964 resultados para complexEnvironmental degradationes, , Enzymatic catalysis


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Freshwater stingrays are very common in the Parana, Paraguay, Araguaia, and Tocantins Rivers and tributaries in Brazil. This study presents the clinical aspects of 84 patients injured by freshwater stingrays. Intense pain was the most conspicuous symptom. Skin necrosis was observed in a high percentage of the victims, mostly fishermen and bathers. The initial therapeutic procedures, like immersion of the affected member in hot water were effective in the initial phases of the envenoming, especially in the control of the acute pain; however, they did not prevent skin necrosis. By SDS-PAGE, the freshwater stingray (Potamotrygon falkneri) venom extract presented a major band of approximately 12 kDa. Several other components distributed between 15 and 130 kDa were detected in the venom extract. Many components with molecular mass above 80 and 100 kDa have gelatinolytic and caseinolytic activities, respectively. Hyaluronidase activity was detected only in a component around 84 kDa in P. falkneri venom extract. Our results demonstrated that the presence of these enzymes could explain partially the local clinical pictures presented by patients wounded by freshwater stingray. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The midgut of adult female Anopheles darlingi is comprised of narrow anterior and dilated posterior regions, with a single layered epithelium composed by cuboidal digestive cells. Densely packed apical microvilli and an intricate basal labyrinth characterize each cell pole. Before blood feeding, apical cytoplasm contains numerous round granules and whorled profiles of rough endoplasmic reticulum. Engorgement causes a great distension of midgut. This provokes the flattening of digestive cells and their nuclei. Simultaneously, apical granules disappear, the whorls of endoplasmic reticulum disassemble and 3 h post bloodmeal (PBM), nucleoli enlarge manyfold. An intense absorptive process takes place during the first 24h PBM, with the formation of large glycogen inclusions, which persist after the end of the digestive process. Endoproteases activities are induced after bloodmeal and attain their maximum values between 10 and 36 h PBM. At least two different aminopeptidases seem to participate in the digestive process, with their maximum activity values at 36 and 48 h PBM, respectively. Coarse electrondense aggregates, possibly debris from digested erythrocytes, begin to appear on the luminal face of the peritrophic membrane from 18 h PBM and persist during all the digestive process, and are excreted at its end. We suggest that these aggregates could contain some kind of insoluble form of haem, in order of neutralize its toxicity. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This research presents a comparative study of enzymatic activity of the hypopharyngeal gland extracts from workers of Apis mellifera in three physiologic stages: newly emerged, nurse and forager workers, with the objective of contributing to the comprehension of the gland function. In order to determinate the enzymes present in the extracts, the Api Zym kit (Bio Merieux) was used to test the activity of 19 different enzymes. The enzymes found in larger amounts only in the hypopharyngeal glands from certain individuals were the following: in newly emerged workers, the N-acetyl-double down arrow-glucosaminidase that may be digesting the chitin of some food ingested by the bee; in forager workers, the acid phosphatase that is likely acting in authophagic processes, the a-glucosidase, in the processing of nectar into honey, and the double down arrow-glucosidases, in the pollen digestion.


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Biochemical studies revealed that the activity of some hydrolytic enzymes from the venom glands of honey bee Apis mellifera was higher in workers of 14 days of age than in those of 40 days. Among these enzymes, the highest activity was recorded for acid phosphatase, which was cytochemically detected throughout the length of the secretory filament and surrounding the canaliculi of the distal region of the reservoir. The acid phosphatase was considered to be a typical secretion product, since it was present in the cytoplasm as well as in the canaliculi of the secretory cells. (c) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Botryosphaeran, a new exopolysaccharide from the endophytic fungus Botryosphaeria rhodina MAMB-05, and algal laminarin were hydrolyzed by partially-fractionated enzymes of the beta-glucanolytic complex from Trichoderma harzianum Rifai. beta-Glucanase fractions (F-I and F-II) separated by gel permeation chromatography presented different modes of attack on botryosphaeran and laminarin. Botryosphaeran was hydrolyzed to the extent of 66% (F-I) and 98% (F-II) within 30 min, and its main hydrolysis products were gluco-oligosaccharides of DP >= 4, with lesser amounts of glucose, di- and tri-saccharides. The action of enzyme fractions I and II on laminarin resulted in 15% conversion to glucose, while the percentage of saccharification was radically different (70% for F-I and 25% for F-II). The different product arrays within the polysaccharide hydrolysates can be explained by the difference in the enzymes' specificities within each enzyme fraction, and the molecular structures of the polysaccharides and their complexity.


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A hidrólise enzimática do amido pode fornecer informações importantes sobre sua estrutura granular. Amidos de mandioca, batata-doce, mandioquinha-salsa e batata foram hidrolisados por α-amilase bacteriana a 37 °C durante 48 horas, e algumas propriedades físico-químicas dos resíduos da hidrólise foram determinadas. O amido de mandioca foi o mais suscetível à enzima com 20,9% de hidrólise, enquanto o amido de batata foi o mais resistente com 5,9%. O tamanho médio dos grânulos variou de 10,8 a 23,4 μm para os amidos de mandioquinha-salsa e batata, respectivamente. Amidos de mandioca e batata-doce apresentaram um padrão de difração de raio-X tipo A, enquanto os amidos de mandioquinha-salsa e batata mostraram padrão tipo B. Todos os amidos nativos mostraram superfície granular lisa e, após hidrólise, os amidos de mandioca, batata-doce e mandioquinha-salsa mostraram alguns grânulos bastante degradados, enquanto o amido de batata apresentou sutil sinal de degradação. O teor de amilose dos amidos diminuiu com a hidrólise para os amidos de mandioca, batata-doce e mandioquinha-salsa, permanecendo inalterado para o amido de batata. Como esperado, a viscosidade intrínseca e as propriedades de pasta diminuíram para todos os amidos hidrolisados. Não houve diferença significativa entre as propriedades térmicas dos amidos nativos e hidrolisados. Estes resultados sugeriram que a hidrólise ocorreu nas áreas cristalinas e amorfas dos grânulos. O padrão de difração do tipo B e o grande tamanho dos grânulos do amido de batata podem ter contribuído para a maior resistência deste amido à hidrólise.


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The X-ray crystal structure of a complex between ribonuclease T-1 and guanylyl(3'-6')-6'-deoxyhomouridine (GpcU) has been determined at 2.0 Angstrom resolution. This Ligand is an isosteric analogue of the minimal RNA substrate, guanylyl(3'-5')uridine (GpU), where a methylene is substituted for the uridine 5'-oxygen atom. Two protein molecules are part of the asymmetric unit and both have a GpcU bound at the active site in the same manner. The protein-protein interface reveals an extended aromatic stack involving both guanines and three enzyme phenolic groups. A third GpcU has its guanine moiety stacked on His92 at the active site on enzyme molecule A and interacts with GpcU on molecule B in a neighboring unit via hydrogen bonding between uridine ribose 2'- and 3'-OH groups. None of the uridine moieties of the three GpcU molecules in the asymmetric unit interacts directly with the protein. GpcU-active-site interactions involve extensive hydrogen bonding of the guanine moiety at the primary recognition site and of the guanosine 2'-hydroxyl group with His40 and Glu58. on the other hand, the phosphonate group is weakly bound only by a single hydrogen bond with Tyr38, unlike ligand phosphate groups of other substrate analogues and 3'-GMP, which hydrogen-bonded with three additional active-site residues. Hydrogen bonding of the guanylyl 2'-OH group and the phosphonate moiety is essentially the same as that recently observed for a novel structure of a RNase T-1-3'-GMP complex obtained immediately after in situ hydrolysis of exo-(S-p)-guanosine 2',3'-cyclophosphorothioate [Zegers et al. (1998) Nature Struct. Biol. 5, 280-283]. It is likely that GpcU at the active site represents a nonproductive binding mode for GpU [:Steyaert, J., and Engleborghs (1995) fur. J. Biochem. 233, 140-144]. The results suggest that the active site of ribonuclease T-1 is adapted for optimal tight binding of both the guanylyl 2'-OH and phosphate groups (of GpU) only in the transition state for catalytic transesterification, which is stabilized by adjacent binding of the leaving nucleoside (U) group.


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A colorimetric method has been developed and optimized to measure L-malic acid in samples of fruit juices and wine. This method is based on oxidation of the analyte, catalyzed by malate dehydrogenase (MDH) from dry baker's yeast, and in combination with the reduction of a tetrazolium salt (MTT: 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide). In the present study, the method exhibited sensitivity in the range of 500-4000 mu M of L-malic acid in the reaction cuvette, with the lower detection limit of 6.7-10(-2) g/L, the upper limit of 53.6.10(-2) g/L and a maximum standard deviation of only 2.5 % for the analyzed samples. The MDH activity from baker's yeast was also optimized, the enzyme showed a high stability at pH=8.0-9.0 and the activity was maintained completely at temperatures up to 40 degrees C for 1 hour. The results show that the colorimetric method using enzymatic preparations from dry baker's yeast is a simple and low-cost method with possibility of wide application.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O crambe é uma cultura promissora para produção de biodiesel, principalmente pelo alto conteúdo de óleo de suas sementes. No entanto, não há metodologias estabelecidas para avaliar a qualidade fisiológica das sementes desta espécie e lotes não podem ser comparados, especialmente por testes de vigor, como o de envelhecimento acelerado. O objetivo da presente pesquisa foi avaliar o efeito da alta temperatura e do período de exposição durante o teste de envelhecimento acelerado na qualidade fisiológica e atividade enzimática de sementes de crambe. Dois lotes de sementes de crambe, cultivar Brilhante, foram analisados por meio dos testes de teor de água, massa de 1.000 sementes, germinação, primeira contagem, condutividade elétrica, atividade enzimática (peroxidase e superóxido dismutase) e comprimento de plântulas. As avaliações foram conduzidas antes e após o envelhecimento acelerado, que foram testadas diferentes temperaturas (38, 40 e 42ºC) e períodos de exposição (24, 48 e 72h). O delineamento experimental foi o inteiramente casualizado com quatro repetições. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância e as médias foram comparadas pelo teste de Tukey (p < 0.05). O teste de Dunnet (p < 0.05) foi utilizado para comparar os valores da testemunha (antes do envelhecimento acelerado) com cada valor médio individualmente. O teste de correlação linear simples também foi aplicado. Conclui-se que a interação temperatura x período de exposição afeta a qualidade fisiológica das sementes e a atividade enzimática e que as melhores condições durante o teste de envelhecimento acelerado são dependentes do genótipo.