969 resultados para duplicate elimination
Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D degree in Biology
The present paper reports the experimental treatment of hamsters infected with Leishmania chagasi and Leishmania amazonensis with sodium stibogluconate (20mg/kg/day x 20 days). Only with L. chagasi did the treatment result in the complete elimination of parasites from the spleen. However, no parasitological cure was achieved in hamsters infected with L. amazonensis.
The proliferation of Aedes aegypti, a species of mosquito that is the vector of the dengue pathogen, is being augmented by the population's lack of care in allowing the formation of larval habitats. One form of controlling dengue is the distribution of information on the mosquito to improve awareness and to provide the means necessary for the elimination of its reproductive habitats. To evaluate a teaching method concerning the vector and dengue, students from the 5th and 6th years of primary education were compared before and after didactic intervention with a group of control students. The students who received intervention were more successful in identifying the stages of the cycle, biological and morphological characteristics of the adult insect and the importance of the mosquito in health issues. The didactic intervention was successful in developing knowledge leading to increased awareness of the importance of preventative measures that should be taken against the vector and the disease.
use of additives (Mg/P and nitrification inhibitor dicyandiamide - DCD), on nitrous oxide emission during swine slurry composting. The experiment was run in duplicate; the gas was monitored for 30 days in different treatments (control, DCD, Mg/P and DCD + Mg/P). Nitrous oxide emissions rate (mg of N2O-N.day-1) and the accumulated emissions were calculated to compare the treatments. Results has shown that emissions of N-N2O were reduced by approximately 70, 46 and 96% through the additions of DCD, MgCl2.6H2O + H3PO4 and both additives, respectively, compared to the control. Keywords Composting; swine slurry; additives; nitrous
In the present study PCR was applied to detect leptospires in human urine. Several approaches for sample processing were evaluated to optimize the detection of leptospires in urine mixed with this bacterium. Furthermore, some changes in the composition of the reaction mix were studied. No amplification was observed in acidic urine, therefore neutralization of the sample immediately after collection is strongly recommended. PBS gave better results than Tris or NaOH as neutralizing reagents. Freezing and thawing of samples before processing yielded negative results. Elimination of epithelial cells, leukocytes and crystals by centrifugation at 3,000 rpm at room temperature increased sensitivity. In addition, both the washing step after collecting leptospires by centrifugation and the inclusion of 0.1% bovine serum albumin in the reaction mix minimized the interference of other inhibitory compounds. These modifications were useful to improve the detection of Leptospira in urine by PCR.
Present report demonstrates that repeated radiation of Schistosoma mansoni-infected Biomphalaria glabrata, totaling 15,000 rads, caused a sudden, albeit transient, suppression of cercarial shedding. Initially, sporocysts practically disappeared from the snail tissues. The more resistant developing cercariae presented nuclear clumping and vacuolation, before undergoing lysis. No host tissue reaction was evident at any time. Thirty-four days after the last irradiation, the snails resumed cercarial elimination. By that time numerous sporocysts and developing cercariae were detected, disseminated throughout snail tissues in a pattern similar to that of a highly malignant neoplasm, with no signs of host cellular reactions, which on the other hand were present in non-irradiated infected controls. The region of the ovo-testis was apparently destroyed after radiation, but returned to its normal appearance around 40 days after the last radiation. Ionizing radiation affected both host and parasite in S. mansoni-infected Biomphalaria glabrata, but the resulting impressive changes were soon reversed.
Gender differences in susceptibility to infectious diseases have been observed in various studies. A survey was performed in a bancroftian filariasis endemic area in the city of Olinda, Brazil. All residents aged 5 years or older were examined by thick blood film. People aged 9 to 16 years were interviewed and also tested for filarial antigenaemia. Data were analyzed by contingency table methods and regression models. The risk of microfilaraemia for males was significantly higher. Among those aged 9 to 16 years, the analysis of gender and filariasis by age showed that boys from 15 to 16 years had a higher risk of infection than girls. No association was found between menarche and filariasis in girls. The data suggest that variations between gender in filariasis could result, at least in part, from an increase in susceptibility of men. This epidemiologic feature needs to be considered while formulating elimination plans.
Monocytes/macrophages play a critical role in the defense mechanisms against malaria parasites, and are the main cells responsible for the elimination of malaria parasites from the blood circulation. We carried out a microscope-aided evaluation of the stages of in vitro phagocytosis of Plasmodium falciparum-infected erythrocytes, by human monocytes. These cells were obtained from healthy adult individuals by means of centrifugation through a cushion of Percoll density medium and were incubated with erythrocytes infected with Plasmodium falciparum that had previously been incubated with a pool of anti-plasmodial immune serum. We described the stages of phagocytosis, starting from adherence of infected erythrocytes to the phagocyte membrane and ending with their destruction within the phagolisosomes of the monocytes. We observed that the different erythrocytic forms of the parasite were ingested by monocytes, and that the process of phagocytosis may be completed in around 30 minutes. Furthermore, we showed that phagocytosis may occur continuously, such that different phases of the process were observed in the same phagocyte.
In an endemic area of North-East Brazil (the town of Picos, State of Piauí), a nongovernmental organization (NGO) supported the activity against leprosy in connection with governmental health organizations and local agents. The indicators of leprosy elimination were compared over time (within Picos) and across space (Picos versus Piauí). The case detection rate, above 8 per 10,000 people in the last two years of observation, increased over time in Picos (p=0.010). This finding could be due to active detection activities rather than expanding endemicity, as suggested by the reduction in leprosy in children (p=0.053) and the decrease in the proportion of new cases with grade 2 disability (p<0.001). These indicators showed a more favorable time trend in the city than in the State, suggesting that NGO activity was supportive in the battle towards leprosy control.
RESUMO - Introdução: As alterações epidemiológicas do sarampo em Portugal, assim como a existência de surtos de doença na Europa e noutras regiões do mundo, associadas ao facto de a informação sero epidemiológica atualizada ser escassa e pontual, e nem sempre estar relacionada com o estado vacinal, dificultam a tomada de decisões fundamentadas na área da vacinação, nomeadamente no que respeita às idades ótimas para a administração de VASPR I e VASPR II. Este estudo pretende avaliar a adequação da estratégia vacinal contra o sarampo vigente em Portugal, no que diz respeito às idades para realização da VASPR I e da VASPR II, no sentido de dar continuidade ao cumprimento do objetivo de eliminar a doença em território nacional. Material e métodos: Foi realizado um estudo com 206 recém-nascidos filhos de mães com diferentes estados vacinais contra o sarampo (0 doses, 1 dose e 2 doses). Também foram estudados 186 adolescentes/jovens que realizaram a VASPR II em diferentes idades. Os dados obtidos provêm de 3 fontes de informação: história vacinal documentada; questionários aplicados por entrevista e informação serológica. A informação serológica foi obtida através do doseamento do título de anticorpos específicos antissarampo (ATS IgG) em soros, recorrendo ao método imunoenzimático ELISA do kit Enzygnost® Anti-measles Virus/IgG, do fabricante Siemens. Resultados: A taxa de cobertura vacinal da vacina contra o sarampo aumentou de valores de pouco mais de 30% na geração nascida antes de 1977, com uma única dose de vacina, para valores superiores a 95 % na geração nascida depois de 1993, com duas doses de vacina. A concentração geométrica de ATS IgG no sangue do cordão umbilical aumentou com o aumento da idade da mãe (r2 = 0,092; p = 0,001). Os recém-nascidos filhos de mães vacinadas, apresentam menor quantidade de ATS IgG do que os filhos de mães não vacinadas (p < 0,0001), independentemente do número de doses que as suas mães tenham recebido (p = 0,222). A concentração geométrica média (CGM) de ATS IgG nos jovens e adolescentes diminui com o tempo decorrido desde a toma de VASPR II (r2 = 0,244; p = 0,001). Não foram encontradas diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre a média de ATS IgG dos indivíduos que se vacinaram com VASPR II aos 5-6 anos de idade e os que se vacinaram entre os 10-13 anos de idade (p = 0,301). Após 9 anos de VASPR II mais de 5 % dos indivíduos já não estão seropositivos contra o sarampo.Discussão: A CGM de ATS IgG aumentou com a idade da mãe, provavelmente porque as mães pertencentes às gerações mais novas contactaram menos com o vírus selvagem do sarampo, devido aos efeitos das elevadas taxas de cobertura vacinal. Os recém-nascidos filhos das mães mais novas, apesar de apresentarem menor CGM de ATS IgG, ao final de 12 meses de idade poderão ainda apresentar um teor de ATS IgG que pode interferir com a resposta vacinal à VASPR I. Vacinar com VASPR II aos 5-6 anos de idade ou vacinar entre os 10-13 anos parece ser indiferente o que parece relevante é o tempo que passa desde a última vacinação VASPR II. Nove anos depois de VASPR II a percentagem de seronegativos já ultrapassa os 5% recomendados pela OMS. Conclusão: As idades da toma de VASPR I e VASPR II poderão ter de ser alteradas por forma a adequarem-se às mudanças epidemiológicas ocorridas nos últimos anos em Portugal e contribuírem para a eliminação do sarampo no país.
INTRODUCTION: This study evaluated whether leprosy reactions could be associated with oral infection. METHODS: Leprosy patients (n = 38) with (Group I) and without (Group II) oral infections were selected. Reactions were identified from the clinical and histopathological features associated with serum C-reactive protein (CRP) and10kDa interferon-gamma-induced protein (IP-10) levels, determined before and after elimination of the foci of infection. RESULTS: Group I presented more reactions than group II did, and improvement of the reactions after dental treatment. Serum CRP and IP-10 did not differ before and after the dental treatment, but differed between the groups. CONCLUSIONS: Oral infection could be an exacerbating factor in leprosy reactions.
Analysis of metabolic flux distributions in relation to the extracellular environment in Avian cells
Continuous cell lines that proliferate in chemically defined and simple media have been highly regarded as suitable alternatives for vaccine production. One such cell line is the AG1.CR.pIX avian cell line developed by PROBIOGEN. This cell line can be cultivated in a fully scalable suspension culture and adapted to grow in chemically defined, calf serum free, medium [1]–[5]. The medium composition and cultivation strategy are important factors for reaching high virus titers. In this project, a series of computational methods was used to simulate the cell’s response to different environments. The study is based on the metabolic model of the central metabolism proposed in [1]. In a first step, Metabolic Flux Analysis (MFA) was used along with measured uptake and secretion fluxes to estimate intracellular flux values. The network and data were found to be consistent. In a second step, Flux Balance Analysis (FBA) was performed to access the cell’s biological objective. The objective that resulted in the best predicted results fit to the experimental data was the minimization of oxidative phosphorylation. Employing this objective, in the next step Flux Variability Analysis (FVA) was used to characterize the flux solution space. Furthermore, various scenarios, where a reaction deletion (elimination of the compound from the media) was simulated, were performed and the flux solution space for each scenario was calculated. Growth restrictions caused by essential and non-essential amino acids were accurately predicted. Fluxes related to the essential amino acids uptake and catabolism, the lipid synthesis and ATP production via TCA were found to be essential to exponential growth. Finally, the data gathered during the previous steps were analyzed using principal component analysis (PCA), in order to assess potential changes in the physiological state of the cell. Three metabolic states were found, which correspond to zero, partial and maximum biomass growth rate. Elimination of non-essential amino acids or pyruvate from the media showed no impact on the cell’s assumed normal metabolic state.
Introduction Candida albicans is a commensal and opportunistic agent that causes infection in immunocompromised individuals. Several attributes contribute to the virulence and pathogenicity of this yeast, including the production of germ tubes (GTs) and extracellular hydrolytic enzymes, particularly phospholipase and proteinase. This study aimed to investigate GT production and phospholipase and proteinase activities in bloodstream isolates of C. albicans. Methods One hundred fifty-three C. albicans isolates were obtained from blood samples and analyzed for GT, phospholipase, and proteinase production. The assays were performed in duplicate in egg yolk medium containing bovine serum albumin and human serum. Results Detectable amounts of proteinase were produced by 97% of the isolates, and 78% of the isolates produced phospholipase. GTs were produced by 95% of the isolates. A majority of the isolates exhibited low levels of phospholipase production and high levels of proteinase production. Conclusions Bloodstream isolates of C. albicans produce virulence factors such as GT and hydrolytic enzymes that enable them to cause infection under favorable conditions.
In light of the World Health Organization's initiative to extend schistosomiasis morbidity and mortality control programs by including a disease elimination strategy in low endemic settings, this paper reviews diagnostic tools described during the last decades and provide an overview of ongoing efforts in making an efficient diagnostic tool available worldwide. A literature search on PubMed using the search criteria schistosomiasis and diagnosis within the period from 1978 to 2013 was carried out. Articles with abstract in English and that used laboratory techniques specifically developed for the detection of schistosomiasis in humans were included. Publications were categorized according to the methodology applied (parasitological, immunological, or molecular) and stage of development (in house development, limited field, or large scale field testing). The initial research generated 4,535 publications, of which only 643 met the inclusion criteria. The vast majority (537) of the publications focused on immunological techniques; 81 focused on parasitological diagnosis, and 25 focused on molecular diagnostic methods. Regarding the stage of development, 307 papers referred to in-house development, 202 referred to limited field tests, and 134 referred to large scale field testing. The data obtained show that promising new diagnostic tools, especially for Schistosoma antigen and deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) detection, which are characterized by high sensitivity and specificity, are being developed. In combination with international funding initiatives these tools may result in a significant step forward in successful disease elimination and surveillance, which is to make efficient tests accessible and its large use self-sustainable for control programs in endemic countries.
RESUMO: Temos assistido a uma evolução impressionante nos laboratórios de análises clínicas, os quais precisam de prestar um serviço de excelência a custos cada vez mais competitivos. Nos laboratórios os sistemas de gestão da qualidade têm uma importância significativa nesta evolução, fundamentalmente pela procura da melhoria continua, que ocorre não só ao nível de processos e técnicas, mas também na qualificação dos diferentes intervenientes. Um dos problemas fundamentais da gestão e um laboratório é a eliminação de desperdícios e erros criando benefícios, conceito base na filosofia LeanThinking isto é “pensamento magro”, pelo que é essencial conseguir monitorizar funções críticas sistematicamente. Esta monitorização, num laboratório cada vez mais focalizado no utente, pode ser efetuada através de sistemas e tecnologias de informação, sendo possível contabilizar número de utentes, horas de maior afluência, tempo médio de permanência na sala de espera, tempo médio para entrega de análises, resultados entregues fora da data prevista, entre outros dados de apoio à decisão. Devem igualmente ser analisadas as reclamações, bem como a satisfação dos utentes quer através do feedback que é transmitido aos funcionários, quer através de questionários de satisfação. Usou-se principalmente dois modelos: um proposto pelo Índice Europeu de Satisfação do Consumidor (ECSI) e o outro de Estrutura Comum de Avaliação (CAF). Introduziram-se igualmente dois questionários: um apresentado em formato digital num posto de colheitas, através de um quiosque eletrónico, e um outro na página da internet do laboratório, ambos como alternativa ao questionário em papel já existente, tendo-se analisado os dados, e retirado as devidas conclusões. Propôs-se e desenvolveu-se um questionário para colaboradores cuja intenção foi a de fornecer dados úteis de apoio à decisão, face à importância dos funcionários na interação com os clientes e na garantia da qualidade ao longo de todo o processo. Avaliaram-se globalmente os resultados sem que tenha sido possível apresentá-los por política interna da empresa, bem como se comentou de forma empírica alguns benefícios deste questionário. Os principais objetivos deste trabalho foram, implementar questionários de satisfação eletrónicos e analisar os resultados obtidos, comparando-os com o estudo ECSI, de forma a acentuar a importância da análise em simultâneo de dois fatores: a motivação profissional e a satisfação do cliente, com o intuito de melhorar os sistemas de apoio à decisão. ------------------------ ABSTRACT: We have witnessed an impressive development in clinical analysis laboratories, which have to provide excellent service at increasingly competitive costs, quality management systems have a significant importance in this evolution, mainly by demanding continuous improvement, which does not occur only in terms of processes and techniques, but also in the qualification of the various stakeholders. One key problem of managing a laboratory is the elimination of waste and errors, creating benefits, concept based on Lean Thinking philosophy, therefore it is essential be able to monitor critical tasks systematically. This monitoring, in an increasingly focused on the user laboratory can be accomplished through information systems and technologies, through which it is possible to account the number of clients, peak times, average length of waiting room stay, average time for delivery analysis, delivered results out of the expected date, among other data that contribute to support decisions, however it is also decisive to analyzed complaint sand satisfaction of users through employees feedback but mainly through satisfaction questionnaires that provides accurate results. We use mainly two models one proposed by the European Index of Consumer Satisfaction (ECSI), directed to the client, and the Common Assessment Framework (CAF), used both in the client as the employees surveys. Introduced two questionnaires in a digital format, one in the central laboratory collect center, through an electronic kiosk and another on the laboratory web page, both as an alternative to survey paper currently used, we analyzed the results, and withdrew the conclusions. It was proposed and developed a questionnaire for employees whose intention would be to provide useful data to decision support, given the importance of employees in customer interaction and quality assurance throughout the whole clinical process, it was evaluated in a general way because it was not possible to show the results, however commented an empirical way some benefits of this questionnaire. The main goals of this study were to implement electronic questionnaires and analyze the results, comparing them with the ECSI, in order to emphasize the importance of analyzing simultaneously professional motivation with customer satisfaction, in order to improve decision support systems.