965 resultados para THORACIC AORTA


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Scoliosis is a deformity of the spine which affects children and adolescents, and remains a challenge to treat. This study measured the forces used during surgery to correct scoliosis and studied changes to spinal mechanics from the implantation of metal rods used to hold the spine straight. The results of this study will help surgeons and engineers understand how to straighten the spine more efficiently to provide patients with better outcomes.


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Although accelerometers are extensively used for assessing gait, limited research has evaluated the concurrent validity of these devices on less predictable walking surfaces or the comparability of different methods used for gravitational acceleration compensation. This study evaluated the concurrent validity of trunk accelerations derived from a tri-axial inertial measurement unit while walking on firm, compliant and uneven surfaces and contrasted two methods used to remove gravitational accelerations: i) subtraction of the best linear fit from the data (detrending), and; ii) use of orientation information (quaternions) from the inertial measurement unit. Twelve older and twelve younger adults walked at their preferred speed along firm, compliant and uneven walkways. Accelerations were evaluated for the thoracic spine (T12) using a tri-axial inertial measurement unit and an eleven-camera Vicon system. The findings demonstrated excellent agreement between accelerations derived from the inertial measurement unit and motion analysis system, including while walking on uneven surfaces that better approximate a real-world setting (all differences <0.16 m.s−2). Detrending produced slightly better agreement between the inertial measurement unit and Vicon system on firm surfaces (delta range: −0.05 to 0.06 vs. 0.00 to 0.14 m.s−2), whereas the quaternion method performed better when walking on compliant and uneven walkways (delta range: −0.16 to −0.02 vs. −0.07 to 0.07 m.s−2). The technique used to compensate for gravitational accelerations requires consideration in future research, particularly when walking on compliant and uneven surfaces. These findings demonstrate trunk accelerations can be accurately measured using a wireless inertial measurement unit and are appropriate for research that evaluates healthy populations in complex environments.


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Introduction Standing radiographs are the ‘gold standard’ for clinical assessment of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS), with the Cobb Angle used to measure the severity and progression of the scoliotic curve. Supine imaging modalities can provide valuable 3D information on scoliotic anatomy, however, due to changes in gravitational loading direction, the geometry of the spine alters between the supine and standing position which in turn affects the Cobb Angle measurement. Previous studies have consistently reported a 7-10° [1-3] Cobb Angle increase from supine to standing, however, none have reported the effect of endplate pre-selection and which (if any) curve parameters affect the supine to standing Cobb Angle difference. Methods Female AIS patients with right-sided thoracic major curves were included in the retrospective study. Clinically measured Cobb Angles from existing standing coronal radiographs and fulcrum bending radiographs [4] were compared to existing low-dose supine CT scans taken within 3 months of the reference radiograph. Reformatted coronal CT images were used to measure Cobb Angle variability with and without endplate pre-selection (end-plates selected on the radiographs used on the CT images). Inter and intra-observer measurement variability was assessed. Multi-linear regression was used to investigate whether there was a relationship between supine to standing Cobb Angle change and patient characteristics (SPSS, v.21, IBM, USA). Results Fifty-two patients were included, with mean age of 14.6 (SD 1.8) years; all curves were Lenke Type 1 with mean Cobb Angle on supine CT of 42° (SD 6.4°) and 52° (SD 6.7°) on standing radiographs. The mean fulcrum bending Cobb Angle for the group was 22.6° (SD 7.5°). The 10° increase from supine to standing is consistent with existing literature. Pre-selecting vertebral endplates was found to increase the Cobb Angle difference by a mean 2° (range 0-9°). Multi-linear regression revealed a statistically significant relationship between supine to standing Cobb Angle change with: fulcrum flexibility (p=0.001), age (p=0.027) and standing Cobb Angle (p<0.001). In patients with high fulcrum flexibility scores, the supine to standing Cobb Angle change was as great as 20°.The 95% confidence intervals for intra-observer and inter-observer measurement variability were 3.1° and 3.6°, respectively. Conclusion There is a statistically significant relationship between supine to standing Cobb Angle change and fulcrum flexibility. Therefore, this difference can be considered a measure of spinal flexibility. Pre-selecting vertebral endplates causes only minor changes.


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Introduction Intervertebral stapling is a leading method of fusionless scoliosis treatment which attempts to control growth by applying pressure to the convex side of a scoliotic curve in accordance with the Hueter-Volkmann principle. In addition to that, staples have the potential to damage surrounding bone during insertion and subsequent loading. The aim of this study was to assess the extent of bony structural damage including epiphyseal injury as a result of intervertebral stapling using an in vitro bovine model. Materials and Methods Thoracic spines from 6-8 week old calves were dissected and divided into motion segments including levels T4-T11 (n=14). Each segment was potted in polymethylemethacrylate. An Instron Biaxial materials testing machine with a custom made jig was used for testing. The segments were tested in flexion/extension, lateral bending and axial rotation at 37⁰C and 100% humidity, using moment control to a maximum 1.75 Nm with a loading rate of 0.3 Nm per second for 10 cycles. The segments were initially tested uninstrumented with data collected from the tenth load cycle. Next an anterolateral 4-prong Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) staple (Medtronic Sofamor Danek, USA) was inserted into each segment. Biomechanical testing was repeated as before. The staples were cut in half with a diamond saw and carefully removed. Micro-CT scans were performed and sagittal, transverse and coronal reformatted images were produced using ImageJ (NIH, USA).The specimens were divided into 3 grades (0, 1 and 2) according to the number of epiphyses damaged by the staple prongs. Results: There were 9 (65%) segments with grade 1 staple insertions and 5 (35%) segments with grade 2 insertions. There were no grade 0 staples. Grade 2 spines had a higher stiffness level than grade 1 spines, in all axes of movement, by 28% (p=0.004). This was most noted in flexion/extension with an increase of 49% (p=0.042), followed by non-significant change in lateral bending 19% (p=0.129) and axial rotation 8% (p=0.456) stiffness. The cross sectional area of bone destruction from the prongs was only 0.4% larger in the grade 2 group compared to the grade 1 group (p=0.961). Conclusion Intervertebral staples cause epiphyseal damage. There is a difference in stiffness between grade 1 and grade 2 staple insertion segments in flexion/extension only. There is no difference in the cross section of bone destruction as a result of prong insertion and segment motion.


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Introduction There is growing interest in the biomechanics of ‘fusionless’ implant constructs used for deformity correction in the thoracic spine. Intervertebral stapling is a leading method of fusionless corrective surgery. Although used for a number of years, there is limited evidence as to the effect these staples have on the stiffness of the functional spinal unit. Materials and Methods Thoracic spines from 6-8 week old calves were dissected and divided into motion segments including levels T4-T11 (n=14). Each segment was potted in polymethylemethacrylate. An Instron Biaxial materials testing machine with a custom made jig was used for testing. The segments were tested in flexion/extension, lateral bending and axial rotation at 37⁰C and 100% humidity, using moment control to a maximum 1.75 Nm with a loading rate of 0.3 Nm per second. This torque was found sufficient to achieve physiologically representative ranges of movement. The segments were initially tested uninstrumented with data collected from the tenth load cycle. Next a left anterolateral Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) staple was inserted (Medtronic Sofamor Danek, USA). Biomechanical testing was repeated as before with data collected from the tenth load cycle. Results In flexion/extension there was an insignificant drop in stiffness of 3% (p=0.478). In lateral bending there was a significant drop in stiffness of 21% (p<0.001). This was mainly in lateral bending away from the staple, where the stiffness reduced by 30% (p<0.001). This was in contrast to lateral bending towards the staple where it dropped by 12% which was still statistically significant (p=0.036). In axial rotation there was an overall near significant drop in stiffness of 11% (p=0.076). However, this was more towards the side of the staple measuring a decrease of 14% as opposed to 8% away from the staple. In both cases it was a statistically insignificant drop (p=0.134 and p=0.352 respectively). Conclusion Insertion of intervertebral SMA staples results in a significant reduction in motion segment stiffness in lateral bending especially in the direction away from the staple. The staple had less effect on axial rotation stiffness and minimal effect on flexion/extension stiffness.


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INTRODUCTION Calculating segmental (vertebral level-by-level) torso masses in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS) patients allows the gravitational loading on the scoliotic spine during relaxed standing to be estimated. METHODS Existing low dose CT scans were used to calculate vertebral level-by-level torso masses and joint moments occurring in the spine for a group of female AIS patients with right-sided thoracic curves. Image processing software, ImageJ (v1.45 NIH USA) was used to reconstruct the torso segments and subsequently measure the torso volume and mass corresponding to each vertebral level. Body segment masses for the head, neck and arms were taken from published anthropometric data. Intervertebral joint moments at each vertebral level were found by summing each of the torso segment masses above the required joint and multiplying it by the perpendicular distance to the centre of the disc. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Twenty patients were included in this study with a mean age of 15.0±2.7 years and a mean Cobb angle 52±5.9°. The mean total trunk mass, as a percentage of total body mass, was 27.8 (SD 0.5) %. Mean segmental torso mass increased inferiorly from 0.6kg at T1 to 1.5kg at L5. The coronal plane joint moments during relaxed standing were typically 5-7Nm at the apex of the curve (Figure 1), with the highest apex joint of 7Nm. CT scans were performed in the supine position and curve magnitudes are known to be 7-10° smaller than those measured in standing [1]. Therefore joint moments produced by gravity will be greater than those calculated here. CONCLUSIONS Coronal plane joint moments as high as 7Nm can occur during relaxed standing in scoliosis patients, which may help to explain the mechanics of AIS progression. The body mass distributions calculated in this study can be used to estimate joint moments derived using other imaging modalities such as MRI and subsequently determine if a relationship exists between joint moments and progressive vertebral deformity.


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Rationale: Chronic lung disease characterized by loss of lung tissue,inflammation, and fibrosis represents a major global health burden. Cellular therapies that could restore pneumocytes and reduce inflammation and fibrosis would be a major advance in management. Objectives: To determine whether human amnion epithelial cells (hAECs), isolated from term placenta and having stem cell–like and antiinflammatory properties, could adopt an alveolar epithelial phenotype and repair a murine model of bleomycin-induced lung injury. Methods: Primary hAECs were cultured in small airway growth medium to determine whether the cells could adopt an alveolar epithelial phenotype. Undifferentiated primary hAECs were also injected parenterally into SCID mice after bleomycin-induced lung injury and analyzed for production of surfactant protein (SP)-A, SP-B, SP-C, and SP-D. Mouse lungs were also analyzed for inflammation and collagen deposition. Measurements and Main Results: hAECs grown in small airway growth medium developed an alveolar epithelial phenotype with lamellar body formation, production of SPs A–D, and SP-D secretion. Although hAECs injected into mice lacked SPs, hAECs recovered from mouse lungs 2 weeks posttransplantation produced SPs. hAECs remained engrafted over the 4-week test period. hAEC administration reduced inflammation in association with decreased monocyte chemoattractant protein-1, tumor necrosis factor-a, IL-1 and -6, and profibrotic transforming growth factor-b in mouse lungs. In addition,lung collagen content was significantly reduced by hAEC treatment as a possible consequence of increased degradation by matrix metalloproteinase-2 and down-regulation of the tissue inhibitors f matrix metalloproteinase-1 and 2. Conclusions: hAECs offer promise as a cellular therapy for alveolar restitution and to reduce lung inflammation and fibrosis.


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Background Supine imaging modalities provide valuable 3D information on scoliotic anatomy, but the altered spine geometry between the supine and standing positions affects the Cobb angle measurement. Previous studies report a mean 7°-10° Cobb angle increase from supine to standing, but none have reported the effect of endplate pre-selection or whether other parameters affect this Cobb angle difference. Methods Cobb angles from existing coronal radiographs were compared to those on existing low-dose CT scans taken within three months of the reference radiograph for a group of females with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Reformatted coronal CT images were used to measure supine Cobb angles with and without endplate pre-selection (end-plates selected from the radiographs) by two observers on three separate occasions. Inter and intra-observer measurement variability were assessed. Multi-linear regression was used to investigate whether there was a relationship between supine to standing Cobb angle change and eight variables: patient age, mass, standing Cobb angle, Risser sign, ligament laxity, Lenke type, fulcrum flexibility and time delay between radiograph and CT scan. Results Fifty-two patients with right thoracic Lenke Type 1 curves and mean age 14.6 years (SD 1.8) were included. The mean Cobb angle on standing radiographs was 51.9° (SD 6.7). The mean Cobb angle on supine CT images without pre-selection of endplates was 41.1° (SD 6.4). The mean Cobb angle on supine CT images with endplate pre-selection was 40.5° (SD 6.6). Pre-selecting vertebral endplates increased the mean Cobb change by 0.6° (SD 2.3, range −9° to 6°). When free to do so, observers chose different levels for the end vertebrae in 39% of cases. Multi-linear regression revealed a statistically significant relationship between supine to standing Cobb change and fulcrum flexibility (p = 0.001), age (p = 0.027) and standing Cobb angle (p < 0.001). The 95% confidence intervals for intra-observer and inter-observer measurement variability were 3.1° and 3.6°, respectively. Conclusions Pre-selecting vertebral endplates causes minor changes to the mean supine to standing Cobb change. There is a statistically significant relationship between supine to standing Cobb change and fulcrum flexibility such that this difference can be considered a potential alternative measure of spinal flexibility.


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INTRODUCTION: The phase III FLEX study (NCT00148798) in advanced non-small-cell lung cancer indicated that the survival benefit associated with the addition of cetuximab to cisplatin and vinorelbine was limited to patients whose tumors expressed high levels of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) (immunohistochemistry score of >/=200; scale 0-300). We assessed whether the treatment effect was also modulated in FLEX study patients by tumor EGFR mutation status. METHODS: A tumor mutation screen of EGFR exons 18 to 21 included 971 of 1125 (86%) FLEX study patients. Treatment outcome in low and high EGFR expression groups was analyzed across efficacy endpoints according to tumor EGFR mutation status. RESULTS: Mutations in EGFR exons 18 to 21 were detected in 133 of 971 tumors (14%), 970 of which were also evaluable for EGFR expression level. The most common mutations were exon 19 deletions and L858R (124 of 133 patients; 93%). In the high EGFR expression group (immunohistochemistry score of >/=200), a survival benefit for the addition of cetuximab to chemotherapy was demonstrated in patients with EGFR wild-type (including T790M mutant) tumors. Although patient numbers were small, those in the high EGFR expression group whose tumors carried EGFR mutations may also have derived a survival benefit from the addition of cetuximab to chemotherapy. Response data suggested a cetuximab benefit in the high EGFR expression group regardless of EGFR mutation status. CONCLUSIONS: The survival benefit associated with the addition of cetuximab to first-line chemotherapy for advanced non-small-cell lung cancer expressing high levels of EGFR is not limited by EGFR mutation status.


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The aim of this study was to investigate the expression of GABAB receptors, a subclass of receptors to the inhibitory neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABAB), in human aortic smooth muscle cells (HASMCs), and to explore if altering receptor activation modified intracellular Ca(2+) concentration ([Ca(2+)]i) of HASMCs. Real-time PCR, western blots and immunofluorescence were used to determine the expression of GABABR1 and GABABR2 in cultured HASMCs. Immunohistochemistry was used to localize the two subunits in human left anterior descending artery (LAD). The effects of the GABAB receptor agonist baclofen on [Ca(2+)]i in cultured HASMCs were demonstrated using fluo-3. Both GABABR1 and GABABR2 mRNA and protein were identified in cultured HASMCs and antibody staining was also localized to smooth muscle cells of human LAD. 100 μM baclofen caused a transient increase of [Ca(2+)]i in cultured HASMCs regardless of whether Ca(2+) was added to the medium, and the effects were inhibited by pre-treatment with CGP46381 (selective GABAB receptor antagonist), pertussis toxin (a Gi/o protein inhibitor), and U73122 (a phospholipase C blocker). GABAB receptors are expressed in HASMCs and regulate the [Ca(2+)]i via a Gi/o-coupled receptor pathway and a phospholipase C activation pathway


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The invasive fruit fly Bactrocera invadens Drew, Tsuruta & White, and the Oriental fruit fly Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel) are highly destructive horticultural pests of global significance. Bactrocera invadens originates from the Indian subcontinent and has recently invaded all of sub-Saharan Africa, while B. dorsalis principally occurs from the Indian subcontinent towards southern China and South-east Asia. High morphological and genetic similarity has cast doubt over whether B. invadens is a distinct species from B. dorsalis. Addressing this issue within an integrative taxonomic framework, we sampled from across the geographic distribution of both taxa and: (i) analysed morphological variation, including those characters considered diagnostic (scutum colour, length of aedeagus, width of postsutural lateral vittae, wing size, and wing shape); (ii) sequenced four loci (ITS1, ITS2, cox1 and nad4) for phylogenetic inference, and; (iii) generated a cox1 haplotype network to examine population structure. Molecular analyses included the closely related species, Bactrocera kandiensis Drew & Hancock. Scutum colour varies from red-brown to fully black for individuals from Africa and the Indian subcontinent. All individuals east of the Indian subcontinent are black except for a few red-brown individuals from China. The postsutural lateral vittae width of B. invadens is narrower than B. dorsalis from eastern Asia, but the variation is clinal, with subcontinent B. dorsalis populations intermediate in size. Aedeagus length, wing shape and wing size cannot discriminate between the two taxa. Phylogenetic analyses failed to resolve B. invadens from B. dorsalis, but did resolve B. kandiensis. Bactrocera dorsalis and B. invadens shared cox1 haplotypes, yet the haplotype network pattern does not reflect current taxonomy or patterns in thoracic colour. Some individuals of B. dorsalis/B. invadens possessed haplotypes more closely related to B. kandiensis than to conspecifics, suggestive of mitochondrial introgression between these species. The combined evidence fails to support the delimitation of B. dorsalis and B. invadens as separate biological species. Consequently, existing biological data for B. dorsalis may be applied to the invasive population in Africa. Our recommendation, in line with other recent publications, is that B. invadens be synonymized with B. dorsalis.


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There is strong current interest in the use of biodegradable scaffolds in combination with bone growth factors as a valuable alternative to the current gold standard autograft in spinal fusion surgery Yong et al. (2013). Here we report on 6- vs 12- month data set evaluating the longitudinal performance of a CaP coated polycaprolactone (PCL) scaffold loaded with recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 (rhBMP-2) as a bone graft substitute within a preclinical ovine thoracic spine. The results of this study demonstrate the efficacy of scaffold-based delivery of rhBMP-2 in promoting higher fusion grades at 6- and 12- months in comparison to the scaffold alone or autograft group within the same time frame. Fusion grades achieved at six months using PCL+rhBMP-2 are not significantly increased at twelve months post surgery.


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BACKGROUND: Postural instability is one of the major complications found in stroke survivors. Parameterising the functional reach test (FRT) could be useful in clinical practice and basic research. OBJECTIVES: To analyse the reliability, sensitivity, and specificity in the FRT parameterisation using inertial sensors for recording kinematic variables in patients who have suffered a stroke. DESIGN: Cross-sectional study. While performing FRT, two inertial sensors were placed on the patient's back (lumbar and trunk). PARTICIPANTS: Five subjects over 65 who suffer from a stroke. MEASUREMENTS: FRT measures, lumbosacral/thoracic maximum angular displacement, maximum time of lumbosacral/thoracic angular displacement, time return initial position, and total time. Speed and acceleration of the movements were calculated indirectly. RESULTS: FRT measure is  12.75±2.06 cm. Intrasubject reliability values range from 0.829 (time to return initial position (lumbar sensor)) to 0.891 (lumbosacral maximum angular displacement). Intersubject reliability values range from 0.821 (time to return initial position (lumbar sensor)) to 0.883 (lumbosacral maximum angular displacement). FRT's reliability was 0.987 (0.983-0.992) and 0.983 (0.979-0.989) intersubject and intrasubject, respectively. CONCLUSION: The main conclusion could be that the inertial sensors are a tool with excellent reliability and validity in the parameterization of the FRT in people who have had a stroke.


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QLD, 4Murri Health Group, Caboolture, QLD Introduction Respiratory illnesses with cough as a symptom are predominant causes of morbidity in young Australian Indigenous children. With the exception of ear disease, there are limited studies that have addressed burden and outcome. Also, there are no studies that are specific to urban Indigenous children. Aim: We aim to comprehensively investigate the incidence, aetiology, risk factors for and outcomes of acute respiratory illnesses (ARIs) in this population. Methods A cohort study of Indigenous children aged less than 5 years registered with an urban Indigenous primary health care service. Comprehensive baseline data are collected and children are followed monthly for 12 months to capture ARI events. ARI events are subsequently followed weekly for 4 weeks to determine cough outcomes, with review by a paediatric respiratory physician if cough has not resolved within 28 days. Results To date, 58 children (57% female) have been enrolled and 46 ARIs have been captured over 907 child weeks of observation (5.1 events per 100 child weeks, 95%CI 3.7–6.8). 13 ARIs (28.3%) have resulted in persistent cough for >28 days following onset. Conclusion Our early findings suggest an excess incidence of ARI in this population. The proportion of ARIs resulting in persistent cough for more than 4 weeks is the highest yet reported. Key Words: Indigenous, acute respiratory illness, paediatric.