910 resultados para Trammel net, small-scale fishery, discards, Mediterranean sea


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Research on sediments recovered during Ocean Drilling Leg 160 has concentrated on two issues: the first concerned the stratigraphy of sapropel formation, the second was oriented to clarify specific processes that explain sapropel origin. Progress has been made in the construction of stratigraphic composites out of sedimentary sequences from individual holes at each of the palaeoceanographic sites. On the composites, initial work has resulted in the establishment of high-resolution and intermediate-resolution stratigraphies for three sites (963, 964, 967); correlation of sedimentary cycles to astronomical (insolation) cycles extends the stratigraphies to Sites 969 and 966. The sapropel occurrences in the marine and land sequences over the entire Eastern Mediterranean are correlated; with the resolution that can be obtained from isotope studies, groups of sapropels occurred simultaneously over the entire basin. In detail, however, the temporal and facies patterns of sapropel sequences differ between individual sites and depositional basins. The differences may be related to effects of water depth, diagenesis, and post-depositional tectonic attenuation of sequences. Studies on the geochemistry and facies of sapropels agree that anoxic conditions favoured preservation of organic matter in sapropels, caused the enrichment of trace metals associated with sapropels, and helped to preserve primary sedimentary structures. Besides, all evidence is consistent with elevated fluxes of organic matter and associated elements during sapropel events.


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The dataset is based on samples collected in the framework of the project SESAME, in the Ionian, Libyan and Aegean Sea during March- April 2008. The objectives were to measure the standing stocks and calculate the production of the microbial compartment of the food web, describe the vertical distribution pattern and characterize its structure and function through the water column. Heterotrophic bacteria, Synechococcus, Prochlorococcus and Virus abundance: Subsamples for virus, heterotrophic bacteria and cyanobacteria (Synechococcus spp. and Prochlorococcus spp.) counting were analyzed using a FACSCalibur (Becton Dickinson) flow cytometer equipped with a standard laser (488 nm) and filter set and using deionized water as sheath fluid. Fluorescent beads with a diameter of 0.97 µm (Polysciences) were added to each sample as an internal standard, and all parameters were normalized to the beads and expressed as relative units. SYBRGreen I stain (Molecular Probe) was used to stain viral and heterotrophic bacterial DNA. Viruses were counted according to (Brussaard 1984). In order to avoid bulk consentrations of viruses samples we dilluted to Tris-EDTA (pH=8,0) buffer to a final sollution of 1/5 to 1/100. Total abundance and nucleid content classes were calculated using the Paint-A-Gate software (Becton Dickinson).


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The dataset is based on samples collected in the framework of the project SESAME, in the Ionian, Libyan and Aegean Sea during March- April 2008. The objectives were to measure the standing stocks and calculate the production of the microbial compartment of the food web, describe the vertical distribution pattern and characterize its structure and function through the water column. Bacterial production was estimated by the 3H-leucine method (Kirchman et al. 1986, Kirchman 1993). At each depth, duplicate samples and a control were incubated with 20 nM L-[4,5 3H]-leucine. Samples were incubated in the dark, at in situ temperature.


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During spring, ammonium oxidation and nitrite oxidation rates were measured in the NW basin of the Mediterranean Sea, from mesotrophic sites (Ligurian Sea and Gulf of Lions) to oligotrophic sites (Balearic Islands). Nitrification rates (average values for 37 measurements) ranged from 72 to 144 nmol of N oxidised/l/d, except in the Rhône River plume area where the rates increased to 264-504 nmol/l/d because of the riverine inputs of nitrogen. Maximal rates were located around the peak of nitrite within the nitracline at about 40 to 60 m and just above the phosphacline. At 1 station, relatively high values of nitrification (50 to 130 nmol/l/d) were also measured deep in the water column (240 m). Day-to-day variations were measured demonstrating the response within a few hours to hydrological stress (wind-induced mixing of the water column) and showing the role of hydrological characteristics on the distribution of nitrification rates. Because of the homogenous temperature (13°C) in the Mediterranean Sea, the spatial (geographical and vertical) fluctuations of nitrifying rates were linked to the presence of substrate due to mineralisation processes and/or Rhône River inputs. We estimate the contribution of nitrate produced by nitrification to the N demand of phytoplankton to range from 16% at mesotrophic to 61% at oligotrophic stations.


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IBAMar (http://www.ba.ieo.es/ibamar) is a regional database that puts together all physical and biochemical data obtained by multiparametric probes (CTDs equipped with different sensors), during the cruises managed by the Balearic Center of the Spanish Institute of Oceanography (COB-IEO). It has been recently extended to include data obtained with classical hydro casts using oceanographic Niskin or Nansen bottles. The result is a database that includes a main core of hydrographic data: temperature (T), salinity (S), dissolved oxygen (DO), fluorescence and turbidity; complemented by bio-chemical data: dissolved inorganic nutrients (phosphate, nitrate, nitrite and silicate) and chlorophyll-a. In IBAMar Database, different technologies and methodologies were used by different teams along the four decades of data sampling in the COB-IEO. Despite of this fact, data have been reprocessed using the same protocols, and a standard QC has been applied to each variable. Therefore it provides a regional database of homogeneous, good quality data. Data acquisition and quality control (QC): 94% of the data are CTDs Sbe911 and Sbe25. S and DO were calibrated on board using water samples, whenever a Rossetta was available (70% of the cases). All CTD data from Seabird CTDs were reviewed and post processed with the software provided by Sea-Bird Electronics. Data were averaged to get 1 dbar vertical resolution. General sampling methodology and pre processing are described in https://ibamardatabase.wordpress.com/home/). Manual QC include visual checks of metadata, duplicate data and outliers. Automatic QC include range check of variables by area (north of Balearic Islands, south of BI and Alboran Sea) and depth (27 standard levels), check for spikes and check for density inversions. Nutrients QC includes a preliminary control and a range check on the observed level of the data to detect outliers around objectively analyzed data fields. A quality flag is assigned as an integer number, depending on the result of the QC check.


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In this paper, we present a map describing the main geomorphological features of the coastal and marine area between the towns of Albenga and Savona (Ligurian Sea, NW Mediterranean) corresponding to a coastal stretch of ~40 km. To produce this map, we collated data from the literature, orthophotos, perspective photos, multibeam and side scan sonar data, and undertook direct surveys to ground truth data obtained using indirect techniques. We divided the information into nine thematic layers, including bathymetry, natural coastal types, geomorphological elements, seafloor coverage (both geological and biological), coastal and nearshore dynamics, human influence on coastal and marine environments, coastal occupation and protected areas.