939 resultados para Work Satisfaction
Plcido Castros work has aroused our interest, because it evolves around the question of Galician personality and identity. While working as a journalist and a translator or while writing essays on different literary issues, Plcido Castro has never forgotten his roots or his nation. One could even say that his whole life turns around Galicia. Our purpose is to make a critical analysis of his work, especially as a translator, and try to show how he used translation in order to develop national conscience and identity and to see how far his ideology interfered in the interpretation and translation of Rossettis poetry, in which he found a great similarity with Rosala de Castros work.
It is commonly accepted that the educational environment has been undergoing considerable change due to the use of the Information and Communication tools. But learning depends upon actions such as experimenting, visualizing and demonstrating through which the learner succeeds in constructing his own knowledge. Although it is not easy to achieve these actions through current ICT supported learning approaches, Role Playing Games (RPG) may well develop such capacities. The creation of an interactive computer game with RPG characteristics, about the 500th anniversary of the city of Funchal, the capital of Madeira Island, is invested with compelling educational/pedagogical implications, aiming clearly at teaching history and social relations through playing. Players interpret different characters in different settings/scenarios, experiencing adventures, meeting challenges and trying to reach multiple and simultaneous goals in the areas of education, entertainment and social integration along the first 150 years of the history of Funchal. Through this process they will live and understand all the social and historical factors of that epoch.
The importance of the organizational relationship (senior managers) with an internal public (employees) is the main focus of this research, aiming to understand how this relationship differs between the different publics. Nowadays, the relevance attributed by Public Relations to this relationship is crucial. The main purpose is to identify two consistent models to measure the impact of an organizational relationship on the internal public. The second purpose is to identify how the internal public react to this organizational relationship, namely by gender. The research was conducted in nine Portuguese companies with a sample of 1.244 subjects in order to study the context of the relationship and validate the identified models. The results show the gender stereotypes in the relationship in these companies and that the organizational relationship has an impact on organizational commitment with a consistent model that highlights the impact of Public Relations on a company's productivity.
The importance of the relationship with an internal public is the main focus of our research. Nowadays, the relevance attributed by Public Relations to this relationship is crucial. Our purpose is to identify two consistent models to measure the impact of an organizational relationship on its internal public. The research was conducted in nine Portuguese companies with a sample of 1244 subjects in order to study the context of the relationship and validate the identified models. The results show us the gender stereotypes in the relationship in these companies and that it is possible to identify the impact of Public Relations on a company's productivity.
Esta dissertao tem como objetivo central o estudo da satisfao dos colaboradores com o sistema de recompensas de que beneficiam nas organizaes onde trabalham. A lgica subjacente ao seu desenvolvimento privilegia, primeiramente, uma abordagem sobre os conceitos de sistema de recompensas e de satisfao e, consequentemente, as teorias que relacionam ambos os conceitos. Foi aplicado um inqurito por questionrio a uma amostra de 94 colaboradores de duas cooperativas agrcolas localizadas na regio Norte de Portugal. Foram testadas algumas hipteses de estudo capazes de permitir caracterizar os sistemas de recompensas desenvolvidos nas cooperativas agrcolas objeto de estudo. A anlise dos resultados permite concluir que: 1) menor a satisfao com o sistema de recompensas entre os colaboradores do sexo feminino; 2) maior a valorizao atribuda componente monetria do que componente no monetria do sistema de recompensas; 3) a antiguidade na organizao no influencia a satisfao dos colaboradores com o sistema de recompensas de que beneficiam; 4) predomina a componente monetria fixa no sistema de recompensas de ambas as cooperativas; 5) a maior satisfao com o sistema de recompensas de que beneficiam encontrada entre os colaboradores com habilitaes de nvel superior e; 6) no foram encontradas diferenas na satisfao com o sistema de recompensas entre os colaboradores acima versus abaixo dos 45 anos. Baseado nestes resultados, na parte final desta dissertao so discutidas as principais implicaes tericas e prticas. Algumas limitaes bem como sugestes para futura pesquisa so tambm apresentadas.
Mestrado em Gesto e Avaliao das Tecnologias em Sade
Mestrado em Gesto e Avaliao de Tecnologias da Sade
OBJECTIVE: To describe sleep, stress and compensatory behaviors in nurses and midwives. METHODS: The study included 41 midwives and 21 nurses working in Australian hospitals between 2005 and 2009. Participation was voluntary. All participants recorded on a daily basis their work and sleep hours, levels of stress and exhaustion, caffeine intake and use of sleep aids for a month (1,736 days, 1,002 work shifts). RESULTS: Participants reported moderate to high levels of stress and exhaustion on 20-40% of work days; experienced sleep disruption on more than 50% of work days; struggled to remain awake on 27% of work days; and suffered extreme drowsiness or experienced a near accident while travelling home on 9% of workdays. Age, perceived sleep duration and work hours were significant predictors of caffeine intake. About 60% of participants reported using sleep aids (about 20% reported taking prescription medications and 44% of nurses and 9% of midwives reported alcohol use as a sleep aid at least once during the study). Stress and workdays were significant predictors of sedative use. Overall, 22% reported being indifferent or mildly dissatisfied with their job. CONCLUSIONS: Sleep problems, high levels of stress and exhaustion and low job satisfaction are prevalent among nurses and midwives. The use of alcohol and sleeping pills as sleep aids, and the use of caffeine to help maintain alertness is also common. Nurses and midwives may use caffeine to compensate for reduced sleep, especially on workdays, and sleeping pills to cope with their daily work-related stress.
O conceito de Liderana tem sido amplamente estudado por diversos autores, sendo j considerado pela literatura como um tema clssico evolutivo. A investigao que aqui se apresenta pretende compreender a mais recente abordagem a esse conceito - a Liderana Autntica, no contexto especfico de um CH pblico em Portugal. Alm disso, seu propsito perceber se uma Liderana Autntica preditora de um Clima Organizacional Autentiztico e se ambos os construtos explicam a Satisfao - com o trabalho em geral e com a superviso - e a Sade Mental dos trabalhadores. Procura, ainda, mediante anlises exploratrias, estudar a influncia de algumas variveis demogrficas e profissionais na Liderana Autntica, no Clima Organizacional Autentiztico, na Satisfao e na Sade. Participaram neste estudo de caso 278 trabalhadores, de diferentes grupos profissionais e vnculos contratuais, tendo os resultados obtidos apontado para uma indubitvel relao preditiva entre a Liderana Autntica e a Satisfao com a Superviso, a Satisfao com o Trabalho em Geral e a Sade Mental. A Liderana Autntica igualmente uma preditora significativa do Clima Organizacional Autentiztico. Este ltimo afigura-se, para a amostra, como explicativo de maior Satisfao e Sade Mental dos trabalhadores. No que respeita ao estudo das variveis demogrficas (sexo, idade, estado civil e habilitaes literrias) e profissionais (vnculo contratual, grupo profissional, nvel da organizao, antiguidade e sexo do superior hierrquico) em funo das variveis em estudo (Liderana Autntica, Clima Organizacional Autentiztico, Satisfao e Sade), concluiu-se que as mulheres evidenciam nveis inferiores de Sade Mental, comparativamente aos homens. Os homens denotam menor perceo de Liderana Autntica que as mulheres. Os mais escolarizados evidenciam menor Sade Mental e maior perceo de Liderana Autntica que os menos escolarizados. O grupo tcnico de sade est mais satisfeito com o trabalho em geral mas evidencia menor Sade Mental que o grupo tcnico operacional. Os trabalhadores cuja chefia do sexo feminino demonstram nveis inferiores de Sade Mental. Por fim, comparadas as percees de Liderana Autntica entre chefias e trabalhadores no chefias, inferimos que so os primeiros a perceber os lderes como mais autnticos. O estudo apresenta as suas concluses e aponta estratgias de interveno em termos da Gesto e Desenvolvimento e Recursos Humanos para o CH em investigao.
Dissertao apresentada ao Instituto Politcnico do Porto para obteno do Grau de Mestre em Gesto das Organizaes, Ramo de Gesto de Empresas. Orientada por Prof. Doutor Manuel Salvador Gomes de Arajo
No mbito da unidade curricular Dissertao/Projeto/Estgio do 2ano do Mestrado em Engenharia mecnica Ramo Gesto Industrial do Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto, o presente trabalho de dissertao foi enquadrado num projeto industrial de melhoria com Instituto Kaizen, empresa de consultoria operacional. O projeto foi desenvolvido numa empresa de produo de componentes em ferro nodular destinados indstria automvel do mercado europeu, a Sakthi Portugal,SA. A realizao deste projeto teve como objetivo a implementao do sistema de planeamento em Pull (produo puxada) na logstica interna da Sakthi Portugal,SA recorrendo metodologia Kaizen. Esta metodologia consiste na aplicao de ferramentas de TFM - Total Flow Management, integradas no Kaizen Management System. Neste projeto recorreu-se especialmente a um dos pilares que o constituem, o pilar do Fluxo da Logstica Interna. Neste pilar encontram-se as vrias metodologias utilizadas na otimizao do fluxo de material e informao na logstica interna. Estas metodologias foram aplicadas, com o objetivo do sistema produtivo operar de acordo com a necessidade do cliente, obtendo deste modo a minimizao dos custo e o aumento da produtividade e qualidade. Em resultado da aplicao da metodologia seguida, foi possvel atingir-se os objetivos definidos inicialmente e em alguns casos foi possvel superar esses objetivos. Em funo da abordagem integrada que foi seguida, conseguiu-se uma diminuio do lead time do processo de fabrico, reduo dos produtos em curso de fabrico, libertao de espao e reduo de inventrios. Estas melhorias resultaram numa movimentao interna na fbrica mais facilitada e num aumento global da produtividade. Como consequncia positiva dos efeitos deste trabalho, pode-se apontar o facto de que a Sakthi Portugal SA aumentou a sua competitividade por tornar-se numa empresa mais dinmica, mais adaptada ao mercado e com nveis de satisfao do cliente muito superiores.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the association between exposure to adverse psychosocial working conditions and poor self-rated health among bank employees. METHODS: A cross-sectional study including a sample of 2,054 employees of a government bank was conducted in 2008. Self-rated health was assessed by a single question: "In general, would you say your health is (...)." Exposure to adverse psychosocial working conditions was evaluated by the effort-reward imbalance model and the demand-control model. Information on other independent variables was obtained through a self-administered semi-structured questionnaire. A multiple logistic regression analysis was performed and odds ratio calculated to assess independent associations between adverse psychosocial working conditions and poor self-rated health. RESULTS: The overall prevalence of poor self-rated health was 9%, with no significant gender difference. Exposure to high demand and low control environment at work was associated with poor self-rated health. Employees with high effort-reward imbalance and overcommitment also reported poor self-rated health, with a dose-response relationship. Social support at work was inversely related to poor self-rated health, with a dose-response relationship. CONCLUSIONS: Exposure to adverse psychosocial work factors assessed based on the effort-reward imbalance model and the demand-control model is independently associated with poor self-rated health among the workers studied.
The basic motivation of this work was the integration of biophysical models within the interval constraints framework for decision support. Comparing the major features of biophysical models with the expressive power of the existing interval constraints framework, it was clear that the most important inadequacy was related with the representation of differential equations. System dynamics is often modelled through differential equations but there was no way of expressing a differential equation as a constraint and integrate it within the constraints framework. Consequently, the goal of this work is focussed on the integration of ordinary differential equations within the interval constraints framework, which for this purpose is extended with the new formalism of Constraint Satisfaction Differential Problems. Such framework allows the specification of ordinary differential equations, together with related information, by means of constraints, and provides efficient propagation techniques for pruning the domains of their variables. This enabled the integration of all such information in a single constraint whose variables may subsequently be used in other constraints of the model. The specific method used for pruning its variable domains can then be combined with the pruning methods associated with the other constraints in an overall propagation algorithm for reducing the bounds of all model variables. The application of the constraint propagation algorithm for pruning the variable domains, that is, the enforcement of local-consistency, turned out to be insufficient to support decision in practical problems that include differential equations. The domain pruning achieved is not, in general, sufficient to allow safe decisions and the main reason derives from the non-linearity of the differential equations. Consequently, a complementary goal of this work proposes a new strong consistency criterion, Global Hull-consistency, particularly suited to decision support with differential models, by presenting an adequate trade-of between domain pruning and computational effort. Several alternative algorithms are proposed for enforcing Global Hull-consistency and, due to their complexity, an effort was made to provide implementations able to supply any-time pruning results. Since the consistency criterion is dependent on the existence of canonical solutions, it is proposed a local search approach that can be integrated with constraint propagation in continuous domains and, in particular, with the enforcing algorithms for anticipating the finding of canonical solutions. The last goal of this work is the validation of the approach as an important contribution for the integration of biophysical models within decision support. Consequently, a prototype application that integrated all the proposed extensions to the interval constraints framework is developed and used for solving problems in different biophysical domains.
OBJECTIVE: To analyze the strengths and limitations of the Family Health Strategy from the perspective of health care professionals and the community. METHODS: Between June-August 2009, in the city of Vespasiano, Minas Gerais State, Southeastern Brazil, a questionnaire was used to evaluate the Family Health Strategy (ESF) with 77 healthcare professionals and 293 caregivers of children under five. Health care professional training, community access to health care, communication with patients and delivery of health education and pediatric care were the main points of interest in the evaluation. Logistic regression analysis was used to obtain odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals as well as to assess the statistical significance of the variables studied. RESULTS: The majority of health care professionals reported their program training was insufficient in quantity, content and method of delivery. Caregivers and professionals identified similar weaknesses (services not accessible to the community, lack of healthcare professionals, poor training for professionals) and strengths (community health worker-patient communications, provision of educational information, and pediatric care). Recommendations for improvement included: more doctors and specialists, more and better training, and scheduling improvements. Caregiver satisfaction with the ESF was found to be related to perceived benefits such as community health agent household visits (OR 5.8, 95%CI 2.8;12.1), good professional-patient relationships (OR 4.8, 95%CI 2.5;9.3), and family-focused health (OR 4.1, 95%CI 1.6;10.2); and perceived problems such as lack of personnel (OR 0.3, 95%CI 0.2;0.6), difficulty with access (OR 0.2, 95%CI 0.1;0.4), and poor quality of care (OR 0.3, 95%CI 0.1;0.6). Overall, 62% of caregivers reported being generally satisfied with the ESF services. CONCLUSIONS: Identifying the limitations and strengths of the Family Health Strategy from the healthcare professional and caregiver perspective may serve to advance primary community healthcare in Brazil.
OBJECTIVE: To analyze the putative effect of type of shift and its interaction with leisure-time physical activity on cardiovascular risk factors in truck drivers.METHODS: A cross-sectional study was undertaken on 57 male truck drivers working at a transportation company, of whom 31 worked irregular shifts and 26 worked on the day-shift. Participants recorded their physical activity using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire along with measurements of blood pressure, body mass index and waist-hip ratio. Participants also provided a fasting blood sample for analysis of lipid-related outcomes. Data were analyzed using a factorial model which was covariate-controlled for age, smoking, work demand, control at work and social support.RESULTS: Most of the irregular-shift and day-shift workers worked more than 8 hours per day (67.7% and 73.1%, respectively). The mean duration of experience working the irregular schedule was 15.7 years. Day-shift workers had never engaged in irregular-shift work and had been working as a truck driver for 10.8 years on average. The irregular-shift drivers had lower work demand but less control compared to day-shift drivers (p < 0.05). Moderately-active irregular-shift workers had higher systolic and diastolic arterial pressures (143.7 and 93.2 mmHg, respectively) than moderately-active day-shift workers (116 and 73.3 mmHg, respectively) (p < 0.05) as well as higher total cholesterol concentrations (232.1 and 145 mg/dl, respectively) (p = 0.01). Irrespective of their physical activity, irregular-shift drivers had higher total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol concentrations (211.8 and 135.7 mg/dl, respectively) than day-shift workers (161.9 and 96.7 mg/dl, respectively (ANCOVA, p < 0.05).CONCLUSIONS: Truck drivers are exposed to cardiovascular risk factors due to the characteristics of the job, such as high work demand, long working hours and time in this profession, regardless of shift type or leisure-time physical activity.