIONS: These findings indicate the need to include lipid profile and CVD risk assessment in the follow-up of BCS, focusing on adequate control of serum lipid concentrations.
This study reports on changes in the number of somatostatin-like immunoreactive (SOM-LI) endocrine cells in the porcine descending colon, caused by chemically driven inflammation, axotomy and proliferative enteropathy (PE). The distribution pattern of SOM-LI endocrine cells has been studied using the routine single-labelling immunofluorescence technique. Semi-quantitative evaluation of the number of the SOM-immunostained endocrine cells within the mucosal layer of the porcine descending colon has been based on counting of all endocrine cells immunoreactive to SOM per unit area (0,1 mm²). Under physiological conditions the number of SOM-LI endocrine cells has been shown to constitute 3,30±0,22. All applied pathological processes resulted in changes in the SOM-like immunoreactivity, which varied in particular processes studied. The number of SOM-LI endocrine cells increased to 6,28±0,31 and 4,43±0,35 during chemically driven inflammation and proliferative enteropathy, respectively, and decreased to 1,17%±0,16 after axotomy. The obtained results suggest that SOM-LI endocrine cells may participate in various pathological states within porcine descending colon and their functions probably depend on the type of pathological factor.
A recent (November 2010) outbreak of infectious laryngotracheitis (ILT) in a multi-age laying hen facility in Minas Gerais state, Brazil, is described. Previous ILT outbreak in laying hens was only notified in São Paulo state, Brazil, in 2002. In the outbreak described here, the affected population was approximately eight million hens, with flock sizes ranging from 100,000 to 2,900,000 chickens. The average mortality ranged from 1 to 6%, and morbidity was around 90% (most of the twenty seven farms of the area were positive for ILT virus). Three multi-age laying farms from one company were selected for this report. Clinical signs included prostration, dyspnea, conjunctivitis, occasional swelling of the paranasal sinuses and bloody mucous nasal discharge. Severely affected chickens presented with dyspnea, gasping and became cyanotic before death. At necropsy, these chickens had fibrinous exudate blocking the larynx and the lumen of cranial part of the trachea. In addition, conjunctivitis with intense hyperemia, edema and sinuses with caseous exudate were present. On histopathology, there were marked necrosis and desquamation of respiratory ephitelium and conjunctiva with numerous syncytial cells formation and fibrinous exudate. Moderate to marked non suppurative (especially lymphocytes and plasma cells) infiltration in the lamina propria also was observed. Sixteen out of 20 examined chickens, eosinophilic intranuclear inclusion bodies were observed in the syncytial cells. The DNA extracted from larynx and trachea produced positive PCR results for ILT virus (ILTV) DNA using formalin-fixed, paraffin embedded (FFPE) samples. Amplicons from a small region of ICP4 gene were submitted to sequencing and showed 100% identity with ILTV EU104910.1 (USA strain), 99% with ILTV JN596963.1 (Australian strain) and 91% with ILTV JN580316.1 (Gallid herpesvirus 1 CEO vaccine strain) and JN580315.1 (Gallid herpesvirus 1 TCO vaccine strain).
Babesia sp. is a protozoan hemoparasite that affects livestock worldwide. The Colombian Middle Magdalena is an enzootic region for babesiosis, but there is no previous research providing detail on its transmission cycle. This study aims to assess some Babesia sp. infection indicators in cattle and ticks from the area, by using direct microscopic and molecular techniques to detect the infection. In the cattle, 59.9% and 3.4 % positivity values for B. bigemina and mixed infection (B. bovis + B. bigemina) were found respectively. In ticks, the positivity of B. bigemina reached 79.2% and 9.4% for the mixed infection. The degree of infestation in the region was 3.2 ticks per bovine. There was positive correlation between tick control acaricide frequencies and infestation in bovines. This leads us to infer that control periodicity greater than 90 days, in stable zones, is an abiotic factor that benefits the acquisition of protective immunity in calves, the natural control of the infection and eventual disease absence. It is necessary to monitor the disease by applying new entomological and parasitological indicators showing the complexity of this phenomenon.
Abstract: Paca (Cuniculus paca), one of the largest rodents of the Brazilian fauna, has inherent characteristics of its species which can conribute as a new option for animal experimantation. As there is a growing demand for suitable experimental models in audiologic and otologic surgical research, the gross anatomy and ultrastructural ear of this rodent have been analyzed and described in detail. Fifteen adult pacas from the Wild Animals Sector herd of Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinárias, Unesp-Jaboticabal, were used in this study. After anesthesia and euthanasia, we evaluated the entire composition of the external ear, registering and ddescribing the details; the temporal region was often dissected for a better view and detailing of the tympanic bulla which was removed and opened to expose the ear structures analyzed mascroscopically and ultrastructurally. The ear pinna has a triangular and concave shape with irregular ridges and sharp apex. The external auditory canal is winding in its path to the tympanic mebrane. The tympanic bulla is is on the back-bottom of the skull. The middle ear is formed by a cavity region filled with bone and membranous structures bounded by the tympanic membrane and the oval and round windows. The tympanic membrane is flat and seals the ear canal. The anatomy of the paca ear is similar to the guinea pig and from the viewpoint of experimental model has major advantages compared with the mouse ear.