908 resultados para Singing-actor


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Les invasions biològiques són produïdes per espècies transportades per l'home fora de la regió d'origen a altres regions on s'estableixen i expandeixen. Són actualment de les majors causes de perduda de biodiversitat, amb el canvi d'usos del sòl, tret rellevant en zones insulars. Comprendre mecanismes de competència amb les espècies autòctones és clau per gestionar el problema. L’experiment evidencia diferències de creixement de 7 plantes natives australianes (3 espècies d’eucaliptus, 3 espècies d’acàcia, 1 pasturatge natiu), competint intraespecífica (entre mateixa espècie) i interespecíficament (acàcies o eucaliptus convivint amb pasturatge natiu) plantejant tres tractaments (sense males herbes, males herbes i males herbes a posteriori) per definir la naturalesa de la interacció dels diferents tipus funcionals d'espècies. S’analitzen tendències temporals de creixement de plàntules, així com la supervivència. S’ha detectat una moderada correlació entre taxes de creixement d’espècies i mida de la llavor, (p ≈ 0.6), així com una correlació entre la supervivència i la humitat del sòl (p ≈ 0.5); efectes estacionals. A curt termini i en escenari de primavera la convivència amb males herbes reporta creixement nul. Tractaments sense males herbes, presenten major supervivència en escenaris en competència interespecífica. A llarg termini les espècies amb major supervivència són les que conviuen amb pasturatge natiu i sense males herbes, indicant un efecte beneficiós en espècies millor adaptades a la sequera (E. loxophleba).


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Indirect reciprocity is a form of reciprocity where help is given to individuals based on their reputation. In indirect reciprocity, bad acts (such as not helping) reduce an individual's reputation while good acts (such as helping) increase an individual's reputation. Studies of indirect reciprocity assume that good acts and bad acts are weighted equally when assessing the reputation of an individual. As different information can be processed in different ways, this is not likely to be the case, and it is possible that an individual could bias an actor's reputation by putting more weight to acts of defection (not helping) than acts of co-operation (helping) or vice versa. We term this difference 'judgement bias', and build an individual-based model of image scoring to investigate the conditions under which it may evolve. We find that, if the benefits of co-operation are small, judgement bias is weighted towards acts perceived to be bad; if the benefits are high, the reverse is true. Our result is consistent under both scoring and standing strategies, and we find that allowing judgement bias to evolve increases the level of co-operation in the population.


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Natural selection may favor two very different types of social behaviors that have costs in vital rates (fecundity and/or survival) to the actor: helping behaviors, which increase the vital rates of recipients, and harming behaviors, which reduce the vital rates of recipients. Although social evolutionary theory has mainly dealt with helping behaviors, competition for limited resources creates ecological conditions in which an actor may benefit from expressing behaviors that reduce the vital rates of neighbors. This may occur if the reduction in vital rates decreases the intensity of competition experienced by the actor or that experienced by its offspring. Here, we explore the joint evolution of neutral recognition markers and marker-based costly conditional harming whereby actors express harming, conditional on actor and recipient bearing different conspicuous markers. We do so for two complementary demographic scenarios: finite panmictic and infinite structured populations. We find that marker-based conditional harming can evolve under a large range of recombination rates and group sizes under both finite panmictic and infinite structured populations. A direct comparison with results for the evolution of marker-based conditional helping reveals that, if everything else is equal, marker-based conditional harming is often more likely to evolve than marker-based conditional helping.


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La gouvernance de l'Internet est une thématique récente dans la politique mondiale. Néanmoins, elle est devenue au fil des années un enjeu économique et politique important. La question a même pris une importance particulière au cours des derniers mois en devenant un sujet d'actualité récurrent. Forte de ce constat, c ette recherche retrace l'histoire de la gouvernance de l'Internet depuis son émergence comme enjeu politique dans les années 1980 jusqu'à la fin du Sommet Mondial sur la Société de l'Information (SMSI) en 2005. Plutôt que de se focaliser sur l'une ou l'autre des institutions impliquées dans la régulation du réseau informatique mondial, cette recherche analyse l'émergence et l'évolution historique d'un espace de luttes rassemblant un nombre croissant d'acteurs différents. Cette évolution est décrite à travers le prisme de la relation dialectique entre élites et non-élites et de la lutte autour de la définition de la gouvernance de l'Internet. Cette thèse explore donc la question de comment les relations au sein des élites de la gouvernance de l'Internet et entre ces élites et les non-élites expliquent l'emergence, l'évolution et la structuration d'un champ relativement autonome de la politique mondiale centré sur la gouvernance de l'Internet. Contre les perspectives dominantes réaliste et libérales, cette recherche s'ancre dans une approche issue de la combinaison des traditions hétérodoxes en économie politique internationale et des apports de la sociologie politique internationale. Celle-ci s'articule autour des concepts de champ, d'élites et d'hégémonie. Le concept de champ, développé par Bourdieu inspire un nombre croissant d'études de la politique mondiale. Il permet à la fois une étude différenciée de la mondialisation et l'émergence d'espaces de lutte et de domination au niveau transnational. La sociologie des élites, elle, permet une approche pragmatique et centrée sur les acteurs des questions de pouvoir dans la mondialisation. Cette recherche utilise plus particulièrement le concept d'élite du pouvoir de Wright Mills pour étudier l'unification d'élites a priori différentes autour de projets communs. Enfin, cette étude reprend le concept néo-gramscien d'hégémonie afin d'étudier à la fois la stabilité relative du pouvoir d'une élite garantie par la dimension consensuelle de la domination, et les germes de changement contenus dans tout ordre international. A travers l'étude des documents produits au cours de la période étudiée et en s'appuyant sur la création de bases de données sur les réseaux d'acteurs, cette étude s'intéresse aux débats qui ont suivi la commercialisation du réseau au début des années 1990 et aux négociations lors du SMSI. La première période a abouti à la création de l'Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) en 1998. Cette création est le résultat de la recherche d'un consensus entre les discours dominants des années 1990. C'est également le fruit d'une coalition entre intérêts au sein d'une élite du pouvoir de la gouvernance de l'Internet. Cependant, cette institutionnalisation de l'Internet autour de l'ICANN excluait un certain nombre d'acteurs et de discours qui ont depuis tenté de renverser cet ordre. Le SMSI a été le cadre de la remise en cause du mode de gouvernance de l'Internet par les États exclus du système, des universitaires et certaines ONG et organisations internationales. C'est pourquoi le SMSI constitue la seconde période historique étudiée dans cette thèse. La confrontation lors du SMSI a donné lieu à une reconfiguration de l'élite du pouvoir de la gouvernance de l'Internet ainsi qu'à une redéfinition des frontières du champ. Un nouveau projet hégémonique a vu le jour autour d'éléments discursifs tels que le multipartenariat et autour d'insitutions telles que le Forum sur la Gouvernance de l'Internet. Le succès relatif de ce projet a permis une stabilité insitutionnelle inédite depuis la fin du SMSI et une acceptation du discours des élites par un grand nombre d'acteurs du champ. Ce n'est que récemment que cet ordre a été remis en cause par les pouvoirs émergents dans la gouvernance de l'Internet. Cette thèse cherche à contribuer au débat scientifique sur trois plans. Sur le plan théorique, elle contribue à l'essor d'un dialogue entre approches d'économie politique mondiale et de sociologie politique internationale afin d'étudier à la fois les dynamiques structurelles liées au processus de mondialisation et les pratiques localisées des acteurs dans un domaine précis. Elle insiste notamment sur l'apport de les notions de champ et d'élite du pouvoir et sur leur compatibilité avec les anlayses néo-gramsciennes de l'hégémonie. Sur le plan méthodologique, ce dialogue se traduit par une utilisation de méthodes sociologiques telles que l'anlyse de réseaux d'acteurs et de déclarations pour compléter l'analyse qualitative de documents. Enfin, sur le plan empirique, cette recherche offre une perspective originale sur la gouvernance de l'Internet en insistant sur sa dimension historique, en démontrant la fragilité du concept de gouvernance multipartenaire (multistakeholder) et en se focalisant sur les rapports de pouvoir et les liens entre gouvernance de l'Internet et mondialisation. - Internet governance is a recent issue in global politics. However, it gradually became a major political and economic issue. It recently became even more important and now appears regularly in the news. Against this background, this research outlines the history of Internet governance from its emergence as a political issue in the 1980s to the end of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) in 2005. Rather than focusing on one or the other institution involved in Internet governance, this research analyses the emergence and historical evolution of a space of struggle affecting a growing number of different actors. This evolution is described through the analysis of the dialectical relation between elites and non-elites and through the struggle around the definition of Internet governance. The thesis explores the question of how the relations among the elites of Internet governance and between these elites and non-elites explain the emergence, the evolution, and the structuration of a relatively autonomous field of world politics centred around Internet governance. Against dominant realist and liberal perspectives, this research draws upon a cross-fertilisation of heterodox international political economy and international political sociology. This approach focuses on concepts such as field, elites and hegemony. The concept of field, as developed by Bourdieu, is increasingly used in International Relations to build a differentiated analysis of globalisation and to describe the emergence of transnational spaces of struggle and domination. Elite sociology allows for a pragmatic actor-centred analysis of the issue of power in the globalisation process. This research particularly draws on Wright Mill's concept of power elite in order to explore the unification of different elites around shared projects. Finally, this thesis uses the Neo-Gramscian concept of hegemony in order to study both the consensual dimension of domination and the prospect of change contained in any international order. Through the analysis of the documents produced within the analysed period, and through the creation of databases of networks of actors, this research focuses on the debates that followed the commercialisation of the Internet throughout the 1990s and during the WSIS. The first time period led to the creation of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) in 1998. This creation resulted from the consensus-building between the dominant discourses of the time. It also resulted from the coalition of interests among an emerging power elite. However, this institutionalisation of Internet governance around the ICANN excluded a number of actors and discourses that resisted this mode of governance. The WSIS became the institutional framework within which the governance system was questioned by some excluded states, scholars, NGOs and intergovernmental organisations. The confrontation between the power elite and counter-elites during the WSIS triggered a reconfiguration of the power elite as well as a re-definition of the boundaries of the field. A new hegemonic project emerged around discursive elements such as the idea of multistakeholderism and institutional elements such as the Internet Governance Forum. The relative success of the hegemonic project allowed for a certain stability within the field and an acceptance by most non-elites of the new order. It is only recently that this order began to be questioned by the emerging powers of Internet governance. This research provides three main contributions to the scientific debate. On the theoretical level, it contributes to the emergence of a dialogue between International Political Economy and International Political Sociology perspectives in order to analyse both the structural trends of the globalisation process and the located practices of actors in a given issue-area. It notably stresses the contribution of concepts such as field and power elite and their compatibility with a Neo-Gramscian framework to analyse hegemony. On the methodological level, this perspective relies on the use of mixed methods, combining qualitative content analysis with social network analysis of actors and statements. Finally, on the empirical level, this research provides an original perspective on Internet governance. It stresses the historical dimension of current Internet governance arrangements. It also criticise the notion of multistakeholde ism and focuses instead on the power dynamics and the relation between Internet governance and globalisation.


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A cornerstone result of sociobiology states that limited dispersal can induce kin competition to offset the kin selected benefits of altruism. Several mechanisms have been proposed to circumvent this dilemma but all assume that actors and recipients of altruism interact during the same time period. Here, this assumption is relaxed and a model is developed where individuals express an altruistic act, which results in posthumously helping relatives living in the future. The analysis of this model suggests that kin selected benefits can then feedback on the evolution of the trait in a way that promotes altruistic helping at high rates under limited dispersal. The decoupling of kin competition and kin selected benefits results from the fact that by helping relatives living in the future, an actor is helping individuals that are not in direct competition with itself. A direct consequence is that behaviours which actors gain by reducing the common good of present and future generations can be opposed by kin selection. The present model integrates niche-constructing traits with kin selection theory and delineates demographic and ecological conditions under which altruism can be selected for; and conditions where the 'tragedy of the commons' can be reduced.


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Educaworks Oy on toiminut viisi vuotta oppimistehtaana, jonka omistajia ovat olleet yritykset ja oppilaitokset. Yrityksen pääasiallisia työntekijöitä ovat tähän mennessä olleet ammattiopiston työssäoppijat ja parina viimeisenä vuotena on yrityksellä ollut palkkalistoillaan omia työntekijöitä. Tässä työssä luotiin vaihtoehtoja Educaworks Oy:n tulevalle toiminnalle lähtien siitä, että tämä nykyinen toimintamalli on tullut tiensä päähän ja tarvitaan uusi malli toiminnan jatkamiselle.Työssä haettiin hyviä käytäntöjä Suomesta benchmarkingin avulla. Näiden mallienvahvuuksia hyödyntämällä pystyttiin kehittämään vaihtoehto Educaworks Oy:n tulevalle toiminnalle. Tämä malli, oppimistehdas osana osaamiskeskittymää, valittiin toteutettavaksi kolmesta eri vaihtoehdosta, joista kaksi muuta olivat oppimistehdas yrityksenä ja oppimistehdas osana koulutusorganisaatiota. Valitussa vaihtoehdossa hyödynnetään Savonia-ammattikorkeakoulun suunnitteilla olevaa EducaTech Center-hanketta, jossa on tarkoitus luoda Iisalmeen teknologiateollisuuden osaamiskeskittymä seuraavan EU-kauden 2007-2013 aikana. Valitussa mallissa Educaworks Oy hyödyntää tulevassa toiminnassaan tämän osaamiskeskittymän uutta kone- ja laitekantaa sekä tekee yhteistyötä keskittymän tutkimus- ja tuotekehityshenkilökunnan kanssa. Yritykset pääsevät parhaiten osallisiksi Educa Tech Center osaamiskeskittymän tuottamista palveluista hankkimalla Educaworks Oy:n osakkeita ja pääsemällä täten keskittymän ytimeen sen tuotannollisen toimijan, Educaworks Oy:n, avulla. Educaworks Oy toimii tässä keskittymässä komponenttitoimittajan roolissa ollen malli komponenttitoimittajasta muillealueella oleville vastaaville verkostoissa toimiville yrityksille. Educaworks Oy:n toiminnan toisena periaatteena tulee olemaan työssäoppiminen. Työssäoppiminen on tänä päivänä osa ammatillista koulutusta ja sen merkityskorostuu yhä enemmän, koska oppilaat tulevat opiskelemaan tänä päivänä monesti lähtökohdista, joissa heillä ei ole ollut mahdollisuutta harjoittaa käytännön taitojaan ennen ammatillisten opiskelujen aloittamista. Työpaikoilla ei ole vielä kovin hyvää valmiutta toteuttaa sitä opetushallituksen tavoitetta, että oppilaatoppisivat työssäoppimisjaksoilla uusia asioita ohjatusti. Työpaikoilta puuttuu työssäoppimisen ohjaajat ja oppilaiden tekemät harjoitteet ovat liian monta kertaa ammatillisesti kovin vaatimattomia jäysteenpoisto- tai kappaleenvaihtotöitä koneistuksesta puhuttaessa. Tässä työssä luodaan mallia oppilaiden ohjatulle työssäoppimiselle tehtyjen tieteellisten tutkimusten pohjalta. Tavoitteena on, että Educaworks Oy:ssä pystyttäisiin jatkossa kouluttamaan myös muiden alueen teknologiateollisuuden yritysten työntekijöitä toimimaan työssäoppimisen ohjaajina.


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Pro gradu -tutkielmassa johtoajatuksena oli pohtia hiilidioksidin päästöoikeuden markkinahinnan muodostumista ja hinnanmuutoksen vaikutuksia yksittäisen päästökaupassa mukana olevan toiminnanharjoittajan tilinpäätökseen. Työssä tarkasteltiin Euroopan unionin ensimmäisen päästökauppakauden 2005-2007 päästöoikeusmarkkinoiden muodostumista olemassa olevien ja olleiden järjestelmien perusteella. Tutkielman kokeellisessa osuudessa tavoite oli selvittää päästökauppatoimijalle taloudellisesti edullisin toimintamalli muodostumassa olevilleEuroopan unionin päästöoikeusmarkkinoille. Esimerkkiyritys toimi päästöoikeuksien ostajana markkinoilla. Toimintamallien testaus suoritettiin laskuesimerkein, joissa lähtöarvoina olivat toimijalle ilmaiseksi annetut päästöoikeudet, päästökauppa-kaudella laaditut tilinpäätökset sekä toimijan vuotuiset ennustetut päästöt. Laskelmissa oletettiin päästöoikeusmarkkinoiden olevan täydelliset. Hintataso-tarkastelu suoritettiin kahdella hintatasomallilla, joiden herkkyysanalyysissä vuoden 2007 hintataso toteutui päinvastoin kuin mallissa oletettiin. Laskelmissamielenkiinnon kohteina olivat päästökaupan vaikutukset tiettyihin taseen ja tuloslaskelman eriin, kun päästöoikeuksia joudutaan ostamaan markkinoilta oikeuksien hinnan vaihdellessa. Kun päästöoikeuksien hinta muuttuu, ceteris paribus, päästöoikeuksien arvo taseessa muuttuu: oikeuksien uudelleenarvotus tilinpäätöspäivänä joko lisää tai vähentää tilikauden tulosta. Koska tilikauden voitto on taseen vastattavaa puolen omaa pääomaa, vaikuttaa voiton muutos myös taseen loppusummaan. Päästökauppa vähentää varoja yrityksen kassasta, kun yritys on ostajan asemassa päästöoikeusmarkkinoilla.


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A lo largo de este articulo analizaremos las percepciones subjetivas que nos dejó un actor social de la colonia rioplatense a través de una profusa correspondencia privada. Quizás llame la atención el hecho de que el objeto de nuestro interés sean las valoraciones que hizo Jaime Alsina i Verjés del ámbito judicial, del ejercicio del derecho y del significado de la justicia en el contexto histórico y geográfico en que le tocó vivir su vida adulta: el Río de la Plata durante el periodo virreinal. Abordar el núcleo del funcionamiento del Derecho como es la justicia, pero hacerlo a través de las percepciones de una persona no interesada estrictamente en la defensa o en la transformación del sistema judicial, tiene como finalidad trabajar una de las esferas del sistema jurídico mas descuidadas por la historiografía como es la de la aplicación de la ley.


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Tutkielman tarkoituksena on tutkia, miten yhteiskuntavastuullinen toiminta ja sidosryhmäjohtaminen ilmenevät osuustoiminnallisessa organisaatiossa. Tutkielman tavoitteena on ymmärtää, miten vastuullisuus muodostuu, ja miten sidosryhmänäkökulma liittyy vastuullisuuden toteuttamiseen osuuskunnan kontekstissa. Kohdeorganisaationa tutkielmassa on S-ryhmä. Tutkimus on luonteeltaan laadullinen ja tutkimusmenetelmänä on käytetty diskurssianalyysia. Tutkimusaineisto koostuu vuosilta 2000-2005 kerätyistä SOK-yhtymän sekä osuuskauppojen vuosikertomuksista ja vastuullisuusraporteista, S-ryhmän henkilöstölehti Ässästä sekä asiakasomistajille suunnatusta Yhteishyvä-lehdestä. Tutkimustulokset osoittavat, että S-ryhmän vastuullisuudesta ja sidosryhmäsuhteista kertominen jakautuvat neljään eri diskurssiin: "Osuuskunta mukana ihmisten arjessa", "Osuuskunta alueellisena toimijana", "Osuuskunta asiakasomistajien palvelijana" sekä "Osuuskunta tuloksellisena toimijana". S-ryhmän vastuullisuutta kuvaa tulosten perusteella osuustoiminnallisten arvojen toteuttaminen, alueellisen vastuullisuuden vahva painotus, asiakasomistajasuhteidentärkeys sekä toiminnan jatkuvuudesta huolehtiminen.


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Finnish food producers' trade with Russia has experienced profound changes since the collapse of the Soviet Union. Simultaneously, the distribution systems of foodstuffs have changed remarkably. This study sheds some light into these changes and analyses the current situation in distribution systems of foodstuffs in Russia. In addition, the study discusses the possibilities of Finnish food producers to get more of their products to the shelves of Russian food retail stores. Before the 1998 financial crisis, the import of foreign foodstuffs was booming in Russia due to the overvalued rouble. As a result of the financial crisis, food import collapsed. The export of Finnish foodstuffs to Russia has been slowly recovering during the past few years, but in the most important product categories the pre-crisis levels have so far not been reached and maybe will not be reached. In certain product categories the growth has been only marginal. It seems that starting localproduction will become increasingly important in the future. This is further encouraged by the fact that Russian consumers favour domestic food products. Russian consumers are very price conscious and demand quality in food products. The perceived price-quality ratio is an important criterion in the purchase decision.The majority of foodstuff retail is still conducted via unorganised forms of trade (e.g. kiosks and marketplaces) but modern retail chains are developing at a fast pace in Russia. They are also expected to dominate the retail trade in foodstuffs over the unorganised forms of trade in the future. This will change the distribution systems as well. The retail chains are trying to shorten the distribution chain, similarly to what has been seen in the Western countries. This together with the strengthening of retail chains is likely to shrink the role of wholesalers, as the chains increasingly want to work directly with the producers. Many large retail chains are acquiring or have already acquired a distribution centre or centres in order to boost efficiency and control the flow of products. The strengthening of the retail chains also gives them power in negotiations, which the producers and distributors have to adjust to. For example store entry fees and retail chains' own private label products pose challenges to the food producers. In the food production sector the competition is fierce, as large Russianand foreign producers want to ensure their piece of the market. The largest producers utilise their size: they invest in big marketing campaigns and are willing to pay high entry fees to retail chains in order to secure a place on the store shelves and to build a strong brand in Russia. This complicates the situation from the viewpoint of small producers. Currently, the most popular type of distribution system among the interviewed Finnish food producers is based on a network of local distributors. There is, however, a strong consensus on the importanceof starting local production in order to be a serious actor in Russia in the future. Factors that hinder the starting of local production include the lack of local infrastructure and qualified staff, and the low risk tolerance of Finnish firms. Major barriers for entry in Russia are the actions of authorities, fierce competition, fragmented market and Finnish producers' heavy production costs. The suggested strategies for increasing the market share include focusing geographically or segment-wise, introducing new products, starting local production, andcooperation between Finnish producers. Smallness was one reason why Finnish producers had to cut down their operations in Russia due to the 1998 crisis. Smaller producers had fewer resources to tolerate losses during the period of crisis. Smallness is reflected also on trade negotiations with retail chains and distributors. It makes it harder to cope with the store entry fees and to differentiatefrom the mass of products propped up by expensive advertising. Finally, it makes it harder for Finnish producers to start or expand local production, as it is more difficult for a small producer to get financing and to tolerate the increased risks. Compensating for the smallness might become the crucial factor determining the future success of Finnish food producers in the Russian market.


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Natural selection favours the genes which are able to introduce replicates of themselves in the next generation with higher certainty than do rival genes (Hamilton 1963). The fitness of an individual, it?s ability to produce future parents, depends on it?s own behaviour as well as on the behaviour of other individuals in the population. For instance, the intensity of competition an individual experience depends on the exploitation of resources by neighbours. The fitness is thus frequency dependent on what neighbours do. Behaviours can be classified according to the costs and benefits they have on the fitness of the behaver and it?s neighbours (Hamilton 1964, Hamilton 1975). According to this classification there exist four distinct social behaviours. (1) A gene confering the ability to use a new ressource is called selfish because it has a positive e_ect on the bearer of the gene but a negative e_ect on neighbours by the concomitant increase in competition. (2) An altruistic behaviour is defined as an action where an individual increases the fitness of a neighbour at the expense of it?s own. The e_ect is deleterious for the actor but positive for the receptor. (3) More surprinsingly, an individual might sacrifice a fraction of it?s ressources to harm another at no direct benefits. This spitefull behaviour incurs a cost for the actor but is also deleterious for the receptor. (4) Finally a cooperative behaviour breeds benefits for both actors and neighbours. In this thesis I will continue on the path traced by numerous evolutionnary biologist which attempt to fine tune our understanding of the evolution of social behaviours since Hamilton?s foundation (1963, 1964). A critical development over the last 40 years has been the realisation that competition between kin can partly or completely cancel out the role of relatedness as an agent favouring altruism (Wilson et al., 1992; Taylor, 1992a,b). Of importance is thus to determine the scale at which competition and altruism occur. One mechanism avoiding the complete dilution of relatedness by competition is the conditionnal expression of the social behaviors. Focus will be given in this thesis at the role played by di_erent recognition mechanism in paving the way to altruism (Komdeur and Hatchwell, 1999) when the population has a spatial structure. Further, the evolution of spite will also be considered in these settings. The thesis is fractionated into two parts. First, di_erent models promoting altruism cooperation and spite will be compared under the same theoretical umbrella. This is a rather informal and more personnal part of my thesis. It also serve as a justification and basis to "Altruism among kin and non-kin individuals" which is an article attempting to clas- sify the mechanisms leading to altruism and cooperation. Second, in the annexe, there are three research papers about kin selection, altruism and dispersal: "Is sociality driven by the costs of dispersal or the benefits of philopatry?: A role for kin-discrimination mechanism", "Altruism, dispersal and phenotype kin recognition" and "Inbreeding avoidance through kin recognition: choosy female boost male dispersal" this last paper incorporates kin recognition as an agent favoring sex-biased dispersal.


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The Fortress (La Forteresse) is a 2008 documentary film by Fernand Melgar that reports the Swiss asylum reality from a distant but committed point of view. The documentary describes the life of asylum seekers awaiting in a federal centre the decision to grant them-or not-refugee status. It subtly raises the issue of the role that "textual realities", grasped from the spectator's point of view, play in the production of public discourses. Most of all, it subtly poses the question of the (Swiss) spectator as an actor of the asylum policy, in the context of a semi-direct democracy. After evoking the notion of sensible experience for linking spectatorship to politics, we look at how the documentary invites its model spectator to accept the film's moral premises. Furthermore, focusing on the Swiss public sphere, we deliver an account of the reception by empirical spectators, notably by a group of leftist activists that tend to subvert Melgar's intentions. This two-fold analysis leads us to exhibit that, in a context of discursive struggles, The Fortress generates an original space of deliberation and experience, which appeals to the public to exercise their political agency on asylum policy without being constricted by an antagonist framework.


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« Il était une fois... Cette thèse aborde le lien entre l'expression théâtrale et son utilisation clinique dans la psychothérapie d'enfants. Partant du questionnement sur les origines du théâtre et de la thérapie dans l'histoire de l'humanité, donc du substrat « archaïque » de l'homme et de sa relation à l'art scénique, la première partie développe une réflexion autour des rituels, du chamanisme et de la notion du soin. Purement théorique, elle soulève cependant la question de l'identité de l'Homme dans les sociétés postmodernes et traite de la thématique du développement psychique de l'enfant au sein de notre société occidentale ainsi que des souffrances qui en amènent certains vers les consultations psychologiques La partie principale s'articule autour de six histoires cliniques d'enfants suivis en psychothérapie expressive, récits dans lesquels la médiation théâtrale et corporelle devient 1 outil central du soin. En se développant sur la base d'une mise en narration des histoires imaginaires des enfants qui reflètent leurs angoisses archaïques, 1 univers thérapeutique prend alors la forme d'une scène psychique ouvrant a la symbolisation à travers le jeu théâtral. Parallèlement à la description de ce dispositif, une élaboration est menée autour des échanges transférentiels et con re transferentiels ainsi que sur la position du thérapeute - son rôle de « médium malleable » - dans la relation à l'Autre qui se tisse dans un « ici et maintenant » de la rencontre psychotherapeutic. Grâce à cet univers ludique s'enracinant dans son vécu psycho-fantasmatique, l'enfant devient l'acteur agissant de sa propre transfonnation : une évolution du monstre archaïque en sa créature symbolique. -- « Once upon a time... » This thesis treats the link between theatrical expression and its clinical use in children s psychotherapy. Originating from interrogations on the origins of theatre and therapy in the history of mankind, therefore the « archaic » substratum of Man and his relation to the theatre. The first part develops a reflection around rituals shamanism and the notion of care. In a purely theoretical way, it brings up the ques ions of Man's identity in post-modern societies and deals with the psychic development of children in western society and the pains that lead some to seek for psychological consultations. The main part hinges on six clinical stories of children in expressive psychotherapy, m which theatrical and coiporal mediation become the main tool within he treatment. By putting into narration, the children's imaginary stories that reflect their archaic anxiety, therapy takes in the shape of a psychic scene, which opens to symbolization through acting. At the same time, an elaboration is lead on transferential and counter-transferential exchanges as on the therapists position - his role as « malleable medium » - his interactions with others as a «here and now » in the psychotherapeutic encounter. Thanks to this playful universe, which emerges from his psycho-fantasy past, the child becomes the willing actor of his own transformation: the evolution of the archaic monster into its symbolical creature.


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Chile has become a major actor in the blueberry industry as the most important supplier of off-season fresh fruit for the northern hemisphere. Blueberry exports passed from US$ 30 million (around 4,000 tons) in 2000 to US$ 380 million (94,000 tons) in 2011. The characteristics of the major blueberry growing regions (North, Central, South-central and South) are presented in terms of acreage, varieties, management practices, extension of the harvest season, and soil and climatic conditions. Most fruit is from highbush varieties, picked by hand and exported fresh by boat to United States. Largest proportion of fruit is exported from mid December to late January, which coincides with lowest prices. The south-central region (latitudes 34º50' to 38º15' S) was in 2007 the most important one with 5,075 ha (51.1% of area planted). Among the challenges for the Chilean blueberry industry in the near future are: 1. Lower profitability due to lower rates of currency exchange and higher costs, 2 - Greater scarcity and higher cost of labor, 3.- Need for higher productivity and sustainable production practices, 4- Fruit of high and consistent quality, and 5.- Greater investment in research. As a case study the article presents three approaches that can help identify areas with low availability of labor and improve its efficiency. The article shows the use of geomatic tools to establish labor availability, application of growth regulators to reduce crop load, increase fruit size and improve harvest efficiency, and the use of shakers to harvest fresh fruit for long distance markets. More research is needed to improve yields, reduce costs and give greater economical and ecological sustainability to the Chilean blueberry industry.


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Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää miten Bluetooth-teknologia voi vaikuttaa ICT-alan arvoverkkoon ja alan toimijoiden rooleihin. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin kvalitatiivisia menetelmiä ja siinä oli piirteitä tulevaisuuden tutkimuksesta, koska myös eksploratiivisia menetelmiä käytettiin. Tutkimus perustui laajalti kirjallisuuteen ja artikkeleihin, joiden perusteella muodostettiin skenaarioita ICT-alan tulevaisuuden arvoverkosta. Tutkimus sisälsi myös empiirisen osion, jossa järjestettiin kaksi ryhmäkeskustelua, joissa alan toimijat keskustelivat muodostetuista skenaarioista sekä yleisemmin Bluetoothin vaikutuksista arvoverkkoon. Tutkimuksen mukaan ICT-alan arvoverkko tulevaisuudessa on rakenteeltaan strateginen arvoverkko, jota johtaa eri toimija erilaisissa markkinatilanteissa. Verkon strateginen keskus voi muuttua ajan kuluessa kun Bluetoothin sovelluskohteet lisääntyvät ja se voi vaihdella markkina-alueesta toiseen. Bluetooth luo uuden kommunikaatiokanavan nykyisten rinnalle ja se voi paikallisesti korvata nykyisten kanavien käytön tiedon siirrossa. Bluetooth voi synnyttää lukuisia uusia liiketoimintamahdollisuuksia ja sen avulla voidaan tuottaa lisäarvopalveluita. Suurimpien muutosten voidaan olettaa koskevan teleoperaattoreiden ja sisällöntuottajien liiketoimintaa.