966 resultados para Strathcona and Mount Royal, Donald Alexander Smith, Baron, 1820-1914.
Bound with Germain, S. Considerätions gënërales sur l'ëtat des sciences et des lettres. Paris, 1833
Smith II:138.
Suppléments, 2 v. in 1: 1er. Bruxelles : Hayez, 1851; 2e. Bruxelles : Impr. F. Parent, 1854.
Mode of access: Internet.
Also issued without series for the Volksschriftenverein (Verein zur Verbreitung von Druckschriften für Volksbildung).
Le Nord de la Sibérie : voyage parmi les peuplades de la Russie asiatique et dans la mer Glaciale /
Translation of: Puteshestivie po severnym beregam Sibiri i po Ledovitomu mori︠u︡.
Perspective.--Social momentum.---The seaman's point of view.--The rivalry of empires.--The freedom of nations.--The freedom of men.--Postscript.--Appendices.
Included also are reports of the Metropolitan School of Art at Somerset House; Metropolitan Female School; Museum of Ornamental Art; Library of Art; Royal Dublin Society; Derby School of art; London Navigation School; Central School of Art; Geological Survey and Museum of Practical Geology; Registrar of Designs; Museum of Irish Industry; Royal Zoological Society of Ireland; Normal Lace School, Dublin; Industrial Museum of Scotland; National Art Training School, South Kensington; Mining Record Office; Royal Hibernian Academy of Arts; South Kensington Museum; Edinburgh Museum of Science and Art; Royal College of Chemistry; Science and Art Museum, Dublin; National Library of Ireland; Royal School of Mines; Royal College of Science, London; Royal College of Science for Ireland; Council of the Royal Hibernian Academy of Arts; Board of Visitors of the Science and Art Museum, and Royal Botanic Gardens, Dublin.
First published in 1889 under title: The poetry of Tennyson.
"List of dates and bibliography ": p. [145]-189.
"Seventeen of the sections have been prepared by Waldemar Naujoks and three by Donald C. Fabel, with the former acting as editor."--Pref.
Mode of access: Internet.
Includes index.
Abridged version of the editor's thesis (doctoral)--Universität Halle-Wittenberg, 2005.
Vol. 2 has imprint: New York, Dodd, Mead and company, 1896.