824 resultados para Redaction criticism


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Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan yrityskeskittymien valvontaa Euroopan unionissa. Kiinnostuksen kohteena on erityisesti, syrjivätkö yrityskauppasäännökset pienten maiden yrityksiä estämällä niiden kasvun kansainvälisesti kilpailukykyisiksi. Komission Komission markkinamäärittelyä on arvosteltu erityisesti maantieteellisten markkinoiden osalta. Komissio kielsi ruotsalaisten kuorma- ja linja-autoja valmistavien Volvon ja Scanian fuusion maaliskuussa 2000 tarkasteltuaan asiaa kansallisten markkinoiden kannalta. Arvostelijoiden mukaan markkina-alue olisi ollut koko EU:n laajuinen. Aihetta tutkitaan merkittävimpiin päätöksiin tutustumalla, kirjallisuuteen ja aiheesta kirjoitettuihin artikkeleihin perehtymällä sekä haastattelemalla asiantuntijoita. Komission käytännön ei voida osoittaa syrjivän esim. Pohjoismaita markkinoiden määrittämisessä. Viime vuosien fuusioissa markkinat on määritelty kansallisiksi yhtä usein Pohjoismaissa kuin muuallakin EU-alueella. Pohjoismaiden asemaa vaikeuttavat syrjäinen sijainti ja muut olosuhteet, jotka lisäävät alalletulon esteitä. Koska markkinat ovat pienet, ulkomaisille potentiaalisille kilpailijoille ei ole tarjolla suuria voittoja esim. Suomesta. Sisämarkkinoiden kehittyminen tulee parantamaan yritysten mahdollisuuksia laajentua yrityskaupoilla. Pohjoismaiden tilanteeseen sisämarkkinoiden kehittymisellä ei kuitenkaan kaikilla aloilla ole suurta vaikutusta, johtuen erilaisista olosuhteista muuhun Eurooppaan verrattuna.


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In this paper we study the presence of elements related to Roman games in the work of the bishop Paulinus of Nola (355-431 AD). References to shows in his work are not as abundant as they occurs among his contemporaries. Nevertheless, many of these references possess a great importance for us. Certainly, they are similar to other allusions made by his contemporaries; however they express the opinion of one of the most famous and prestigious bishops of the Late Antiquity about these popular exhibitions. In his writings we can see his criticism of the waste of wealth in the organization of the Roman games, and also the use of a metaphorical language with ludical reminiscences whose origins go back to Paul of Tarsu


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Tämän tutkielman tarkoituksena on koota yhteen budjetoinnin kohtaamia ongelmia ja kritiikkiä nykypäivän alati muuttuvassa ympäristössä. Tämän pohjalta selvitetään, onko budjetointi edelleen käyttökelpoinen työkalu yrityksen talouden ohjaamisessa. Tutkielmassa sovelletaan käsiteanalyyttistä tutkimusotetta, tutkimus on tiedonhankintatavaltaan teoreettinen. Budjetointia on moitittu muun muassa menetelmän raskaudesta ja kustannuksista, budjetointiin perustuvasta palkitsemisesta, sen strategiayhteydestä, budjettiharhasta ja – pelaamisesta, sekä sen inkrementaalisuudesta ja keskittymisestä vain taloudellisiin tekijöihin. Ongelmia näyttää ilmenevän sitä enemmän, mitä dynaamisempi ja monimuotoisempi yrityksen toimintaympäristö on. Vaikka yritysjohto yhtyy kritiikkiin ja löydetyt esimerkkitapaukset budjetoinnista luopumisesta ovat olleet rohkaisevia, on budjetoinnista luopumisen esteenä usein muutosvastarinta ja se, että uutta yleisesti hyväksyttyä käytäntö ei vielä ole.


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La història és una disciplina científica que opera en base a evidències del passat. Tot allò que s'ha produït en un altre temps (objectes, construccions, paisatges, conductes, costums) és susceptible de ser analitzat i interpretat de manera crítica per l'historiador. Qualsevol tipus de text confegit en un altre temps o a partir d'informacions d'un temps anterior, també esdevé, per definició, una evidència històrica, ja sigui una recepta de farmàcia, una novel·la, un informe tècnic o un llibre d'història. En aquest sentit, gairebé tots els textos són d'història. L'historiador no analitza el text de la mateixa manera que ho poden fer des d'altres disciplines; un text té interès en tant que subministra informació, i el mètode de treball de l'historiador és el que permet assolir-la. Els alumnes de primària i secundària s'han de formar en continguts factuals, conceptuals i en mètode. L'anàlisi d'un document amb la metodologia d l'historiador és una bona praxi per formar individus amb capacitat crítica.


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En la actualidad la visibilidad de las escritoras en la literatura gallega es un logro del programa feminista y, al mismo tiempo, una ruptura de las reglas literarias. Las mujeres en cuanto que escritoras no han conseguido todavía un estatuto de normalidad en el sistema literario aunque sus propuestas sean más innovadoras y reconocidas que nunca, por eso en este artículo se analizarán algunos de los síntomas de misoginia existentes en la interpretación patriarcal de esta visibilidad.


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En la actualidad la visibilidad de las escritoras en la literatura gallega es un logro del programa feminista y, al mismo tiempo, una ruptura de las reglas literarias. Las mujeres en cuanto que escritoras no han conseguido todavía un estatuto de normalidad en el sistema literario aunque sus propuestas sean más innovadoras y reconocidas que nunca, por eso en este artículo se analizarán algunos de los síntomas de misoginia existentes en la interpretación patriarcal de esta visibilidad.


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656 I. 657 II. 658 III. 660 IV. 661 V. 663 VI. 663 VII. 664 VIII. 664 665 References 665 SUMMARY: Baker's law refers to the tendency for species that establish on islands by long-distance dispersal to show an increased capacity for self-fertilization because of the advantage of self-compatibility when colonizing new habitat. Despite its intuitive appeal and broad empirical support, it has received substantial criticism over the years since it was proclaimed in the 1950s, not least because it seemed to be contradicted by the high frequency of dioecy on islands. Recent theoretical work has again questioned the generality and scope of Baker's law. Here, we attempt to discern where the idea is useful to apply and where it is not. We conclude that several of the perceived problems with Baker's law fall away when a narrower perspective is adopted on how it should be circumscribed. We emphasize that Baker's law should be read in terms of an enrichment of a capacity for uniparental reproduction in colonizing situations, rather than of high selfing rates. We suggest that Baker's law might be tested in four different contexts, which set the breadth of its scope: the colonization of oceanic islands, metapopulation dynamics with recurrent colonization, range expansions with recurrent colonization, and colonization through species invasions.


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William Whewell's and Richard Jones's criticism of Jeremy Bentham's and David Ricardo's "dismal" views on the relation of theory and evidence in political economy was motivated by the former's views on the structuring role of natural theology for questions of method and evidence in the sciences, including political economy. In comparison, natural theology was for Richard Whately as structuring on these issues as it was for the Cambridge men. Whately's view on natural theology, however, conformed with the Ricardian predilection for theory over facts. The differences between the Cambridge men and Whately became manifest after (or better: during) the publication of Jones's book on rent in 1831 and led to a somewhat acerbic exchange of views on the role of definitions in science and the use of history for establishing scientific evidence. As far as political economy was concerned, Whately's stance carried the day in Victorian England.


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This study analyses the types of coping strategies used by internationally adopted children, and explores the relation between these strategies and personal strengths and difficulties. The Kidcope checklist (Spirito, Stark, & Williams, 1998) and the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ; Goodman, 1997) were administered to a sample of 35 Spanish adoptees (25.7% boys and 74.3% girls, aged 8-12 years) and their parents. Self-reported problems were categorised and their relation with coping strategies and psychological adjustment was explored. Results indicated that adopted children report problems of interpersonal nature. The content of the problems mainly refers to relationships and health, illness, or accidents. Parents reported that children were generally well-adjusted and they had no problems outside the normal range. International adoptees used mainly control-oriented coping strategies. Escape-oriented coping was linked to parents' ratings of total difficulties, with self-criticism accounting for the highest percentage of the variance.


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Text de la lliçó que Francesc Feliu va pronunciar en les seves oposicions. S’estudia el pròleg de l’Atheneo de Grandesa. S'hi pretén establir la lectura correcta i exhaustiva d'un text difícil, que ha estat prou conegut i citat pels estudiosos de la llengua i la literatura catalanes del Setcents, però que gairebé sempre ha estat també mal entès, o entès de manera incompleta


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Maria Àngels Anglada tenia una clara consciència del lloc, que va deixar una empremta profunda en la seva obra literària. L’article analitza les visions que l’autora dóna de Vic, la ciutat natal, a través de la poesia, la narrativa i la prosa assagística. En particular, l’anàlisi se centra en el relat de fons autobiogràfic No em dic Laura. Aquest text vehicula una dura crítica política, social i moral del Vic sotmès a la dictadura franquista. I, alhora, constitueix la millor mostra del vigatanisme crític que caracteritza l’autora.


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Among all activities related to the management of science and technology in Brazil, program monitoring and evaluation is certainly one of the less developed and most needed. There are no universal methodologies that can be applied. In essence programs can be evaluated by relating their achievements to pre-established goals. A second strategy is to compare programs similar in nature, utilizing as reference common indicators. Finally programs can be evaluated by their socio-economic impact comparing investments to outcomes. All strategies mentioned require appropriate program design monitoring and expert independent evaluation. In Brazil as in many other countries including developed ones this activity is complicated by the fact that programs vary widely in their scope and goals. In Brazil program designs often do not specify clearly their purposes and output indicators, many are not monitored properly which makes evaluation difficult. Consequently science and technology programs are difficult to be compared to each other, and even evaluated on the basis of pre-established goals. In PADCT monitoring and evaluation proved to be the most challenging activities. Two lessons however were learnt. One is that the process of monitoring and evaluation has to be continuously exposed to criticism to be perfected; and the second is that the evaluation process must not be exhausted shortly after investments since translation of scientific knowledge into industrial applications may prove to be a lengthy process. In this exercise we certainly do not pretend to evaluate the QEQ subprogram but to organize some of the information produced by different sources related to this subject, including the PADCT administration. We use somewhat each strategy described: compare the outputs of the QEQ to predetermined proposed goals (particularly in PADCT II), compare the QEQ to other PADCT subprograms, and specify some outputs in terms of technological and industrial applications. Finally, we utilize this opportunity to discuss science and technology M&E in general and the complexity of developing this area in Brazil.


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This paper deals with Carathédory's formulation of the second law of thermodynamics. The material is presented in a didatical way, which allows a second year undergraduate student to follow the formalism. An application is made to an ideal gas with two independent variables. A criticism to Carnot formulation of the second law and an investigation of the historical origins of the Carathéodory formalism are also presented.


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Sobre el 'gènere del Jo' en la literatura espanyola de finals del XIX i inicis del XX, concretament sobre l'obra de Montaigne i Azorín