954 resultados para acute respiratory-infections
Leishmania are parasites that survive within macrophages by mechanism(s) not entirely known. Depression of cellular immunity and diminished production of interleukin 1β (IL-1β) and tumor necrosis factor α are potential ways by which the parasite survives within macrophages. We examined the mechanism(s) by which lipophosphoglycan (LPG), a major glycolipid of Leishmania, perturbs cytokine gene expression. LPG treatment of THP-1 monocytes suppressed endotoxin induction of IL-1β steady-state mRNA by greater than 90%, while having no effect on the expression of a control gene. The addition of LPG 2 h before or 2 h after endotoxin challenge significantly suppressed steady-state IL-1β mRNA by 90% and 70%, respectively. LPG also inhibited tumor necrosis factor α and Staphylococcus induction of IL-1β gene expression. The inhibitory effect of LPG is agonist-specific because LPG did not suppress the induction of IL-1β mRNA by phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate. A unique DNA sequence located within the −310 to −57 nucleotide region of the IL-1β promoter was found to mediate LPG’s inhibitory activity. The requirement for the −310 to −57 promoter gene sequence for LPG’s effect is demonstrated by the abrogation of LPG’s inhibitory activity by truncation or deletion of the −310 to −57 promoter gene sequence. Furthermore, the minimal IL-1β promoter (positions −310 to +15) mediated LPG’s inhibitory activity with dose and kinetic profiles that were similar to LPG’s suppression of steady-state IL-1β mRNA. These findings delineated a promoter gene sequence that responds to LPG to act as a “gene silencer,” a function, to our knowledge, not previously described. LPG’s inhibitory activity for several mediators of inflammation and the persistence of significant inhibitory activity 2 h after endotoxin challenge suggest that LPG has therapeutic potential and may be exploited for therapy of sepsis, acute respiratory distress syndrome, and autoimmune diseases.
Apesar da utilização da ventilação mecânica protetora como estratégia para o tratamento da síndrome do desconforto respiratório agudo, ao menos um quarto dos pacientes com essa síndrome ainda apresentam redução na função pulmonar após 6 meses de seguimento. Não se sabe se esta redução está relacionada com a gravidade da síndrome ou associada com a forma de ventilar o paciente. Nosso objetivo neste trabalho foi avaliar a associação entre alterações funcionais e estruturais do pulmão com parâmetros de gravidade clínica e de ventilação mecânica. Foi realizada uma análise secundária dos dados obtidos em estudo randomizado e controlado que incluiu pacientes com síndrome do desconforto respiratório agudo moderada/grave, internados em seis unidades de terapia intensiva em um hospital terciário da cidade de São Paulo. Foram analisados dados de pacientes que tinham ao menos um teste de função pulmonar no seguimento. O teste funcional incluiu a medida da capacidade vital forçada, volumes pulmonares e a capacidade de difusão do monóxido de carbono após 1, 2 e 6 meses de seguimento. Foram considerados variáveis independentes o volume corrente, a pressão de distensão e a pressão positiva ao final da expiração (todos medidos após 24 horas da randomização) e um sistema de classificação de prognóstico (APACHE II), a relação PaO2/FIO2 e a complacência respiratória estática (todos medidos antes da randomização). Também foi realizada tomografia de alta resolução do tórax juntamente com os testes de função pulmonar, e posterior análise quantitativa das imagens. Na avaliação de 6 meses também foi realizado teste de caminhada de 6 minutos e um questionário de qualidade de vida (SF-36). Um total de 21 pacientes realizaram o teste de função pulmonar após 1 mês e 15 pacientes realizaram após 2 e 6 meses de seguimento. A capacidade vital forçada foi relacionada inversamente com a pressão de distensão na avaliação de 1, 2 e 6 meses (p < 0,01). A capacidade de difusão do monóxido de carbono relacionou-se inversamente com a pressão de distensão e com o APACHE II (ambos p < 0,01) na avaliação de 1 e 2 meses. Após 6 meses de seguimento, houve correlação inversa entre a pressão de distensão e a capacidade vital forçada independente do volume corrente, da pressão de platô e da complacência estática respiratória após ajustes (R2 = 0,51, p = 0,02). A pressão de distensão também se relacionou com o volume pulmonar total, a densidade pulmonar media e a porcentagem de volume pulmonar não aerado ou pobremente aerado medidos através da análise quantitativa da tomografia computadorizada de tórax realizada na avaliação de 6 meses. Também foi observada relação entre a qualidade de vida após 6 meses de seguimento e a pressão de distensão considerando o domínio estado geral de saúde. Nós concluímos que mesmo em pacientes ventilados com reduzido volume corrente e pressão de platô limitada, maiores valores de pressão de distensão relacionaram-se com menores valores de função pulmonar no seguimento de longo prazo
Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014
Les cellules endothéliales (EC) constituent une première barrière physique à la dissémination de virus pléiotropiques circulant par voie hématogène mais leur contribution à la défense innée anti-virale est peu connue. Des dysfonctions des EC de la barrière hémato-encéphalique (BMEC) et des sinusoïdes hépatiques (LSEC) ont été rapportées dans des neuropathologies et des hépatites aiguës ou chroniques d’origine virale, suggérant que des atteintes à leur intégrité contribuent à la pathogenèse. Les sérotypes de coronavirus de l’hépatite murine (MHV), se différenciant par leur capacité à induire des hépatites et des maladies neurologiques de sévérité variable et/ou leur tropisme pour les EC, représentent des modèles viraux privilégiés pour déterminer les conséquences de l’infection des EC sur la pathogenèse virale. Lors d’infection par voie hématogène, le sérotype MHV3, le plus virulent des MHV, induit une hépatite fulminante, caractérisée par une réponse inflammatoire sévère, et des lésions neurologiques secondaires alors que le sérotype moins virulent, MHV-A59, induit une hépatite modérée sans atteintes secondaires du système nerveux central (SNC). Par ailleurs, le sérotype MHV3, à la différence du MHV-A59, démontre une capacité à stimuler la production de cytokines par la voie TLR2. Les variants atténués du MHV3, les virus 51.6-MHV3 et YAC-MHV3, sont caractérisés par un faible tropisme pour les LSEC et induisent respectivement une hépatite modérée et subclinique. Compte tenu de l’importance des LSEC dans le maintien de la tolérance hépatique et de l’élimination des pathogènes circulants, il a été postulé que la sévérité de l’hépatite et de la réponse inflammatoire lors d’infections par les MHV est associée à la réplication virale et à l’altération des propriétés tolérogéniques et vasculaires des LSEC. Les désordres inflammatoires hépatiques pourraient résulter d’une activation différentielle du TLR2, plutôt que des autres TLR et des hélicases, selon les sérotypes. D’autre part, compte tenu du rôle des BMEC dans la prévention des infections du SNC, il a été postulé que l’invasion cérébrale secondaire par les coronavirus est reliée à l’infection des BMEC et le bris subséquent de la barrière hémato-encéphalique (BHE). À l’aide d’infections in vivo et in vitro par les différents sérotypes MHV, chez des souris ou des cultures de BMEC et de LSEC, nous avons démontré, d’une part, que l’infection in vitro des LSEC par le sétotype MHV3, à la différence des variants 51.6- et YAC-MHV3, altérait la production du facteur vasodilatant NO et renversait leur phénotype tolérogénique en favorisant la production de cytokines et de chimiokines inflammatoires. Ces dysfonctions se traduisaient in vivo par une réponse inflammatoire incontrôlée et une dérégulation du recrutement intrahépatique de leucocytes, favorisant la réplication virale et les dommages hépatiques. Nous avons aussi démontré, à l’aide de souris TLR2 KO et de LSEC dont l’expression du TLR2 a été abrogée par des siRNA, que la sévérité de l’hépatite et de la réponse inflammatoire induite par le sérotype MHV3, dépendait en partie de l’induction et de l’activation préférentielle du TLR2 par le virus dans le foie. D’autre part, la sévérité de la réplication virale au foie et des désordres dans le recrutement leucocytaire intrahépatique induits par le MHV3, et non par le MHV-A59 et le 51.6-MHV3, corrélaient avec une invasion virale subséquente du SNC, au niveau de la BHE. Nous avons démontré que l’invasion cérébrale du MHV3 était associée à une infection productive des BMEC et l’altération subséquente des protéines de jonctions serrées occludine, VE-cadhérine et ZO-1 se traduisant par une augmentation de la perméabilité de la BHE et l’entrée consécutive du virus dans le cerveau. Dans l’ensemble, les résultats de cette étude mettent en lumière l’importance du maintien de l’intégrité structurale et fonctionnelle des LSEC et des BMEC lors d’infections virales aigües par des MHV afin de limiter les dommages hépatiques associés à l’induction d’une réponse inflammatoire exagérée et de prévenir le passage des virus au cerveau suite à une dissémination par voie hématogène. Ils révèlent en outre un nouveau rôle aggravant pour le TLR2 dans l’évolution de l’hépatite virale aigüe ouvrant la voie à de nouvelles avenues thérapeutiques visant à moduler l’activité inflammatoire du TLR2.
vol. XII. Pathology of the acute respiratory diseases, and of gas gangrene following war wounds, by G.R. Callender and J.F. Coupal. 1929- vol. XIII. pt. 1. Physical reconstruction and vocational education, by A.G. Crane. pt. 2. The Army nurse corps, by Julia C. Stimson. 1927- vol. XIV. Medical aspects of gas warfare, by W.D. Bancroft, H.C. Bradley [and others] 1926.- vol. XV. Statistics, pt. 1. Army anthropology, based on observations made on draft recruits, 1917-1918, and on veterans at demobilization, 1919, by C.B. Davenport and A.G. Love. 1921. pt. 2. Medical and casualty statistics based on the medical records of the United States Army, April 1, 1917, to December 31, 1919, inclusive, by A.G. Love. 1925.
Editor-in-chief: Col. Charles Lynch.
Shipping list no.: 97-0225-P.
Background Estimates of the disease burden due to multiple risk factors can show the potential gain from combined preventive measures. But few such investigations have been attempted, and none on a global scale. Our aim was to estimate the potential health benefits from removal of multiple major risk factors. Methods We assessed the burden of disease and injury attributable to the joint effects of 20 selected leading risk factors in 14 epidemiological subregions of the world. We estimated population attributable fractions, defined as the proportional reduction in disease or mortality that would occur if exposure to a risk factor were reduced to an alternative level, from data for risk factor prevalence and hazard size. For every disease, we estimated joint population attributable fractions, for multiple risk factors, by age and sex, from the direct contributions of individual risk factors. To obtain the direct hazards, we reviewed publications and re-analysed cohort data to account for that part of hazard that is mediated through other risks. Results Globally, an estimated 47% of premature deaths and 39% of total disease burden in 2000 resulted from the joint effects of the risk factors considered. These risks caused a substantial proportion of important diseases, including diarrhoea (92%-94%), lower respiratory infections (55-62%), lung cancer (72%), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (60%), ischaemic heart disease (83-89%), and stroke (70-76%). Removal of these risks would have increased global healthy life expectancy by 9.3 years (17%) ranging from 4.4 years (6%) in the developed countries of the western Pacific to 16.1 years (43%) in parts of sub-Saharan Africa. Interpretation Removal of major risk factors would not only increase healthy life expectancy in every region, but also reduce some of the differences between regions, The potential for disease prevention and health gain from tackling major known risks simultaneously would be substantial.
Any planning process for health development ought to be based on a thorough understanding of the health needs of the population. This should be sufficiently comprehensive to include the causes of premature death and of disability, as well as the major risk factors that underlie disease and injury. To be truly useful to inform health-policy debates, such an assessment is needed across a large number of diseases, injuries and risk factors, in order to guide prioritization. The results of the original Global Burden of Disease Study and, particularly, those of its 2000-2002 update provide a conceptual and methodological framework to quantify and compare the health of populations using a summary measure of both mortality and disability: the disability-adjusted life-year (DALY). Globally, it appears that about 5 6 million deaths occur each year, 10. 5 million (almost all in poor countries) in children. Of the child deaths, about one-fifth result from perinatal causes such as birth asphyxia and birth trauma, and only slightly less from lower respiratory infections. Annually, diarrhoeal diseases kill over 1.5 million children, and malaria, measles and HIV/AIDS each claim between 500,000 and 800,000 children. HIV/AIDS is the fourth leading cause of death world-wide (2.9 million deaths) and the leading cause in Africa. The top three causes of death globally are ischaemic heart disease (7.2 million deaths), stroke (5.5 million) and lower respiratory diseases (3.9 million). Chronic obstructive lung diseases (COPD) cause almost as many deaths as HIV/AIDS (2.7 million). The leading causes of DALY, on the other hand, include causes that are common at young ages [perinatal conditions (7. 1 % of global DALY), lower respiratory infections (6.7%), and diarrhoeal diseases (4.7%)] as well as depression (4.1%). Ischaemic heart disease and stroke rank sixth and seventh, retrospectively, as causes of global disease burden, followed by road traffic accidents, malaria and tuberculosis. Projections to 2030 indicate that, although these major vascular diseases will remain leading causes of global disease burden, with HIV/AIDS the leading cause, diarrhoeal diseases and lower respiratory infections will be outranked by COPD, in part reflecting the projected increases in death and disability from tobacco use.
The aim of this tertiary hospital-based cohort study was to determine and compare perinatal outcome and neonatal morbidities of pregnancies with twin-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS) before and after the introduction of a treatment program with laser ablation of placental communicating vessels. Twenty-seven pregnancies with Stage II-IV TTTS treated with amnioreduction were identified (amnioreduction group). The data were compared with that obtained from the first 31 pregnancies with Stage II-IV TTTS managed with laser ablation of placental communicating vessels (laser group). Comparisons were made for perinatal survival and neonatal morbidities including abnormalities on brain imaging. The median gestation at therapy was similar between the two groups (20 vs. 21 weeks, p = .24), while the median gestation at delivery was significantly greater in the laser treated group (34 vs. 28 weeks, p = .002). The perinatal survival rate was higher in the laser group (77.4% vs. 59.3%, p = .03). Neonatal morbidities including acute respiratory distress, chronic lung disease, requirement for ventilatory assistance, patent ductus arteriosus, hypotension, and oliguric renal failure had a lower incidence in the laser group. On brain imaging, ischemic brain injury was seen in 12% of the amnioreduction group and none of the laser group of infants (p = .01). In conclusion, these findings indicate that perinatal outcomes are improved with less neonatal morbidity for monochorionic pregnancies with severe TTTS treated by laser ablation of communicating placental vessels when compared to treatment by amnioreduction.
The recently discovered human bocavirus (HBoV) is the first member of the family Parpoviridae, genus Bocavirus, to be potentially associated with human disease. Several studies have identified HBoV in respiratory specimens from children with acute respiratory disease, but the full spectrum of clinical disease and the epidemiology of HBoV infection remain unclear. The availability of rapid and reliable molecular diagnostics would therefore aid future studies of this novel virus. To address this, we developed two sensitive and specific real-time TaqMan PCR assays that target the HBoV NS1 and NP-1 genes. Both assays could reproducibly detect 10 copies of a recombinant DNA plasmid containing a partial region of the HBoV genome, with a dynamic range of 8 log units (10(1) to 10(8) copies). Eight blinded clinical specimen extracts positive for HBoV by an independent PCR assay were positive by both real-time assays. Among 1,178 NP swabs collected from hospitalized pneumonia patients in Sa Kaeo Province, Thailand, 53 (4.5%) were reproducibly positive for HBoV by one or both targets. Our data confirm the possible association of HBoV infection with pneumonia and demonstrate the utility of these real-time PCR assays for HBoV detection.
A 52-year-old male with idiopathic hypereosinophilic syndrome (HES) was transferred to our institution following the development of acute respiratory failure and shock. He had previously undergone tricuspid valve replacement with bioprosthetic valves on two occasions: the initial surgery for severe native tricuspid valve stenosis and the redo surgery for severe prosthetic valve stenosis and regurgitation. Conventional imaging assessment using transoesophageal echocardiography was suboptimal and comprehensive assessment of prosthetic valve function was aided by the use of intracardiac echocardiography (ICE). ICE provided high quality 2D imaging of the prosthesis demonstrating thrombus-like material coating the inner surfaces of the prosthetic valve stents effectively forming a tunnel-like obstruction. Unusual hemodynamics secondary to severe tricuspid stenosis were demonstrated by CW Doppler with intermittent signal fusion resulting from blunted respiratory variation in the markedly elevated right atrial pressure relative to right ventricular pressure. Successful balloon valvuloplasty was performed with ICE proving highly valuable in guiding balloon position as well as monitoring the efficacy of the subsequent inflations.
The most commonly observed severe lung injuries in early life are the respiratory distress syndrome in premature infants and the acute respiratory distress syndrome in children. Both diseases are characterised by alveolar instability, fluid filled airspace and some degree of airway obstruction. In the acute phase, collapsed alveoli can be reopened with positive end-expiratory pressure and lung recruitment. New insight into the physiology of lung recruitment suggests that the shape of the pressure–volume curve is defined by the change in rate of alveolar opening and closing. Reduced lung volumes and severe ventilation maldistribution are found in the acute phase but may persist during childhood. Any severe lung injury in this early phase of life can cause significant structural and functional damage to the developing lung. Follow-up studies of children with chronic lung disease have shown that the functional abnormalities will improve but may still be present in later childhood.
Carbon dioxide (CO(2)) is increasingly being appreciated as an intracellular signaling molecule that affects inflammatory and immune responses. Elevated arterial CO(2) (hypercapnia) is encountered in a range of clinical conditions, including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and as a consequence of therapeutic ventilation in acute respiratory distress syndrome. In patients suffering from this syndrome, therapeutic hypoventilation strategy designed to reduce mechanical damage to the lungs is accompanied by systemic hypercapnia and associated acidosis, which are associated with improved patient outcome. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying the beneficial effects of hypercapnia and the relative contribution of elevated CO(2) or associated acidosis to this response remain poorly understood. Recently, a role for the non-canonical NF-?B pathway has been postulated to be important in signaling the cellular transcriptional response to CO(2). In this study, we demonstrate that in cells exposed to elevated CO(2), the NF-?B family member RelB was cleaved to a lower molecular weight form and translocated to the nucleus in both mouse embryonic fibroblasts and human pulmonary epithelial cells (A549). Furthermore, elevated nuclear RelB was observed in vivo and correlated with hypercapnia-induced protection against LPS-induced lung injury. Hypercapnia-induced RelB processing was sensitive to proteasomal inhibition by MG-132 but was independent of the activity of glycogen synthase kinase 3ß or MALT-1, both of which have been previously shown to mediate RelB processing. Taken together, these data demonstrate that RelB is a CO(2)-sensitive NF-?B family member that may contribute to the beneficial effects of hypercapnia in inflammatory diseases of the lung.
Objective: There is evidence to suggest a beneficial role for growth factors, including vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), in tissue repair and proliferation after injury within the lung. Whether this effect is mediated predominantly by actions on endothelial cells or epithelial cells is unknown. This study tested the hypothesis that VEGF acts as an autocrine trophic factor for human adult alveolar epithelial cells and that under situations of pro-apoptotic stress, VEGF reduces cell death. Design: In vitro cell culture study looking at the effects of 0.03% H2O2 on both A549 and primary distal lung epithelial cells.Measurement and Main Results: Primary adult human distal lung epithelial cells express both the soluble and membrane-associated VEGF isoforms and VEGF receptors 1 and 2. At physiologically relevant doses, soluble VEGF isoforms stimulate wound repair and have a proliferative action. Specific receptor ligands confirmed that this effect was mediated by VEGF receptor 1. In addition to proliferation, we demonstrate that VEGF reduces A549 and distal lung epithelial cell apoptosis when administered after 0.03% H2O2 injury. This effect occurs due to reduced caspase-3 activation and is phosphatidylinositol 3′–kinase dependent. Conclusion: In addition to its known effects on endothelial cells, VEGF acts as a growth and anti-apoptotic factor on alveolar epithelial cells. VEGF treatment may have potential as a rescue therapy for diseases associated with alveolar epithelial damage such as acute respiratory distress syndrome.