848 resultados para Spatial data mining


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The objective of this work was to evaluate extreme water table depths in a watershed, using methods for geographical spatial data analysis. Groundwater spatio-temporal dynamics was evaluated in an outcrop of the Guarani Aquifer System. Water table depths were estimated from monitoring of water levels in 23 piezometers and time series modeling available from April 2004 to April 2011. For generation of spatial scenarios, geostatistical techniques were used, which incorporated into the prediction ancillary information related to the geomorphological patterns of the watershed, using a digital elevation model. This procedure improved estimates, due to the high correlation between water levels and elevation, and aggregated physical sense to predictions. The scenarios showed differences regarding the extreme levels - too deep or too shallow ones - and can subsidize water planning, efficient water use, and sustainable water management in the watershed.


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The Dipteran a native Brazilian insect that has become a valuable model system for developmental biology research because it provides an interesting opportunity to study a different type of insect oogenesis. Sequences from a cDNA library that was constructed with poly A + RNA from the ovaries of larvae at different ages were analyzed. Molecular characterization confirmed interesting findings, such as the presence of . The gene encodes a conserved RNA-binding protein that is required during early development for the maintenance and division of the primordial germ cells of Diptera. plays an important role in specifying the posterior regions of insect embryos and is important for abdomen formation. In the present work, we showed the spatial and temporal expression profiles of this important gene, which is involved in oogenesis and early development. Data mining techniques were used to obtain the complete sequence of . Bioinformatic tools were used to determine the following: (1) the secondary structure of the 3'-untranslated region of the mRNA, (2) the encoded protein of the isolated gene, (3) the conserved zinc-finger domains of the Nanos protein, and (4) phylogenetic analyses. Furthermore, RNA in situ hybridization and immunolocalization were used to determine mRNA and protein expression in the tissues that were studied and to define as a germ cell molecular marker.


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The presented study carried out an analysis on rural landscape changes. In particular the study focuses on the understanding of driving forces acting on the rural built environment using a statistical spatial model implemented through GIS techniques. It is well known that the study of landscape changes is essential for a conscious decision making in land planning. From a bibliography review results a general lack of studies dealing with the modeling of rural built environment and hence a theoretical modelling approach for such purpose is needed. The advancement in technology and modernity in building construction and agriculture have gradually changed the rural built environment. In addition, the phenomenon of urbanization of a determined the construction of new volumes that occurred beside abandoned or derelict rural buildings. Consequently there are two types of transformation dynamics affecting mainly the rural built environment that can be observed: the conversion of rural buildings and the increasing of building numbers. It is the specific aim of the presented study to propose a methodology for the development of a spatial model that allows the identification of driving forces that acted on the behaviours of the building allocation. In fact one of the most concerning dynamic nowadays is related to an irrational expansion of buildings sprawl across landscape. The proposed methodology is composed by some conceptual steps that cover different aspects related to the development of a spatial model: the selection of a response variable that better describe the phenomenon under study, the identification of possible driving forces, the sampling methodology concerning the collection of data, the most suitable algorithm to be adopted in relation to statistical theory and method used, the calibration process and evaluation of the model. A different combination of factors in various parts of the territory generated favourable or less favourable conditions for the building allocation and the existence of buildings represents the evidence of such optimum. Conversely the absence of buildings expresses a combination of agents which is not suitable for building allocation. Presence or absence of buildings can be adopted as indicators of such driving conditions, since they represent the expression of the action of driving forces in the land suitability sorting process. The existence of correlation between site selection and hypothetical driving forces, evaluated by means of modeling techniques, provides an evidence of which driving forces are involved in the allocation dynamic and an insight on their level of influence into the process. GIS software by means of spatial analysis tools allows to associate the concept of presence and absence with point futures generating a point process. Presence or absence of buildings at some site locations represent the expression of these driving factors interaction. In case of presences, points represent locations of real existing buildings, conversely absences represent locations were buildings are not existent and so they are generated by a stochastic mechanism. Possible driving forces are selected and the existence of a causal relationship with building allocations is assessed through a spatial model. The adoption of empirical statistical models provides a mechanism for the explanatory variable analysis and for the identification of key driving variables behind the site selection process for new building allocation. The model developed by following the methodology is applied to a case study to test the validity of the methodology. In particular the study area for the testing of the methodology is represented by the New District of Imola characterized by a prevailing agricultural production vocation and were transformation dynamic intensively occurred. The development of the model involved the identification of predictive variables (related to geomorphologic, socio-economic, structural and infrastructural systems of landscape) capable of representing the driving forces responsible for landscape changes.. The calibration of the model is carried out referring to spatial data regarding the periurban and rural area of the study area within the 1975-2005 time period by means of Generalised linear model. The resulting output from the model fit is continuous grid surface where cells assume values ranged from 0 to 1 of probability of building occurrences along the rural and periurban area of the study area. Hence the response variable assesses the changes in the rural built environment occurred in such time interval and is correlated to the selected explanatory variables by means of a generalized linear model using logistic regression. Comparing the probability map obtained from the model to the actual rural building distribution in 2005, the interpretation capability of the model can be evaluated. The proposed model can be also applied to the interpretation of trends which occurred in other study areas, and also referring to different time intervals, depending on the availability of data. The use of suitable data in terms of time, information, and spatial resolution and the costs related to data acquisition, pre-processing, and survey are among the most critical aspects of model implementation. Future in-depth studies can focus on using the proposed model to predict short/medium-range future scenarios for the rural built environment distribution in the study area. In order to predict future scenarios it is necessary to assume that the driving forces do not change and that their levels of influence within the model are not far from those assessed for the time interval used for the calibration.


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Precision horticulture and spatial analysis applied to orchards are a growing and evolving part of precision agriculture technology. The aim of this discipline is to reduce production costs by monitoring and analysing orchard-derived information to improve crop performance in an environmentally sound manner. Georeferencing and geostatistical analysis coupled to point-specific data mining allow to devise and implement management decisions tailored within the single orchard. Potential applications range from the opportunity to verify in real time along the season the effectiveness of cultural practices to achieve the production targets in terms of fruit size, number, yield and, in a near future, fruit quality traits. These data will impact not only the pre-harvest but their effect will extend to the post-harvest sector of the fruit chain. Chapter 1 provides an updated overview on precision horticulture , while in Chapter 2 a preliminary spatial statistic analysis of the variability in apple orchards is provided before and after manual thinning; an interpretation of this variability and how it can be managed to maximize orchard performance is offered. Then in Chapter 3 a stratification of spatial data into management classes to interpret and manage spatial variation on the orchard is undertaken. An inverse model approach is also applied to verify whether the crop production explains environmental variation. In Chapter 4 an integration of the techniques adopted before is presented. A new key for reading the information gathered within the field is offered. The overall goal of this Dissertation was to probe into the feasibility, the desirability and the effectiveness of a precision approach to fruit growing, following the lines of other areas of agriculture that already adopt this management tool. As existing applications of precision horticulture already had shown, crop specificity is an important factor to be accounted for. This work focused on apple because of its importance in the area where the work was carried out, and worldwide.


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Il presente lavoro nasce dall’obiettivo di individuare strumenti statistici per indagare, sotto diversi aspetti, il flusso di lavoro di un Laboratorio di Anatomia Patologica. Il punto di partenza dello studio è l’ambiente di lavoro di ATHENA, software gestionale utilizzato nell’Anatomia Patologica, sviluppato dalla NoemaLife S.p.A., azienda specializzata nell’informatica per la sanità. A partire da tale applicativo è stato innanzitutto formalizzato il workflow del laboratorio (Capitolo 2), nelle sue caratteristiche e nelle sue possibili varianti, identificando le operazioni principali attraverso una serie di “fasi”. Proprio le fasi, unitamente alle informazioni addizionali ad esse associate, saranno per tutta la trattazione e sotto diversi punti di vista al centro dello studio. L’analisi che presentiamo è stata per completezza sviluppata in due scenari che tengono conto di diversi aspetti delle informazioni in possesso. Il primo scenario tiene conto delle sequenze di fasi, che si presentano nel loro ordine cronologico, comprensive di eventuali ripetizioni o cicli di fasi precedenti alla conclusione. Attraverso l’elaborazione dei dati secondo specifici formati è stata svolta un’iniziale indagine grafica di Workflow Mining (Capitolo 3) grazie all’ausilio di EMiT, un software che attraverso un set di log di processo restituisce graficamente il flusso di lavoro che li rappresenta. Questa indagine consente già di valutare la completezza dell’utilizzo di un applicativo rispetto alle sue potenzialità. Successivamente, le stesse fasi sono state elaborate attraverso uno specifico adattamento di un comune algoritmo di allineamento globale, l’algoritmo Needleman-Wunsch (Capitolo 4). L’utilizzo delle tecniche di allineamento applicate a sequenze di processo è in grado di individuare, nell’ambito di una specifica codifica delle fasi, le similarità tra casi clinici. L’algoritmo di Needleman-Wunsch individua le identità e le discordanze tra due stringhe di caratteri, assegnando relativi punteggi che portano a valutarne la similarità. Tale algoritmo è stato opportunamente modificato affinché possa riconoscere e penalizzare differentemente cicli e ripetizioni, piuttosto che fasi mancanti. Sempre in ottica di allineamento sarà utilizzato l’algoritmo euristico Clustal, che a partire da un confronto pairwise tra sequenze costruisce un dendrogramma rappresentante graficamente l’aggregazione dei casi in funzione della loro similarità. Proprio il dendrogramma, per la sua struttura grafica ad albero, è in grado di mostrare intuitivamente l’andamento evolutivo della similarità di un pattern di casi. Il secondo scenario (Capitolo 5) aggiunge alle sequenze l’informazione temporale in termini di istante di esecuzione di ogni fase. Da un dominio basato su sequenze di fasi, si passa dunque ad uno scenario di serie temporali. I tempi rappresentano infatti un dato essenziale per valutare la performance di un laboratorio e per individuare la conformità agli standard richiesti. Il confronto tra i casi è stato effettuato con diverse modalità, in modo da stabilire la distanza tra tutte le coppie sotto diversi aspetti: le sequenze, rappresentate in uno specifico sistema di riferimento, sono state confrontate in base alla Distanza Euclidea ed alla Dynamic Time Warping, in grado di esprimerne le discordanze rispettivamente temporali, di forma e, dunque, di processo. Alla luce dei risultati e del loro confronto, saranno presentate già in questa fase le prime valutazioni sulla pertinenza delle distanze e sulle informazioni deducibili da esse. Il Capitolo 6 rappresenta la ricerca delle correlazioni tra elementi caratteristici del processo e la performance dello stesso. Svariati fattori come le procedure utilizzate, gli utenti coinvolti ed ulteriori specificità determinano direttamente o indirettamente la qualità del servizio erogato. Le distanze precedentemente calcolate vengono dunque sottoposte a clustering, una tecnica che a partire da un insieme eterogeneo di elementi individua famiglie o gruppi simili. L’algoritmo utilizzato sarà l’UPGMA, comunemente applicato nel clustering in quanto, utilizzando, una logica di medie pesate, porta a clusterizzazioni pertinenti anche in ambiti diversi, dal campo biologico a quello industriale. L’ottenimento dei cluster potrà dunque essere finalmente sottoposto ad un’attività di ricerca di correlazioni utili, che saranno individuate ed interpretate relativamente all’attività gestionale del laboratorio. La presente trattazione propone quindi modelli sperimentali adattati al caso in esame ma idealmente estendibili, interamente o in parte, a tutti i processi che presentano caratteristiche analoghe.


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In the last couple of decades we assisted to a reappraisal of spatial design-based techniques. Usually the spatial information regarding the spatial location of the individuals of a population has been used to develop efficient sampling designs. This thesis aims at offering a new technique for both inference on individual values and global population values able to employ the spatial information available before sampling at estimation level by rewriting a deterministic interpolator under a design-based framework. The achieved point estimator of the individual values is treated both in the case of finite spatial populations and continuous spatial domains, while the theory on the estimator of the population global value covers the finite population case only. A fairly broad simulation study compares the results of the point estimator with the simple random sampling without replacement estimator in predictive form and the kriging, which is the benchmark technique for inference on spatial data. The Monte Carlo experiment is carried out on populations generated according to different superpopulation methods in order to manage different aspects of the spatial structure. The simulation outcomes point out that the proposed point estimator has almost the same behaviour as the kriging predictor regardless of the parameters adopted for generating the populations, especially for low sampling fractions. Moreover, the use of the spatial information improves substantially design-based spatial inference on individual values.


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Il problema relativo alla predizione, la ricerca di pattern predittivi all‘interno dei dati, è stato studiato ampiamente. Molte metodologie robuste ed efficienti sono state sviluppate, procedimenti che si basano sull‘analisi di informazioni numeriche strutturate. Quella testuale, d‘altro canto, è una tipologia di informazione fortemente destrutturata. Quindi, una immediata conclusione, porterebbe a pensare che per l‘analisi predittiva su dati testuali sia necessario sviluppare metodi completamente diversi da quelli ben noti dalle tecniche di data mining. Un problema di predizione può essere risolto utilizzando invece gli stessi metodi : dati testuali e documenti possono essere trasformati in valori numerici, considerando per esempio l‘assenza o la presenza di termini, rendendo di fatto possibile una utilizzazione efficiente delle tecniche già sviluppate. Il text mining abilita la congiunzione di concetti da campi di applicazione estremamente eterogenei. Con l‘immensa quantità di dati testuali presenti, basti pensare, sul World Wide Web, ed in continua crescita a causa dell‘utilizzo pervasivo di smartphones e computers, i campi di applicazione delle analisi di tipo testuale divengono innumerevoli. L‘avvento e la diffusione dei social networks e della pratica di micro blogging abilita le persone alla condivisione di opinioni e stati d‘animo, creando un corpus testuale di dimensioni incalcolabili aggiornato giornalmente. Le nuove tecniche di Sentiment Analysis, o Opinion Mining, si occupano di analizzare lo stato emotivo o la tipologia di opinione espressa all‘interno di un documento testuale. Esse sono discipline attraverso le quali, per esempio, estrarre indicatori dello stato d‘animo di un individuo, oppure di un insieme di individui, creando una rappresentazione dello stato emotivo sociale. L‘andamento dello stato emotivo sociale può condizionare macroscopicamente l‘evolvere di eventi globali? Studi in campo di Economia e Finanza Comportamentale assicurano un legame fra stato emotivo, capacità nel prendere decisioni ed indicatori economici. Grazie alle tecniche disponibili ed alla mole di dati testuali continuamente aggiornati riguardanti lo stato d‘animo di milioni di individui diviene possibile analizzare tali correlazioni. In questo studio viene costruito un sistema per la previsione delle variazioni di indici di borsa, basandosi su dati testuali estratti dalla piattaforma di microblogging Twitter, sotto forma di tweets pubblici; tale sistema include tecniche di miglioramento della previsione basate sullo studio di similarità dei testi, categorizzandone il contributo effettivo alla previsione.


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Nowadays, more and more data is collected in large amounts, such that the need of studying it both efficiently and profitably is arising; we want to acheive new and significant informations that weren't known before the analysis. At this time many graph mining algorithms have been developed, but an algebra that could systematically define how to generalize such operations is missing. In order to propel the development of a such automatic analysis of an algebra, We propose for the first time (to the best of my knowledge) some primitive operators that may be the prelude to the systematical definition of a hypergraph algebra in this regard.


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In this work we will discuss about a project started by the Emilia-Romagna Regional Government regarding the manage of the public transport. In particular we will perform a data mining analysis on the data-set of this project. After introducing the Weka software used to make our analysis, we will discover the most useful data mining techniques and algorithms; and we will show how these results can be used to violate the privacy of the same public transport operators. At the end, despite is off topic of this work, we will spend also a few words about how it's possible to prevent this kind of attack.


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Sviluppo e analisi di un dataset campione, composto da circa 3 mln di entry ed estratto da un data warehouse di informazioni riguardanti il consumo energetico di diverse smart home.


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We present a state-of-the-art application of smoothing for dependent bivariate binomial spatial data to Loa loa prevalence mapping in West Africa. This application is special because it starts with the non-spatial calibration of survey instruments, continues with the spatial model building and assessment and ends with robust, tested software that will be used by the field scientists of the World Health Organization for online prevalence map updating. From a statistical perspective several important methodological issues were addressed: (a) building spatial models that are complex enough to capture the structure of the data but remain computationally usable; (b)reducing the computational burden in the handling of very large covariate data sets; (c) devising methods for comparing spatial prediction methods for a given exceedance policy threshold.


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Geospatial information systems are used to analyze spatial data to provide decision makers with relevant, up-to-date, information. The processing time required for this information is a critical component to response time. Despite advances in algorithms and processing power, we still have many “human-in-the-loop” factors. Given the limited number of geospatial professionals, analysts using their time effectively is very important. The automation and faster humancomputer interactions of common tasks that will not disrupt their workflow or attention is something that is very desirable. The following research describes a novel approach to increase productivity with a wireless, wearable, electroencephalograph (EEG) headset within the geospatial workflow.


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Riparian zones are dynamic, transitional ecosystems between aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems with well defined vegetation and soil characteristics. Development of an all-encompassing definition for riparian ecotones, because of their high variability, is challenging. However, there are two primary factors that all riparian ecotones are dependent on: the watercourse and its associated floodplain. Previous approaches to riparian boundary delineation have utilized fixed width buffers, but this methodology has proven to be inadequate as it only takes the watercourse into consideration and ignores critical geomorphology, associated vegetation and soil characteristics. Our approach offers advantages over other previously used methods by utilizing: the geospatial modeling capabilities of ArcMap GIS; a better sampling technique along the water course that can distinguish the 50-year flood plain, which is the optimal hydrologic descriptor of riparian ecotones; the Soil Survey Database (SSURGO) and National Wetland Inventory (NWI) databases to distinguish contiguous areas beyond the 50-year plain; and land use/cover characteristics associated with the delineated riparian zones. The model utilizes spatial data readily available from Federal and State agencies and geospatial clearinghouses. An accuracy assessment was performed to assess the impact of varying the 50-year flood height, changing the DEM spatial resolution (1, 3, 5 and 10m), and positional inaccuracies with the National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) streams layer on the boundary placement of the delineated variable width riparian ecotones area. The result of this study is a robust and automated GIS based model attached to ESRI ArcMap software to delineate and classify variable-width riparian ecotones.