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Researchers in the field of Augmentative and Alternative Communication point out the lack of instruments for assessing children and young people with a complex communication needs. This study's focus is the selection of words for creating an instrument for the vocabulary range in non-speaking children aged two to eleven years and eleven months. Three studies were performed. The first study identified and described tools available for assessing receptive vocabulary and their respective word lists. The second identified and described research that presented word inventories or word lists. The third study identified the vocabulary reported by parents and teachers. The words that were identified in the three studies were analyzed according to: the number of times they occurred; the Picture Communication Symbols system classification; and a semantic and syntactic classification. Based on these studies the following criteria for vocabulary selection were established for word selection: the 45 words which appeared in all three studies, the words that occurred five times or more, considering the three studies, representing 167 (14.14%) words; the words identified in study one or two, but that had been reported by the families - 183 (19.37% out of 945 words) - or by teachers - 108 (11.43% out of 945 words). The word list was composed of 269 items, classified in 18 semantic and syntactic topics; it represents an initial tool for professionals in the field of health and education to set goals for beginning assessment of children and teenagers who are users of Augmentative and Alternative Communication systems.


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OBJETIVO:traçar o perfil de mulheres vivendo com o vírus da imunodeficiência humana/Aids em municípios do interior do Estado de São Paulo, buscando-se identificar características relacionadas à vulnerabilidade individual, social e programática e analisar as condições em que tiveram conhecimento de seu status sorológico.MÉTODO:entre outubro de 2008 e dezembro de 2010, foi realizado estudo transversal, envolvendo 184 mulheres atendidas em serviço especializado. Os dados foram obtidos por entrevista e exame ginecológico, com coleta de amostras para diagnóstico etiológico de doenças sexualmente transmissíveis.RESULTADOS:predominaram mulheres brancas, entre 30 e 49 anos de idade, com companheiro, baixo nível escolar, múltiplos parceiros sexuais durante a vida e prática de sexo inseguro. A prevalência de doenças sexualmente transmissíveis foi de 87,0%.CONCLUSÃO:o estudo sugere a necessidade de ofertar assistência ginecológica em serviços especializados e realização de ações multiprofissionais que reforcem a autonomia feminina na tomada de decisões protetoras.


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The elderly are the object of policies of protection against risks and diseases. According to the liberal premise, the idea is ensure the individual's independence, which actually serves to isolating and weakening the elderly. We propose the paradigm of recognition and social bonds that support the life of individuals who exercise recognition and are recognized. Intersubjective autonomy is guaranteed through relations of affection/friendship, social esteem, recognition of rights and responsibilities and threatened by de-valuing attitudes, disrespect and violence. This contributes to the health of the elderly, by understanding exclusion, slander and trauma and supporting the care institution with a view to integrity and social justice.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This article examines the challenges involved in the process of police militarization and implementation of police discipline in the State of São Paulo during the First Brazilian Republic (1889 to 1930). Th e implementation of a militarized police model, initiated by the 1906 French Military Mission, was not fully able to deal with indiscipline issues among policemen. Beyond creating problems of its own, such as fostering a corporatist culture and strengthening rigid hierarchies, military discipline prevented police forces to address new issues that would aff ect its practices. Documents in the São Paulo State Public Archive provides a window to the daily violence, the personal compromises, the institutional confl icts and the political meddling that was part of police life in the State of São Paulo at the turn of the century.


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The struggle for land is not a recent theme in Brazilian history. Since colonization, people have fought and resisted against oppression and injustice in the countryside, as can be evidenced by the highwaymen, peasant leagues and the war of Canudos. More recently, the struggle for land and agrarian reform can be evidenced by the struggles of the MST, CONTAG, CPT and other movements. For these movements, denominated as socioterritorial movements, land/territory is an essential condition for their existence and for the maintenance of their territoriality. The present paper examines the geography of socioterritorial moviments: the construction of the concept of socioterritorial movements and their forms of action and scales of actuation in the period 2000 to 2012, focusing on the movements that have been most active. These movements are studied through as analysis of data of the Land Struggle Data Base (Banco de Dados da Luta pela Terra –DATALUTA), print and digital media reports and a bibliographic survey of the literature. The action of socioterritorial movements can be studied through the forms of land occupations and demonstrations in the countryside which are the principal means of the struggle against large landholders, agribusiness and the State. These actions question the model of development which privileges agribusiness and, as such, are viewed by some as a hindrance to the development of the country. Over the years, the number of socioterritorial moviments, and their actions have oscillated due to a series of factors, such as repression (criminalization of members and violence against them), policies adopted by Brazilian governments and the contradictions inherent in very process of the spacialization of the struggle for land. These actions can be analyzed according to the scale of the struggle of the movements – municipal, micro-regional, state, macro-regional, and national


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Some characteristics and behaviors, that are of young, as a tendency to rebel and take risks, deviating from the rules of society, makes it vulnerable to many detrimental aspects, such as may indiscriminate use of alcohol and drugs, practicing unsafe sex and having multiple partners, which cause, among another complications, sexually transmitted diseases (STD). The Chlamydia trachomatis causes chlamydial infection, is one of the most recurrent STD of the world. Several risk factors are already defined for Chlamydial infection, among them, age under 25 years old and sexual behavior of the risk. The objective was to determine the prevalence of Chlamydia infection cervicitis in adolescent females of the Botucatu, São Paulo, and risk factors associated with this infection. It is cross-sectional study, of the populational basis, performed together the nineteen basic health units of the Botucatu, São Paulo. The data were obtained through clinical interviews and gynecological examination on samples collected for laboratory analysis. The research of C. trachomatis was performed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). This report presents preliminary data, which represent 19% of the sample checked. Were interviewed 37 adolescents with a mean age of 17 years (between 15th and 19th years old), average of years studied of the 8,19, 40% of the families lived on less than a minimum wage by person and 24,3% dosen’t has ownership of the house where they live. Mean age of first sexual intercourse of 14 years (between 12th and 16th years old), 24,3% regularly used condoms, 5,4% had a premature birth and 8,1% reported abortion. 75,7% had any complaints in the gynecological exam, pain in lower abdomen, the most prevalent. The prevalence of vulvovaginitis or vaginal flora altered was 54,1%. The prevalence of infection by C. trachomatis was 58%. Presence content was associated infection chlamydial and age... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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All the time, organizations are seeking ways to relate to their audiences, in order to become stronger institutionally and merchandising. In the era of information technology contacts occur increasingly in virtual form, minimizing the face-to-face. Thus, this study contextualizes the trade fairs as a way to bring business relations / public interest in a real environment and provides the friendly atmosphere, much as in a short time, the company with a large amount of their customers, potential customers, partners, suppliers, and other audiences that may be interesting. However, shows that for the success of these events is a necessary strategic planning, so that subsequent implementation is possible to measure the results. It also envisions the trade fairs getting a new format, that is, their commercial character to give the space for the relational as a way to bring more awareness to organizations and to strengthen ties with their audiences. This beneath the optics of Public Relation as the appropriate professional to manage relationships and therefore be the strategist of the company's participation in a trade fair


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Com a disseminação da agricultura industrial, com grande utilização de insumos tecnológicos, mecanizada e fundamentada num número reduzido de espécies e variedades de plantas cultivadas, os modos de produção autóctone têm sofrido pressões em todo mundo. Entre estas, citam-se a modernização do campo, a perda de terras para agricultura comercial em larga escala e a emigração dos jovens em busca de melhores condições de vida, que acarretam grandes mudanças para estes sistemas agrícolas. As comunidades de agricultores de subsistência são detentoras de uma gama de variedades de diversas espécies cultivadas, sendo que essa diversidade é um fator adaptativo importante para o agricultor ante as variações ambientais, climáticas, biológicas e socioeconômicas, além de ser importante para a segurança do sistema alimentar mundial. Isto faz com que estes agricultores se tornem importantes parceiros para programas de conservação in situ de plantas cultivadas. No Brasil, assentamentos rurais são formados por agricultores de diversas origens, e são locais onde a agricultura é parcialmente voltada para a subsistência. Dentre a grande diversidade de plantas cultivadas para subsistência, as raízes e os tubérculos constituem, depois dos cereais, a principal fonte de alimento para a população humana. O presente estudo visou levantar as espécies de raízes e tubérculos cultivados nos Assentamentos Rurais Araras I, II, III e IV, no município de Araras, São Paulo, e analisou a potencialidade dos pequenos agricultores das assentamentos como mantedores de agrobiodiversidade. A pesquisa se deu através de entrevistas estruturadas e semi-estruturadas, onde os agricultores entrevistados forma selecionados de maneira aleatória e estratificada entre os quatro assentamentos. Os dados coletados foram analisados de maneira descritiva. Os resultados...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Atualmente a China é um ator essencial do cenário econômico mundial, sendo também um grande demandante de matérias primas para manter seu acelerado crescimento, resultando assim em importante e estratégico para a região latinoamericana, sobretudo, por ser um grande comprador. Por sua importância econômica, estratégica e demográfica a China se destaca em relação à maioria dos países do mundo sendo não apenas um ator chave, responsável por grandes mudanças ocorridas no nível e estrutura da demanda mundial, mas também importante fonte de recursos financeiros para manter os equilíbrios internacionais. Através da discussão das relações de comércio entre Brasil e China buscamos analisar os principais resultados em termos econômicos e sociais, principalmente a atuação do Brasil enquanto ator global dado sua importância crescente na dinâmica mundial. A intenção desta pesquisa é entender as dimensões da relação com o país asiático, a partir do posicionamento do Brasil como um dos principais parceiros comerciais de China, sobretudo como exportador de produtos primários. Em termos de exportações realizadas por setores desde o Brasil para a China existe uma grande concentração nos recursos naturais de matérias primas, particularmente os minérios, alimentos, e combustíveis; trata-se de um pequeno hall de produtos com baixo nível de processamento


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A infecção genital por Papilomavírus Humano (HPV) é uma das doenças sexualmente transmissíveis (DST), de origem viral, mais prevalente no mundo. As lesões intraepiteliais escamosas de baixo grau (LIEBG) e de alto grau (LIEAG), assim como carcinoma cervical invasor (CCI), estão associadas à presença do HPV. A resposta imune tem papel importante na infecção pelo HPV na cérvice uterina, sendo as citocinas importantes reguladoras da transcrição viral. Avaliar a concentração de IL-1β, IL-2, IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, IL-12, IFN-γ e TNF-α no soro de mulheres portadoras de LIEBG, LIEAG e CCI. Foram incluídas no estudo 40 mulheres com diagnóstico histopatológico de LIEBG (n=11), LIEAG (n=10), CCI (n=10) e 9 mulheres com suspeita de doença HPV induzida, mas sem alterações histopatológicas na biópsia do colo do útero (controle), atendidas no Ambulatório de Colposcopia da Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu (UNESP) e no Ambulatório de Ginecologia Preventiva do Hospital Amaral Carvalho, Jaú, SP. O sangue periférico foi colhido por punção venosa e o soro armazenado até o processamento. A dosagem das citocinas no soro foi avaliada por ensaio imunoenzimático (ELISA). A pesquisa de HPV foi realizada empregando-se a técnica da reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR). Os dados sócio-demográficos foram obtidos por entrevista no momento da consulta ginecológica. A mediana de idade das pacientes do grupo controle, LIEBG, LIEAG, e CCI foi de 38 (21-69), 32,5 (17-51), 39 (23-65) e 51,5 (29-72), respectivamente. Houve diferença estatisticamente significante de mediana de idade das pacientes do grupo CCI quando esta foi comparada com os demais grupos. Em relação às características das pacientes, 76% eram brancas, 68% relataram união estável, 31% concluíram o 2º grau, 42% eram fumantes, 37% das mulheres relataram 3 ou mais parceiros sexuais durante... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Examine the phenomenon of bullying behavior that makes people teased, laughter, sarcasm, irony, among other types of attacks. This is not only physically, but with moral violence, emotional or psychological. When there is an effective intervention against bullying, all individuals in the group start to suffer with this situation, which can lead to psychological disorders, hampering the progress of relations as well as team sports, over a period of training and competition. This article analyzed a sample of athletes in order to find behaviors that characterize the extent of bullying and can see the consequences of it, as early drop out. Through the results it was concluded that the actions that characterize bullying are present in very high performance football and may even lead to drop out the sport. We also evaluate the environments frequented by teams can become enhancers of this phenomenon, they are times when athletes have a living space and one that may become amenable to the events, plus the fact that many athletes have already thought about leaving the sport because to bullying


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Pós-graduação em Geografia - FCT