994 resultados para St. Thomas, Ontario


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Los cajeros electrónicos y la implementación de servicios por medio telefónico fueron los primeros instrumentos que hicieron que fuera viable para el usuario beneficiarse de atención sin tener que acudir a las instalaciones de la institución financiera


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According to divine premotionism, God does not merely create and sustain the universe. He also moves all secondary causes to action as instruments without undermining their intrinsic causal efficacy. I explain and uphold the premotionist theory, which is the theory of St Thomas Aquinas and his most prominent exponents. I defend the premotionist interpretation of Aquinas in some textual detail, with particular reference to Suarez and to a recent paper by Louis Mancha. Critics, including Molinists and Suarezians, raise various objections to the view that premotion is compatible with genuine secondary causation. I rebut a number of these objections, in the course of which I respond to the central challenge that premotionism destroys free will. I also offer a number of positive reasons for embracing the premotionist theory.


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Background: There is a growing need to improve myocardial protection, which will lead to better performance of cardiac operations and reduce morbidity and mortality. Therefore, the objective of this study was to compare the efficacy of myocardial protection solution using both intracellular and extracellular crystalloid type regarding the performance of the electrical conduction system, left ventricular contractility and edema, after being subjected to ischemic arrest and reperfusion. Methods: Hearts isolated from male Wistar (n=32) rats were prepared using Langendorff method and randomly divided equally into four groups according the cardioprotective solutions used Krebs-Henseleit-Buffer (KHB), Bretschneider-HTK (HTK), St. Thomas-1 (STH-1) and Celsior (CEL). After stabilization with KHB at 37 degrees C, baseline values (control) were collected for heart rate (HR), left ventricle systolic pressure (LVSP), maximum first derivate of rise left ventricular pressure (+dP/dt), maximum first derivate of fall left ventricular pressure (-dP/dt) and coronary flow (CF). The hearts were then perfused at 10 degrees C for 5 min and kept for 2 h in static ischemia at 20 degrees C in each cardioprotective solution. Data evaluation was done using analysis of variance in completely randomized One-Way ANOVA and Tukey's test for multiple comparisons. The level of statistical significance chosen was P<0.05. Results: HR was restored with all the solutions used. The evaluation of left ventricular contractility (LVSP, +dP/dt and -dP/dt) showed that treatment with CEL solution was better compared to other solutions. When analyzing the CF, the HTK solution showed better protection against edema. Conclusion: Despite the cardioprotective crystalloid solutions studied are not fully able to suppress the deleterious effects of ischemia and reperfusion in the rat heart, the CEL solution had significantly higher results followed by HTK>KHB>STH-1.


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Background. There is a growing need to improve heart preservation benefit the performance of cardiac operations, decrease morbidity, and more important, increase the donor pool. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the cardioprotective effects of Krebs-Henseleit buffer (KHB), Bretschneider-HTK (HTK), St. Thomas No. 1 (STH-1), and Celsior (CEL) solutions infused at 10 degrees C and 20 degrees C. Methods. Hearts isolated from male albino Wistar rats and prepared according to Langendorff were randomly divided equally into 8 groups according to the temperature of infusion (10 degrees C or 20 degrees C) and cardioprotective solutions (KHB, HTK, STH-1, and CEL). After stabilization with KHB at 37 degrees C, baseline values were collected (control) for heart rate (HR), left ventricle systolic pressure (LVSP), coronary flow (CF), maximum rate of rise of left ventricular pressure during ventricular contraction (+dP/dt) and maximum rate of fall of left ventricular pressure during left ventricular relaxation (-dP/dt). The hearts were then perfused with cardioprotective solutions for 5 minutes and kept for 2 hours in static ischemia at 20 degrees C. Data evaluation used analysis of variance (ANOVA) in all together randomized 2-way ANOVA and Tukey's test for multiple comparisons. The level of significance chosen was P < .05. Results. We observed that all 4 solutions were able to recover HR, independent of temperature. Interestingly, STH-1 solution at 20 degrees C showed HR above baseline throughout the experiment. An evaluation of the corresponding hemodynamic values (LVSP, +dP/dt, and -dP/dt) indicated that treatment with CEL solution was superior at both temperatures compared with the other solutions, and had better performance at 20 degrees C. When analyzing performance on CF maintenance, we observed that it was temperature dependent. However, when applying both HTK and CEL, at 10 degrees C and 20 degrees C respectively, indicated better protection against development of tissue edema. Multiple comparisons between treatments and hemodynamic variable outcomes showed that using CEL solution resulted in significant improvement compared with the other solutions at both temperatures. Conclusion. The solutions investigated were not able to fully suppress the deleterious effects of ischemia and reperfusion of the heart. However, these results allow us to conclude that temperature and the cardioprotective solution are interdependent as far as myocardial protection. Although CEL solution is the best for in myocardial protection, more studies are needed to understand the interaction between temperature and perfusion solution used. This will lead to development of better and more efficient cardioprotective methods.


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OBJECTIVE: Euro-Collins solution (EC) is routinely used in lung transplantation. The high potassium of EC, however, may damage the vascular endothelium, thereby contributing to postischemic reperfusion injury. To assess the influence of the potassium concentration on lung preservation, we evaluated the effect of a "low potassium Euro-Collins solution" (LPEC), in which the sodium and potassium concentrations were reversed. METHODS: In an extracorporeal rat heart-lung model lungs were preserved with EC and LPEC. The heart-lung blocks (HLB) were perfused with Krebs-Henseleit solution containing washed bovine red blood cells and ventilated with room air. The lungs were perfused via the working right ventricle with deoxygenated perfusate. Oxygenation and pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) were monitored. After baseline measurements, hearts were arrested with St. Thomas' solution and the lungs were perfused with EC or LPEC, or were not perfused (controls). The HLBs were stored for 5 min or 2 h ischemic time at 4 degrees C. Reperfusion and ventilation was performed for 40 min. At the end of the trial the wet/dry ratio of the lungs was calculated and light microscopic assessment of the degree of edema was performed. RESULTS: After 5 min of ischemia oxygenation was significantly better in both preserved groups compared to the controls. Pulmonary vascular resistance was elevated in all three groups after 30 min reperfusion at both ischemic times. After 2 h of ischemia PVR of the group preserved with LPEC was significantly lower than those of the EC and controls (LPEC-5 min: 184 +/- 65 dynes * sec * cm-5, EC-5 min: 275 +/- 119 dynes * sec * cm * cm-5, LPEC-2 h: 324 +/- 47 dynes * sec * m-5, EC-2 h: 507 +/- 83 dynes * sec * cm-5). Oxygenation after 2 h of ischemia and 30 min reperfusion was significantly better in the LPEC group compared to EC and controls (LPEC: 70 +/- 17 mmHg, EC: 44 +/- 3 mmHg). The wet/dry ratio was significantly lower in the two preserved groups compared to controls (LPEC-5 min: 5.7 +/- 0.7, EC-5 min: 5.8 +/- 1.2, controls-5 min: 7.5 +/- 1.8, LPEC-2 h: 6.7 +/- 0.4, EC: 6.9 +/- 0.4, controls-2 h: 7.3 +/- 0.4). CONCLUSIONS: We thus conclude that LPEC results in better oxygenation and lower PVR in this lung preservation model. A low potassium concentration in lung preservation solutions may help in reducing the incidence of early graft dysfunction following lung transplantation.


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Despite advances in preservation techniques for thoracic organs, the ischemic tolerance of the donor heart is still limited. Recently, a beneficial effect of oncotic substances such as dextran was shown in lung transplantation. Clinically, only in the University of Wisconsin (UW) solution oncotic substances for the prevention of cellular edema are used. Since little is known about the perspective value of dextrans in cardiac preservation, we investigated dextrans with different molecular weights added to the St. Thomas Hospital solution in an experimental working rat heart Langendorff model for functional and histological aspects. By comparison of various dextrans with molecular weights of 40,000, 70,000 and 160,000 daltons, best results were achieved by the addition of 5% dextran with the highest molecular weight.


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In recent years, there is a growing body of evidence that the University of Wisconsin (UW) solution offers many advantages in organ preservation with regard to preservation quality and time. We, therefore, conducted the first European prospective, randomized, clinical trial comparing myocardial performance after preservation with UW and St. Thomas Hospital (ST) solution. Preliminary results indicated superior heart function after preservation with UW solution.


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El propósito de esta investigación es mostrar las razones que tiene Tomás de Aquino para privilegiar una moral de la templanza por sobre una de mera continencia. Pero más allá de detenerse en los pocos artículos que Santo Tomás dedica a comparar ambas disposiciones, el fin de nuestro trabajo es, a partir de los textos referidos a la naturaleza de la virtud moral, mostrar por qué sólo la templanza puede ser considerada una virtud, mientras la continencia es una “mezcla" de virtud y desorden. En segundo lugar, esta investigación pretende justificar la validez de los argumentos tomasianos, demostrando que si se prescinde de esta distinción entre virtud perfecta y continencia, necesariamente se introduce un dualismo antropológico en el plano de la acción. En esta misma línea, se buscará, a su vez, comparar la postura de Santo Tomás con la postura de Escoto, para quien los afectos y las pasiones son meros “facilitadores" de la elección, pero no elementos constitutivas de ésta.


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El Comentario a las Sentencias, una obra de juventud del Aquinate, permite reconocer la presencia de Aristóteles en su pensamiento ya desde el comienzo de su producción filosófica. Uno de los temas donde claramente se nota su influencia es en la teoría del conocimiento, pues el joven dominico parece aceptar los aspectos centrales de la visión del Estagirita, aunque evidentemente las fórmulas y desarrollos no tienen aquí la precisión que se observa en escritos posteriores y en las que ciertamente uno encuentra un Santo Tomás más maduro. En el presente artículo quisiera desarrollar algunos elementos que surgen al analizar la importancia que se da en esta obra a lo sensible. En efecto, la frecuencia con la que el Aquinate recurre a Dionisio para completar e incluso corregir algunas afirmaciones de Aristóteles en este tema no puede menos que llamar la atención. A la necesidad de lo sensible se suma por ejemplo el hecho de concebir a la creación como símbolo de Dios o a lo material como un elemento mediador, dos temas de clara inspiración dionisiana. Como intento mostrar, aun reconociendo la presencia de Aristóteles, la posición de Santo Tomás en el tema de lo sensible y sobre todo en el papel que deben ocupar los sentidos no pueden ser comprendidos cabalmente sin reconocer en qué medida su pensamiento es tributario del Areopagita.


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En el presente trabajo, apoyándonos en los resultados de las más recientes investigaciones tomasianas, ofrecemos una introducción a los sofisticados desarrollos del tratado trinitario de la Suma de Teología de santo Tomás de Aquino. Después de una breve exposición de la síntesis trinitaria especulativa que nuestro autor ofrece en la Suma contra Gentiles, nos detendremos en el estudio del cometido y la estructura del tratado que nos ocupa, procurando poner de manifiesto la diferencia y la complementariedad que existe entre ambos tratados.


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En medio de las disputas del siglo XIII, Tomás de Aquino afirma en el Commentarium in Sententiis, primera composición filosófico- teológica, que “a la creación no sólo se la alcanza a través de la fe, sino por la demostración racional". Esta idea no la abandona en ningún momento y la mantiene a lo largo de su obra. Constituye nuestro propósito en el presente trabajo establecer la relación existente entre la estrategia argumentativa que el autor desarrolla en torno a dos problemas: el de la creación y el del origen temporal del mundo, señalando las dos vías argumentativas utilizadas, una que concluye demostrativamente y la otra que expresa la imposibilidad de justificar racionalmente el tema. La clave argumentativa que según entendemos le permite diferenciar el doble orden de explicación radica en la distinción entre causas por sí y por accidente: una causa A está esencialmente ordenada a una causa B, si la acción de B es necesaria para que la acción de A haya tenido lugar. De modo que para alcanzar el efecto, es necesario admitir una causa primera, y entre los dos términos la distancia o el número de causas esencialmente ordenadas a la causa primera debe ser necesariamente finito. Distinto es el caso si se considera el orden de la temporalidad inscripto en el marco de la causalidad accidental: un mundo eterno o no, es algo que no se puede justificar racionalmente en cuanto es un efecto accidental que procede de una causa que obra con absoluta libertad. Entendemos que esta distinción es el instrumento conceptual que le permite a Aquino delimitar epistémicamente entre lo que es posible justificar con certeza, tal es el caso de las argumentaciones que ofrece en torno a la creación; lo que sólo lo es de modo probable, en particular las argumentaciones con base en las doctrinas físicas aristotélicas; y finalmente, aquello que el hombre únicamente puede llegar a conocer a través de la Revelación, como es el caso del conocimiento de un inicio temporal del mundo.


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Four letters written from St. Thomas, St. Croix, and Santo Domingo, in which he indicates his petitions for privilege to import ice have been successful except at St. Croix with the Danish government. He also decribes the architecture and cultural diversity of St. Thomas, which had been rebuilt after a fire in 1805.


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Volume containing notes on the lectures of Henry Cline (1750-1827), a surgeon at St. Thomas's Hospital, London, England, that were kept by American medical student John Collins Warren in 1799 and 1800. The lectures were on topics including blood, blood vessels, absorbents, cellular membranes, and the nerves. There are annotations in pencil in an unknown hand throughout the volume.


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On t.-p., seal of Department of the navy, Bureau of medicine & surgery.