816 resultados para Revolutionary rhetoric
Strikes provide a current, fresh but also a seldom-addressed issue to study from economic sciences perspective. This study provides to filling this research gap by trying to identify attitudes towards strikes that can be found inside organizations. The research problem this study then sets out to answer is: “What kinds of attitudes exist inside organizations towards industrial actions and how attitudes vary between labour, management and human resources?” This study has been planned with a view to test how qualitative attitudinal research, as a method, is suited to studying a phenomenon such as strike. At the heart of this research approach lies an assumption linked to rhetoric social psychology, that attitude is a phenomenon that can be identified in argumentation. For this research 10 semi-structured interviews in 4 organizations were conducted utilizing statements and pictures as stimulants for discussion. The material was transcribed and analysed following the two levels, categorical and interpretive, demanded by the chosen method. Altogether five attitudes were discovered; three of them negative, one indifferent and one positive by nature. The negative attitudes of unfairness, failure and personification towards strikes represented the side of strikes that was perhaps the most anticipated, portraying the contradictions between employees and employer. The attitude of ordinariness, which portrayed indifference, and the positive attitude of change however, were more unanticipated findings. They reflect shared understanding and trust between conflict parties. The utilization of qualitative attitudinal approach to study strikes was deemed successful. The results of this study support prior literature on workplace conflicts for example in regards of the definition of conflict and typologies conflicts. In addition the multifaceted nature of strikes can be perceived as one statement supported by this study. It arises in the nature of the attitudes, the diversity of discussion themes during the interviews as well as in the extent of possible theories to apply.
Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014
This study explores variegated means through which ports have become increasingly entangled in the planning logic of neoliberal innovation-driven economy. The research topic belongs to the academic disciplines of economics and human geography. The aim of the thesis is to analyse how the notion of innovation, adopted in a variety of supranational and national port policy documents, is deployed in operational port environment in two different ports of the Baltic Sea Region: the port of Stockholm, Sweden, and the port of Klaipeda, Lithuania. This novel innovation agenda is visible in several topics I examine in the study, that is, port governance, environmental issues, and seaport – port-city interface. The gathered primary source material on port policy documents, strategies, development planning documents and reports is analysed by utilizing the qualitative content analysis research method. Moreover, the empirical part of the case study, that is, tracing innovation practices in mundane port activities is based on collected qualitative semi-structured interviews with port authorities in Klaipeda and Stockholm, researchers and other port experts. I examine the interview material by employing the theoretical reading research method. In my analysis, I have reframed port-related policy development by tracing and identifying the port transformation from “functional terminals” to “engines for growth”. My results show that this novel innovation-oriented rhetoric imprinted in the narrative “engines for growth” is often contested in daily port practices. In other words, my analysis reveals that the port authorities’ and other port actors’ attitudes towards innovations do not necessarily correspond to the new narrative of innovation and do not always “fit” within a framework of neoliberal economic thinking that glorifies the “culture of innovations”. I argue that the ability to develop innovative initiatives in the ports of Klaipeda and Stockholm is strongly predetermined by local conditions, a port’s governance model, the way port actors perceive the importance of innovations per se, demand factors and new regulations.
Considering the rise of the discussion about the rhetoric of economics at the beginning of the 1980's, the paper aims to show: 1) the relation between the origin of this issue in the academic field and the ascension of the so labeled "neoliberalism" as a doctrine and a collection of capitalist practices perceived at the same time; and 2) the consequences produced by this idea, overseas born, when it meets a peripherical reality like the Brazilian one. In the first case, we are going to show the importance of Hayek's reflections about the inadequateness of neoclassical discourse to the aim of ideologically legitimate the market society. In the second we are going to point out that, taking the consequences of the rhetoric project in Brazil, it can be seeing as an additional chapter of "the ideas out of its place" that comes marking the Brazilian history of the ideas.
Answers to a marxist critic of the rhetorical and pragmatic perspectives in economics. Based on recent discussions regarding the rhetorical perspective in economics, this paper presents an interpretation of the philosophical approach of Habermas which attempts to rescue the so called 'modern spirit', forgotten in the annals of the 19th century, similar to that presented by Marshall Berman in 1982. Following the reconstructive approach of Habermas's project of modernity, we attempt to show how a 'rhetorical approach' could be applied in the field of economics, and yet still be clearly modern by taking into account intersubjectivities, given the expanded sphere of human communication (as defended in the theory of communicative action of Habermas). In this sense, we will seek to demonstrate the philosophical limits of the anti-rhetorical critiques of, for example, Paulani (1996, 2003, 2005, 2006), which seem to underestimate the linguistic and intersubjective aspect of Habermas's philosophical project that can also be found in McCloskeys methodological approach.
The article analyses the current process of economic integration in South America. Thus, concentrating our attention on the UNASUR regional integration process, two questions arise: First, is UNASUR the most viable institution to achieve a consistent economic integration process in South America? Second, what model of economic integration should be adopted in the case of UNASUR, which would ensure macroeconomic stability and avoid financial and exchange rate crises in the South America? To answer these questions, the article proposes, based on the Keynes (1944/1980)'s revolutionary analysis presented in his International Clearing Union, during the Bretton Woods Conference in 1944, a regional arrangement to UNASUR.
The topic of this dissertation is the didactic exhibition in the Arts and Crafts subject. Exhibiting student work and art and form culture is part of a long professional tradition in the field. Yet, exhibition as form and as a way of learning are inadequately explored and debated. The didactic problem area of the thesis, where studies of formative practices are central, place it within the research field of Educational Slojd. The didactic standpoint and main theoretical perspective relate the project to the Arts didactics research field at the University College of Bergen where the aim is to develop an alternative didactics thinking for the arts; a rhetoric arts didactics. Didactic focus is shifted from the relationship between teacher – pupil – teaching materials, to studies of how knowledge is formulated in specific practices. The thesis has a premise that every exhibition has its own rhetoric and that didactics is inscribed in this rhetoric in the broadest and cultural sense. Through impulses from classical rhetoric and recent text theory, the thesis challenges the Arts and Crafts’s own idiom, its theoretical foundation and didactic grasp such as shown in the discourse established by the discipline and its specific exhibitive practices, as well as studying the relationship between verbal language and the discipline’s own register. The overall objective is to develop knowledge about exhibition rhetoric and its potential as a knowledge and learning arena in this field, and thereby contribute to developing a rhetoric didactics for the Arts and Crafts subject. This raises questions such as: How is an exhibition considered to be used and understood in the subject’s didactics texts and texts about didactics? How do different exhibition spaces inscribe conditions for exhibition work? How can a rhetoric perspective of didactics make aspects of an exhibition’s form register visible and contribute to knowledge of the creative processes in an exhibition? How do some selected exhibitions inscribe creativity and learning? What can a rhetoric perspective bring to the Arts and Crafts? A rhetoric didactics perspective includes knowledge of the tradition. A historical-ideological overview traces how exhibition, of both pupil/student work and of art and form culture, are used and considered as used in the discipline over time. This part can be read separately, but in this thesis, is primarily conceived as a backdrop for the development of the dissertation’s main rhetoric perspective. The empirical data are collected from my teacher training institution and consist of specific exhibition spaces and practices, of which my own production of two exhibitions can link the research to artistic development work. A rhetoric didactics is concrete, specific and contextual. The rhetoric readings are descriptive and show how culture and nature, temporality, materiality and technology are inscribed in the exhibition’s form. Didactic reflection develops from, and close to, the rhetoric readings of the exhibition’s form and content to finally arrive at a rhetorical concept for creativity and learning.
Tämän tutkimuksen lähtökohtana oli havainto siitä, että maailmanlaajuisen jihadismin toimet muistuttivat suuresti kumouksellista sodankäyntiä. Tarkastelemalla ilmiötä lähemmin oli nopeasti havaittavissa, että globaaliksi jihadistiseksi liikkeeksi tunnistettava toimija kävi ja oli kehittänyt taitoa käydä tällaista sotaa. Näin keskeiseksi tavoitteeksi tutkimukselle muodostuikin selvittää miten globaali jihadistinen liike oli kehittänyt kumouksellisen sodankäynnin sotataitoa ja sotataidollista ajattelua. Tämän tutkimuksen asetelma on perusluonteeltaan vertaileva. Se tarkastelee teoriaohjaavan sisällönanalyysin kautta kumouksellista sotataidollista kehitystä, tarkemmin sotataidollisen ajattelun kehitystä, vertaamalla globaalin jihadistisen liikkeen strategista ajattelua kumouksellista sotaa käyneiden strategien klassisiin mallinnuksiin. Strategioiden välinen vertailu suoritettiin tarkastelemalla globaalin jihadistisen liikkeen strategista ajattelua klassisista strategioista löydettävien vertailutasojen kautta. Globaalia jihadismia tarkastellessa kävi selville sen monisyinen luonne. Tätä toimijaa ei sellaisenaan voi kutsua yhdeksi organisaatioksi, eikä pelkästään ideologiaksi. Globaali jihadistinen liike tässä tutkimuksessa hahmotettiin sosiaaliseksi liikkeeksi, joka pitää sisällään yhteisen päämäärän eteen pyrkiviä, samaa ideologiaa tunnustavia organisaatiota, soluja ja yksittäisiä toimijoita. Vertailevan analyysin perusteella voidaan sanoa, että sosiaalisliikemäisestä luonteesta huolimatta ja osaltaan sen ansiosta globaali jihadistinen liike on kyennyt kehittämään kumouksellisen sodan strategista ajattelua suuntaan, jossa hajaantunut organisaatiomuoto, rajaamaton toiminta-alue ja kauas tulevaisuuteen tähtäävä tavoitteenasettelu ovat yhteiseen ideologiseen katsontaan sitoutuneina muovanneet liikkeestä toimijan, joka on kyennyt selviämään hengissä mittavista vastatoimista huolimatta. Se on myös kyennyt ylläpitämään itsetarkoitukseksi muodostunutta operaatiotahtia tavalla joka asettaa modernille turvallisuusympäristölle jatkuvia ja vakavia haasteita.
ANDRONICUS Callistus peripateticus. De variis poetarum generibus
HERMOGENES. Progymnasmata artis rhetoricæ
The purpose of this thesis is to examine various policy implementation models, and to determine what use they are to a government. In order to insure that governmental proposals are created and exercised in an effective manner, there roust be some guidelines in place which will assist in resolving difficult situations. All governments face the challenge of responding to public demand, by delivering the type of policy responses that will attempt to answer those demands. The problem for those people in positions of policy-making responsibility is to balance the competitive forces that would influence policy. This thesis examines provincial government policy in two unique cases. The first is the revolutionary recommendations brought forth in the Hall -Dennis Report. The second is the question of extending full -funding to the end of high school in the separate school system. These two cases illustrate how divergent and problematic the policy-making duties of any government may be. In order to respond to these political challenges decision-makers must have a clear understanding of what they are attempting to do. They must also have an assortment of policy-making models that will insure a policy response effectively deals with the issue under examination. A government must make every effort to insure that all policymaking methods are considered, and that the data gathered is inserted into the most appropriate model. Currently, there is considerable debate over the benefits of the progressive individualistic education approach as proposed by the Hall -Dennis Committee. This debate is usually intensified during periods of economic uncertainty. Periodically, the province will also experience brief yet equally intense debate on the question of separate school funding. At one level, this debate centres around the efficiency of maintaining two parallel education systems, but the debate frequently has undertones of the religious animosity common in Ontario's history. As a result of the two policy cases under study we may ask ourselves these questions: a) did the policies in question improve the general quality of life in the province? and b) did the policies unite the province? In the cases of educational instruction and finance the debate is ongoing and unsettling. Currently, there is a widespread belief that provincial students at the elementary and secondary levels of education are not being educated adequately to meet the challenges of the twenty-first century. The perceived culprit is individual education which sees students progressing through the system at their own pace and not meeting adequate education standards. The question of the finance of Catholic education occasionally rears its head in a painful fashion within the province. Some public school supporters tend to take extension as a personal religious defeat, rather than an opportunity to demonstrate that educational diversity can be accommodated within Canada's most populated province. This thesis is an attempt to analyze how successful provincial policy-implementation models were in answering public demand. A majority of the public did not demand additional separate school funding, yet it was put into place. The same majority did insist on an examination of educational methods, and the government did put changes in place. It will also demonstrate how policy if wisely created may spread additional benefits to the public at large. Catholic students currently enjoy a much improved financial contribution from the province, yet these additional funds were taken from somewhere. The public system had it funds reduced with what would appear to be minimal impact. This impact indicates that government policy is still sensitive to the strongly held convictions of those people in opposition to a given policy.
A cognitively based instructional program for narrative writing was developed. The effects of using cognitively based schematic planning organizers at the pre-writing stage were evaluated using subjects from the Primary, Junior and Intermediate divisions. Results indicate that the use of organizers based on problem solving significantly improved the organization and the overall quality of narrative writing for students in grades 3, 6 and 7. The magnitude of the improvement of the treatment group over the control group performance in Organization ranged from 10.7% to 22.9%. Statistical and observational data indicate many implications for further research into the cognitive basis for writing and reading; for the improvement and evaluation of school writing programs; for the design of school curricula; and for the inservice education for teachers of writing.
The methodology outlined in this study for teaching exposit ory writing to advanced (five year phase) grade eleven students is based on the assumption that writing as a problem solving strategy is a high level cognitive skill . In adhering to this assumption, a cognitively based schematic organizer known as a cross-classification chart was tested for its effectiveness a t the planning stage of the writing process . Results were not significant in any of the three components that were evaluated; however , a post- hoc analysis undertaken because of recorded observed data indicated a significant difference in the mean score on the Organization component for the treatment subgroup using the cross- classification organizer . Furthermore, the treatment group's positive response from the attitude survey towards planning writing is encouraging enough that replication and extension of the application of schema theory to wri ting should be pursued in cross-section and longitud i nal studies.
ABSTRACT In 1979 Nicaragua, under the Sandinistas, experienced a genuine, socialist, full scale, agrarian revolution. This thesis examines whether Jeffery Paige's theory of agrarian revolutions would have been successful in predicting this revolution and ln predicting non-revolution in the neighboring country of Honduras. The thesis begins by setting Paige's theory in the tradition of radical theories of revolution. It then derives four propositions from Paige's theory which suggest the patterns of export crops, land tenure changes and class configurations which are necessary for an agrarian and socialist revolution. These propositions are tested against evidence from the twentieth century histories of economic, social and political change in Nicaragua and Honduras. The thesis concludes that Paige's theory does help to explain the occurrence of agrarian revolution in Nicaragua and non-revolution in Honduras. A fifth proposition derived from Paige's theory proved less useful in explaining the specific areas within Nicaragua that were most receptive to Sandinista revolutionary activity.