822 resultados para formação inicial


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O presente relatrio de estgio pedaggico (EP) tem por objetivos descrever e analisar criticamente as seguintes atividades desenvolvidas ao longo do EP: (1) prtica letiva; 2) atividades de interveno na comunidade escolar (3) atividades de integrao no meio; e (4) atividades de natureza cientfico-pedaggica. O EP foi realizado na Escola Bsica dos 2 e 3 Ciclos Dr. Eduardo Brazo de Castro no ano letivo 2013/2014. A prtica letiva compreendeu a gesto do processo ensino-aprendizagem (E-A) de duas turmas, uma de 8 ano do ensino regular e outra do 11 ano de um curso profissional. Esta atividade incluiu ainda a assistncia a aulas ao colega estagirio e ao professor orientador. Toda a componente prtica letiva, ao ser fulcral na formação inicial de professores, exigiu da nossa parte um maior investimento. A atividade de interveno na comunidade escolar, denominada III Olimpadas Brazo de Castro, teve como objetivos a promoo de estilos de vida saudveis e o desenvolvimento do esprito de equipa (cooperao e da entreajuda), atravs de diversas atividades fsicas dirigidas para toda a comunidade educativa. No mbito das atividades de integrao no meio, as atividades de direo de turma e a ao de extenso curricular, permitiram um maior conhecimento da turma e dos alunos, e consequentemente, ajudaram no planeamento e gesto do processo de E-A, como tambm, na escolha e execuo das atividades desenvolvidas ao longo do EP. Finalmente, as atividades de natureza cientfico-pedaggica tiveram como propsito o debate e a partilha de ideias. Na ao individual apresentamos um conjunto de aplicaes prticas associadas ao modelo de Ensino do Jogo pela Compreenso nos JDC e na ao coletiva debateu-se a problemtica da Ginstica Escolar Da Teoria Prtica, incidindo sobretudo as razes para o seu insucesso e as sugestes de melhoria. Todas as atividades vivenciadas durante o EP e o cumprimento dos objetivos previamente delineados permitiram a aquisio de ferramentas que foram e sero fundamentais para a nossa formação enquanto futuros professores de EF.


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O presente relatrio encontra-se inserido na formação inicial de docentes, sendo realizado para a obteno do grau de mestre em Educao Pr- Escolar e Ensino do 1. Ciclo do Ensino Bsico. Apesar de se ficar habilitado para os dois nveis educativos, o estgio decorreu unicamente na vertente de Educao Pr-Escolar. A investigao decorreu no Infantrio O Polegarzinho, envolvendo uma interveno direta com 21 crianas de 3,4 e 5 anos de idade. A presente investigao encontrava-se inserida numa abordagem metodolgica qualitativa, envolvendo a investigao-ao como metodologia predileta, debruando-se sobre a seguinte problemtica: De que forma podemos estimular as crianas a ter maior autonomia? Assim pretendeu-se dar a conhecer, que a autonomia pode ser adquirida em qualquer situao. Esta autonomia foi percetvel na rotina das crianas e atravs de outras atividades orientadas que impulsionaram a participao destas, pela sua prpria iniciativa. Para esta investigao foi essencial a utilizao de tcnicas e instrumentos tais como: a anlise documental, a observao participante, os registos fotogrficos, a entrevista informal e as notas de campo. Estes possibilitaram a recolha de dados sobre as crianas, as famlias e o ambiente educativo, obtendo um papel crucial no ajustamento da praxis. No deve ser descurado a importncia da reflexo contnua, visando uma melhoria progressiva da prtica pedaggica. Apesar de no se alcanar resultados muito significativos, foi notria alguma autonomia, nomeadamente nas rotinas da sala.


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O presente relatrio o culminar da formação inicial docente e est inserida no segundo ano de Mestrado em Educao Pr-Escolar e Ensino do 1 Ciclo do Ensino Bsico. Com a elaborao deste relatrio, pretende-se expor as experincias vivenciadas ao longo do estgio, numa sala de Educao Pr-Escolar, com crianas com idades compreendidas entre os trs e os cinco anos, e numa sala de 2. ano do 1 Ciclo do Ensino Bsico com idades entre os sete e os 11 anos. Com este relatrio, procura-se expressar a interveno pedaggica realizada, assente em pressupostos terico-prticos. Este baseou-se numa aprendizagem construtivista, em que as crianas tm um papel ativo na construo dos seu conhecimento, uma vez que este procura ir ao encontro dos seus interesses e necessidades. A essncia deste trabalho encontra-se na justificao das tcnicas e estratgias utilizadas, exigindo um ato reflexivo e investigador, tal como crtico das vrias situaes ocorridas, procurando proporcionar s crianas um ensino-aprendizagem de qualidade.


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O presente relatrio, elaborado para a obteno do grau de Mestre em Educao Pr-Escolar e Ensino do 1. Ciclo do Ensino Bsico, explana o estgio pedaggico efetuado em dois estabelecimentos de educao inseridos no concelho do Funchal. A interveno pedaggica realizou-se numa turma do 1. ano de escolaridade da Escola Bsica do 1. Ciclo com PrEscolar da Nazar e numa sala do Infantrio O Girassol, com um grupo de crianas de dois e trs anos de idade. O relatrio contm um enquadramento terico referente identidade profissional docente, formação inicial e contnua dos educadores/professores e dimenso tica da docncia. Segue-se uma contextualizao da prtica pedaggica efetivada nos dois ncleos de estgio, assim como, a explanao das opes metodolgicas privilegiadas e a descrio das atividades desenvolvidas com as crianas e com a comunidade educativa. O processo metodolgico utilizado ao longo do estgio baseou-se na investigao-ao, pelo que, contemplou diferentes etapas, nomeadamente, a observao, a planificao, a ao, a reflexo e avaliao do ato educativo. Neste sentido, foi dada nfase atitude investigativa, crtica e reflexiva do docente.


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A presente tese de doutoramento tem por tema: Discursos e prticas curriculares: um estudo dos mtodos de ensino da leitura e da escrita no 1 ciclo do ensino bsico. Estudo de caso mltiplo. A investigao analisa compreensivamente, e de forma focalizada, as dificuldades de aprendizagem da leitura do interesse do investigador enquanto professor de crianas com essas dificuldades e pretende explorar a possibilidade de melhorar a aprendizagem da leitura e da escrita atravs da adequao do mtodo de ensino. Selecionaram-se alunos de cinco escolas pblicas do concelho da Ribeira Brava, Regio Autnoma da Madeira, a frequentarem o 1. ano de escolaridade. O estudo incide sobre oito casos diferentes, mas com o fator comum de experimentarem insucesso na aprendizagem da leitura e escrita. A partir da avaliao compreensiva dos oito casos estudados, utilizando o mtodo de estudo de caso mltiplo, definiram-se os estilos individuais de aprendizagem para, a partir destes, adequar a metodologia de ensino da leitura e da escrita e observar os efeitos na aprendizagem. Os casos estudados tinham dificuldades de aprendizagem gerais e especficas. As dificuldades de aprendizagem gerais relacionavam-se com dificuldades de etiologia no especificada e as especficas eram do tipo dislexia, perturbao da ateno por hiperatividade, sndrome de Asperger, dificuldades no funcionamento intelectual e perturbao no desenvolvimento da linguagem. Apresentam-se as concees dos professores sobre currculo, sobre o processo de aprendizagem da leitura e da escrita e as correspondentes prticas de ensino. Os professores participantes foram selecionados de forma a constiturem um grupo heterogneo no que diz respeito sua idade, anos de experincia e instituio de formação inicial. A investigao recorre observao participante, consulta documental e a entrevistas. O investigador utiliza o dirio de bordo em complementaridade com a observao participante, no sentido de compreender o contexto e as significaes dos participantes. Os resultados mostram os efeitos positivos do mtodo de Joo de Deus na reeducao dos casos de dislexia, perturbao da linguagem e problemas no funcionamento intelectual. O mtodo das 28 palavras revelou-se adequado na reeducao da leitura nos casos de dfice de ateno, sndrome de Asperger e dificuldades de aprendizagem no especificadas.


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Studies on the urban landscape and on the changes of the urban space are relevant, since they reveal the economic dynamics and the way of life in the cities. Research on small towns, in particular, can display particular aspects and by so doing broaden the comprehension of this theme. The purpose of this research is to analyze the changes in the urban landscape and in the way of life of the inhabitants of the town of Tenente Ananias-RN that have been taking place since the 1990s up to the present (2013) and which result mainly from the commercial activity of credirio. The study is, therefore, a reflection on the impact of credirio economy on the urban landscape and on the way of life of a small town located in the hinterland of the State of Rio Grande do Norte. For this reason, it was necessary to study the landscape and the way of life found in Tenente Ananias in two moments: a) before the rise of the credirio, a period of time ranging from the town‟s initial emergence until the beginning of the 1990s; b) during the progress of credirio activity, from the beginning of the 1990s, when it starts, up to the present (2013). For this research, primary data (interviews, local survey visits) and secondary data (books, articles, reports, census data) were used. As a result of this study, it was possible to conclude that credirio plays a fundamental role for the explanation of the changes taking place in Tenente Ananias-RN, especially in the urban landscape and in the way of life of people. We have attempted, through this research, to contribute to the studies of a historical, social and economic process related to the urban landscape and space of a small town in the State of Rio Grande do Norte


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El objetivo en esta tesis consisti en estudiar el proceso de los cambios de los conceptos de profesores de la educacin infantil y de los aos inciales de la educacin bsica referente a la enseanza de la matemtica. La investigacin se desenvolvi en la escuela Presidente Kennedy, en la ciudad de Natal, en Rio Grande do Norte, teniendo como participante 05 (cinco) profesores del curso normal superior a travs de la educacin superior del instituto relacionado. El trabajo asocia el programa a l Programa de Ps-Graduao em Educao da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, en la base de pesquisa Formação e Profissionalizao Docente coordinada de los doctores Betnia Leite Ramalho e Isauro Beltran Nez. El referencial terico-metodolgico en quien si apoya el trabajo se inserta en la seal conceptual usada por Giordan y de Vecchi (1996), de Carrillo y Contreras (1994), Ramalho; Nez y Gauthier (2003), Ponte (1998), Guimares (1988), Ernest (1989). En esta investigacin, los conceptos de los profesores haban sido estudiados en el contexto educativo de la formacin del nivel superior, usndola reflexiva crtico prctico como estrategia formativa. Estos conceptos se entienden como estructuras subyacentes al pensamiento del profesor. Dado la naturaleza del objeto del estudio, la informacin, para las intenciones de esta investigacin, haban sido cosechados a travs de los instrumentos siguientes: cuestionario, plan de la leccin, entrevista diaria y del campo. El cuestionario fue constituido de preguntas abiertas y de las entrevistas de la mitad-structuralized. La organizacin de los datos permiti a La inferencia de los conceptos, usando la tcnica de la triangulacin de datos. La investigacin divulg que los conceptos de los profesores, a travs del proceso formativo, se haban desarrollado de una plataforma para otra, yndose puesto que los modelos didcticos tradicionales para otros modelos dirigidos a una tendencia didctica de espontanesta/investigativa. La reflexin crtica era considerada como elemento cataltico de los cambios de los conceptos de los profesores en la educacin de las matemticas, sin embargo djenos verifican que estos cambios son difciles de ocurrir para la naturaleza compleja de estos conceptos. Como facilitadores de los factores de estos cambios, encontramos y el investigativo el trabajo, la dinmica y la naturaleza de las actividades se convirti en el colaborativo de proceso formativo, entre otros. Como obstculos a los cambios, identificamos el contexto del trabajo de los profesores, de la cultura de los individualistas prcticos de sus profesores de los colegas, del concepto linear, esttico y de los mecnicos de los procesos para ensear, el conocimiento profesional construdo durante la formacin inicial, alineacin con los modelos didcticos de sus viejos profesores, entre otros


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Cette tude appartient l un des principaux dfis de l ducation dans l actualit qui est la production de connaissances concernant la mort comme objet d investigation thorique et empirique dans le domaine ducationnel. Des recherches rcentes signalent le besoin d une ducation contemplant des tudes sur la mort et montrent l cole tel qu un lieu de dbats et reflexions propos de ce thme. Cette reflexion est relevante et fondamentale, tant donn que la mort fait partie du cycle de la vie et se trouve prsente dans les contenus scolaires des diffrents domaines de la connaissance. Ce travail a, donc, l objectif d analyser les signification attribus ce concept mort et la relation qui s tablit entre eux et la pratique des professeurs de l enseignement fondamental. Il adopte en tant que rfrentiel les principes de la recherche qualitative du type tnographique (Andr, Chizzotti et Meksenas), dans une approche socio-historique et en ce qui concerne la formation et le dveloppement des concepts (Vygotsky, Kopnin, Guetamanova et Ferreira). La participation des professeurs a t faite par l observation participante, registres en cahier de bord et application d un instrument de construction de donnes pour l apprhension des significations attribus aux concepts qui sont la base de la pratique de cinq enseignantes des premires sries de l Enseignement Fondamental d une cole publique du rseau d enseignement de l tat du Rio Grande do Norte situe dans la Zone Sud de Natal. De ce fait, les analyses et les interprtations des observations de la pratique dans la salle de classe et des rponses aux quinze questions lies au thme ont permis de construire les significations des concepts qui appuient les pratiques enseignantes de ces professeurs, tout en mettant en relief la fragmentation et la dsarticulation entre les expressions dcrites dans les questionnaires et les pratiques dveloppes en salle de clase. Ces reflexions mettent en vidence la ncessit de re-penser l articulation entre l nnonc et la pratique des professeurs propos de cette thmatique au cours d une formation initiale et continue


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This thesis has as an objective to think over the teachers` understanding of the school History of the Fundamental Teaching regarding the existent relations between the history theories and the teaching of the school History, as well as to think over how these teachers see the influence that their teaching practice gets from the history theories. The work is based on the postulates of the qualitative research and on the characteristics of the ethnography of the school practice. The main procedures of data gathering were the documental analysis, the semi-structured interviews, the field diary and the observations of classes. The scientific perspective of the multiple references is an important source in this research. The participants of this work are two teachers of the school district of Natal who work in the field of the school History in two schools on the North Side of the city. The accomplished analysis point to significant indications that didn't occur continuous and regular teaching situations in the initial and continuing education of these teachers that clearly showed the relations between the history theories and the teaching of the school History. They also suggest that their understanding about the influence that their teaching practice gets from the history theories, is not still explicit. We understand that the relations between the history theories and the teaching of the school History are important for the initial and continuing education of these teachers who belong in this knowledge field, even when these relations are not explicitly pointed by the teachers, because they will always influence the teaching practice that the teachers of the school History build


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Esta disertacin es el resultado de un estudio de naturaleza de calidad que tuvo como objetivo analizar la estructura curricular de los cursos de Licenciatura en Fsica y en Qumica de Universidad Federal de Rio Grande del Norte en lo que se refiere a la insercin de disciplinas de contenido histrico y filosfico. La metodologia adoptada se constituye en un estudio de caso comparativo, pues procura establecer relaciones entre los dos cursos analizados. En este sentido, fueron consultados, para cada uno de los dos cursos, el Proyecto Poltico Pedaggico, el programa de La Disiplina y los materiales en ella utilizados. Se realiz tambin, la observacin simple de clases de la disciplina y en seguida, una entrevista semi-estructurada con el profesor responsable por ella. Los resultados muestran que las disciplinas estn inseridas en los currculos de los cursos de Fsica y de Qumica de maneras diferentes, principalmente en lo que se refiere a los enfoques tericos-metodolgicos asumidos por los profesores en el trabajo con los contenidos y en lo que se dice al respecto del papel desempeado por la disciplina en la estructuta curricular. Hay por otro lado, puntos de convergencia, notadamente cuanto a la formacin y al histrico de los profesores formadores, asi como en la relacin a los modelos de formacin subyacentes a la estructura curricular de los cursos. Se concluye que el conocimineto mtuo de los diferentes modelos de insercin de disciplinas de contenido histrico y filosfico en las Licenciaturas en Fsica y en Qumica de La UFRN podra contribuir para futuras reformulaciones curriculares, en el sentido del establecimiento de opciones claras y concientes acerca del papel a ser desempeado por esas disciplinas en los cursos


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This study focuses on the initial formation of the pedagogue in college, especially the formation that takes place in the Pedagogy Course. It is bound by the following question: what senses are attributed by the Pedagogy Trainees regarding the relation between the Education Science knowledge and the Pedagogic Practice knowledge developed in the Pedagogy Course of UESB, in order to build up teaching knowledge and practice? Therefore it aims to reflect on the relations between the Education Science framework and the Pedagogic Practice under the supervised classes that belong to the Pedagogy Course. It presents the implications and contextualizations concerning the pedagogue formation as a historic and cultural process, emphasizing the current moment of this formation. It is based on the idea that the senses trainees, future pedagogues, attribute to their own formation process reflect on the learning of theorical and practical knowledge that validates the process of teachers formation, especially the pedagogue formation. Accordingly, it believes that the senses attributed by the students of teachers initial formation courses regarding the Education Science knowledge and Pedagogic Practice knowledge are essential as organizers in the construction of teaching knowledge and practice while the supervised classes take place. The theorical and methodological option is based on the studies of Qualitative Epistemology by Gonzalez Rey. Empiric studies took place at the Pedagogy Course of Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia (UESB), located in the city of Vitria da Conquista/Bahia. The students who took part in this research were six graduating ones, enrolled in the last two semesters of the referred course, stage when the supervised classes happen. The procedures used in the organization of collected information consist of analysis of documents such as the mentioned course curricular project and the students reports, besides interactive and provocative talks to the students. The results show the senses students attribute to Educational Science theorical basis to practice to Pedagogic Practice opportunity of feeling as if they were teachers and to the relation between Education Science and Pedagogic Practice opportunity of experiencing the relation between theory and practice. Besides, the theorizations students have about the relation between theory and practice in teachers formation are also presented. Consequently, it is emphasized that the supervised classes are the moments in which the trainees might understand the relations between thought and pedagogic practice, building the senses attributed to the relation between the Education Science knowledge and the ones of Pedagogic Practice as organizers in the teaching knowledge and practice. In this context, the trainees build some knowledge regarding what it means to be a teacher, which is not written or published, due to its subjective dimension, but circumscribed in their pedagogic practice while the supervised classes take place and when professional teaching practice becomes effective


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This study focuses on the initial formation of the pedagogue in college, especially the formation that takes place in the Pedagogy Course. It is bound by the following question: what senses are attributed by the Pedagogy Trainees regarding the relation between the Education Science knowledge and the Pedagogic Practice knowledge developed in the Pedagogy Course of UESB, in order to build up teaching knowledge and practice? Therefore it aims to reflect on the relations between the Education Science framework and the Pedagogic Practice under the supervised classes that belong to the Pedagogy Course. It presents the implications and contextualizations concerning the pedagogue formation as a historic and cultural process, emphasizing the current moment of this formation. It is based on the idea that the senses trainees, future pedagogues, attribute to their own formation process reflect on the learning of theorical and practical knowledge that validates the process of teachers formation, especially the pedagogue formation. Accordingly, it believes that the senses attributed by the students of teachers initial formation courses regarding the Education Science knowledge and Pedagogic Practice knowledge are essential as organizers in the construction of teaching knowledge and practice while the supervised classes take place. The theorical and methodological option is based on the studies of Qualitative Epistemology by Gonzalez Rey. Empiric studies took place at the Pedagogy Course of Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia (UESB), located in the city of Vitria da Conquista/Bahia. The students who took part in this research were six graduating ones, enrolled in the last two semesters of the referred course, stage when the supervised classes happen. The procedures used in the organization of collected information consist of analysis of documents such as the mentioned course curricular project and the students reports, besides interactive and provocative talks to the students. The results show the senses students attribute to Educational Science theorical basis to practice to Pedagogic Practice opportunity of feeling as if they were teachers and to the relation between Education Science and Pedagogic Practice opportunity of experiencing the relation between theory and practice. Besides, the theorizations students have about the relation between theory and practice in teachers formation are also presented. Consequently, it is emphasized that the supervised classes are the moments in which the trainees might understand the relations between thought and pedagogic practice, building the senses attributed to the relation between the Education Science knowledge and the ones of Pedagogic Practice as organizers in the teaching knowledge and practice. In this context, the trainees build some knowledge regarding what it means to be a teacher, which is not written or published, due to its subjective dimension, but circumscribed in their pedagogic practice while the supervised classes take place and when professional teaching practice becomes effective


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The need to research about meanings and relationships between individuals with Bachelor s degrees and Teaching can be considered an exercise capable of aiding in the comprehension of the very performance of the Bachelor as teacher. The guiding question of this study asks: what relationships are established by Bachelors, who are teachers, between their professional education and their performance as a teacher? My objective is to understand the meanings attributed by the Bachelor teachers to teaching at the university level, seeking indicators about the relationships established by them, between their professional education and being a teacher. For this, the methodology used was the Comprehensive Interview, which permits, through the individual s oral discourse, the interpretation of meanings and values expressed by the teachers about their actions. The research is done through oral discourse collected in interviews and from these I analyze the elements that are revealed, and those which help me in the development of this object of study. I understand that the contribution about the possibilities of action and continued education for Bachelors who act as instructors in Higher Education is increasingly necessary, through research, because through continuing education teachers can revisit their actions and reformulate meanings they attribute to teaching as a profession. I consider the debate about meanings about teaching and the relationships with the initial education is not only necessary in the investigation of the Bachelors who act as professors, but also the credentialed teachers, because the teacher s sense of identity and their professional development is constructed through a historical process and in relation to the alternative positioning in the contexts of which they are a part


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In contemporary society, distance education is expanding, especially in the offering of courses of initiatory professor training. By the side of possibilities, there is the need to critically reflect on the government decision to finance, and even to incite distance education, as a more economic way to achieve, within different time and space, the greatest quantity of the population, trying to fill the gaps of the Brazilian school education. The research was made in the Biology Bachelor Course offered by the Pernambuco University (UPE), in the context of the Presential Support Pole of the Paraiba State University, located in the city of Campina Grande. Along this study, we intend to analyze the evaluation practice and the instruments of valuation available in the virtual environment of learning (AVA), used by the former professors in the learning evaluation of the contents offered by the reference course. The relevance of the discussion is to reflect about the results of distance education in the initial of the professor training. To perceive the possibilities and limitations concerning the technological resources available at the educational process, especially to the evaluation practice, is primordial in order to comprehend the contents of learning that can be explored by the professors and which is the dialogical relation that is firmed between professor, preceptor and student, in favor of the learning development and an effective and meaningful education. The qualitative research had the symbolic interacionism as a methodological-theoretical approach. We gathered informations through institutional documents, documental records, questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. Treating and analyzing the data we used the content analysis method (Bardin, 1977). As a theoretical basis, we relied on authors such as Zabala (1998, 1999), Aretio (2002), Hoffmann (2003, 2005), Silva, M. (2003, 2006), Belloni (2006), Luckesi (2008), Silva, J. (2008), Vasconcelos (2008) and Domingos (2009). It was evident the need to reflect about the educational practice of the professors and preceptors responsible for the academic distance learning, concerning the evaluation of the learning contents in a autonomous and innovatory way, identifying its influence in the development of values which are considered vital to a complete professor upbringing. The evaluation in a mediator approach is necessary to the reality of an online classroom, because of its character to promote the improvement of the action of the one who is teaching and the one Who is learning in an interactive, collaborative and cooperative perspective, seeking a transformative praxis. Involved in this formation, the bachelors will be able to promote the development of capacities and skills necessary to the complete learning of theirs future students, certifying the education for life, which is a perspective that includes the knowing, the knowing how to do and how to be, a living being with sustainable relations with the others and with nature


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Cuando consideramos los procesos de formacin del profesorado pensamos en los nuevos conocimientos que podran ser aprendidos por los estudiantes involucrados, centrndose en el debate de cuales contenidos y conocimientos deben estar presentes en la formacin que se desea para estos profesionales. El propsito de esta investigacin es analizar el tema desde un ngulo diferente, invertido, desde la perspectiva de los estudiantes de pedagoga en la formacin inicial, mirando cmo utilizan los conocimientos adquiridos durante la licenciatura, en un proceso de construccin y reconstruccin de los conocimientos que empiezan a permear a sus prcticas pedaggicas. Dado este marco, nuestro propsito ha sido estudiar los elementos de construccin de la identidad de los futuros licenciados en Pedagoga por la UFRN, intentando caracterizar las representaciones sociales expresadas por estos estudiantes acerca del trabajo del maestro, a travs de la identificacin de los elementos definidores de las dichas representaciones (conocimiento del contenido de estas) y la comprensin de la forma dinmica de organizacin de tales elementos. Tomamos como referencia la teora de las representaciones sociales (MOSCOVICI, 1978), que proporciona una idea de cmo los futuros docentes construyen sus representaciones acerca de los objetos de conocimiento que rodean la formacin docente. Participaron del estudio 120 estudiantes de la graduacin en Pedagoga, cundo nos acercamos a los contenidos simblicos trados por ellos utilizando el Procedimiento de Mltiples Clasificaciones (PMC) como el enfoque metodolgico. El material incautado por tal procedimiento se someti a anlisis multidimensional (Smallest Space Analysis (SSA) y Multidimensional Scalogram Analysis (MAS)) y de contenido, con la intencin de un entendimiento ms amplio de las dimensiones simblicas. Los resultados de la investigacin mostraron las siguientes dimensiones: la afectiva, con el nombramiento de las caractersticas necesarias a construccin simblica del maestro; la formativa, que resalta los elementos necesarios para una enseanza profesional; el aspecto tico y profesional, que aborda los elementos necesarios para el desempeo docente, en la perspectiva de transformacin social mediante la educacin; y la dimensin conflictiva, poniendo de relieve las dificultades del trabajo docente. Por lo tanto, estos aspectos muestran que la representacin de ser maestro, construida por los estudiantes en la formacin, parece constar de diferentes matices, articuladas y complementares, que dan sentido a la profesin, lo que justificar la prctica diaria de los futuros profesionales