1000 resultados para Técnica SPAIR
Un bon sistema d’il.luminació juga un paper molt important per tal que els videojocs siguin realistes i atractius per a l’usuari. El projecte intenta optimitzar el sistema d’il.luminació de manera que la càrrega que representa per al sistema sigui inferior, sense haver de renunciar a la qualitat que tindríem sense fer servir aquest sistema. Amb dos objectius molt concrets: entendre i implementar l’algoritme de lightcuts i aconseguir una optimització en una escena utilitzant aquest algoritme
La visualització científica estudia i defineix algorismes i estructures de dades que permeten fer comprensibles conjunts de dades a través d’imatges. En el cas de les aplicacions mèdiques les dades que cal interpretar provenen de diferents dispositius de captació i es representen en un model de vòxels. La utilitat d’aquest model de vòxels depèn de poder-lo veure des del punt de vista ideal, és a dir el que aporti més informació. D’altra banda, existeix la tècnica dels Miralls Màgics que permet veure el model de vòxels des de diferents punts de vista alhora i mostrant diferents valors de propietat a cada mirall. En aquest projecte implementarem un algorisme que permetrà determinar el punt de vista ideal per visualitzar un model de vòxels així com també els punts de vista ideals per als miralls per tal d’aconseguir el màxim d’informació possible del model de vòxels. Aquest algorisme es basa en la teoria de la informació per saber quina és la millor visualització. L’algorisme també permetrà determinar l’assignació de colors òptima per al model de vòxels
In this paper historical aspects of analytical pyrolysis, the equipment used, the fundamentals and the mechanisms of pyrolysis of different polymeric materials are discussed. The latest work on analytical pyrolysis applied to various types of synthetic and natural samples is reviewed. Current applications of this technique that are discussed include identification of microorganisms, analysis of trace compounds by forensic laboratories, investigation of food and agricultural products, study of the chemical composition of wood, authentication and conservation of artworks, and the study of environmental and geochemical samples.
A procedure for determining of the isotope ratio 235U/238U in UF6 samples was established using a quadrupole mass spectrometer with ionization by electron impact. The following items were optimized in the spectrometer: the parameters in the ion source that provided the most intense peak, with good shape, for the most abundant isotope; the resolution that reduced the non linear effects and the number of analytical cycles that reduced the uncertainty in the results. The measurement process was characterized with respect to the effects of mass discrimination, linearity and memory effect.
Rare earth ion doped solid state materials are the most important active media of near-infrared and visible lasers and other photonic devices. In these ions, the occurrence of Excited State Absorptions (ESA), from long lived electronic levels, is commonplace. Since ESA can deeply affect the efficiencies of the rare earth emissions, evaluation of these transitions cross sections is of greatest importance in predicting the potential applications of a given material. In this paper a detailed description of the pump-probe technique for ESA measurements is presented, with a review of several examples of applications in Nd3+, Tm3+ and Er3+ doped materials.
The thermally stimulated depolarization current (TSDC) in a range of temperature from 84 to 373 K, has been applied to study the depolarization current of polyethylene and polyethylene composites in form of film and filled with commercial or oxidative surface treatment carbon black. The diagrams of TSDC obtained show that the composite in which the carbon black had received oxidative surface treatment reducing on an average depolarization current intensity in a magnitude order if compared to the composite with commercial carbon black. Therefore in the area between α and β transitions the difference is accentuated by reaching a peak 55 times in a temperature of 240 K. The difference in results is explained in terms of molecular interactions neighboring of carbon black particles.
Usually, the concepts of the Sol-Gel technique are not applied in experimental chemistry courses. This work presents a feasible experiment for chemistry instruction, which involves the synthesis of luminescent materials - Zn2SiO4, with and without Mn2+ as a dopant - by the Sol-Gel technique. The obtained materials were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy, X-Ray diffraction, IR spectroscopy and luminescence measures by UV-vis spectroscopy. The results allow the students to confirm the luminescent properties of the zinc orthosilicate luminophores as well as the structural features expected from literature data.
The effect of precursors on the anticancer alkaloid production by submerged fermentation using M. anisopliae 3935 was studied, according to complete experimental design 2² with three central points. The results showed that lysine was the most important variable, however, when both lysine and glucose were added to the fermentation medium, the alkaloid production reached, approximately, 17 mg L-1 after 120 hours of fermentation. Then, the scale-up of the process was carried out and these results were confirmed. Finally, 35 mg L-1 of alkaloid at 192 h were attained after increment of added aminoacid lysine.
Thermophilic Bacillus sp. SMIA-2, produced protease when grown on apple pectic, whey protein and corn step liquor medium, whose concentration was varied from 3 to 10 gL-1, according to the central composite design 2³. The experiments were conducted in shaker, at 50 °C, 150 rpm and initial pH 6.5. The results revealed that the culture medium affected both, cell growth and enzyme production. After graphical and numerical optimization procedure, the enzyme production reached its maximum value at 30 h fermentation, reaching, approximately, 70 U protein mg-1, suggesting that this process was partially associated to the growth.
The application of one-dimensional proton high-resolution magic angle spinning (¹H HR-MAS) NMR combined with a typical advantages of solid and liquid-state NMR techniques was used as input variables for the multivariate statistical analysis. In this paper, different cultivars of beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) developed and in development by Embrapa - Arroz e Feijão were analyzed by ¹H HR-MAS, which have been demonstrated to be a valuable tool in its differentiation according chemical composition and avoid the manipulation of the samples as used in other techniques.
In this work, a TPR (Temperature Programmed Reduction) system is used as a powerful tool to monitor carbon nanotubes production during CVD (Chemical Vapour Deposition), The experiments were carried out using catalyst precursors based on Fe-Mo supported on Al2O3 and methane as carbon source. As methane reacts on the Fe metal surface, carbon is deposited and H2 is produced. TPR is very sensitive to the presence of H2 and affords information on the temperature where catalyst is active to form different forms of carbon, the reaction kinetics, the catalyst deactivation and carbon yields.
In order to investigate the action of the flocculating agents Panfloc and Panclar a full factorial design 2³ and a Central Composite design 2² were carried out. The control variables were the flocculant concentration, pH and temperature. The response variables were phenolic compounds reduction and spectral area reduction. The best conditions of treatment was hydrolyzate at pH 9 for both coagulants, but the use of Panfloc was more effective in the phenolic compounds reduction (73.9%) and spectral area reduction (65.8%).
The 10B isotope tracer technique is essential to study the B mobility in plants. Factors that can influence the quality of measured B isotope ratios were optimized experimentally using High Resolution Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (HRICP-MS). An isotopically certified standard (NIST SRM-951) was used. The best combination was obtained using a resolution of 400, a RF power of 1250 W, followed by 15 measurements over a 10-s integration period each (15*10). Utilizing this approach it was possible to obtain a precision of 0.3 % in standard material and 2z % in the experimental samples. The results show the importance of establishing optimized work conditions before carrying out the analytical series.
The DGT technique allows one to measure quantitatively free and labile metal species in aquatic systems. Nevertheless, for this approach, knowledge is required of the diffusion coefficients of the analytes in a diffusive layer. In this study, the diffusion coefficients of Hg(II), As(III), Mn(II), Mg(II), Cu(II), Cd(II) were determined in agarose gel and those of Ba(II), Cd(II), Cu(II), Mg(II), Mn(II) e Zn(II) in cellulose acetate membranes. These materials presented good performance and the reported results can be used as a data base for further DGT studies.