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Study Design. A cross-sectional case-control study. Objectives. To examine the effect of fatigue on torque output as well as electromyographic frequency and amplitude values of trunk muscles during isometric axial rotation exertion in back pain patients and to compare the results with a matched control group. Summary of Background Data. Back pain patients exhibited different activation strategies in trunk muscles during the axial rotation exertions. Fatigue changes of abdominal and back muscles during axial rotation exertion have not been examined in patients with back pain. Methods. Twelve back pain patients and 12 matched controls performed isometric fatiguing axial rotation to both sides at 80% maximum voluntary contraction in a standing position. During the fatiguing exertion, electromyographic changes of rectus abdominis, external oblique, internal oblique, latissimus dorsi, iliocostalis lumborum, and multifidus were recorded bilaterally. The primary torque in the transverse plane and the coupling torques in sagittal and coronal planes were also measured. Results. No difference in the endurance capacity was found between back pain and control groups. At the initial period of the exertion, back pain patients demonstrated a statistical trend (P = 0.058) of greater sagittal coupling torque as well as lower activity of rectus abdominis and multifidus and higher activity in external oblique. During the fatigue process similar changes of coupling torque were demonstrated in both sagittal and coronal planes, but a smaller fatigue rate for right external oblique, increase in median frequency for latissimus dorsi, and lesser increase in activity for back muscles were found in the back pain group compared with the control group. Conclusions. Alterations in electromyographic activation and fatigue rates of abdominal and back muscles demonstrated during the fatigue process provide insights into the muscle dysfunctions in back pain and may help clinicians to devise more rational treatment strategies.
The majority of the world's population now resides in urban environments and information on the internal composition and dynamics of these environments is essential to enable preservation of certain standards of living. Remotely sensed data, especially the global coverage of moderate spatial resolution satellites such as Landsat, Indian Resource Satellite and Systeme Pour I'Observation de la Terre (SPOT), offer a highly useful data source for mapping the composition of these cities and examining their changes over time. The utility and range of applications for remotely sensed data in urban environments could be improved with a more appropriate conceptual model relating urban environments to the sampling resolutions of imaging sensors and processing routines. Hence, the aim of this work was to take the Vegetation-Impervious surface-Soil (VIS) model of urban composition and match it with the most appropriate image processing methodology to deliver information on VIS composition for urban environments. Several approaches were evaluated for mapping the urban composition of Brisbane city (south-cast Queensland, Australia) using Landsat 5 Thematic Mapper data and 1:5000 aerial photographs. The methods evaluated were: image classification; interpretation of aerial photographs; and constrained linear mixture analysis. Over 900 reference sample points on four transects were extracted from the aerial photographs and used as a basis to check output of the classification and mixture analysis. Distinctive zonations of VIS related to urban composition were found in the per-pixel classification and aggregated air-photo interpretation; however, significant spectral confusion also resulted between classes. In contrast, the VIS fraction images produced from the mixture analysis enabled distinctive densities of commercial, industrial and residential zones within the city to be clearly defined, based on their relative amount of vegetation cover. The soil fraction image served as an index for areas being (re)developed. The logical match of a low (L)-resolution, spectral mixture analysis approach with the moderate spatial resolution image data, ensured the processing model matched the spectrally heterogeneous nature of the urban environments at the scale of Landsat Thematic Mapper data.
Objective: To assess the intrarater and interrater reliability among rheumatologists of a standardised protocol for measurement of shoulder movements using a gravity inclinometer. Methods: After instruction, six rheurnatologists independently assessed eight movements of the shoulder, including total and glenohumeral flexion, total and glenohumeral abduction, external rotation in neutral and in abduction, internal rotation in abduction and hand behind back, in random order in six patients with shoulder pain and stiffness according to a 6x6 Latin square design using a standardised protocol. These assessments were then repeated. Analysis of variance was used to partition total variability into components of variance in order to calculate intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs). Results: The intrarater and interrater reliability of different shoulder movements varied widely. The movement of hand behind back and total shoulder flexion yielded the highest ICC scores for both intrarater reliability (0.91 and 0.83, respectively) and interrater reliability (0.80 and 0.72, respectively). Low ICC scores were found for the movements of glenohumeral abduction, external rotation in abduction, and internal rotation in abduction (intrarater ICCs 0.35, 0.43, and 0.32, respectively), and external rotation in neutral, external rotation in abduction, and internal rotation in abduction (interrater ICCs 0.29, 0.11, and 0.06, respectively). Conclusions: The measurement of shoulder movements using a standardised protocol by rheumatologists produced variable intrarater and interrater reliability. Reasonable reliability was obtained only for the movement of hand behind back and total shoulder flexion.
The utilization of coal fly ash in the construction and non-construction areas has seen a rapid growth in the last decade. As production outweighs the utilization of fly ash, its disposal as a dilute or dense slurry is still practiced in coal fired power stations. In this review the surface chemistry of leaching coal fly ash is presented to highlight the role of mass transfer in providing resistance and consequently delayed leaching of elements, when fly ash is disposed or used for value addition. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
AB Study Design. A cross-sectional study was conducted. Objective. To determine the activity of the deep and superficial fibers of the lumbar multifidus during voluntary movement of the arm. Summary of Background Data. The multifidus contributes to stability of the lumbar spine. Because the deep and superficial parts of the multifidus are near the center of lumbar joint rotation, the superficial fibers are well suited to control spine orientation, and the deep fibers to control intervertebral movement. However, there currently are limited in vivo data to support this distinction. Methods. Electromyographic activity was recorded in both the deep and superficial multifidus, transversus abdominis, erector spinae, and deltoid using selective intramuscular electrodes and surface electrodes during single and repetitive arm movements. The latency of electromyographic onset in each muscle during single movements and the pattern of electromyographic activity during repetitive movements were compared between muscles. Results. With single arm movements, the onset of electromyography in the erector spinae and superficial multifidus relative to the deltoid was dependent on the direction of movement, but the onset in the deep multifidus and transversus abdominis was not. With repetitive arm movements, peaks in superficial multifidus and erector spinae electromyography occurred only during flexion for most subjects, whereas peaks in deep multifidus electromyography occurred during movement in both directions. Conclusions. The deep and superficial fibers of the multifidus are differentially active during single and repetitive movements of the arm. The data from this study support the hypothesis that the superficial multifidus contributes to the control of spine orientation, and that the deep multifidus has a role in controlling intersegmental motion. (C) 2002 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.
Development of a self-report measure of coping specific to multiple sclerosis (MS) caregiving is needed to advance our understanding of the role of coping in adaptation to caring for a person with MS and to contribute to a lack of empirical data on MS caregiving. A total of 213 MS caregivers and their care recipients completed a Coping with MS Caregiving Inventory (CMSCI) and measures of adjustment (psychological distress), appraisal and illness. A subsample (n = 64) also completed the Ways of Coping Checklist (WCC) and additional adjustment measures (depression, caregiving impact. dyadic adjustment, and relationship conflict and reciprocity). Factor analyses revealed 5 factors: Supportive Engagement, Criticism and Coercion, Practical Assistance, Avoidance, and Positive Reframing. Subscales had internal reliabilities comparable to similar scales and were empirically distinct. Preliminary construct validation data are consistent with recent MS caregiving research that links passive avoidant emotion-focused coping with poorer adjustment, and relationship-focused coping caregiving research that links greater reliance on positive relationship-focused coping and less reliance on criticism with better adjustment. Results extend this research by revealing new relations between coping and adaptation to MS caregiving. Convergent validation data suggest that although the inventory differs from the WCC, it does share certain conceptual similarities with this scale.
A new technique of surface modification by diffusion coating for AZ91D alloy was developed. A 1.0-2.0-mm alloy layer, which has hardness four to five times higher than the substrate metal, was formed after the treatment. Consequent solution treatment and aging could further improve the hardness of the alloy layer. Microstructure and chemical composition were investigated using optical microscope and electron probe.
We investigate the design of free-space optical interconnects (FSOIs) based on arrays of vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs), microlenses, and photodetectors. We explain the effect of the modal structure of a multimodeVCSEL beam on the performance of a FSOI with microchannel architecture. A Gaussian-beam diffraction model is used in combination with the experimentally obtained spectrally resolved VCSEL beam profiles to determine the optical channel crosstalk and the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in the system. The dependence of the SNR on the feature parameters of a FSOI is investigated. We found that the presence of higher-order modes reduces the SNR and the maximum feasible interconnect distance. We also found that the positioning of a VCSEL array relative to the transmitter microlens has a significant impact on the SNR and the maximum feasible interconnect distance. Our analysis shows that the departure from the traditional confocal system yields several advantages including the extended interconnect distance and/or improved SNR. The results show that FSOIs based on multimode VCSELs can be efficiently utilized in both chip-level and board-level interconnects. (C) 2002 Optical Society of America.
Structural and surface property changes of macadamia nut-shell (MNS) char upon activation and high temperature treatment (HTT) were studied by high-resolution nitrogen adsorption, diffuse reflectance infra-red Fourier transform spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and temperature-programmed desorption. It is found that activation of MNS char can be divided into the low extent activation which may involve the reactions of internal oxygen-containing groups and leads to the formation of comparatively uniform micropores, and the high extent activation which induces reactions between carbon and activating gas and produces a large amount of micropores. The surface functional groups (SFGs) basically increase with the increase of activation extent, but high extent activation preferentially increases the amount of -C-O and -C=O. HTT in air for a short tithe at a high temperature (1173 K) greatly increases the micropore volume and the amounts of SFGs. By appropriately choosing the activation and HTT conditions, it is possible to control both the textural structure and the type and amounts of SFG. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.
Developed, piloted, and examined the psychometric properties of the Child and Adolescent Social and Adaptive Functioning Scale (CASAFS), a self-report measure designed to examine the social functioning of young people in the areas of school performance, peer relationships, family relationships, and home duties/self-care. The findings of confirmatory and exploratory factor analysis support a 4-factor solution consistent with the hypothesized domains. Fit indexes suggested that the 4-correlated factor model represented a satisfactory solution for the data, with the covariation between factors being satisfactorily explained by a single, higher order factor reflecting social and adaptive functioning in general. The internal consistency and 12-month test-retest reliability of the total scale was acceptable. A significant, negative correlation was found between the CASAFS and a measure of depressive symptoms, showing that high levels of social functioning are associated with low levels of depression. Significant differences in CASAFS total and subscale scores were found between clinically depressed adolescents and a matched sample of nonclinical controls. Adolescents who reported elevated but subclinical levels of depression also reported lower levels of social functioning in comparison to nonclinical controls.
Abnormal patterns of trunk muscle activity could affect the biomechanics of spinal movements and result in back pain. The present study aimed to examine electromyographic (EMG) activity of abdominal and back muscles as well as triaxial torque output during isometric axial rotation at different exertion levels in back pain patients and matched controls. Twelve back pain patients and 12 matched controls performed isometric right and left axial rotation at 100%, 70%, 50%, and 30% maximum voluntary contractions in a standing position. Surface EMG activity of rectus abdominis, external oblique, internal oblique, latissimus dorsi, iliocostalis lumborum and multifidus were recorded bilaterally. The primary torque in the transverse plane and the coupling torques in sagittal and coronal planes were measured. Results showed that there was a trend (P = 0.08) of higher flexion coupling torque during left axial rotation exertion in back pain patients. Higher activity for external oblique and lower activity for multifidus was shown during left axial rotation exertion in back pain group when compared to the control group. In right axial rotation, back pain patients exhibited lesser activity of rectus abdominis at higher levels of exertion when compared with matched controls. These findings demonstrated that decreased activation of one muscle may be compensated by overactivity in other muscles. The reduced levels of activity of the multifidus muscle during axial rotation exertion in back pain patients may indicate that spinal stability could be compromised. Future studies should consider these alternations in recruitment patterns in terms of spinal stability and internal loading. The findings also indicate the importance of training for coordination besides the strengthening of trunk muscles during rehabilitation process. (C) 2002 Orthopaedic Research Society. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.