943 resultados para Thermodynamically stable
Selen ist in geringen Mengen ein essentielles Nährelement, das aber in höheren Gehalten toxisch wird. Der Se-Kreislauf in der Umwelt ist eng mit Redoxreaktionen wie der Reduktion von Se-Oxyanionen zu Methylselenid verknüpft. Flüchtige Methylselenide sind weit verbreitet und stellen einen wichtigen Se-Fluss in der Umwelt dar. Das übergeordnete Ziel meiner Dissertation war, die Stabilisotopenfraktionierung von Se durch Biomethylierung verschiedener oxidierter Se-Spezies (Se[IV] und Se[VI]) im Boden aufzuklären. Zunächst wurde eine Methode entwickelt, die es erlaubte flüchte Methylselenide quantitativ zurückzuhalten. Es zeigte sich, dass alkalische Peroxid-Lösung dafür geeignet war. Mit alkalischer Peroxid-Lösung wurde eine Wiederfindung von 95,6 ± Standardabweichung 5,4% in Verflüchtigungsexperimenten mit Methylselenid-Standards erreicht. Bei Einsatz von alkalischer Peroxid-Lösung in geschlossenen Mikrokosmos-Experimenten kam es zu keinen Se-Verlusten und ausgeglichenen Se-Isotopenbilanzen. Die massengewichteten δ82/76Se-Werte lagen für Se(IV) und Se(VI) am Ende der Mikrokosmos-Inkubationen bei -0,31 ± 0,05‰ (n = 3) und -0,76 ± 0,07‰ (n = 3) verglichen mit -0,20 ± 0,05‰ und -0,69 ± 0,07‰ im jeweils zugegebenen Se. Im zweiten Teil meiner Dissertation wurde die Pilzart Alternaria alternata mit Se(VI) und Se(IV) in geschlossenen Mikrokosmen für 11-15 und Se(IV) zusätzlich für 3-5 Tage bei 30°C inkubiert. In 11-15 Tagen wurden 2,9-11% des Se(VI) und 21-29% des Se(IV) und in 3-5 Tagen, 3-5% des Se(IV) methyliert. Die anfänglichen δ82/76Se-Werte von Se(VI) und Se(IV) lagen bei -0,69 ± 0,07‰, und -0,20 ± 0,05‰. Die δ82/76Se-Werte der Methylselenide unterschieden sich nach 11-15 Tagen Inkubation signifikant zwischen Se(VI) (-3,97 bis -3,25 ‰) und Se(IV) (-1,44 bis -0,16‰) als Quellen. Die δ82/76Se-Werte der Methylselenide zeigen also die Quellen der Biomethylierung von Se an. Die kürzere Inkubation von Se(IV) für 3-5 Tage führte zu einer ausgeprägten Se-Isotopenfraktonierung von mindestens -6‰, bevor ein Fließgleichgewicht erreicht wurde. Im dritten Teil bestimmte ich die Bindungsformen von Se mit drei operativ definierten sequentiellen Extraktionen und die δ82/76S-Werte des gesamten Selens in zehn urbanen Oberböden mit 0,09-0,52 mg/kg Se, die fünf verschiedene Landnutzungstypen repräsentierten (Überschwemmungsgrünland, Garten, Park, Straßenrand und Wald). Nur ein kleiner Teil des Seleniums lag in austauschbarer und damit direkt bioverfügbarer und in residualer, wenig reaktiver Form vor. Das meiste Se war an die organische Substanz und Fe-(Hydr-)Oxide gebunden (42-77% des gesamten Selens). Der mittlere δ82/76Se-Wert des gesamten Selens in den Oberböden lag mit -0,03 ± 0,38‰ nahe beim Mittelwert der gesamten Erde. Geringfügig niedrigere Se-Isotopensignale von -0,59 bis -0,35‰ v.a. in Waldböden und geringfügig höhere von 0,26 to 0,45‰ in Überschwemmungsgrünland wurden vermutlich durch Boden-Pflanze-Recycling und Se-Kontaminationen durch das Flusswasser verursacht. Der vierte Teil umfasste ein “Natural Attenuation”-Experiment und Mikrokosmos-Inkubationen von Bodenproben mit A. alternata. Die Equilibrierung von zum Boden gegebenem Se(IV) und Se(VI) für drei Tage führte zu abnehmenden wasserlöslichen Se-Gehalten um 32-44% bzw. 8-14, die mit kleinen Isotopenfraktionierung (ε = -0,045 bis -0,12 ‰ and -0,05 to -0,07‰ verbunden waren. In zwei der inkubierten Böden mit mäßig sauren pH-Werten wurden zwischen 9,1 und 30% des zugefügten Se(IV) und 1,7% des zugefügten Se(VI) methyliert während in einem stark sauren Boden keine Methylierung auftrat. Das aus Se(IV) entstandene Methylselenid war deutlich gegenüber dem zugegebenen Se-Standard (0,20‰) an 82Se verarmt (δ82/76Se = -3,3 bis -4,5‰). Meine Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die stabilen Isotopenverhältnisse von Se neue Einblicke in Se-Transformationsprozesse erlauben.rn
Stable isotope composition of atmospheric carbon monoxide: A modelling study.rnrnThis study aims at an improved understanding of the stable carbon and oxygen isotope composition of the carbon monoxide (CO) in the global atmosphere by means of numerical simulations. At first, a new kinetic chemistry tagging technique for the most complete parameterisation of isotope effects has been introduced into the Modular Earth Submodel System (MESSy) framework. Incorporated into the ECHAM/MESSy Atmospheric Chemistry (EMAC) general circulation model, an explicit treatment of the isotope effects on the global scale is now possible. The expanded model system has been applied to simulate the chemical system containing up to five isotopologues of all carbon- and oxygen-bearing species, which ultimately determine the δ13C, δ18O and Δ17O isotopic signatures of atmospheric CO. As model input, a new stable isotope-inclusive emission inventory for the relevant trace gases has been compiled. The uncertainties of the emission estimates and of the resulting simulated mixing and isotope ratios have been analysed. The simulated CO mixing and stable isotope ratios have been compared to in-situ measurements from ground-based observatories and from the civil-aircraft-mounted CARIBIC−1 measurement platform.rnrnThe systematically underestimated 13CO/12CO ratios of earlier, simplified modelling studies can now be partly explained. The EMAC simulations do not support the inferences of those studies, which suggest for CO a reduced input of the highly depleted in 13C methane oxidation source. In particular, a high average yield of 0.94 CO per reacted methane (CH4) molecule is simulated in the troposphere, to a large extent due to the competition between the deposition and convective transport processes affecting the CH4 to CO reaction chain intermediates. None of the other factors, assumed or disregarded in previous studies, however hypothesised to have the potential in enriching tropospheric CO in 13C, were found significant when explicitly simulated. The inaccurate surface emissions, likely underestimated over East Asia, are responsible for roughly half of the discrepancies between the simulated and observed 13CO in the northern hemisphere (NH), whereas the remote southern hemisphere (SH) compositions suggest an underestimated fractionation during the oxidation of CO by the hydroxyl radical (OH). A reanalysis of the kinetic isotope effect (KIE) in this reaction contrasts the conventional assumption of a mere pressure dependence, and instead suggests an additional temperature dependence of the 13C KIE, which is driven by changes in the partitioning of the reaction exit channels. This result is yet to be confirmed in the laboratory.rnrnApart from 13CO, for the first time the atmospheric distribution of the oxygen mass-independent fractionation (MIF) in CO, Δ17O, has been consistently simulated on the global scale with EMAC. The applicability of Δ17O(CO) observations to unravelling changes in the tropospheric CH4-CO-OH system has been scrutinised, as well as the implications of the ozone (O3) input to the CO isotope oxygen budget. The Δ17O(CO) is confirmed to be the principal signal for the CO photochemical age, thus providing a measure for the OH chiefly involved in the sink of CO. The highly mass-independently fractionated O3 oxygen is estimated to comprise around 2% of the overall tropospheric CO source, which has implications for the δ18O, but less likely for the Δ17O CO budgets. Finally, additional sensitivity simulations with EMAC corroborate the nearly equal net effects of the present-day CH4 and CO burdens in removing tropospheric OH, as well as the large turnover and stability of the abundance of the latter. The simulated CO isotopologues nonetheless hint at a likely insufficient OH regeneration in the NH high latitudes and the upper troposphere / lower stratosphere (UTLS).rn
L'indagine ha riguardato il profilo del vento nei primi 30 metri dello strato limite atmosferico stabile nell'ambito della teoria di similarità locale. Ad oggi, diversi esperimenti hanno confermato la validità della teoria per strati-limite su terreni livellati e superfici omogenee. Tali condizioni ideali sono però infrequenti nella realtà ed è perciò importante capire quali siano i limiti della similarità locale per strati-limite su terreni complessi e superfici disomogenee. Entrambe le condizioni sono presenti a Ny-Alesund (Svalbard, Norvegia) dove il Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), nel 2009, ha installato una torre di 30 m, la Amudsen-Nobile Climate Change Tower (CCT), per lo studio dello strato-limite artico. Il lavoro di tesi ha riguardato misure di vento e turbolenza acquisite sulla CCT da maggio 2012 a maggio 2014. Il confronto tra le velocità del vento misurate dagli anemometri installati sulla CCT, ha rivelato criticità nel dato sonico manifestatesi con sovrastime sistematiche e maggiore erraticità rispetto alle misure provenienti dagli anemometri a elica. Un test condotto fra diversi metodi per il calcolo dei gradienti verticali della velocità del vento ha rivelato scarsa sensibilità dei risultati ottenuti al particolare metodo utilizzato. Lo studio ha riguardato i gradienti verticali adimensionali della velocità del vento nei primi 30-m dello strato limite stabile. Deviazioni significative tra i tra le osservazioni e i valori predetti dalla similarità locale sono state osservate in particolare per i livelli più distanti dal suolo e per valori crescenti del parametro di stabilità z/L (L, lunghezza di Obukhov locale). In particolare, si sono osservati gradienti adimensionali inferiori a quelli predetti dalle più usate relazioni di flusso-gradiente. Tali deviazioni, presenti perlopiù per z/L>0.1, sono state associate ad un effetto di accentuazione della turbolenza da parte delle irregolarità del terreno. Per condizioni meno stabili, z/L<0.1, scarti positivi tra i gradienti osservati e quelli attesi sono stati attribuiti alla formazione di strati limite interni in condizioni di vento dal mare verso la costa. Sono stati proposti diversi metodi per la stima dell'effetto della self-correlazione nella derivazione delle relazioni di flusso-gradiente, dovuta alla condivisione della variabile u*. La formula per il coefficiente lineare di self correlazione e le sue distribuzioni di probabilità empiriche sono state derivate e hanno permesso di stimare il livello di self-correlazione presente nel dataset considerato.
Cell therapies for articular cartilage defects rely on expanded chondrocytes. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) represent an alternative cell source should their hypertrophic differentiation pathway be prevented. Possible cellular instruction between human articular chondrocytes (HAC) and human bone marrow MSC was investigated in micromass pellets. HAC and MSC were mixed in different percentages or incubated individually in pellets for 3 or 6 weeks with and without TGF-beta1 and dexamethasone (±T±D) as chondrogenic factors. Collagen II, collagen X and S100 protein expression were assessed using immunohistochemistry. Proteoglycan synthesis was evaluated applying the Bern score and quantified using dimethylmethylene blue dye binding assay. Alkaline phosphatase activity (ALP) was detected on cryosections and soluble ALP measured in pellet supernatants. HAC alone generated hyaline-like discs, while MSC formed spheroid pellets in ±T±D. Co-cultured pellets changed from disc to spheroid shape with decreasing number of HAC, and displayed random cell distribution. In -T-D, HAC expressed S100, produced GAG and collagen II, and formed lacunae, while MSC did not produce any cartilage-specific proteins. Based on GAG, collagen type II and S100 expression chondrogenic differentiation occurred in -T-D MSC co-cultures. However, quantitative experimental GAG and DNA values did not differ from predicted values, suggesting only HAC contribution to GAG production. MSC produced cartilage-specific matrix only in +T+D but underwent hypertrophy in all pellet cultures. In summary, influence of HAC on MSC was restricted to early signs of neochondrogenesis. However, MSC did not contribute to the proteoglycan deposition, and HAC could not prevent hypertrophy of MSC induced by chondrogenic stimuli.
Chronic low-grade systemic inflammation is a key component in atherogenesis. Decreased heart rate variability (HRV), a strong predictor of cardiovascular events, has been associated with elevations in circulating levels of C-reactive protein (CRP), interleukin (IL)-6, and fibrinogen in apparently healthy individuals. We investigated whether decreased HRV is associated with inflammatory markers in patients with coronary heart disease (CHD).
In patients with ventricular tachycardia (VT) and a history of myocardial infarction, intervention with an implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) can prevent sudden cardiac death and thereby reduce total mortality. However, ICD shocks are painful and do not provide complete protection against sudden cardiac death. We assessed the potential benefit of catheter ablation before implantation of a cardioverter defibrillator.
Coronary artery disease remains the leading cause of mortality in most industrialized countries, although age-standardized mortality related to coronary artery disease (CAD) has decreased by more than 40% during the last two decades. Coronary atherosclerosis may cause angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, heart failure, arrhythmia, and sudden death. Medical management of atherosclerosis and its manifestation aims at retardation of progression of plaque formation, prevention of plaque rupture, and subsequent events and treatment of symptoms, when these occur as well as treatment of the sequelae of the disease. Revascularization by either percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) or coronary artery bypass surgery (CABG) is performed as treatment of flow-limiting coronary stenosis to reduce myocardial ischaemia. In high-risk patients with acute coronary syndromes (ACS), a routine invasive strategy with revascularization in most patients provides the best outcome with a significant reduction in death and myocardial infarction compared with an initial conservative strategy. Conversely, the benefit of revascularization among patients with chronic stable CAD has been called into question. This review will provide information that revascularization exerts favourable effects on symptoms, quality of life, exercise capacity, and survival, particularly in those with extensive CAD and documented moderate-to-severe ischaemia. Accordingly, CABG and PCI should be considered a valuable adjunct rather than an alternative to medical therapy.
The intensive use of nano-sized titanium dioxide (TiO2) particles in many different applications necessitates studies on their risk assessment as there are still open questions on their safe handling and utilization. For reliable risk assessment, the interaction of TiO2 nanoparticles (NP) with biological systems ideally needs to be investigated using physico-chemically uniform and well-characterized NP. In this article, we describe the reproducible production of TiO2 NP aerosols using spark ignition technology. Because currently no data are available on inhaled NP in the 10–50 nm diameter range, the emphasis was to generate NP as small as 20 nm for inhalation studies in rodents. For anticipated in vivo dosimetry analyses, TiO2 NP were radiolabeled with 48V by proton irradiation of the titanium electrodes of the spark generator. The dissolution rate of the 48V label was about 1% within the first day. The highly concentrated, polydisperse TiO2 NP aerosol (3–6 × 106 cm−3) proved to be constant over several hours in terms of its count median mobility diameter, its geometric standard deviation, and number concentration. Extensive characterization of NP chemical composition, physical structure, morphology, and specific surface area was performed. The originally generated amorphous TiO2 NP were converted into crystalline anatase TiO2 NP by thermal annealing at 950 °C. Both crystalline and amorphous 20-nm TiO2 NP were chain agglomerated/aggregated, consisting of primary particles in the range of 5 nm. Disintegration of the deposited TiO2 NP in lung tissue was not detectable within 24 h.
We aimed to assess whether the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular (CV) events in stable patients with established atherothrombosis or multiple risk factors.