988 resultados para light emitting diode


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La compréhension des interrelations entre la microstructure et les processus électroniques dans les polymères semi-conducteurs est d’une importance primordiale pour leur utilisation dans des hétérostructures volumiques. Dans cette thèse de doctorat, deux systémes diffèrents sont étudiés ; chacun de ces systèmes représente une approche diffèrente pour optimiser les matériaux en termes de leur microstructure et de leur capacité à se mettre en ordre au niveau moléculaire. Dans le premier système, j’ai effectué une analyse complète des principes de fonctionnement d’une cellule photovoltaïque hybride à base des nanocristaux d’oxyde de zinc (ZnO) et du poly (3-hexylthiophène) (P3HT) par absorption photoinduite en régime quasi-stationnaire (PIA) et la spectroscopie PIA en pompage modulé dépendant de la fréquence. L’interface entre le donneur (le polymère P3HT) et l’accepteur (les nanoparticules de ZnO), où la génération de charges se produit, joue un rôle important dans la performance des cellules photovoltaïques hybrides. Pour améliorer le mécanisme de génération de charges du P3H: ZnO, il est indispensable de modifier l’interface entre ses constituants. Nous avons démontré que la modification d’interface moléculaire avec cis-bis (4, 40 - dicarboxy-2, 20bipyridine) ruthénium (II) (N3-dye) et a-Sexithiophen-2 yl-phosphonique (6TP) a améliorée le photocourant et la performance dans les cellules P3HT: ZnO. Le 6TP et le N3 s’attachent à l’interface du ZnO, en augmentant ainsi l’aire effective de la surface donneur :accepteur, ce qui contribue à une séparation de charge accrue. De plus, le 6TP et le N3 réduisent la densité de pièges dans le ZnO, ce qui réduit le taux de recombinaison des paires de charges. Dans la deuxième partie, jai introduit une matrice hôte polymérique de polystyréne à masse molaire ulra-élevée, qui se comporte comme un solide pour piéger et protéger une solution de poly [2-méthoxy, 5- (2´-éthyl-hexoxy) -1,4-phénylènevinylène- PPV] (MEHPPV) pour utilisation dans des dispositifs optoèlectroniques quantiques. Des travaux antérieurs ont montré que MEH-PPV en solution subit une transition de conformation, d’une conformation enroulé à haute température (phase bleue) à une conformation de chaîne étendue à basse température (phase rouge). La conformation de la chaîne étendue de la solution MEH-PPV favorise les caractéristiques nécessaires à l’amélioration des dispositifs optoélectroniques quantiques, mais la solution ne peut pas être incorporées dans le dispositif. J’ai démontré que la caractéristique de la phase rouge du MEH-PPV en solution se maintient dans une matrice hôte polymérique de polystyrène transformé de masse molaire très élevée, qui se comporte comme un solide (gel de MEH-PPV/UHMW PS), par le biais de la spectroscopie de photoluminescence (PL) dépendant de la température (de 290K à 80 K). La phase rouge du gel MEH-PPV/UHMW PS se manifeste par des largeurs de raie étroites et une intensité augmentée de la transition 0-0 de la progression vibronique dans le spectre de PL ainsi qu’un petit décalage de Stokes entre la PL et le spectre d’absorption à basse température. Ces approches démontrent que la manipulation de la microstructure et des propriétés électroniques des polymères semi-conducteurs ont un impact direct sur la performance de dispositifs pour leurs développements technologiques continus.


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Les petites molécules de type p à bandes interdites étroites sont de plus en plus perçues comme des remplaçantes possibles aux polymères semi-conducteurs actuellement utilisés conjointement avec des dérivés de fullerènes de type n, dans les cellules photovoltaïques organiques (OPV). Par contre, ces petites molécules tendent à cristalliser facilement lors de leur application en couches minces et forment difficilement des films homogènes appropriés. Des dispositifs OPV de type hétérojonction de masse ont été réalisés en ajoutant différentes espèces de polymères semi-conducteurs ou isolants, agissant comme matrices permettant de rectifier les inhomogénéités des films actifs et d’augmenter les performances des cellules photovoltaïques. Des polymères aux masses molaires spécifiques ont été synthétisés par réaction de Wittig en contrôlant précisément les ratios molaires des monomères et de la base utilisée. L’effet de la variation des masses molaires en fonction des morphologies de films minces obtenus et des performances des diodes organiques électroluminescentes reliées, a également été étudié. La microscopie électronique en transmission (MET) ou à balayage (MEB) a été employée en complément de la microscopie à force atomique (AFM) pour suivre l’évolution de la morphologie des films organiques minces. Une nouvelle méthode rapide de préparation des films pour l’imagerie MET sur substrats de silicium est également présentée et comparée à d’autres méthodes d’extraction. Motivé par le prix élevé et la rareté des métaux utilisés dans les substrats d’oxyde d’indium dopé à l’étain (ITO), le développement d’une nouvelle méthode de recyclage eco-responsable des substrats utilisés dans ces études est également présenté.


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Using the squid-vibrio association, we aimed to characterize the mechanism through which Vibrio fischeri cells signal morphogenesis of the symbiotic light-emitting organ. The symbiont releases two cell envelope molecules, peptidoglycan (PG) and lipopolysaccharide (LPS) that, within 12 h of light organ colonization, act in synergy to trigger normal tissue development. Recent work has shown that outer membrane vesicles (OMVs) produced by V. fischeri are sufficient to induce PG-dependent morphogenesis; however, the mechanism(s) of OMV release by these bacteria has not been described. Like several genera of both beneficial and pathogenic bacteria, V. fischeri cells elaborate polar flagella that are enclosed by an extension of the outer membrane, whose function remains unclear. Here, we present evidence that along with the well-recognized phenomenon of blebbing from the cell's surface, rotation of this sheathed flagellum also results in the release of OMVs. In addition, we demonstrate that most of the development-inducing LPS is associated with these OMVs and that the presence of the outer membrane protein OmpU but not the LPS O antigen on these OMVs is important in triggering normal host development. These results also present insights into a possible new mechanism of LPS release by pathogens with sheathed flagella. IMPORTANCE Determining the function(s) of sheathed flagella in bacteria has been challenging, because no known mutation results only in the loss of this outer membrane-derived casing. Nevertheless, the presence of a sheathed flagellum in such host-associated genera as Vibrio, Helicobacter, and Brucella has led to several proposed functions, including physical protection of the flagella and masking of their immunogenic flagellins. Using the squid-vibrio light organ symbiosis, we demonstrate another role, that of V. fischeri cells require rotating flagella to induce apoptotic cell death within surface epithelium, which is a normal step in the organ's development. Further, we present evidence that this rotation releases apoptosis-triggering lipopolysaccharide in the form of outer membrane vesicles. Such release may also occur by pathogens but with different outcomes for the host.


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In the last three decades, there has been a broad academic and industrial interest in conjugated polymers as semiconducting materials for organic electronics. Their applications in polymer light-emitting diodes (PLEDs), polymer solar cells (PSCs), and organic field-effect transistors (OFETs) offer opportunities for the resolution of energy issues as well as the development of display and information technologies1. Conjugated polymers provide several advantages including low cost, light weight, good flexibility, as well as solubility which make them readily processed and easily printed, removing the conventional photolithography for patterning2. A large library of polymer semiconductors have been synthesized and investigated with different building blocks, such as acenes or thiophene and derivatives, which have been employed to design new materials according to individual demands for specific applications. To design ideal conjugated polymers for specific applications, some general principles should be taken into account, including (i) side chains (ii) molecular weights, (iii) band gap and HOMO and LUMO energy levels, and (iv) suited morphology.3-6 The aim of this study is to elucidate the impact that substitution exerts on the molecular and electronic structure of π-conjugated polymers with outstanding performances in organic electronic devices. Different configurations of the π-conjugated backbones are analyzed: (i) donor-acceptor configuration, (ii) 1D lineal or 2D branched conjugated backbones, and (iii) encapsulated polymers (see Figure 1). Our combined vibrational spectroscopy and DFT study shows that small changes in the substitution pattern and in the molecular configuration have a strong impact on the electronic characteristics of these polymers. We hope this study can advance useful structure-property relationships of conjugated polymers and guide the design of new materials for organic electronic applications.


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Self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) are highly promising materials for molecular engineering of electronic and spintronics devices thanks to their surface functionalization properties. In this direction, alkylphosphonic acids have been used to functionalize the most common ferromagnetic electrode in organic spintronics: La2/3Sr1/3MnO3 (LSMO). However, a study on the influence of SAMs grafting on LSMO electronic and magnetic properties is still missing. In this letter, we probe the influence of alkylphosphonic acids-based SAMs on the electronic and magnetic properties of the LSMO surface using different spectroscopies. We observe by X-ray photoemission and X-ray absorption that the grafting of the molecules on the LSMO surface induces a reduction of the Mn oxidation state. Ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy measurements also show that the LSMO work function can be modified by surface dipoles opening the door to both tune the charge and spin injection efficiencies in organic devices such as organic light-emitting diodes.


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Ambipolar organic field-effect transistors (OFETs), which can efficiently transport both holes and electrons, using a single type of electrode, are currently of great interest due to their possible applications in complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS)-like circuits, sensors, and in light-emitting transistors. Several theoretical and experimental studies have argued that most organic semiconductors should be able to transport both types of carrier, although typically unipolar behavior is observed. One factor that can compromise ambipolar transport in organic semiconductors is poor solid state overlap between the HOMO (p-type) or LUMO (n-type) orbitals of neighboring molecules in the semiconductor thin film. In the search of low-bandgap ambipolar materials, where the absence of skeletal distortions allows closer intermolecular π-π stacking and enhanced intramolecular π-conjugation, a new family of oligothiophene-naphthalimide assemblies have been synthesized and characterized, in which both donor and acceptor moieties are directly conjugated through rigid linkers. In previous works we found that oligothiophene-napthalimide assemblies connected through amidine linkers (NDI derivates) exhibit skeletal distortions (50-60º) arising from steric hindrance between the carbonyl group of the arylene core and the sulphur atom of the neighbored thiophene ring (see Figure 1). In the present work we report novel oligo- and polythiophene–naphthalimide analogues NAI-3T, NAI-5T and poly-NAI-8C-3T, in which the connections of the amidine linkage have been inverted in order to prevent steric interactions. Thus, the nitrogen atoms are directly connected to the naphthalene moiety in NAI derivatives while they were attached directly to the thiophene moiety in the previously investigated NDI-3T and NDI-5T. In Figure 1 is depicted the calculated molecular structure of NAI-3T together with that of NDI-3T showing how the steric interactions are not present in the novel NAI derivative. The planar skeletons in these new family induce higher degree of crystallinity and the carrier charge transport can be switched from n-type to ambipolar behaviour. The highest FET performance is achieved for vapor-deposited films of NAI-3T with mobilities of 1.95x10-4cm2V-1s-1 and 2.00x10-4cm2V-1s-1 for electrons and holes, respectively. Finally, these planar semiconductors are compared with their NDI derivates analogues, which exhibit only n-type mobility, in order to understand the origin of the ambipolarity in this new series of molecular semiconductors.


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In the keynote, major reforestation challenges in Scandinavia will be highlighted. The following countries make up Scandinavia: Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Finland and Denmark. For Iceland, with only a forest cover of 2%, a major reforestation challenge is the deforestation and overgrazing in combination with land degradation and extensive soil erosion. The challenges include the conflicts with livestock farmers. For centuries the commons were used for sheep and horse grazing. However, more and more of farmer grazing land have been fenced up, allowing the regeneration of birch and plantations of other species to increase. With a forest cover of 37% and 69% respectively, for decades a major reforestation challenge in Norway and Sweden has been the risk of seedling damages from the pine weevil. Unprotected seedlings can have a survival rate of less than 25% after being planted. Pine weevils feed on the bark of planted young seedlings at regeneration sites. If the seedling is girdled, it will not survive. In Sweden, and soon in Norway, pesticides have been forbidden. In the keynote, new methods and technology will be presented based on non-chemical protection. In Finland, with a forest cover of 75%, a major reforestation challenge is linked to the forest structure. The structure of Finnish forestry includes many private forests in combination with small regeneration sites. This implies a situation where logistics and methods for lifting and field storage provide a major challenge in order to preserve seedling quality until the planting date. Due to this situation, new logistic systems and technologies are being developed in Finland, including new seedling cultivation programs (including cultivation under Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs)) to match the access of fresh planting stock to different planting dates. In Denmark, with a forest cover of 13%, a major reforestation challenge is the possibility of future plantations based on a wide range of relevant species. For this to become a realistic option, new methods and technology have to be developed in reforestation activities that support this possibility. These methods and technology should make it possible to not be limited to certain species due to problems and restrictions during field establishment. This due to the prospect of establishing stable, healthy, and productive stands of various forest species that can be adapted to future climate change.


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There is a remarkable level of interest in the development of π-conjugated polymers (ICPs) which have been employed, thanks to their promising optical and electronic properties, in numerous applications including photovoltaic cells, light emitting diodes and thin-film transistors. Although high power conversion efficiency can be reached using poly(3-alkylthiophenes) (P3ATs) as electron-donating materials in polymeric solar cells of the Bulk-Heterojunction type (BHJ), their relatively large band gap limits the solar spectrum fraction that can be utilized. The research work described in this dissertation thus concerns the synthesis, characterization and study of the optical and photoactivity properties of new organic semiconducting materials based on polythiophenes. In detail, various narrow band gap polymers and copolymers were developed through different approaches and were characterized by several complementary techniques, such as gel permeation chromatography (GPC), NMR spectroscopy, thermal analyses (DSC, TGA), UV-Vis/PL spectroscopy and cyclic voltammetry (CV), in order to investigate their structural and chemical/photophysical properties. Moreover, the polymeric derivatives were tested as active material in air-processed organic solar cells. The activity has also been devoted to investigate the behavior of polythiophenes with chiral side chain, that are fascinating materials capable to assume helix supramolecular structures, exhibiting optical activity in the aggregated state.


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Organic Light-Emitting Diodes (OLEDs) technology has matured over recent years, reaching the commercialization level and being used in various applications. The required efficiency can be achieved by transforming triplet excitons into singlet states via Reverse InterSystem Crossing (RISC), which a general mechanism called thermally activated delayed fluorescence (TADF). Two prototypical molecules in the field, 2CzBN and 4CzBN, Carbazole Benzonitrile (donor-acceptor) derivatives, possess similar energy gap between singlet and triplet (∆EST, a key parameter in the RISC rate), but different TADF performance. In this sense, other parameter must be considered to explain these different behaviors. In this work, we theoretically investigate 2CzBN and 4CzBN and address the problem of how flexible donor-acceptor (D-A) or donor-acceptor-donor (D-A-D) molecular architectures affect the nature of excited state, and the oscillator strength. Furthermore, we analyze the RISC rates as a function of the conformation of the carbazole side groups, considering the S0, S1, T1 and T2 states. The oscillator strength of 4CzBN is higher than of 2CzBN, which, in turn, is almost vanishing, resulting in only 4CzBN being a TADF active molecule. We also note the presence of a second triplet state T2 lower in energy than S1, and that the reorganization energies, associated to the RISC processes involving T1 and T2, are both important factor in differentiating the rates in 2CzBN and 4CzBN. However, the 4CzBN RISC rate from T2 to S1 is surprisingly high with respect to the one from T1 to S1, although, according to EL-Sayed rules, since T2 (CT/LE) is more similar to S1 (CT) than in 2CzBN (LE, CT), this transition should be less favored. These insights are important to understand the photophysics of the TADF process and to design novel TADF emitters based on the benzo-carbazole architecture.


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Interfacing materials with different intrinsic chemical-physical characteristics allows for the generation of a new system with multifunctional features. Here, this original concept is implemented for tailoring the functional properties of bi-dimensional black phosphorus (2D bP or phosphorene) and organic light-emitting transistors (OLETs). Phosphorene is highly reactive under atmospheric conditions and its small-area/lab-scale deposition techniques have hampered the introduction of this material in real-world applications so far. The protection of 2D bP against the oxygen by means of functionalization with alkane molecules and pyrene derivatives, showed long-term stability with respect to the bare 2D bP by avoiding remarkable oxidation up to 6 months, paving the way towards ultra-sensitive oxygen chemo-sensors. A new approach of deposition-precipitation heterogeneous reaction was developed to decorate 2D bP with Au nanoparticles (NP)s, obtaining a “stabilizer-free” that may broaden the possible applications of the 2D bP/Au NPs interface in catalysis and biodiagnostics. Finally, 2D bP was deposited by electrospray technique, obtaining oxidized-phosphorous flakes as wide as hundreds of µm2 and providing for the first time a phosphorous-based bidimensional system responsive to electromechanical stimuli. The second part of the thesis focuses on the study of organic heterostructures in ambipolar OLET devices, intriguing optoelectronic devices that couple the micro-scaled light-emission with electrical switching. Initially, an ambipolar single-layer OLET based on a multifunctional organic semiconductor, is presented. The bias-depending light-emission shifted within the transistor channel, as expected in well-balanced ambipolar OLETs. However, the emitted optical power of the single layer-based device was unsatisfactory. To improve optoelectronic performance of the device, a multilayer organic architecture based on hole-transporting semiconductor, emissive donor-acceptor blend and electron-transporting semiconductor was optimized. We showed that the introduction of a suitable electron-injecting layer at the interface between the electron-transporting and light-emission layers may enable a ≈ 2× improvement of efficiency at reduced applied bias.


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We present a electroluminescence (EL) study of the Si-rich silicon oxide (SRSO) LEDs with and without Er3+ ions under different polarization schemes: direct current (DC) and pulsed voltage (PV). The power efficiency of the devices and their main optical limitations are presented. We show that under PV polarization scheme, the devices achieve one order of magnitude superior performance in comparison with DC. Time-resolved measurements have shown that this enhancement is met only for active layers in which annealing temperature is high enough (>1000 ◦C) for silicon nanocrystal (Si-nc) formation. Modeling of the system with rate equations has been done and excitation cross-sections for both Si-nc and Er3+ ions have been extracted.


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We have investigated the thermal and structural properties of different commercial dental resins: Filtek(TM) Z-350, Grandio(A (R)), Tetric Ceram(A (R)), and TPH Spectrum(A (R)). The purpose of the present study was to evaluate quantitatively the photo-polymerization behavior and the effect of filler contents on the kinetic cures of the dental resins by using Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR) techniques. We have successfully obtained the low and high glass transition T (g) values of the dental composite resins from DSC curves. It was also observed a good agreement between the both T (g) values, activation energies from thermal degradation, and the degree of conversion obtained for all samples. The results have shown that Tetric Ceram(A (R)) dental resin presented the higher T (g) values, activation energy of 215 +/- A 6 KJ mol(-1), and the higher degree of conversion (63%) when compared to the other resins studied herein.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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We have investigated optical and transport properties of the molecular structure 2,3,4,5-tetraphenyl-1-phenylethynyl-cyclopenta-2,4-dienol experimentally and theoretically. The optical spectrum was calculated using Hartree-Fock-intermediate neglect of differential overlap-configuration interaction model. The experimental photoluminescence spectrum showed a peak around 470nm which was very well described by the modeling. Electronic transport measurements showed a diode-like effect with a strong current rectification. A phenomenological microscopic model based on non-equilibrium Green's function technique was proposed and a very good description electronic transport was obtained. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4767457]