937 resultados para initial teacher training
The present work describes how a group of chemistry graduate students have improved their teaching skills by teaching extension courses. It is suggested that future teachers have much to be gained by sharing the insights they have whilst teaching with their peers and students. This work explores the implications in teaching and learning and the relationship between teachers and students. This relationship requires mutual respect of ideas as well as continuous critical evaluation in both directions.
En el marco de las competencias profesionales del educador musical, la creatividad ocupa una posición que a menudo ha sido definida como sistémica. La labor del educador y/o formador en el aula de música requiere, de forma genérica, el despliegue de competencias que incorporen la creatividad. En este artículo se presentan los resultados de un trabajo realizado con dos muestras de alumnos, de tercer curso de magisterio y de un curso postgrado. Se ofrecen y se analizan los datos recogidos con la finalidad de desplegar un mapa que integre competencias creativas genéricas, específicas y disciplinares
The purpose of this paper is to investigate lecturers'actions and conceptions about pre-service teaching practices in chemistry. In this sense, it takes into account several theoretical references concerned with teacher education, which support the qualitative analysis of 18 interviews, gathered with 14 brazilian and 4 portuguese lecturers. Results reveal that the pre-service teaching practices in chemistry have been performed far from a technical approach, showing a paradigmatic rupture and presenting another logic related with teacher education in chemistry, which have improved the comprehension of the teachers' real practices, since these have been shaped by complex and unprescribed factors.
Actualmente las universidades están inmersas en lo que se conoce como el proceso de «convergencia europea» y que llevará al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES). El objetivo es dotar a Europa de un sistema universitario homogéneo, compatible y flexible que permita a los estudiantes y titulados universitarios europeos una mayor movilidad, así como ofrecer al sistema universitario europeo unos niveles de transparencia y calidad, mediante sistemas de evaluación, que le hagan atractivo y competitivo en el ámbito internacional dentro del actual proceso de globalización. En este artículo, interesa centrar la reflexión en dos de las modalidades de la educación a distancia que asumirán importancia en ese cambio universitario: el e-learning y el b-learning, que consisten básicamente en la virtualización de los procesos de aprendizaje a través del uso de equipos informáticos. Para ello se ha realizado una investigación cualitativa con metodología de estudio de casos. De entre los resultados se destaca el uso de las TIC por parte del profesorado para conseguir un mejor aprendizaje en los estudiantes, de igual forma un porcentaje importante de los profesores 78% utiliza alguna plataforma virtual como apoyo a la docencia. Como conclusión se resalta que las políticas de formación deberían fortalecer las competencias del profesorado universitario en el uso de dispositivos telemáticos, recursos e instrumentos relacionados con el aprendizaje semipresencial y virtual.
This paper presents and discusses governmental approaches to teacher training introduced in 1990, whose focus is the education of chemistry teachers. Therefore, the aim of this study was to establish the relationship between legal aspects and background needs present in the Brazilian educational context, taking into account that the last two decades has seen a significant increase in the chemistry licensure courses offered by higher education institutions in Brazil. Discussing these aspects of chemistry teachers provides a reflection on the real background needs for this group of professionals.
The Method of Case Studies has often been employed in higher education, but few initiatives have focused on basic education. This work addressed the production of cases by students from a chemistry teacher training course. The proposal was applied in the discipline of Basic Inorganic Chemistry and aimed to familiarize students with the Method from the preparation of cases focused on basic education. We believe the proposal was efficient in showing future teachers the need to develop teaching strategies that, beyond learning concepts, stimulate students in training skills such as teamwork, critical thinking and decision making.
This review seeks to present a brief history of the philosophy of chemistry and the major issues discussed in the framework of this emerging discipline of philosophy of science, such as the question of physicalist reductionism and physical and chemical causality. In this vein, it also addresses the current debate over relevant issues of chemical world such as atomic orbitals, molecular structure, chemical bonding, models and explanations, as well as the foundations of the periodic table. Finally, the importance of the link between the philosophy of chemistry and chemistry education is analyzed, especially in relation to teacher training.
We developed and applied an educational instrument (ID) to discuss, in the discipline of Supervised Pre Service Teachers Practice 1, guidelines for teacher education to redefine teacher knowledge with a specific focus on chemistry teachers. The study used methodological fundamentals of Discursive Textual Analysis that involves identifying and isolating a set of materials subjected to analysis, categorizing these statements and producing texts, integrating these descriptions and interpretations, basing its construction on the category system built. Data were collected through participant observation and text readings used by the students in performing the activity. It was noted that the chemistry teachers trained were able to express opinions that indicated the Construction of Meanings Interface that was the category of analysis established a priori.
This work deals with communities of practice and their contribution to pre-service teacher training. A group of eight pre-service chemistry teachers was accompanied during their participation in the PIBID program. Based on their interaction in planning teaching activities, the group was characterized as a community of practice. For this characterization the three dimensions of communities of practice were observed: mutual engagement, joint enterprise and shared repertoire. The results showed that the community of practice was essential for the training of pre-service chemistry teachers. Through community practice, pre-service teachers were able to learn more about their future practice as chemistry teachers.
This research aims to identify the reasons that lead students to pursue a specific course of chemistry teacher training, i.e., their perspectives on the course and the teaching career, and if they are motivated by trainers to become basic education (BE) teachers. It was concluded that most students did not want to be teachers of BE. They identified through the social context of the course that the teachers focused on the area of chemistry teaching sought to motivate them for this career, whereas the teachers of these specific areas of chemistry encouraged them to seek other career opportunities.
This study aims to investigate the pedagogical knowledge of Higher Education Chemistry teachers. From the perspective of qualitative research, questionnaires were given, there was documentary analysis and were interviewed twenty-six teachers of the Institute of Chemistry of an institution of state public higher education of São Paulo. Discussed the relevance of pedagogic disciplines in Postgraduate courses and participation in monitoring programs and teacher training in higher education teacher formation. It was found that most teachers lack pedagogical training and some do not show interest in the subject, but look for ways to overcome the difficulties encountered. The results obtained demonstrate the urgency to rethink and reorganize the PostGraduate courses before the real need for training of teachers for higher education.
Les 21, 22 et 23 septembre 2006, le Département d’Études Françaises de l’Université de Turku (Finlande) a organisé une conférence internationale et bilingue (anglais et français) sur le thème de la mobilité académique ; le but de cette rencontre était de rendre possible la tenue d’un forum international et multidisciplinaire, susceptible d’être le siège de divers débats entre les différents acteurs de la mobilité académique (c’estàdire des étudiants, des chercheurs, des personnels enseignants et administratifs, etc.). Ainsi, ont été mis à contribution plus de cinquante intervenants, (tous issus de domaines aussi variés que la linguistique, les sciences de l’éducation, la didactique, l’anthropologie, la sociologie, la psychologie, l’histoire, la géographie, etc.) ainsi que cinq intervenants renommés1. La plupart des thèmes traités durant la conférence couvraient les champs suivants : l’organisation de la mobilité, les obstacles rencontrés par les candidats à la mobilité, l’intégration des étudiants en situation d’échange, le développement des programmes d’études, la mobilité virtuelle, l’apprentissage et l’enseignement des langues, la prise de cosncience interculturelle, le développement des compétences, la perception du système de mobilité académique et ses impacts sur la mobilité effective. L’intérêt du travail réalisé durant la conférence réside notamment dans le fait qu’il ne concentre pas uniquement des perspectives d’étudiants internationaux et en situation d’échange (comme c’est le cas de la plupart des travaux de recherche déjà menés sur ce sujet), mais aussi ceux d’autres corps : enseignants, chercheurs, etc. La contribution suivante contient un premier corpus de dixsept articles, répartis en trois sections : 1. Impacts de la mobilité étudiante ; 2. Formation en langues ; 3. Amélioration de la mobilité académique. À l’image de la conférence, la production qui suit est bilingue : huit des articles sont rédigés en français, et les neuf autres en anglais. Certains auteurs n’ont pas pu assister à la conférence mais ont tout de même souhaité apparaître dans cet ouvrage. Dans la première section de l’ouvrage, Sandrine Billaud tâche de mettre à jour les principaux obstacles à la mobilité étudiante en France (logement, organisation des universités, démarches administratives), et propose à ce sujet quelques pistes d’amélioration. Vient ensuite un article de Dominique Ulma, laquelle se penche sur la mobilité académique régnant au sein des Instituts Universitaires de Formation des Maîtres (IUFM) ; elle s’est tout particulièrement concentrée sur l’enthousiasme des stagiaires visàvis de la mobilité, et sur les bénéfices qu’apporte la mobilité Erasmus à ce type précis d’étudiant. Ensuite, dans un troisième article, Magali Hardoin s’interroge sur les potentialités éducationnelles de la mobilité des enseignantsstagiaires, et tâche de définir l’impact de celleci sur la construction de leur profil professionnel. Après cela arrive un groupe de trois articles, tous réalisés à bases d’observations faites dans l’enseignement supérieur espagnol, et qui traitent respectivement de la portée qu’a le programme de triple formation en langues européennes appliquées pour les étudiants en mobilité (Marián MorónMartín), des conséquences qu’occasionne la présence d’étudiants étrangers dans les classes de traductions (Dimitra Tsokaktsidu), et des réalités de l’intégration sur un campus espagnol d’étudiants américains en situation d’échange (Guadalupe Soriano Barabino). Le dernier article de la section, issu d’une étude sur la situation dans les institutions japonaises, fait état de la situation des programmes de doubles diplômes existant entre des établissements japonais et étrangers, et tente de voir quel est l’impact exact de tels programmes pour les institutions japonaises (Mihoko Teshigawara, Riichi Murakami and Yoneo Yano). La seconde section est elle consacrée à la relation entre apprentissage et enseignement des langues et mobilité académique. Dans un premier article, Martine Eisenbeis s’intéresse à des modules multimédia réalisés à base du film « L’auberge espagnole », de Cédric Klapish (2001), et destinés aux étudiants en mobilité désireux d’apprendre et/ou améliorer leur français par des méthodes moins classiques. Viennent ensuite les articles de Jeanine Gerbault et Sabine Ylönen, lesquels traitent d’un projet européen visant à supporter la mobilité étudiante par la création d’un programme multimédia de formation linguistique et culturelle pour les étudiants en situation de mobilité (le nom du projet est EUROMOBIL). Ensuite, un article de Pascal Schaller s’intéresse aux différents types d’activités que les étudiants en séjour à l’étranger expérimentent dans le cadre de leur formation en langue. Enfin, la section s’achève avec une contribution de Patricia KohlerBally, consacrée à un programme bilingue coordonné par l’Université de Fribourg (Suisse). La troisième et dernière section propose quelques pistes de réflexion destinées à améliorer la mobilité académique des étudiants et des enseignants ; dans ce cadre seront donc évoquées les questions de l’égalité face à la mobilité étudiante, de la préparation nécessitée par celleci, et de la prise de conscience interculturelle. Dans un premier chapitre, Javier Mato et Bego
The theme of this thesis is the learning process that occurs when teachers become professional voice users. The aim is to explore what it (really) means to become a professional voice user in a teaching profession; thereby developing an understanding of how future education in this field can be arranged so as to both effectively prevent vocal problems and to develop oral didactical competence among teachers. The ambition is to describe, interpret, and understand the learning process through a combination of emic and ethic research perspectives. The theoretical frame of reference reflects the cross disciplinary character of the thesis. Voice problems are common among both student teachers and inservice teachers and adversely affect professional competence, identity and quality of life. Additionally, vocal problems are proven to have a negative impact on pupils´ learning. The individual elements of learning are explored in the light of experiential learning theory and transformative learning theory. The social elements of learning are explored in relation to the theory of situated learning. In addition, theories of teacher professionalisation in terms of competence and identity are outlined. The empirical study has a longitudinal and multi method character. It is anchored in a phenomenological hermeneutical tradition, more specifically in narrative inquiry. The point of departure is the learning experiences of ten student teachers, who attended a ten week long course on voice production as part of their teacher training at Åbo Akademi University, in the autumn of 2002 and the spring of 2003. Four interviews in the form of conversations were conducted with each participant. These were crystallised with a process diary, a Swedish Voice Handicap Index, a voice observation, and a video observation. A fifth interview was conducted with each participant five years post teacher training, in the spring of 2008. Participant observation was also conducted throughout the course. The research materials have been analysed and interpreted narratively using a phenomenological hermeneutical method. The results are presented descriptively as individual narratives, which are reflected in logopedic research materials. Learning is here understood as emergent awareness. This is followed by a meta narrative concerning learning as experiences in the four dimensions body, thought, feeling, and relation. Finally, interpretation is expressed with respect to the theory of relational education. Learning is here understood as a movement in the field between the actual and the possible voice. It is also viewed as fundamentally rooted in inter-human relationships, in moments of presence and coexistence. As a tentative answer to the call for an existential space for learning in order to be a professional voice user, I suggest the concept of a learning refuge as a locus for a learning process built on trust, mutuality and openness.