987 resultados para finite-time tracking


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In this paper, a fractional order proportional-integral controller is developed for a miniature air vehicle for rectilinear path following and trajectory tracking. The controller is implemented by constructing a vector field surrounding the path to be followed, which is then used to generate course commands for the miniature air vehicle. The fractional order proportional-integral controller is simulated using the fundamentals of fractional calculus, and the results for this controller are compared with those obtained for a proportional controller and a proportional integral controller. In order to analyze the performance of the controllers, four performance metrics, namely (maximum) overshoot, control effort, settling time and integral of the timed absolute error cost, have been selected. A comparison of the nominal as well as the robust performances of these controllers indicates that the fractional order proportional-integral controller exhibits the best performance in terms of ITAE while showing comparable performances in all other aspects.


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This paper considers the problem of determining the time-optimal path of a fixed-wing Miniature Air Vehicle (MAV), in the presence of wind. The MAV, which is subject to a bounded turn rate, is required to eventually converge to a straight line starting from a known initial position and orientation. Earlier work in the literature uses Pontryagin's Minimum Principle (PMP) to solve this problem only for the no-wind case. In contrast, the present work uses a geometric approach to solve the problem completely in the presence of wind. In addition, it also shows how PMP can be used to partially solve the problem. Using a 6-DOF model of a MAV the generated optimal path is tracked by an autopilot consisting of proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controllers. The simulation results show the path generation and tracking for cases with steady and time-varying wind. Some issues on real-time path planning are also addressed.


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This paper explains the reason behind pull-in time being more than pull-up time of many Radio Frequency Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (RF MEMS) switches at actuation voltages comparable to the pull-in voltage. Analytical expressions for pull-in and pull-up time are also presented. Experimental data as well as finite element simulations of electrostatically actuated beams used in RF-MEMS switches show that the pull-in time is generally more than the pull-up time. Pull-in time being more than pull-up time is somewhat counter-intuitive because there is a much larger electrostatic force during pull-in than the restoring mechanical force during the release. We investigated this issue analytically and numerically using a 1D model for various applied voltages and attribute this to energetics, the rate at which the forces change with time, and softening of the overall effective stiffness of the electromechanical system. 3D finite element analysis is also done to support the 1D model-based analyses.


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In this paper, we present a spectral finite element model (SFEM) using an efficient and accurate layerwise (zigzag) theory, which is applicable for wave propagation analysis of highly inhomogeneous laminated composite and sandwich beams. The theory assumes a layerwise linear variation superimposed with a global third-order variation across the thickness for the axial displacement. The conditions of zero transverse shear stress at the top and bottom and its continuity at the layer interfaces are subsequently enforced to make the number of primary unknowns independent of the number of layers, thereby making the theory as efficient as the first-order shear deformation theory (FSDT). The spectral element developed is validated by comparing the present results with those available in the literature. A comparison of the natural frequencies of simply supported composite and sandwich beams obtained by the present spectral element with the exact two-dimensional elasticity and FSDT solutions reveals that the FSDT yields highly inaccurate results for the inhomogeneous sandwich beams and thick composite beams, whereas the present element based on the zigzag theory agrees very well with the exact elasticity solution for both thick and thin, composite and sandwich beams. A significant deviation in the dispersion relations obtained using the accurate zigzag theory and the FSDT is also observed for composite beams at high frequencies. It is shown that the pure shear rotation mode remains always evanescent, contrary to what has been reported earlier. The SFEM is subsequently used to study wavenumber dispersion, free vibration and wave propagation time history in soft-core sandwich beams with composite faces for the first time in the literature. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Infinite arrays of coupled two-state stochastic oscillators exhibit well-defined steady states. We study the fluctuations that occur when the number N of oscillators in the array is finite. We choose a particular form of global coupling that in the infinite array leads to a pitchfork bifurcation from a monostable to a bistable steady state, the latter with two equally probable stationary states. The control parameter for this bifurcation is the coupling strength. In finite arrays these states become metastable: The fluctuations lead to distributions around the most probable states, with one maximum in the monostable regime and two maxima in the bistable regime. In the latter regime, the fluctuations lead to transitions between the two peak regions of the distribution. Also, we find that the fluctuations break the symmetry in the bimodal regime, that is, one metastable state becomes more probable than the other, increasingly so with increasing array size. To arrive at these results, we start from microscopic dynamical evolution equations from which we derive a Langevin equation that exhibits an interesting multiplicative noise structure. We also present a master equation description of the dynamics. Both of these equations lead to the same Fokker-Planck equation, the master equation via a 1/N expansion and the Langevin equation via standard methods of Ito calculus for multiplicative noise. From the Fokker-Planck equation we obtain an effective potential that reflects the transition from the monomodal to the bimodal distribution as a function of a control parameter. We present a variety of numerical and analytic results that illustrate the strong effects of the fluctuations. We also show that the limits N -> infinity and t -> infinity(t is the time) do not commute. In fact, the two orders of implementation lead to drastically different results.


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Mass balance between metal and electrolytic solution, separated by a moving interface, in stable pit growth results in a set of governing equations which are solved for concentration field and interface position (pit boundary evolution), which requires only three inputs, namely the solid metal concentration, saturation concentration of the dissolved metal ions and diffusion coefficient. A combined eXtended Finite Element Model (XFEM) and level set method is developed in this paper. The extended finite element model handles the jump discontinuity in the metal concentrations at the interface, by using discontinuous-derivative enrichment formulation for concentration discontinuity at the interface. This eliminates the requirement of using front conforming mesh and re-meshing after each time step as in conventional finite element method. A numerical technique known as level set method tracks the position of the moving interface and updates it over time. Numerical analysis for pitting corrosion of stainless steel 304 is presented. The above proposed method is validated by comparing the numerical results with experimental results, exact solutions and some other approximate solutions.


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In this research work, we introduce a novel approach for phase estimation from noisy reconstructed interference fields in digital holographic interferometry using an unscented Kalman filter. Unlike conventionally used unwrapping algorithms and piecewise polynomial approximation approaches, this paper proposes, for the first time to the best of our knowledge, a signal tracking approach for phase estimation. The state space model derived in this approach is inspired from the Taylor series expansion of the phase function as the process model, and polar to Cartesian conversion as the measurement model. We have characterized our approach by simulations and validated the performance on experimental data (holograms) recorded under various practical conditions. Our study reveals that the proposed approach, when compared with various phase estimation methods available in the literature, outperforms at lower SNR values (i.e., especially in the range 0-20 dB). It is demonstrated with experimental data as well that the proposed approach is a better choice for estimating rapidly varying phase with high dynamic range and noise. (C) 2014 Optical Society of America


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This paper presents a newly developed wavelet spectral finite element (WFSE) model to analyze wave propagation in anisotropic composite laminate with a transverse surface crack penetrating part-through the thickness. The WSFE formulation of the composite laminate, which is based on the first-order shear deformation theory, produces accurate and computationally efficient results for high frequency wave motion. Transverse crack is modeled in wavenumber-frequency domain by introducing bending flexibility of the plate along crack edge. Results for tone burst and impulse excitations show excellent agreement with conventional finite element analysis in Abaqus (R). Problems with multiple cracks are modeled by assembling a number of spectral elements with cracks in frequency-wavenumber domain. Results show partial reflection of the excited wave due to crack at time instances consistent with crack locations. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We study risk-sensitive control of continuous time Markov chains taking values in discrete state space. We study both finite and infinite horizon problems. In the finite horizon problem we characterize the value function via Hamilton Jacobi Bellman equation and obtain an optimal Markov control. We do the same for infinite horizon discounted cost case. In the infinite horizon average cost case we establish the existence of an optimal stationary control under certain Lyapunov condition. We also develop a policy iteration algorithm for finding an optimal control.


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This paper addresses the formulation and numerical efficiency of various numerical models of different nonconserving time integrators for studying wave propagation in nonlinear hyperelastic waveguides. The study includes different nonlinear finite element formulations based on standard Galerkin finite element model, time domain spectral finite element model, Taylor-Galerkin finite element model, generalized Galerkin finite element model and frequency domain spectral finite element model. A comparative study on the computational efficiency of these different models is made using a hyperelastic rod model, and the optimal computational scheme is identified. The identified scheme is then used to study the propagation of transverse and longitudinal waves in a Timoshenko beam with Murnaghan material nonlinearity.


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A new C-0 composite plate finite element based on Reddy's third order theory is used for large deformation dynamic analysis of delaminated composite plates. The inter-laminar contact is modeled with an augmented Lagrangian approach. Numerical results show that the widely used ``unconditionally stable'' beta-Newmark method presents instability problems in the transient simulation of delaminated composite plate structures with large deformation. To overcome this instability issue, an energy and momentum conserving composite implicit time integration scheme presented by Bathe and Baig is used. It is found that a proper selection of the penalty parameter is very crucial in the contact simulation. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Designing a robust algorithm for visual object tracking has been a challenging task since many years. There are trackers in the literature that are reasonably accurate for many tracking scenarios but most of them are computationally expensive. This narrows down their applicability as many tracking applications demand real time response. In this paper, we present a tracker based on random ferns. Tracking is posed as a classification problem and classification is done using ferns. We used ferns as they rely on binary features and are extremely fast at both training and classification as compared to other classification algorithms. Our experiments show that the proposed tracker performs well on some of the most challenging tracking datasets and executes much faster than one of the state-of-the-art trackers, without much difference in tracking accuracy.


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Dead-time is introduced between the gating signals to the top and bottom switches in a voltage source inverter (VSI) leg, to prevent shoot through fault due to the finite turn-off times of IGBTs. The dead-time results in a delay when the incoming device is an IGBT, resulting in error voltage pulses in the inverter output voltage. This paper presents the design, fabrication and testing of an advanced gate driver, which eliminates dead-time and consequent output distortion. Here, the gating pulses are generated such that the incoming IGBT transition is not delayed and shoot-through is also prevented. The various logic units of the driver card and fault tolerance of the driver are verified through extensive tests on different topologies such as chopper, half-bridge and full-bridge inverter, and also at different conditions of load. Experimental results demonstrate the improvement in the load current waveform quality with the proposed circuit, on account of elimination of dead-time.


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Visual tracking is an important task in various computer vision applications including visual surveillance, human computer interaction, event detection, video indexing and retrieval. Recent state of the art sparse representation (SR) based trackers show better robustness than many of the other existing trackers. One of the issues with these SR trackers is low execution speed. The particle filter framework is one of the major aspects responsible for slow execution, and is common to most of the existing SR trackers. In this paper,(1) we propose a robust interest point based tracker in l(1) minimization framework that runs at real-time with performance comparable to the state of the art trackers. In the proposed tracker, the target dictionary is obtained from the patches around target interest points. Next, the interest points from the candidate window of the current frame are obtained. The correspondence between target and candidate points is obtained via solving the proposed l(1) minimization problem. In order to prune the noisy matches, a robust matching criterion is proposed, where only the reliable candidate points that mutually match with target and candidate dictionary elements are considered for tracking. The object is localized by measuring the displacement of these interest points. The reliable candidate patches are used for updating the target dictionary. The performance and accuracy of the proposed tracker is benchmarked with several complex video sequences. The tracker is found to be considerably fast as compared to the reported state of the art trackers. The proposed tracker is further evaluated for various local patch sizes, number of interest points and regularization parameters. The performance of the tracker for various challenges including illumination change, occlusion, and background clutter has been quantified with a benchmark dataset containing 50 videos. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Flame particles are surface points that always remain embedded on, by comoving with a given iso-scalar surface within a flame. Tracking flame particles allow us to study the fate of propagating surface locations uniquely identified throughout their evolution with time. In this work, using Direct Numerical Simulations we study the finite lifetime of such flame particles residing on iso-temperature surfaces of statistically planar H-2-air flames interacting with near-isotropic turbulence. We find that individual flame particles as well as their ensemble, experience progressively increasing tangential straining rate (K-t) and increasing negative curvature (kappa) near the end of their lifetime to finally get annihilated. By studying two different turbulent flow conditions, flame particle tracking shows that such tendency of local flame surfaces to be strained and cusped towards pinch-off from the main surface is a rather generic feature, independent of initial conditions, locations and ambient turbulence intensity levels. The evolution of the alignments between the flame surface normals and the principal components of the local straining rates are also tracked. We find that the surface normals initially aligned with the most extensive principal strain rate components, rotate near the end of flame particles' lifetime to enable preferential alignment between the surface tangent and the most extensive principal strain rate component. This could explain the persistently increasing tangential strain rate, sharp negative curvature formation and eventual detachment. (C) 2014 The Combustion Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.