11 resultados para complexEnvironmental degradationes, , Enzymatic catalysis

em CaltechTHESIS


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<p>Proton transfer reactions at the interface of water with hydrophobic media, such as air or lipids, are ubiquitous on our planet. These reactions orchestrate a host of vital phenomena in the environment including, for example, acidification of clouds, enzymatic catalysis, chemistries of aerosol and atmospheric gases, and bioenergetic transduction. Despite their importance, however, quantitative details underlying these interactions have remained unclear. Deeper insight into these interfacial reactions is also required in addressing challenges in green chemistry, improved water quality, self-assembly of materials, the next generation of micro-nanofluidics, adhesives, coatings, catalysts, and electrodes. This thesis describes experimental and theoretical investigation of proton transfer reactions at the air-water interface as a function of hydration gradients, electrochemical potential, and electrostatics. Since emerging insights hold at the lipid-water interface as well, this work is also expected to aid understanding of complex biological phenomena associated with proton migration across membranes.</p> <p>Based on our current understanding, it is known that the physicochemical properties of the gas-phase water are drastically different from those of bulk water. For example, the gas-phase hydronium ion, H<sub>3</sub>O<sup>+</sup>(g), can protonate most (non-alkane) organic species, whereas H<sub>3</sub>O<sup>+</sup>(aq) can neutralize only relatively strong bases. Thus, to be able to understand and engineer water-hydrophobe interfaces, it is imperative to investigate this fluctuating region of molecular thickness wherein the â˜functionâ of chemical species transitions from one phase to another via steep gradients in hydration, dielectric constant, and density. Aqueous interfaces are difficult to approach by current experimental techniques because designing experiments to specifically sample interfacial layers (&#60; 1 nm thick) is an arduous task. While recent advances in surface-specific spectroscopies have provided valuable information regarding the structure of aqueous interfaces, but structure alone is inadequate to decipher the function. By similar analogy, theoretical predictions based on classical molecular dynamics have remained limited in their scope.</p> <p>Recently, we have adapted an analytical electrospray ionization mass spectrometer (ESIMS) for probing reactions at the gas-liquid interface in real time. This technique is direct, surface-specific,and provides unambiguous mass-to-charge ratios of interfacial species. With this innovation, we have been able to investigate the following:</p> <p>1. How do anions mediate proton transfers at the air-water interface?</p> <p>2. What is the basis for the negative surface potential at the air-water interface?</p> <p>3. What is the mechanism for catalysis â˜on-waterâ?</p> <p>In addition to our experiments with the ESIMS, we applied quantum mechanics and molecular dynamics to simulate our experiments toward gaining insight at the molecular scale. Our results unambiguously demonstrated the role of electrostatic-reorganization of interfacial water during proton transfer events. With our experimental and theoretical results on the â˜superacidityâ of the surface of mildly acidic water, we also explored implications on atmospheric chemistry and green chemistry. Our most recent results explained the basis for the negative charge of the air-water interface and showed that the water-hydrophobe interface could serve as a site for enhanced autodissociation of water compared to the condensed phase.</p>


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Synthetic biology promises to transform organic synthesis by enabling artificial catalysis in living cells. I start by reviewing the state of the art in this young field and recognizing that new approaches are required for designing enzymes that catalyze nonnatural reactions, in order to expand the scope of biocatalytic transformations. Carbene and nitrene transfers to C=C and C-H bonds are reactions of tremendous synthetic utility that lack biological counterparts. I show that various heme proteins, including cytochrome P450BM3, will catalyze promiscuous levels of olefin cyclopropanation when provided with the appropriate synthetic reagents (e.g., diazoesters and styrene). Only a few amino acid substitutions are required to install synthetically useful levels of stereoselective cyclopropanation activity in P450BM3. Understanding that the ferrous-heme is the active species for catalysis and that the artificial reagents are unable to induce a spin-shift-dependent increase in the redox potential of the ferric P450, I design a high-potential serine-heme ligated P450 (P411) that can efficiently catalyze cyclopropanation using NAD(P)H. Intact E. coli whole-cells expressing P411 are highly efficient asymmetric catalysts for olefin cyclopropanation. I also show that engineered P450s can catalyze intramolecular amination of benzylic C-H bonds from arylsulfonyl azides. Finally, I review other examples of where synthetic reagents have been used to drive the evolution of novel enzymatic activity in the environment and in the laboratory. I invoke preadaptation to explain these observations and propose that other man-invented reactions may also be transferrable to natural enzymes by using a mechanism-based approach for choosing the enzymes and the reagents. Overall, this work shows that existing enzymes can be readily adapted for catalysis of synthetically important reactions not previously observed in nature.


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<p>β-lactamases are a group of enzymes that confer resistance to penam and cephem antibiotics by hydrolysis of the β-lactam ring, thereby inactivating the antibiotic. Crystallographic and computer modeling studies of RTEM-1 β-lactamase have indicated that Asp 132, a strictly conserved residue among the class A β-lactamases, appears to be involved in substrate binding, catalysis, or both. To study the contribution of residue 132 to β-lactamase function, site saturation mutagenesis was used to generate mutants coding for all 20 amino acids at position 132. Phenotypic screening of all mutants indicated that position 132 is very sensitive to amino acid changes, with only N132C, N132D, N132E, and N132Q showing any appreciable activity. Kinetic analysis of three of these mutants showed increases in K_M, along with substantial decreases in k_(cat). Efforts to trap a stable acyl-enzyme intermediate were unsuccessfuL These results indicate that residue 132 is involved in substrate binding, as well as catalysis, and supports the involvement of this residue in acylation as suggested by Strynadka et al.</p> <p>Crystallographic and computer modeling studies of RTEM-1 β-lactamase have indicated that Lys 73 and Glu 166, two strictly conserved residues among the class A β-lactamases, appear to be involved in substrate binding, catalysis, or both. To study the contribution of these residues to β-lactamase function, site saturation mutagenesis was used to generate mutants coding for all 20 amino acids at positions 73 and 166. Then all 400 possible combinations of mutants were created by combinatorial mutagenesis. The colonies harboring the mutants were screened for growth in the presence of ampicillin. The competent colonys' DNA were sequenced, and kinetic parameters investigated. It was found that lysine is essential at position 73, and that position 166 only tolerated fairly conservative changes (Aspartic acid, Histidine, and Tyrosine). These functional mutants exhibited decreased kcat's, but K_M was close to wild-type levels. The results of the combinatorial mutagenesis experiments indicate that Lysis absolutely required for activity at position 73; no mutation at residue 166 can compensate for loss of the long side chain amine. The active mutants found--K73K/E166D, K73KIE166H, and K73KIE166Y were studied by kinetic analysis. These results reaffirmed the function of residue 166 as important in catalysis, specifically deacylation.</p> <p>The identity of the residue responsible for enhancing the active site serine (Ser 70) in RTEM-1 β-lactamase has been disputed for some time. Recently, analysis of a crystal structure of RTEM-1 β-lactamase with covalently bound intermediate was published, and it was suggested that Lys 73, a strictly conserved residue among the class A β-lactamases, was acting as a general base, activating Ser 70. For this to be possible, the pK_a of Lys 73 would have to be depressed significantly. In an attempt to assay the pK_a of Lys 73, the mutation K73C was made. This mutant protein can be reacted with 2-bromoethylamine, and activity is restored to near wild type levels. ^(15)N-2-bromoethylamine hydrobromide and ^(13)C-2-bromoethylamine hydrobromide were synthesized. Reacting these compounds with the K73C mutant gives stable isotopic enrichment at residue 73 in the form of aminoethylcysteine, a lysine homologue. The pK_a of an amine can be determined by NMR titration, following the change in chemical shift of either the ^(15)N-amine nuclei or adjacent Be nuclei as pH is changed. Unfortunately, low protein solubility, along with probable label scrambling in the Be experiment, did not permit direct observation of either the ^(15)N or ^(13)C signals. Indirect detection experiments were used to observe the protons bonded directly to the ^(13)C atoms. Two NMR signals were seen, and their chemical shift change with pH variation was noted. The peak which was determined to correspond to the aminoethylcysteine residue shifted from 3.2 ppm down to 2.8 ppm over a pH range of 6.6 to 12.5. The pK_a of the amine at position 73 was determined to be ~10. This indicates that residue 73 does not function as a general base in the acylation step of the reaction. However the experimental measurement takes place in the absence of substrate. Since the enzyme undergoes conformational changes upon substrate binding, the measured pK_a of the free enzyme may not correspond to the pK_a of the enzyme substrate complex.</p>


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Separating the dynamics of variables that evolve on different timescales is a common assumption in exploring complex systems, and a great deal of progress has been made in understanding chemical systems by treating independently the fast processes of an activated chemical species from the slower processes that proceed activation. Protein motion underlies all biocatalytic reactions, and understanding the nature of this motion is central to understanding how enzymes catalyze reactions with such specificity and such rate enhancement. This understanding is challenged by evidence of breakdowns in the separability of timescales of dynamics in the active site form motions of the solvating protein. Quantum simulation methods that bridge these timescales by simultaneously evolving quantum and classical degrees of freedom provide an important method on which to explore this breakdown. In the following dissertation, three problems of enzyme catalysis are explored through quantum simulation.


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<p>This dissertation covers progress with bimetallic polymerization catalysts. The complexes we have designed were aimed at expanding the capabilities of homogeneous polymerization catalysts by taking advantage of multimetallic effects. Such effects were examined in group 4 and group 10 bimetallic complexes; proximity and steric repulsion were determined to be major factors in the effects observed.</p> <p>Chapters 2 and 3 introduce the rigid p-terphenyl dinucleating framework utilized in most of this thesis. The permethylation of the central arene allows for the separation of syn and anti atropisomers of the terphenyl compounds. Kinetic studies were carried out to examine the isomerization of the dinucleating bis(salicylaldimine) ligand precursors. Metallation of the syn and anti bis(salicylaldimine)s using Ni(Me)2(tmeda) and excess pyridine afforded dinickel bisphenoxyiminato complexes with a methyl and a pyridyl ligand on each nickel. The syn and anti atropisomers of the dinickel complexes were structurally characterized and utilized in ethylene and ethylene/α-olefin polymerizations. Monometallic analogues were also synthesized and tested for polymerization activity. Ethylene polymerizations were performed in the presence of primary, secondary, and tertiary amines â additives that generally deactivate nickel polymerization catalysts. Inhibition of this deactivation was observed with the syn atropisomer of the bimetallic species, but not with the anti or monometallic analogues. A mechanism was proposed wherein steric repulsion of the substituents on proximal nickel centers disfavors simultaneous ligation of base to both of the metal centers. The bimetallic effect has been explored with respect to size and binding ability of the added base.</p> <p>Chapter 4 presents the optimization of the bisphenoxyimine ligand synthesis and synthesis of syn and anti m-terphenyl analogues. Metallation with NiClMe(PMe<sub>3</sub>)<sub>2</sub> yielded phosphine-ligated dinickel complexes, which have been structurally characterized. Ethylene/1-hexene copolymerizations in the presence of amines using Ni(COD)<sub>2</sub> as a phosphine scavenger showed significantly improved activity relative to the pyridine-ligated analogues. Incorporation of amino olefins in copolymerizations with ethylene was accomplished, and a mechanism was proposed based on proximal effects. Copolymerization trials with a variety of amino olefins and ethylene/1-hexene/amino olefin terpolymerizations were completed.</p> <p>Early transition metal complexes based on the rigid p-terphenyl framework were designed with a variety of donor sets (Chapter 5 and Appendix B). Chapter 5 details the use of syn dizirconium di[amine bis(phenolate)] complexes for isoselective 1-hexene and propylene homopolymerizations. Ligand variation and monometallic complexes were studied to determine the origin of tacticity control. A mechanistic proposal was presented based on the symmetry at zirconium and the steric effects of the proximal metal center. Appendix B covers additional studies of bimetallic early transition metal complexes based on the p-terphenyl. Dititanium, dizirconium, and asymmetric complexes with bisphenoxyiminato ligands and derivatives thereof were targeted. Progress toward the synthesis of these complexes is described along with preliminary polymerization data. 1-hexene/diene copolymerizations and attempted polymerizations in the presence of ethers and esters with the syn dizirconium di[amine bis(phenolate)] complexes demonstrate the potential for further applications of this system in catalysis.</p> <p>Appendix A includes work toward palladium catalysts for insertion polymerization of polar monomers. These complexes were based on dioxime and diimine frameworks with the intent of binding Lewis acidic metals at the oxime oxygens, at pendant phenolic donors, or at pendant aminediol moieties. The synthesis and structural characterization of a number of palladium and Lewis acid complexes is presented. Due to the instability of the desired species, efforts toward isolation of the desired complexes proved unsuccessful, though preliminary ethylene/methyl acrylate copolymerizations using in situ activation of the palladium species were attempted.</p> âƒ


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<p>Understanding and catalyzing chemical reactions requiring multiple electron transfers is an endeavor relevant to many outstanding challenges in the field of chemistry. To study multi-electron reactions, a terphenyl diphosphine framework was designed to support one or more metals in multiple redox states via stabilizing interactions with the central arene of the terphenyl backbone. A variety of unusual compounds and reactions and their relevance toward prominent research efforts in chemistry are the subject of this dissertation.</p> <p>Chapter 2 introduces the para-terphenyl diphosphine framework and its coordination chemistry with group 10 transition metal centers. Both mononuclear and dinuclear compounds are characterized. In many cases, the metal center(s) are stabilized by the terphenyl central arene. These metalâarene interactions are characterized both statically, in the solid state, and fluxionally, in solution. As a proof-of-principle, a dinickel framework is shown to span multiple redox states, showing that multielectron chemistry can be supported by the coordinatively flexible terphenyl diphosphine.</p> <p>Chapter 3 presents reactivity of the terphenyl diphosphine when bound to a metal center. Because of the dearomatizing effect of the metal center, the central arene of the ligand is susceptible to reactions that do not normally affect arenes. In particular, Ni-to-arene H-transfer and arene dihydrogenation reactions are presented. Additionally, evidence for reversibility of the Ni-to-arene H-transfer is discussed.</p> <p>Chapter 4 expands beyond the chelated metal-arene interactions of the previous chapters. A dipalladium(I) terphenyl diphosphine framework is used to bind a variety of exogenous organic ligands including arenes, dienes, heteroarenes, thioethers, and anionic ligands. The compounds are structurally characterized, and many ligands exhibit unprecedented bindng modes across two metal centers. The relative binding affinities are evaluated spectroscopically, and equilibrium binding constants for the examined ligands are determined to span over 13 orders of magnitude. As an application of this framework, mild hydrogenation conditions of bound thiophene are presented.</p> <p>Chapter 5 studies nickel-mediated CâO bond cleavage of aryl alkyl ethers, a transformation with emerging applications in fields such as lignin biofuels and organic methodology. Other group members have shown the mechanism of CâO bond cleavage of an aryl methyl ether incorporated into a meta-terphenyl diphosphine framework to proceed through β-H elimination of an alkoxide. First, the electronic selectivity of the model system is examined computationally and compared with catalytic systems. The lessons learned from the model system are then applied to isotopic labeling studies for catalytic aryl alkyl ether cleavage under dihydrogen. Results from selective deuteration experiments and mass spectrometry draw a clear analogy between the mechanisms of the model and catalytic systems that does not require dihydrogen for CâO bond cleavage, although dihydrogen is proposed to play a role in catalyst activation and catalytic turnover.</p> <p>Appendix A presents initial efforts toward heterodinuclear complexes as models for CO dehydrogenase and Fischer Tropsch chemistry. A catechol-incorporating terphenyl diphosphine is reported, and metal complexes thereof are discussed. </p> <p>Appendix B highlights some structurally characterized terphenyl diphosphine complexes that either do not thematically belong in the research chapters or proved to be difficult to reproduce. These compounds show unusual coordination modes of the terphenyl diphosphine from which other researchers may glean insights.</p>


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The EâH bond activation chemistry of <i>tris</i>-phosophino-iron and -cobalt metallaboratranes is discussed. The ferraboratrane complex (<b>TPB</b>)Fe(N<sub>2</sub>) heterolytically activates HâH and the CâH bonds of formaldehyde and arylacetylenes across an FeâB bond. In particular, HâH bond cleavage at (<b>TPB</b>)Fe(N<sub>2</sub>) is reversible and affords the iron-hydride-borohydride complex (<b>TPB</b>)(μâH)Fe(L)(H) (L = H<sub>2</sub>, N<sub>2</sub>). (<b>TPB</b>)(μâH)Fe(L)(H) and (<b>TPB</b>)Fe(N<sub>2</sub>) are competent olefin and arylacetylene hydrogenation catalysts. Stoichiometric studies indicate that the BâH unit is capable of acting as a hydride shuttle in the hydrogenation of olefin and arylacetylene substrates. The heterolytic cleavage of H<sub>2</sub> by the (<b>TPB</b>)Fe system is distinct from the previously reported (<b>TPB</b>)Co(H<sub>2</sub>) complex, where H<sub>2</sub> coordinates as a non-classical H<sub>2</sub> adduct based on X-ray, spectroscopic, and reactivity data. The non-classical H<sub>2</sub> ligand in (<b>TPB</b>)Co(H<sub>2</sub>) is confirmed in this work by single crystal neutron diffraction, which unequivocally shows an intact HâH bond of 0.83 à in the solid state. The neutron structure also shows that the H<sub>2</sub> ligand is localized at two orientations on cobalt <i>trans</i> to the boron. This localization in the solid state contrasts with the results from ENDOR spectroscopy that show that the H<sub>2</sub> ligand freely rotates about the CoâH<sub>2</sub> axis in frozen solution. Finally, the (<b>TPB</b>)Fe system, as well as related <i>tris</i>-phosphino-iron complexes that contain a different apical ligand unit (Si, PhB, C, and N) in place of the boron in (<b>TPB</b>)Fe, were studied for CO<sub>2</sub> hydrogenation chemistry. The (<b>TPB</b>)Fe system is not catalytically competent, while the silicon, borate, carbon variants, (<b>SiP<sup>R</sup><sub>3</sub></b>)Fe, (<b>PhBP<sup><i>i</i>Pr</sup><sub>3</sub></b>)Fe, and (<b>CP<sup><i>i</i>Pr</sup><sub>3</sub></b>)Fe, respectively, are catalysts for the hydrogenation of CO<sub>2</sub> to formate and methylformate. The hydricity of the CO<sub>2</sub> reactive species in the silatrane system (<b>SiP<sup><i>i</i>Pr</sup><sub>3</sub></b>)Fe(N<sub>2</sub>)(H) has been experimentally estimated.


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<p>A study has been made of the reaction mechanism of a model system for enzymatic hydroxylation. The results of a kinetic study of the hydroxylation of 2-hydroxyazobenzene derivatives by cupric ion and hydrogen peroxide are presented. An investigation of kinetic orders indicates that hydroxylation proceeds by way of a coordinated intermediate complex consisting of cupric ion and the mono anions of 2-hydroxyazobenzene and hydrogen peroxide. Studies with deuterated substrate showed the absence of a primary kinetic isotope effect and no evidence of an NIH shift. The effect of substituents on the formation of intermediate complexes and the overall rate of hydroxylation was studied quantitatively in aqueous solution. The combined results indicate that the hydroxylation step is only slightly influenced by ring substitution. The substituent effect is interpreted in terms of reaction by a radical path or a concerted mechanism in which the formation of ionic intermediates is avoided. The reaction mechanism is discussed as a model for enzymatic hydroxylation. </p>


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Acetyltransferases and deacetylases catalyze the addition and removal, respectively, of acetyl groups to the epsilon-amino group of protein lysine residues. This modification can affect the function of a protein through several means, including the recruitment of specific binding partners called acetyl-lysine readers. Acetyltransferases, deacetylases, and acetyl-lysine readers have emerged as crucial regulators of biological processes and prominent targets for the treatment of human disease. This work describes a combination of structural, biochemical, biophysical, cell-biological, and organismal studies undertaken on a set of proteins that cumulatively include all steps of the acetylation process: the acetyltransferase MEC-17, the deacetylase SIRT1, and the acetyl-lysine reader DPF2. Tubulin acetylation by MEC-17 is associated with stable, long-lived microtubule structures. We determined the crystal structure of the catalytic domain of human MEC-17 in complex with the cofactor acetyl-CoA. The structure in combination with an extensive enzymatic analysis of MEC-17 mutants identified residues for cofactor and substrate recognition and activity. A large, evolutionarily conserved hydrophobic surface patch distal to the active site was shown to be necessary for catalysis, suggesting that specificity is achieved by interactions with the alpha-tubulin substrate that extend outside of the modified surface loop. Experiments in C. elegans showed that while MEC-17 is required for touch sensitivity, MEC-17 enzymatic activity is dispensible for this behavior. SIRT1 deacetylates a wide range of substrates, including p53, NF-kappaB, FOXO transcription factors, and PGC-1-alpha, with roles in cellular processes ranging from energy metabolism to cell survival. SIRT1 activity is uniquely controlled by a C-terminal regulatory segment (CTR). Here we present crystal structures of the catalytic domain of human SIRT1 in complex with the CTR in an apo form and in complex with a cofactor and a pseudo-substrate peptide. The catalytic domain adopts the canonical sirtuin fold. The CTR forms a beta-hairpin structure that complements the beta-sheet of the NAD^+-binding domain, covering an essentially invariant, hydrophobic surface. A comparison of the apo and cofactor bound structures revealed conformational changes throughout catalysis, including a rotation of a smaller subdomain with respect to the larger NAD^+-binding subdomain. A biochemical analysis identified key residues in the active site, an inhibitory role for the CTR, and distinct structural features of the CTR that mediate binding and inhibition of the SIRT1 catalytic domain. DPF2 represses myeloid differentiation in acute myelogenous leukemia. Finally, we solved the crystal structure of the tandem PHD domain of human DPF2. We showed that DPF2 preferentially binds H3 tail peptides acetylated at Lys14, and binds H4 tail peptides with no preference for acetylation state. Through a structural and mutational analysis we identify the molecular basis of histone recognition. We propose a model for the role of DPF2 in AML and identify the DPF2 tandem PHD finger domain as a promising novel target for anti-leukemia therapeutics.


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<p>This dissertation describes studies on two multinucleating ligand architectures: the first scaffold was designed to support tricopper complexes, while the second platform was developed to support tri- and tetrametallic clusters.</p> <p>In Chapter 2, the synthesis of yttrium (and lanthanide) complexes supported by a tripodal ligand framework designed to bind three copper centers in close proximity is described. Tricopper complexes were shown to react with dioxygen in a 1:1 [Cu<sub>3</sub>]/O<sub>2</sub> stoichiometry to form intermediates in which the OâO bond was fully cleaved, as characterized via UV-Vis spectroscopy and determination of the reaction stoichiometry. Pre-arrangement of the three Cu centers was pivotal to cooperative O<sub>2</sub> activation, as mono-copper complexes reacted differently with dioxgyen. The reactivity of the observed intermediates was studied with various substrates (reductants, O-atom acceptors, H-atom donors, Brønsted acids) to determine their properties. In Chapter 3, the reactivity of the same yttrium-tricopper complex with nitric oxide was explored. Reductive coupling to form a trans-hyponitrite complex (characterized by X-ray crystallography) was observed via cooperative reactivity by an yttrium and a copper center on two distinct tetrametallic units. The hyponitrite complex was observed to release nitrous oxide upon treatment with a Brønsted acid, supporting its viability as an intermediate in nitric oxide reduction to nitrous oxide.</p> <p>In Chapter 4, a different multinucleating ligand scaffold was employed to synthesize heterometallic triiron clusters containing one oxide and one hydroxide bridges. The effects of the redox-inactive, Lewis acidic heterometals on redox potential was studied by cyclic voltammetry, unveiling a linear correlation between redox potential and heterometal Lewis acidity. Further studies on these complexes showed that the Lewis acidity of the redox-inactive metals also affected the oxygen-atom transfer reactivity of these clusters. Comparisons of this reactivity with manganese systems, collaborative efforts to reassign the structures of related manganese oxo-hydroxo clusters, and synthetic attempts to access related dioxo clusters are also described.</p> <p>In Appendix A, ongoing efforts to synthesize new clusters supported by the same multinucleating ligand platform are described. Studies of novel approaches towards ligand exchange in tetrametallic clusters and incorporation of new supporting and bridging ligand motifs in trinuclear complexes are presented.</p>