966 resultados para Widerberg, Karin
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
O objetivo do artigo é fazer uma leitura paralela de dois contos românticos - Jacinto e Rosinha (1802), do alemão Novalis, e Cinco minutos (1856), do brasileiro José de Alencar - analisando como os dois autores trabalham a questão da subjetividade. O levantamento de uma série de traços distintivos permite concluir que há diferenças drásticas entre os Romantismos na Alemanha e Brasil: enquanto a subjetividade do primeiro pode ser chamada de individualismo, a do segundo pende para o sentimentalismo. Em outras palavras: o Romantismo alemão enfatiza o eu, ou seja, o indivíduo isolado às voltas com angústias de cunho intelectual; o Romantismo brasileiro dá maior peso à emotividade, aos sentimentos desse indivíduo, cujas angústias são de cunho amoroso.Palavras-chave: Novalis; José de Alencar; romantismo; subjetividade; conto.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Este artigo visa apresentar uma análise das representações femininas contidas no filme Garotas e Samba (1957), dirigido por Carlos Manga, por meio de seu enredo, personagens e marchinhas carnavalescas. Essa produção pertence ao gênero cinematográfico conhecido como chanchada, considerado um tipo de comédia musical que recebeu influências diversas, advindas do circo, do carnaval, do rádio, do teatro de variedades e do cinema estrangeiro. O carnaval representado no filme é o das músicas das rádios – principalmente das marchinhas carnavalescas, que favoreciam sátiras e inversões – e dos bailes de salão – onde eram utilizadas fantasias estilizadas e curtas, típicas do período. Este filme evidencia, de forma clara, o “mundo às avessas” apresentado pelas chanchadas, uma vez que as mulheres aparecem em uma posição muito mais ativa no espaço público em relação à situação real de grande parte das mulheres dos anos 1950. Não obstante, o filme expressou representações ora conservadoras, ora ousadas a respeito da mulher, demonstrando a ambiguidade de uma sociedade em fase de transição.
Este trabalho teve como objetivo identificar e quantificar os constituintes dos óleos essenciais de Illicum verum, Ageratum conyzoides, Piper hispidinervum e Ocotea odorifera, bem como avaliar a toxicidade para o pulgão-verde Schizaphis graminum. A qualificação dos constituintes foi realizada por meio de um cromatógrafo gasoso + espectrômetro de massas, e a quantificação, por um cromatógrafo gasoso + detector de ionização de chama, ambos com uma coluna DB5. O método de hidrodestilação promoveu um rendimento (p/p) de 3,81% para I. verum, 0,46% para A. conyzoides, 2,85% para P. hispidinervum e 0,68% para O. odorífera. Já os componentes majoritários foram: precoceno (87,0%) e (E)-cariofileno (7,1%) para A. conyzoides; (E)-anetol (90,4%), limoneno (2,6%) e metil-chavicol (1,3%) para I. verum; metil-eugenol (81,2%) e safrol (10,6%) para Ocotea odorífera; e safrol (82,5%) e α-terpinoleno (13,4%) para P. hispidinervum. Pelos testes de toxicidade aguda (24 horas) com folhas de sorgo ou papel-filtro contaminados, verificou-se que o óleo de A. conyzoides foi o mais tóxico para o pulgão, com CL50 de 7,13 e 7,08 µL óleo/cm2 respectivamente, seguido por O. odorifera com CL50 de 11,80 e 103,00 µL óleo/cm2 respectivamente; I. verum de 51,80 µL óleo/cm2 em ambos os substratos; e o menos tóxico foi o óleo essencial de P. hispidinervum, com CL50 de 62,50 e 143,00 µL óleo/cm2, respectivamente. Dessa maneira, sugere-se que o uso dos óleos essenciais pode representar uma nova ferramenta em programas de manejo integrado de pragas.
There is little research on the practices of sanitary inspection in the chain of production of vegetables to the consumer, especially those eaten raw, they are liable to serve microorganism such as bacteria, fungi and parasites, contributing to possible health hazards. The aim of this study was to assess qualitatively contamination by parasites and / or commensals of medical interest in lettuce leaves (Lactuca sativa) fresh market in the municipality of Quata Sao Paulo. A total of 15 random samples were analyzed every other day of the three different places that sell vegetables a grocery store, a supermarket and a vegetable garden during the month of May 2011. The parasites and / or commensals found in lettuce were Entamoeba coli (67%), Entamoeba histolytica (20%), Giardia sp (13%) and Ascaris lumbricoides (7%). The analysis showed the presence of parasites and / or commensals in all samples, except in the cultivated garden which showed poor sanitary conditions, probably due to contamination in the shipping and handling by third parties in supermarket and grocery store. The parasite monitoring sanitary conditions of vegetables sold in urban environments becomes relevant for preventive measures to avoid the continued parasitic cycle and possible future health complications.
The purpose of this study was nondecalcified histologic analysis of titanium implants modified by laser with and without hydroxyapatite. Implants with three modified surfaces were inserted into rabbit tibias: group 1, machined surface; group 2, irradiated (laser); and group 3, irradiated and hydroxyapatite coated (biomimetic method). The mean surface roughness (Ra) scores of groups 2 and 3 were higher than that of group 1. Bone-implant contact measurements at 30 and 60 days for groups 2 and 3 were higher than for group 1. Bone area at 30 and 60 days for group 2 was higher than for groups 1 and 3. Titanium implants modified by laser with and without hydroxyapatite exhibit increased early osseointegration.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Objectives-The purpose of this study was to evaluate the association between placental volumes, placental vascularity, and hypertensive disorders in pregnancy.Methods A prospective case-control study was conducted between April 2011 and July 2012. Placental volumes and vascularity were evaluated by 3-dimensional sonographic, 3-dimensional power Doppler histographic, and 2-dimensional color Doppler studies. Pregnant women were classified as normotensive or hypertensive and stratified by the nature of their hypertensive disorders. The following variables were evaluated: observed-to-expected placental volume ratio, placental volume-to-estimated fetal weight ratio, placental vascular indices, and pulsatility indices of the right and left uterine and umbilical arteries.Results Sixty-six healthy pregnant women and 62 pregnant women with hypertensive disorders were evaluated (matched by maternal age, gestational age at sonography, and parity). Placental volumes were not reduced in pregnancy in women with hypertensive disorders (P > .05). Conversely, reduced placental vascularization indices (vascularization index and vascularization-flow index) were observed in pregnancies complicated by hypertensive disorders (P < .01; P < .01), especially in patients with superimposed preeclampsia (P = .04; P = .02). A weak correlation was observed between placental volumes, placental vascular indices, and Doppler studies of the uterine and umbilical arteries.Conclusions Pregnancies complicated by hypertensive disorders are associated with reduced placental vascularity but not with reduced placental volumes. These findings are independent of changes in uterine artery Doppler studies. Future studies of the prediction of preeclampsia may focus on placental vascularity in combination with results of Doppler studies of the uterine arteries.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O objetivo deste estudo é analisar a evolução da pobreza e da desigualdade na distribuição de renda no Brasil no período de 1990 a 2006. Para isso apresenta um resumo histórico dos debates sobre as causas das desigualdades de rendimentos do país, os fatores responsáveis pelas diferenças salariais e um panorama dos investimentos públicos realizados para transferir renda à população mais pobre. Ao final expõe a situação da pobreza e da distribuição de renda no país através de dados obtidos pelas PNADs e pelo IBGE, considerando a influência das políticas sociais do Governo Federal
Osteoarticular diseases are very frequent in small animals, especially dogs. Osteoarthritis is the most common degenerative arthropathy in cats and dogs. It is one of the most important skeletal disease in small animals and it is divided into two broad classes: secondary and genetics. The secondary is originated from situations that can cause joint instability like as trauma, ligament problems and obesity among others. The gene for osteoarthritis comes from hereditary problems such as hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia and other diseases that can cause articular instability. The hereditary osteoarticular diseases are important only because they can result in the osteoarthritis. It is important to prevent the joint instability and consequently the clinical signs that affect the quality of life of the animals. The most common clinical signs are intermittent claudication, a decrease in performance, reluctance to jump and climb ladders among others. To prevent the clinical signs or mitigate them, the treatments need to be focused on pain control and especially restoration of the affected joint. The treatments most used are the medical and surgery. Anti-inflammatory and analgesics are used in large scale for pain control and to inhibit inflammatory mediators. Furthermore, medical treatment includes weight reduction, physiotherapy and proper nutrition along with anti-inflammatory and analgesics. Surgical treatments are indicated if there is an inadequate response to medical treatment. Physiotherapy is often used in conjunction with other treatments. Besides the reduction of weight is essential and obesity is unacceptable. Cats also suffer from osteoarthritis, but the diagnosis is rarer than in dogs. Usually the cat’s owners relate the reluctance to jump and drop in performance with senility, and when the disease is diagnosed is already in... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
Immunosuppressive drugs have a critical role in inhibiting tissue damage and allograft rejection.Studies have demonstrated the anti-infl ammatory effects of the annexin A1 (AnxA1) in the regulationof transmigration and apoptosis of leucocytes. In the present study, an experimental skin allograftmodel was used to evaluate a potential protective effect of AnxA1 in transplantation survival. Micewere used for the skin allograft model and pharmacological treatments were carried out using eitherthe AnxA1 mimetic peptide Ac2-26, with or without cyclosporine A (CsA), starting 3 days beforesurgery until rejection. Graft survival, skin histopathology, leucocyte transmigration and expressionof AnxA1 and AnxA5 post-transplantation were analysed. Pharmacological treatment with Ac2-26increased skin allograft survival related with inhibition of neutrophil transmigration and inductionof apoptos is, thereby reducing the tissue damage compared with control animals. Moreover, AnxA1and AnxA5 expression increased after Ac2-26 treatment in neutrophils. Interestingly, thecombination of Ac2-26 and cyclosporine A showed similar survival of transplants when compared withthe cyclosporine A group, which could be attributed to a synergistic effect of both drugs. Investigationsin vitro revealed that cyclosporine A inhibited extracellular-signal-regulated kinase (ERK) phosphory-lation induced by Ac2-26 in neutrophils. Overall, the results suggest that AnxA1 has an essential role inaugmenting the survival of skin allograft, mainly owing to inhibition of neutrophil transmigration andenhancement of apoptosis. This effect may lead to the development of new therapeutic approachesrelevant to transplant rejection.