941 resultados para Sistemas de informação hospitalar


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A tomada de decisão é fator crucial nas organizações. As informações para subsidiar estes processos decisórios é que permitem ao decisor minimizar as incertezas e decidir melhor. Para que estas informações estejam disponíveis, devem ser construídos Sistemas de Informações (SI) com base nas necessidades dos decisores, através da adequada definição dos requisitos de informações. Este trabalho tem como objetivo a validação externa da metodologia Análise Focada na Decisão (AFD), desenvolvida por Santos, Becker e Fisher (1998) e que tem por objetivo definir os requisitos de informações para o desenvolvimento de SI. Tem como foco da análise o processo decisório e é composta por fases seqüenciais de atividades de análise e de modelagem de sistema, resultando um modelo integrado de fluxo de dados, onde os objetos estão centrados nas classes de decisões. A aplicação da AFD foi realizada em um hospital regional filantrópico, através de estudo de caso, sendo o Prontuário do Paciente (PP) o elemento central de integração. O objetivo da aplicação da metodologia é a definição das informações essenciais do PP, tendo como classes de decisão os usuários representativos das áreas médica, de enfermagem e administrativa e o modelo integrado resultante é a base para a definição das informações essenciais do PP. Pode-se concluir que a AFD é uma metodologia adequada para a definição de requisitos de informações, uma vez que os resultados de sua aplicação foram extremamente satisfatórios, pois, além do alcance dos objetivos propostos, propiciou mudanças na empresa.


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A regulação de consultas especializadas tem se mostrado como uma das áreas mais problemáticas do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) no Brasil. Cabe aos gestores de saúde nos municípios, estados, e governo federal, estabelecerem mecanismos de regulação coerentes com o volume de recursos disponíveis e com o contingente populacional a atender. Diversas centrais de regulação para atendimentos especializados foram implantadas nas secretarias municipais de saúde e sistemas de informação foram criados como ferramentas para apoio a estas centrais. Seu escopo tem sido progressivamente ampliado, de maneira a incluir uma visão crítica das necessidades da população em relação à capacidade de atendimento dos prestadores de serviço. No processo de regulação de consultas especializadas, duas questões têm-se destacado: (1) para um dado caso, quais pacientes têm maior prioridade de atendimento, e (2) quais prestadores de serviço podem resolver melhor o caso? Fundamentado nestas duas questões, e a partir da consideração dos requisitos legitimados na área da assistência à saúde, este trabalho propõe um sistema para apoio à decisão de agendamento de consultas especializadas para servir às centrais de regulação. O sistema proposto integra análise de decisão multi-critério e programação linear para o agendamento das consultas, onde a alocação dos pacientes é definida em função da relevância relativa de um conjunto de critérios relacionados à noção de efetividade da assistência médica especializada e da capacidade de atendimento das unidades de assistência credenciadas. Da integração destes modelos resulta uma representação que leva em conta simultaneamente os aspectos relacionados ao diagnóstico médico e suas conseqüências na vida do paciente, os aspectos relacionados às instalações e processos disponíveis nas unidades assistenciais credenciadas, e os aspectos relacionados à dificuldade de acesso do paciente a estas unidades. O uso do sistema permite que as informações pessoais e médicas do paciente, assim como as informações sobre as unidades assistenciais, sejam incorporadas em um modelo de programação linear de maneira a maximizar a efetividade do conjunto de solicitações para cada especialidade. Os modelos foram implementados em um sistema informatizado, e aplicados em uma parcela dos serviços da Secretaria Municipal de Saúde de Porto Alegre para as especialidades de cardiologia e cirurgia vascular. O sistema e os resultados obtidos foram validados por um grupo de peritos, que confirmou a viabilidade do uso deste modelo como uma ferramenta para a otimização da alocação de recursos no atendimento especializado pelo SUS.


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O traçado de obras com características lineares num espaço geográfico tem, em princípio, um número muito grande de soluções. A seleção de traçados mais convenientes é hoje abordada pela Pesquisa Operacional por meio da Programação Dinâmica tradicional e das técnicas para resolver o problema conhecido como leastcost- path, (caminho de mínimo custo). Por sua vez, o planejamento de espaços geográficos é feito com o auxílio de técnicas de SIG (sistemas de informação geográfica). O estudo algorítmico dos caminhos de mínimo custo não é novidade e até os programas comerciais para SIG mais utilizados têm incorporado comandos que, com certas limitações, resolvem esse problema. Mas, seja qual for a abordagem, sempre é preciso conhecer a priori a funçãoobjetivo (FO), e isto não é tarefa fácil, pois devem ser conjugados objetivos de satisfação de necessidades sociais, políticas, ambientais e econômicas, o que gera um verdadeiro problema de otimização multiobjetivo e multicritério. Este trabalho teve como foco principal elaborar um modelo de decisão para ajudar na formulação da FO, adotando o paradigma multiobjetivo/multicritério, explorando inclusive o relaxamento difuso de pareceres dos decisores. Foram utilizadas apenas ferramentas computacionais (software e hardware) simples, de ampla difusão entre os engenheiros e de baixo custo, como a planilha de cálculo Excel e o programa Idrisi 32, procurando explorar suas aptidões e limitações, sem recorrer à elaboração e/ou utilização de códigos computacionais próprios, sobre os quais muitas pessoas sentem receios até não serem testados suficientemente. Foi obtido um sistema de apoio à decisão eficaz e de fácil utilização e sua possibilidade de aplicação foi testada na definição do traçado ótimo de parte da defesa norte da cidade de Resistencia (Argentina).


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Este trabalho descreve uma pesquisa de campo feita no Brasil em 1996. Foram consultadas empresas prestadoras de serviços, buscando melhor compreender esse lado da relação numa parceria cujo objeto são os serviços de informática. Trata-se de um aspecto que, até então, não havia sido abordado na realidade brasileira e que trouxe à luz importantes conclusões que facilitam o estabelecimento de processos de terceirização.


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The text relates an empirical investigation on Brazilian information systems and services outsourcing context, revealing some important characteristics about formerly unclear matter. The research analyses the reasoning for outsourcing, the implementation process, the partners selection criteria, the destination of internal technical personnel, the agreement writing process, the start prices and further revisions, the plans for the future, segments transferred to external partners, effective benefits and difficulties and major concerns about outsourcing.


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The purpose of this study is to identify the strategic vision of the Internal Audit Department of Petrel Brasileiro S.A. PETROBRAS, in comparison with the audit function's proposals and practices in competitive organizations and their reality. It also aims at the verification of the possible solutions, within Petrobras itself, so as to constantly add value to the business and to the shareholders. With this in mind, a research was carried out, contemplating the conceptual proposals and market practices related to auditing and to the current diagnosis and the organizational model of Petrobras, so as to choose elements for comparison and analysis of such vision. The results of this research pointed in the direction of questioning the organizational value of the internal audit action, concluding that it will only be possible to continuously attain such value by means of a permanent coordination with the organization's strategic level. This is especially true if the audit action participates effectively in the process of Corporate Governance, in defining the risks, the internal control system and the measurement of corporate performance, as related to the development of the strategic plan. However, any action along these lines is still heavily impacted and limited by several aspects of culture and relationship of the organizational power as well as by the beliefs of the organization and of the body of auditors. The involvement of the auditors as employees was also considered relevant in the auditing process, by means of the participation of the audited entities in self assessment2. This procedure is still not sufficiently guaranteed by successful experiments in major organizations, considering that there is not a clear demonstration of the effective benefits of adopting this practice, as ompared to the central control, seldom shared but strongly monitored by integrated information systems. Finally, this research points to the need to renew the concept of the formation and role of the auditors in modern competitive organizations, in the face of information technology and of automation of the instrument controls of the business. Therefore, one may conclude that the trend will be toward an action aiming at the revision of formal internal control matrixes, as they are established in such systems. On the other hand, the majority of audit human resources will be increasingly deployed to the evaluation of risk and control, as related to relevant events of a more abstract nature, as in the case of those connected with the uncontrollable factors of the external environment.


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In the last decade, the debate concerning more adequate means of promoting social and economic development, through policies of firm supporting, has been gaining strength. Among several means of support, there is one that addresses issues related to credit and funding. At the same time, interest on the phenomenon of firm agglomeration, known by clustering, is increasing, as well as one of its advantages - facilitating the development and strengthening of its firms. Additionally, there can be spotted advantages on clustering that allow tailoring financial instruments, specifically to firms in it, based on collective solutions, with better conditions. This dissertation focuses on how the capture of these opportunities is being done, in the presence of specific financial products to Brazilian clusters. The present analysis is conducted from the cluster located in Nova Friburgo and Region, specialized in women underwear. This study sought to capture advantages from three main collective solutions: information systems, guarantees systems, alternative funding. These solutions address to the following issues: information asymmetries, absence of guarantees from the credit taker, limited sources of funding. Semi-structured interviews were made with members of the cluster, when it was possible to identify that the capture of advantages is in its early stages, being limited by other issues, such as: adequate degree of human capital, governance framework and process inefficiencies.


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Este estudo busca avaliar os riscos vivenciados no desenvolvimento de software com base na experiência de gerentes de projetos e desenvolvedores. A avaliação de riscos consiste na sua identificação, análise e priorização. Tal levantamento foi feito com base nas probabilidades de ocorrência e na estimativa de gravidade percebida pelos entrevistados. O estudo apresenta como resultados, além da avaliação de riscos propriamente dita, uma comparação entre a percepção de riscos de gerentes e desenvolvedores, uma análise crítica sobre o estado da arte da gerência de riscos atual, a definição de fatores de riscos diferentes dos encontrados na literatura extraídos por meio da análise de componentes principais, e a comprovação de afirmações feitas em pesquisas anteriores na área.


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Nowadays, the free software has been presented as an alternative to the acquisition structure of proprietors¿ software licenses, being adopted by a large number of companies. This study presents the analysis, through a case study, of a project of proprietors¿ software migration for free platforms. The main purpose was to identify decisive factors of success in the adoption of free softwares for private companies. For this, was used the single case methodology of study, presented by Yin (2005). The theoretical referential approaches issues related to the definitions and the historic of the free software, the resistance to information systems and the change resistance. The idea is to look for the fundamentals to support the researchers understanding of the situations observed in the field. The data found at this research was analyzed using a meta-frame, which has as the main point the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Information Technology, developed by Venkatesh et al. (2003). Also, to complete this meta-frame, were used the Technology Acceptance Model, proposed by Davis (1989), and Interaction¿s Model of system and context of Use, developed by Markus (1983). The researche¿s result has been gotten by the analysis of documentation, interviews, questionnaires, direct observation and participant observation, that made possible the obtaining of valuable group of data on the researched subject. The result of this research allow the establishment of subsidies for the planning and development of project of proprietors¿ softwares migration for free softwares.


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Esta pesqUisa objetiva desenvolver, testar e demonstrar a aplicabilidade de um modelo infonnacional que possibilite a gestão integrada das operações da cadeia de suprimentos para indústrias geograficamente dispersas, também denominadas indústrias multi planta. Para tanto, serão aplicadas metodologias de estudo de caso e pesquisa-ação, em uma empresa representativa dos setores mineral e metalúrgico, o Departamento de Manganês e Ferro-Ligas da CVRD - Cia. Vale do Rio Doce. A pesquisa pretende demonstrar que o modelo de sistema infonnacional proposto, por meio da automatização dos processos transacionais e gerenciais, é capaz de prover recursos de planejamento e controle nos níveis operacional, tático e estratégico, devido a sua capacidade de incrementar a velocidade e a qualidade dos processos de análise e decisão. A pesquisa pretende conduzir, após análise dos resultados e avaliação das contribuições à empresa estudada, a um modelo informacional adequado para gerir as operações de outras empresas de mineração e metalurgia com características semelhantes.


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The management system based on lean thinking has led to significant changes in the companies that have decided to adopt it. Frequently, those changes do not create a sustainable position coherent with the good results that are obtained. Many are the causes being discussed and analyzed, not only in academia, but also by lean manufacturing institutes and companies. The existing practices related to the managerial information system and the implementation, development, and maintenance of the lean journey may be some of such causes. This dissertation emphasizes whether the changes generated by this type of management are being followed by the managerial information system. The development of such system was in many cases based on mass production, whose principles go against lean manufacturing concepts. Thus, the objective of this dissertation is to verify whether the traditional managerial information system can meet the needs of the companies that adopt lean manufacturing principles. Through a case study based on qualitative and exploratory research in an electronic equipment assembling company, the stage of the implementation of lean thinking concepts at the time of the field research was analyzed, as well as whether the metrics, financial and non financial indicators were suitable for lean principles. The aim of such study was to empirically verify if the criticism found in the existing literature was pertinent or not. The data collected through the analysis of the documentation, the interviews with managers and in loco observation was treated through the content analysis method. The main conclusion of the research is that, although the company in question is investing in training and applying lean principles in its production line and in some administrative activities, the current managerial information system does not demonstrate the specific results obtained with lean principles. However, how changes to the managerial information system will be implemented is yet to be determined. Currently, metrics and indicators aligned with lean management are being added to the managerial reports. As more lean tools are employed, mainly with the consolidation of more value streams, the company has already diagnosed the need for new indicators. The main office has started a diagnosis of measurement and control systems in a product line in one of its affiliates with the goal of studying the possibility of applying the so called lean accounting in the future.


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Land, capital and work dictated the organizations¿ success in the industrial era. Added to these factors, the intangible assets are considered the key complement to determine business¿ sustainability in the knowledge era. The globalization creates a new dynamic in the markets and the knowledge management becomes focal point to the organizations. It becomes more common the incorporation of inter-organizational nets to improve business, in a strategy win-win where the tacit knowledge, noncodified, which is shared. More specifically, the innovation management, one of the intangible assets aspects, plays an important role in the Federal Government agenda, through the PDP and other market players. BNDES made significant progress to assist companies¿ demands in the knowledge era, among them: the adoption of the Intangible Assets BSC methodology to evaluate companies¿ credit risk and the partnership with Brightom University (UK) to train innovation management to companies¿ managers. Besides the initial steps, what are the challenges that BNDES will face from now on? In the bibliographic review, it is analyzed the competitive factors in the knowledge era, the evolution of the intangible assets concept, the consolidation of the networking as business strategy, evaluation its advantages and disadvantages, some innovation definitions and its management through the identification of the development level of the Brazilian companies¿ in this aspect. After that, it is analyzed the management tool so-called Balanced Scorecard, which is fundamental to the Intangible Assets BSC. The actions already implemented by BNDES, Sebrae and FINEP focused on the subject are identified in order to evaluate the integration level among those actions. Then, it is demonstrated the relevancy of the subject not only to BNDES, but also to society. This study faces the subject by the preparation of a diagnostic from 30 actives SMEs investments from BNDESPAR portfolio, a BNDES subsidiary, adopting the BSC methodology through questionnaire. The objective is to certify if there is enough space to elaborate an action plan focused on creating value to companies considering them intangible assets and, if it is viable, how this toll can be useful and adequate to achieve such objective. The questionnaire content, answered by the training participants in the innovation management program, is also evaluated to check the suggestions of actions to maximize the expected feedback. In the conclusion, it is verified that the tool so-called Intangible Assets BSC is adequate to the management activity of the investments in PMEs from BNDESPAR portfolio and there is enough space to adopt measures focused on creation of companies¿ value, mentioning some examples and highlighting some preliminary academicals contributions to improve the tool and also suggests other steps that BNDES can adopt to optimize the actions already implemented.


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This dissertation attempts to reach four goals: 1) to characterize the logistics development stage in two firms from the stone industry, an export firm and a non-export firm; 2) to identify the logistics functions performed by the firms themselves and the activities that are outsourced and also the reasons; 3) to describe the supply chain of the stone industry; 4) to apply a model called Leading Edge Logistics (BOWERSOX et al. 1992) to evaluate the current gaps between these firms in terms of organizational structure, information technology and performance system. This study has demonstrated that the export firm presented more adherence to the model compared to the non-export one, showing better entrepreneurial and operational performance. Furthermore, it has also confirmed the expectations generated by the conceptual model, as follow: the export firm, due to the more complex operational environment, represented by its involvement in a more competitive and demanding sector, i.e. the foreign trade market, has developed a greater level of sophistication of the logistical organization than the non-export one, achieving a better level of flexibility and therefore becoming more competitive.


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In this text we tried to make a critic analysis of knowledge management, by means of case studies about some branches of Banco do Brasil S.A., trying to identify the presence or absence of elements that characterize the environmental working place focused on a continuous learning. The research was taken at several branches of Banco do Brasil S.A. in Curitiba ¿ State of Paraná ¿ Brasil. We asked the managers to answer the questions as they represent the leadership in every branch. The critic points that interfere positive or negatively the daily activities on knowledge management were examined, such as: time, administration of the branches, market changings, information systems, knowledge generation and transmission, besides the internal and external standard rules. The conclusion is that knowledge management in the researched branches is still in its beginning. Although there is an advanced technical infra structure and the managers have demonstrated some knowledge on this subject and are aware of its .importance for the company. The knowledge management is visualized more as an auxiliary technology for the updated models than a new way of managing the organization. The most important revolution expected - to modify the way of thinking and acting of the employees - is still in its starting point.