999 resultados para Temporal organisation
O plantio direto é eficiente no controle das perdas de solo e água, mas o tráfego de máquinas e a ausência de revolvimento podem induzir a compactação superficial dos solos de textura argilosa. O intervalo hídrico ótimo (IHO) traduz os efeitos de sistemas de manejo na melhoria ou na degradação da qualidade física do solo. O objetivo deste estudo foi quantificar o IHO para discriminar os efeitos de sistemas de manejo em plantio direto na qualidade física do solo. Os tratamentos utilizados foram: plantio direto com sucessão de culturas, plantio direto com rotação de culturas e plantio direto com rotação de culturas e escarificação do solo. Em duas épocas distintas - em outubro de 2002, após a cultura de inverno (trigo), e em abril de 2003, após a cultura de verão (soja) - foram retiradas 44 amostras indeformadas em cada tratamento. Essas amostras foram utilizadas para determinar a curva de retenção de água, a curva de resistência do solo à penetração, a densidade do solo, o IHO e a densidade crítica do solo. A resistência do solo à penetração determinou o limite inferior do IHO em todos os tratamentos e reduziu os seus valores com o aumento da densidade do solo. A densidade crítica do solo não dependeu do sistema de manejo em plantio direto. A variação temporal do IHO nos tratamentos foi dependente da variação da densidade do solo. No plantio direto com rotação, a maior retenção de água em elevados potenciais proporcionou, temporalmente, maiores valores do IHO.
Os sedimentos transportados pelas águas barrentas do rio Guamá e a heterogeneidade dessas substâncias são responsáveis pela formação do solo e pela diversidade de características químicas na área inundável. Este trabalho teve como objetivo determinar os atributos físicos e químicos de um solo de várzea baixa do rio Guamá, em diferentes épocas, cultivado com canarana de Paramaribo (Echinochloa polystachya H.B.K) e canarana erecta lisa (Echinochloa pyramidales Lam). O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 4 x 4 (quatro profundidades e quatro épocas de amostragem), com seis repetições. Amostras compostas de solo foram coletadas em seis pontos eqüidistantes, a partir de uma transecção, nas profundidades de 0-10, 10-20, 20-30 e 30-40 cm, nos meses de maio, agosto e novembro/2002 e fevereiro/2003. Foram determinados a granulometria, matéria orgânica, pH em H2O, pH em KCl, P extraível, K trocável, Al trocável, Ca e Mg trocáveis e os micronutrientes: Cu, Mn, Zn e Fe. Os solos da área estudada estão inseridos na unidade dos Gleissolos e caracterizam-se por serem pouco desenvolvidos, mal drenados, normalmente ácidos, ocorrendo no perfil horizonte franco-argilo-siltoso. Houve influência da sazonalidade na composição química do solo; na época mais chuvosa e de inundação mais intensa da várzea, correspondente ao mês de fevereiro, observou-se aumento do pH nos teores de Cu e de Fe e decréscimos nos de Mg e de Al trocável; no período de menor umidade do solo, a saturação por bases e a CTC foram mais elevadas. O Fe foi o nutriente que apresentou maior variação nos seus teores com a inundação do solo, cujo aumento foi superior a 1.000 % no período de maior inundação do solo (fevereiro).
Capsule We report a review of the occurrence of bats in the Barn Owl diet Tyto alba in Europe. Based on 802 studies reporting 4.02 million prey items identified in pellets, 4949 were bats (0.12%). We found that bat predation decreased during the last 150 years, is more frequent on islands than mainland, and is higher in eastern than western Europe and in southern than northern Europe. Although Barn Owls usually capture bats opportunistically, they can sometimes specialize on them.
Optimal behavior relies on flexible adaptation to environmental requirements, notably based on the detection of errors. The impact of error detection on subsequent behavior typically manifests as a slowing down of RTs following errors. Precisely how errors impact the processing of subsequent stimuli and in turn shape behavior remains unresolved. To address these questions, we used an auditory spatial go/no-go task where continual feedback informed participants of whether they were too slow. We contrasted auditory-evoked potentials to left-lateralized go and right no-go stimuli as a function of performance on the preceding go stimuli, generating a 2 × 2 design with "preceding performance" (fast hit [FH], slow hit [SH]) and stimulus type (go, no-go) as within-subject factors. SH trials yielded SH trials on the following trials more often than did FHs, supporting our assumption that SHs engaged effects similar to errors. Electrophysiologically, auditory-evoked potentials modulated topographically as a function of preceding performance 80-110 msec poststimulus onset and then as a function of stimulus type at 110-140 msec, indicative of changes in the underlying brain networks. Source estimations revealed a stronger activity of prefrontal regions to stimuli after successful than error trials, followed by a stronger response of parietal areas to the no-go than go stimuli. We interpret these results in terms of a shift from a fast automatic to a slow controlled form of inhibitory control induced by the detection of errors, manifesting during low-level integration of task-relevant features of subsequent stimuli, which in turn influences response speed.
A estabilidade temporal é descrita como a persistência temporal de um padrão espacial e é avaliada pela análise de correlação de medidas em datas sucessivas. Neste trabalho, foi avaliada a armazenagem de água no solo em duas transeções de 76 m cada, contendo 20 pontos em cada uma. em um Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo argissólico cultivado com citros com 11 anos em Piracicaba/SP. A umidade do solo para determinação da armazenagem, na camada de 0,00-1,10 m, ao longo do tempo, foi obtida com uma sonda de nêutrons, calibrada para o solo em estudo, realizando leituras semanais às profundidades de 0,20, 0,40, 0,60, 0,80, 1,0 e 1,10 m. A armazenagem de água no solo foi determinada utilizando-se o método de Simpson. Os dados da armazenagem média de água no solo nos três anos de estudo mostraram que sua distribuição, ao longo do tempo, apresentou comportamento semelhante e que os coeficientes de correlação linear e de posição de Spearman foram altos entre o ano 1 e o ano 2, o ano 2 e o ano 3 e o ano 1 e o ano 3, indicando existência de estabilidade temporal e persistência temporal significativa do padrão espacial observado. Foi verificada dependência espacial moderada de 17,10 m pelo semivariograma exponencial. Pela técnica da diferença relativa, os pontos que apresentaram comportamento estável no tempo foram o ponto 29, para os anos 1 e 2, e os pontos 16, 29 e 39, para o ano 3, que podem ser usados para estimar com segurança a armazenagem média de água no solo. O ponto 29 foi o que se apresentou estável para os três anos de estudo, sendo, portanto, o mais recomendável tanto para a armazenagem gravimétrica como para a volumétrica.
The natural toxicity of cnidarians, bryozoans and tunicates in two caves was assessed using the Microtox® technique in spring and autumn. One cave was located in the Cabrera Archipelago (Balearic Islands) and the other in the Medes Islands (Catalan littoral). The organisms analysed were good representatives of the coverage of each Phylum in the communities; however, these Phyla are less abundant than sponges which are the dominant group in these caves. Seventy-one percent of the species of cnidarians and bryozoans analysed were toxic in one of the caves, communities or seasons, which indicates the relevance of bioactive species in these groups. The tunicate Lissoclinum perforatum was the most toxic species. Although all three Phyla had some highly toxic species, a common pattern that related the caves, communities and seasons was not found. Seasonal variation of toxicity in cnidarians and bryozoans was higher in the Cabrera than in the Medes cave. Moreover, variation in toxicity either between communities or between seasons was a common trait for most cnidarians and bryozoans, whereas tunicates remained toxic throughout communities and seasons.
We have compared by immunocytochemistry and immunoblotting the expression and distribution of adhesion molecules participating in cell-matrix and cell-cell interactions during embryonic development and regeneration of rat liver. Fibronectin and the fibronectin receptor, integrin alpha 5 beta 1, were distributed pericellularly and expressed at a steady level during development from the 16th day of gestation and in neonate and adult liver. AGp110, a nonintegrin fibronectin receptor was first detected on the 17th day of gestation in a similar, nonpolarized distribution on parenchymal cell surfaces. At that stage of development haemopoiesis is at a peak in rat liver and fibronectin and receptors alpha 5 beta 1 and AGp110 were prominent on the surface of blood cell precursors. During the last 2 d of gestation (20th and 21st day) hepatocytes assembled around lumina. AGp110 was initially depolarized on the surface of these acinar cells but then confined to the lumen and to newly-formed bile canaliculi. At birth, a marked increase occurred in the canalicular expression of AGp110 and in the branching of the canalicular network. Simultaneously, there was enhanced expression of ZO-1, a protein component of tight junctions. On the second day postpartum, presence of AGp110 and of protein constituents of desmosomes and intermediate junctions, DGI and E-cadherin, respectively, was notably enhanced in cellular fractions insoluble in nonionic detergents, presumably signifying linkage of AGp110 with the cytoskeleton and assembly of desmosomal and intermediate junctions. During liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy, AGp110 remained confined to apical surfaces, indicating a preservation of basic polarity in parenchymal cells. A decrease in the extent and continuity of the canalicular network occurred in proliferating parenchyma, starting 24 h after resection in areas close to the terminal afferent blood supply of portal veins and spreading to the rest of the liver within the next 24 h. Distinct acinar structures, similar to the ones in prenatal liver, appeared at 72 h after hepatectomy. Restoration of the normal branching of the biliary tree commenced at 72 h. At 7 d postoperatively acinar formation declined and one-cell-thick hepatic plates, as in normal liver, were observed.
BACKGROUND: Extensive research exists estimating the effect hazardous alcohol¦use on morbidity and mortality, but little research quantifies the association between¦alcohol consumption and utility scores in patients with alcohol dependence.¦In the context of comparative research, the World Health Organisation (WHO)¦proposed to categorise the risk for alcohol-related acute and chronic harm according¦to patients' average daily alcohol consumption. OBJECTIVES: To estimate utility¦scores associated with each category of the WHO drinking risk-level classification¦in patients with alcohol dependence (AD). METHODS: We used data from¦CONTROL, an observational cohort study including 143 AD patients from the Alcohol¦Treatment Center at Lausanne University Hospital, followed for 12 months.¦Average daily alcohol consumption was assessed monthly using the Timeline Follow-¦back method and patients were categorised according to the WHO drinking¦risk-level classification: abstinent, low, medium, high and very high. Other measures¦as sociodemographic characteristics and utility scores derived from the EuroQoL¦5-Dimensions questionnaire (EQ-5D) were collected every three months.¦Mixed models for repeated measures were used to estimate mean utility scores¦associated with WHO drinking risk-level categories. RESULTS: A total of 143 patients¦were included and the 12-month follow-up permitting the assessment of¦1318 person-months. At baseline the mean age of the patients was 44.6 (SD 11.8)¦and the majority of patients was male (63.6%). Using repeated measures analysis,¦utility scores decreased with increasing drinking levels, ranging from 0.80 in abstinent¦patients to 0.62 in patients with very high risk drinking level (p_0.0001).¦CONCLUSIONS: In this sample of patients with alcohol dependence undergoing¦specialized care, utility scores estimated from the EQ-5D appeared to substantially¦and consistently vary according to patients' WHO drinking level.
To evaluate the incidence and characteristics of musculoskeletal manifestations in polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) and temporal arteritis (TA). METHODS The records of 163 cases of PMR or TA diagnosed over a 15 year period in one area of Spain were reviewed for the presence and type of musculoskeletal manifestations. RESULTS Of 163 patients, 90 had isolated PMR and 73 had TA. Eighteen of the 90 patients (20%) with isolated PMR developed distal peripheral arthritis either at diagnosis or during the course of the disease. When it occurred, synovitis was mild, monoarticular or pauci-articular, asymmetrical, transient, and not destructive. Other distal manifestations observed in these patients were carpal tunnel syndrome and distal extremity swelling with pitting oedema. In all cases these manifestations occurred in conjunction with active PMR. As expected, PMR was the most frequent musculoskeletal manifestation in patients with TA, occurring in 56% of cases. On the contrary, only 11% of patients with TA developed peripheral arthritis. An important finding was that peripheral arthritis in these patients appears to be linked only temporally to the presence of simultaneous PMR and is not observed in its absence. Distal extremity swelling or defined polyarthritis were not observed. CONCLUSION The spectrum of distal musculoskeletal manifestations of PMR in our series is similar to that reported in other populations. By contrast, distal musculoskeletal symptoms are uncommon in TA. The almost complete absence of distal musculoskeletal manifestations in patients with pure TA suggests different mechanisms of disease in PMR and TA, supporting the view of two separate conditions or one common disease in which host susceptibility influences the clinical expression.
Hommes et femmes: la même organisation cérébrale ? [Men and women: the same cerebral organisation ?]
Des différences entre les hommes et les femmes en ce qui concerne la taille du cerveau, les compétences dans des domaines particuliers et la récupération suite aux lésions cérébrales ont soulevé la question des dissimilitudes d'organisation cérébrale entre les deux sexes. Interprétée tout d'abord comme touchant à la latéralisation des fonctions cognitives, cette différence se révèle aujourd'hui davantage liée au fonctionnement des réseaux neuronaux.
[Acte royal. 1814-05-12 - 1814-05-23]