996 resultados para Spin components


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La creación, consolidación y proliferación de empresas de spin-offs académicas requiere que se cumplan una serie de requisitos previos:inversión en I+D que contribuya a crear nuevas oportunidades tecnológicas; capital-riesgo para financiar las primeras etapas de desarrollo de una spin-off; una cultura favorable al emprendizaje en el entorno universitario; programas específicos de apoyo a la creación de spin-offs; un marco regulatorio-institucional que favorezca la I+D, la protección de la propiedad intelectual y la aproximación de los investigadores al mundo empresarial. En este artículo se pretende analizar la actividad de I+D+I universitaria española. Se trata de resaltar las principales características diferenciadoras de la situación española con respecto a la Unión Europea, a algún país europeo significativo y a Estados Unidos, como país de referencia en la transferencia de tecnología a través de spin-off académicas.


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En la presente tesis se ha realizado el estudio de primeros principios (esto es, sinhacer uso de parámetros ajustables) de la estructura electrónica y la dinámica deexcitaciones electrónicas en plomo, tanto en volumen como en superficie y en formade películas de espesor nanométrico. Al presentar el plomo un número atómico alto(82), deben tenerse en cuenta los efectos relativistas. Con este fin, el doctorando haimplementado el acoplo espín-órbita en los códigos computacionales que hanrepresentado la principal herramienta de trabajo.En volumen, se han encontrado fuertes efectos relativistas asi como de lalocalización de los electrones, tanto en la respuesta dieléctrica (excitacioneselectrónicas colectivas) como en el tiempo de vida de electrones excitados. Lacomparación de nuestros resultados con medidas experimentales ha ayudado aprofundizar en dichos efectos.En el estudio de las películas a escala nanométrica se han hallado fuertes efectoscuánticos debido al confinamiento de los estados electrónicos. Dichos efectos semanifiestan tanto en el estado fundamental (en acuerdo con estudiosexperimentales), como en la respuesta dieléctrica a través de la aparición y dinámicade plasmones de diversas características. Los efectos relativistas, a pesar de no serimportantes en la estructura electrónica de las películas, son los responsables de ladesaparación del plasmón de baja energía en nuestros resultados.


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Within the next few pages, I will try to give a wide description of the project that I have been doing for IK4-Ikerlan. For the last six months, I have been working in developing a socket-based application for Apple devices. These devices work under the iOS operative system, which is programmed in Objective-C, a language similar to C. Although I did not have the chance to develop this application for Apple TV, I was able to create an application for iPhone and another one for iPad. The only difference between both applications was the screen resolution, but we decided to make them separately, as it would be really hard to combine both resolutions, and wallpapers, everything in the same workspace. Finally, it is necessary to add that the main goal was not to create a new application for iOS, but to translate an Android application into iOS. To achieve this, it is required to translate Java code into Objective- C, which is the language used to develop applications for all kinds of Apple devices. Fortunately, there is a tool created by Google, which helped us with this exercise. This tool is called j2ObjC, and it is still being developed.


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We study driven by an external electric field quantum orbital and spin dynamics of electron in a one-dimensional double quantum dot with spin-orbit coupling. Two types of external perturbation are considered: a periodic field at the Zeeman frequency and a single half-period pulse. Spin-orbit coupling leads to a nontrivial evolution in the spin and orbital channels and to a strongly spin-dependent probability density distribution. Both the interdot tunneling and the driven motion contribute into the spin evolution. These results can be important for the design of the spin manipulation schemes in semiconductor nanostructures.


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A theoretical model has been developed to investigate the microfluidic transport of the signaling chemicals in the cell coculture chips. Using an epidermal growth factor (EGF)-like growth factor as the sample chemical, the effects of velocities and channel geometry were studied for the continuous-flow microchannel bioreactors. It is found that different perfusion velocities must be applied in the parallel channels to facilitate the communication, i.e., transport of the signaling component, between the coculture channels. Such communication occurs in a unidirectional way because the signaling chemicals can only flow from the high velocity area to the low velocity area. Moreover, the effect of the transport of the signaling component between the coculture channels on the growth of the monolayer cells and the multicellular tumor spheroid (MTS) in the continuous-flow coculture environment were simulated using 3D models. The numerical results demonstrated that the concentration gradients will induce the heterogeneous growth of the cells and the MTSs, which should be taken into account in designing the continuous-flow perfusion bioreactor for the cell coculture research.


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The potential energy in materials is well approximated by pair functional which is composed of pair potentials and embedding energy. During calculating material potential energy, the orientational component and the volumetric component are derived respectively from pair potentials and embedding energy. The sum of energy of all these two kinds of components is the material potential. No matter how microstructures change, damage or fracture, at the most level, they are all the changing and breaking atomic bonds. As an abstract of atomic bonds, these components change their stiffness during damaging. Material constitutive equations have been formulated by means of assembling all components' response functions. This material model is called the component assembling model. Theoretical analysis and numerical computing indicate that the proposed model has the capacity of reproducing some results satisfactorily, with the advantages of great conceptual simplicity, physical explicitness, and intrinsic induced anisotropy, etc.


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230 p.