989 resultados para Rijksmuseum (Netherlands). Nederlandsch Museum voor Geschiedenis en Kunst.


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Mobile robots provide a versatile platform for research, however they can also provide an interesting educational platform for public exhibition at museums. In general museums require exhibits that are both eye catching and exciting to the public whilst requiring a minimum of maintenance time from museum technicians. In many cases it is simply not possible to continuously change batteries and some method of supplying continous power is required. A powered flooring system is described that is capable of providing power continuously to a group of robots. Three different museum exhibit applications are described. All three robot exhibits are of a similar basic design although the exhibits are very different in appearance and behaviour. The durability and versatility of the robots also makes them extremely good candidates for long duration experiments such as those required by evolutionary robotics.


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The Virtual Lightbox for Museums and Archives (VLMA) is a tool for collecting and reusing, in a structured fashion, the online contents of museums and archive datasets. It is not restricted to datasets with visual components although VLMA includes a lightbox service that enables comparison and manipulation of visual information. With VLMA, one can browse and search collections, construct personal collections, annotate them, export these collections to XML or Impress (Open Office) presentation format, and share collections with other VLMA users. VLMA was piloted as an e-Learning tool as part of JISC’s e-Learning focus in its first phase (2004-2005) and in its second phase (2005-2006) it has incorporated new partner collections while improving and expanding interfaces and services. This paper concerns its development as a research and teaching tool, especially to teachers using museum collections, and discusses the recent development of VLMA.


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Purpose – This paper describes visitors' reactions to using an Apple iPad or smartphone to follow trails in a museum by scanning QR codes and draws conclusions on the potential for this technology to help improve accessibility at low-cost. Design/methodology/approach – Activities were devised which involved visitors following trails around museum objects, each labelled with a QR code and symbolised text. Visitors scanned the QR codes using a mobile device which then showed more information about an object. Project-team members acted as participant-observers, engaging with visitors and noting how they used the system. Experiences from each activity fed into the design of the next. Findings – Some physical and technical problems with using QR codes can be overcome with the introduction of simple aids, particularly using movable object labels. A layered approach to information access is possible with the first layer comprising a label, the second a mobile-web enabled screen and the third choices of text, pictures, video and audio. Video was especially appealing to young people. The ability to repeatedly watch video or listen to audio seemed to be appreciated by visitors with learning disabilities. This approach can have low equipment-cost. However, maintaining the information behind labels and keeping-up with technological changes are on-going processes. Originality/value – Using QR codes on movable, symbolised object labels as part of a layered information system might help modestly-funded museums enhance their accessibility, particularly as visitors increasingly arrive with their own smartphones or tablets.


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The putative virulence and antimicrobial resistance gene contents of extended spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL)-positive E. coli (n=629) isolated between 2005 and 2009 from humans, animals and animal food products in Germany, The Netherlands and the UK were compared using a microarray approach to test the suitability of this approach with regard to determining their similarities. A selection of isolates (n=313) were also analysed by multilocus sequence typing (MLST). Isolates harbouring blaCTX-M-group-1 dominated (66%, n=418) and originated from both animals and cases of human infections in all three countries; 23% (n=144) of all isolates contained both blaCTX-M-group-1 and blaOXA-1-like genes, predominantly from humans (n=127) and UK cattle (n=15). The antimicrobial resistance and virulence gene profiles of this collection of isolates were highly diverse. A substantial number of human isolates (32%, n=87) did not share more than 40% similarity (based on the Jaccard coefficient) with animal isolates. A further 43% of human isolates from the three countries (n=117) were at least 40% similar to each other and to five isolates from UK cattle and one each from Dutch chicken meat and a German dog; the members of this group usually harboured genes such as mph(A), mrx, aac(6’)-Ib, catB3, blaOXA-1-like and blaCTX-M-group-1. forty-four per cent of the MLST-typed isolates in this group belonged to ST131 (n=18) and 22% to ST405 (n=9), all from humans. Among animal isolates subjected to MLST (n=258), only 1.2% (n=3) were more than 70% similar to human isolates in gene profiles and shared the same MLST clonal complex with the corresponding human isolates. The results suggest that minimising human-to-human transmission is essential to control the spread of ESBL-positive E. coli in humans.


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This paper is an attempt to explore the challenges of defining intangible heritage and ‘community’ in England. It uses as its case study the Museum of English Rural Life, University of Reading: an urban museum with a rural theme. The paper examines current theoretical discourse around the concept of the ‘first voice’ and debate about the role of museums in the preservation of intangible heritage. It then examines the relevance of these concepts to the identification of ‘rural’ intangible heritage stake holders in England. In this way, it shows the potential for concepts of intangible heritage to influence national museums. However, by applying theory and practice which is designed to support work with well-defined ‘originating communities’ to a national museum, it also highlights the challenges of initiating community engagement in a multicultural society.


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The surface detector array of the Pierre Auger Observatory consists of 1600 water-Cherenkov detectors, for the study of extensive air showers (EAS) generated by ultra-high-energy cosmic rays. We describe the trigger hierarchy, from the identification of candidate showers at the level of a single detector, amongst a large background (mainly random single cosmic ray muons), up to the selection of real events and the rejection of random coincidences. Such trigger makes the surface detector array fully efficient for the detection of EAS with energy above 3 x 10(18) eV, for all zenith angles between 0 degrees and 60 degrees, independently of the position of the impact point and of the mass of the primary particle. In these range of energies and angles, the exposure of the surface array can be determined purely on the basis of the geometrical acceptance. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The Pierre Auger Observatory is a detector for ultra-high energy cosmic rays. It consists of a surface array to measure secondary particles at ground level and a fluorescence detector to measure the development of air showers in the atmosphere above the array. The ""hybrid"" detection mode combines the information from the two subsystems. We describe the determination of the hybrid exposure for events observed by the fluorescence telescopes in coincidence with at least one water-Cherenkov detector of the surface array. A detailed knowledge of the time dependence of the detection operations is crucial for an accurate evaluation of the exposure. We discuss the relevance of monitoring data collected during operations, such as the status of the fluorescence detector, background light and atmospheric conditions, that are used in both simulation and reconstruction. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Today there are many system development projects that break both budget and time plan. Often this depends on defects in the information systems that could have been prevented. The cost of test can in some cases be as high as 50 % of the projects total cost and it's at the same time an important part of development. Test as such has moved its focus from the software it self and its faults to a wider perspective on whole infrastructures of information systems where assure a good quality is important. Sogeti in the Netherlands have developed a test method called TMap (Test Management approach) that can be used for structured testing of information systems. TMap haven't been used as much as desired in the office in Borlänge. Because Microsoft is releasing a new version of their platform Visual Studio Team System (VSTS 2010) some colleges at Sogeti in the Netherlands are about to develop a template that can support the use of TMap in VSTS 2010. When we write this the template is still in development. The goal for Sogeti was to find out the differences between the test functionality in VSTS 2008 and 2010. By using the purpose with this essay, which was to analyze the test process in VSTS 2008 with TMap against the test process in VSTS 2010 together with the template we got much help to achieve the goal. The analysis was done with four different aspects: The TPI and TMMi models, problem and strength analyses and a few question formulations. The TPI and TMMi models where used to analyses and evaluate the test process. The analysis showed that there were differences between the both test processes. VSTS 2010 together with the template gave a better support to use TMap and perform test. In VSTS 2010 the test tool Camano is connected to TFS and the tool is also to make the execution and logging of tests easier. This leads to a test process that is easier to handle and has a better support for TMap.


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Sammanfattning Ett sammanfattande porträtt av den nyantagna lärarstudenten vid GIH med utgångspunkt från enkätsvaren ger vid handen en bild av en person, som är ca 21 år gammal, född i Sverige och uppvuxen i en medelstor stad i Mellansverige. Studenten trivdes mycket bra i skolan och var som elev något över medel med MVG i idrott och hälsa. Valet av yrkesutbildning grundade sig på ett stort intresse för idrott, samt en önskan att få jobba med barn och ungdom. Studievalet hade för många påverkats av en tidigare idrotts-lärare, kompisar och familj. En bra lärare i idrott och hälsa är enligt studenten positiv, engagerad, rättvis, bestämd och kunnig. Lärarstudenten ser sig behärska bollspel väl. Störst kunskap och färdighet uppges i fot-boll och alpin skidåkning. Minst kunskap och färdighet skattades i softboll, baseboll, bergsklättring, långfärdsskridskoåkning och i konsten att kunna valla skidor. Många ser sig ha god kunskap om sambandet mellan hälsa, livsstil och miljö, men mindre god om hur en idrottsaktivitet har betydelse för kulturarvet, samband mellan miljö och männi-skans hälsa i ett historiskt och nutidsperspektiv samt i ergonomi. På sin fritid går lärarstudenten ofta på idrottsevenemang, café, tittar på TV och video eller umgås med vänner och familj. Lärarstudenten går sällan på bio och nästan aldrig på tea-ter, museum eller vernissager. "Vad är vernissage?" undrar en student. Hälsan, både fysiskt och psykiskt, skattas som tillfredsställande och man känner ofta hopp, glädje och meningsfullhet. Emellertid finner man sig även ofta stressad på grund av tidsbrist och alla krav. Många kvinnliga studenter (41%) rapporterade ryggont och många, både kvinnor och män, beskrev att de har besvär från en skadad fotled eller knä. De flesta lärarstudenterna är regelbundet fysiskt aktiva och de finner att mängden motion delvis är tillfredsställande. Förväntningarna är höga på utbildningen både att den är mångsidig och kommer att ge ökad kunskap inom olika områden. Under studietiden förväntar man sig att utvecklas och förbättra sin egen fysiska status och hälsa. En student uttrycker det med orden: "Mitt nya liv startar idag". Den sammanfattande bilden av lärarstudenten på GIH liknar den som tidigare har redovisats av Meckbach och Wedman i en liknande studie från maj 2005. Deras studie genomfördes på studenter efter ett års studier på GIH (Meckbach & Wed-man, 2007).


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Sammandrag Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att kartlägga forskning om hur fysikundervisning kan utföras utanför klassrummet och avser undervisningen i årskurs F-6. Frågeställningarna har besvarats med hjälp av en systematisk litteraturstudie i databaserna Google Scholar, ERIC, avhandlingar.se, NorDiNa och DiVA. Resultaten visar att stora delar av kursplanen i fysik går att tillämpa utanför klassrummet och det område som berörs mest i litteraturen är kopplat till undervisning om kraft och rörelse. Många platser utomhus kan användas för undervisningen i fysik, t.ex. skolgården, som är det vanligaste exemplet, men även, tivolin, nöjesparker, museum och utställningar. Bland annat lyfts fördelarna med att bedriva undervisning i en autentisk miljö samt möjligheten att bättre fånga elevernas intresse för fysik fram. Utmaningarna handlar främst om kompetensutveckling hos pedagogerna, både inom ämnet fysik och om utomhuspedagogik generellt.


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Discurso del Primer Ministro de las Antillas Holandesas en el cual destaca la labor del CDCC como instrumento de los paises del Caribe para articular sus necesidades e intereses y coordinar sus relaciones y actividades para la cooperacion regional.


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