972 resultados para Propositional calculus.
The chemical amount values vary in a discrete or continuous form, depending on the approach used to describe the system. In classical sciences, the chemical amount is a property of the macroscopic system and, like any other property of the system, it varies continuously. This is neither inconsistent with the concept of indivisible particles forming the system, nor a mere approximation, but it is a sound concept which enables the use of differential calculus, for instance, in chemical thermodynamics. It is shown that the fundamental laws of chemistry are absolutely compatible to the continuous concept of the chemical amount.
The electronic, structural properties and elastic constants of the wurtzite phase of zinc oxide, ZnO, was investigated using computer simulation at Density Functional Theory level, with B3LYP hybrid functional and Hartree-Fock methodology. The electronic properties as well the band energy was investigated through the analysis of the band structures and density of states (DOS), and the mechanical properties was studied through the calculus of the elastic constants C11, C33, C44, C12 e C13. The results are in good agreement with experimental data found in the literature and in accordance with results obtained by another theoretical methodology.
The pollutant transference among reservoirs atmosphere-hydrosphere, relevant to the atmospheric chemistry, depends upon scavenging coefficient (Λ) calculus, which depends on the raindrop size distribution as well as on the rainfall systems, both different to each locality. In this work, the Λ calculus will be evaluated to gas SO2 and particulate matter fine and coarse among five sites in Germany and two in Brazil. The results show three possible classifications in function of Λ, comparable to literature, however with a greater range due to the differences of rainfall system sites. This preliminary study supports future researches
This work describes the creation of an very simple calculation algorithm, based in basic chemical and mathematic principles, for the calculation of weak diprotic acid dissociation constants as, for example, amino acids, from potentiometric titrations. For an easier understanding of the algorithm the logical reasoning of this calculus is schematized in a diagram of blocks. In the second part of the work the algorithm is applied to an Excel calculation sheet to determine the dissociation constants of Nicotinic Acid and Glycine, from the respective potentiometric titration curves. The values obtained using this algorithm are compared with those estimated by Hyperquad2008 (program generally used for this type of calculus) and also with the values of a stability constants database.
The importance of medicinal plants and their use in industrial applications is increasing worldwide, especially in Brazil. Phyllanthus species, popularly known as "quebra-pedras" in Brazil, are used in folk medicine for treating urinary infections and renal calculus. This paper reports an authenticity study, based on herbal drugs from Phyllanthus species, involving commercial and authentic samples using spectroscopic techniques: FT-IR, ¹H HR-MAS NMR and ¹H NMR in solution, combined with chemometric analysis. The spectroscopic techniques evaluated, coupled with chemometric methods, have great potential in the investigation of complex matrices. Furthermore, several metabolites were identified by the NMR techniques.
This article outlines a procedure that was used to develop a written test for evaluating the conceptual knowledge of chemical equilibrium constant among university students. The concepts in the subject matter were carefully defined through propositional statements. Students' understanding of the topic was determined through interviews. These data were used to produce nine multiple choice questions. Each question was designed to identify misconceptions related to the chemical equilibrium constant. The test was evaluated by foure associate professors and was administred to a total of 196 spanish university students. This test has a Cronbach's alpha reliability of 0.63 and its content validity values ranged from 3.7 to 5.
ABSTRACT The aim of this paper is to discuss how Bruno Bauch deals with the problem of the coordination between empirical concepts and spatiotemporal objects. We shall argue that Bauch reformulates the Kantian distinction between concepts and intuitions by means of a philosophical consideration of differential calculus and that he thereby explains the possibility of such coordination, avoiding certain difficulties of the Kantian doctrine.
Programming and mathematics are core areas of computer science (CS) and consequently also important parts of CS education. Introductory instruction in these two topics is, however, not without problems. Studies show that CS students find programming difficult to learn and that teaching mathematical topics to CS novices is challenging. One reason for the latter is the disconnection between mathematics and programming found in many CS curricula, which results in students not seeing the relevance of the subject for their studies. In addition, reports indicate that students' mathematical capability and maturity levels are dropping. The challenges faced when teaching mathematics and programming at CS departments can also be traced back to gaps in students' prior education. In Finland the high school curriculum does not include CS as a subject; instead, focus is on learning to use the computer and its applications as tools. Similarly, many of the mathematics courses emphasize application of formulas, while logic, formalisms and proofs, which are important in CS, are avoided. Consequently, high school graduates are not well prepared for studies in CS. Motivated by these challenges, the goal of the present work is to describe new approaches to teaching mathematics and programming aimed at addressing these issues: Structured derivations is a logic-based approach to teaching mathematics, where formalisms and justifications are made explicit. The aim is to help students become better at communicating their reasoning using mathematical language and logical notation at the same time as they become more confident with formalisms. The Python programming language was originally designed with education in mind, and has a simple syntax compared to many other popular languages. The aim of using it in instruction is to address algorithms and their implementation in a way that allows focus to be put on learning algorithmic thinking and programming instead of on learning a complex syntax. Invariant based programming is a diagrammatic approach to developing programs that are correct by construction. The approach is based on elementary propositional and predicate logic, and makes explicit the underlying mathematical foundations of programming. The aim is also to show how mathematics in general, and logic in particular, can be used to create better programs.
The present article shows that there are consistent and decidable many- valued systems of propositional logic which satisfy two or all the three criteria for non- trivial inconsistent theories by da Costa (1974). The weaker one of these paraconsistent system is also able to avoid a series of paradoxes which come up when classical logic is applied to empirical sciences. These paraconsistent systems are based on a 6- valued system of propositional logic for avoiding difficulties in several domains of empirical science (Weingartner (2009)).
This paper aims at clarifying the nature of Frege's system of logic, as presented in the first volume of the Grundgesetze . We undertake a rational reconstruction of this system, by distinguishing its propositional and predicate fragments. This allows us to emphasise the differences and similarities between this system and a modern system of classical second-order logic.
Treatment, morbidity and mortality of patients with gallstone ileus depend on an accurate diagnosis made in time, and also on a more adequate therapeutic option.A detailed clinical evaluation is fundamental for such diagnosis. Complementary exams like a simple radiological study of the abdomen, high and low endoscopies, an ultrasonography, and a tomography can also be performed. The therapeutic options include the removal of the obstructive factor separately, the performance of a treatment in two separate stages, or the performance of a complete treatment (removal of the calculus, cholecystectomy, and the closing of the fistula).This study aims to present a case report of an elderly man of high surgical risk, presenting gallstone ileus. He was submitted to an isolated videoassisted enterolithotomy through a minilaparotomy. Taking into consideration the patients advanced age and the lack of evidence as to other biliary associated pathologies, the chosen treatment seemed to be a good alternative. The evolution was good, and after an 8 month follow-up the patient was found well and with no biliary symptoms whatsoever.
Perforation of common bile duct (CBD) is usually associated with invasive procedures. Spontaneous perforation is rare, and more often described in neonates. We report a case of a spontaneous perforation of CBD in an adult with a family history of cholelithiasis, but with no calculus found during exploration of the biliary tree. The patient was successfully treated by cholecystectomy and T - tube drainage of the CBD.
Formal methods provide a means of reasoning about computer programs in order to prove correctness criteria. One subtype of formal methods is based on the weakest precondition predicate transformer semantics and uses guarded commands as the basic modelling construct. Examples of such formalisms are Action Systems and Event-B. Guarded commands can intuitively be understood as actions that may be triggered when an associated guard condition holds. Guarded commands whose guards hold are nondeterministically chosen for execution, but no further control flow is present by default. Such a modelling approach is convenient for proving correctness, and the Refinement Calculus allows for a stepwise development method. It also has a parallel interpretation facilitating development of concurrent software, and it is suitable for describing event-driven scenarios. However, for many application areas, the execution paradigm traditionally used comprises more explicit control flow, which constitutes an obstacle for using the above mentioned formal methods. In this thesis, we study how guarded command based modelling approaches can be conveniently and efficiently scheduled in different scenarios. We first focus on the modelling of trust for transactions in a social networking setting. Due to the event-based nature of the scenario, the use of guarded commands turns out to be relatively straightforward. We continue by studying modelling of concurrent software, with particular focus on compute-intensive scenarios. We go from theoretical considerations to the feasibility of implementation by evaluating the performance and scalability of executing a case study model in parallel using automatic scheduling performed by a dedicated scheduler. Finally, we propose a more explicit and non-centralised approach in which the flow of each task is controlled by a schedule of its own. The schedules are expressed in a dedicated scheduling language, and patterns assist the developer in proving correctness of the scheduled model with respect to the original one.
Olemassa olevat spektrieromittarit eivät vastaa riittävästi CIEDE2000-värieroa. Tämän työn tavoitteena oli toteuttaa menetelmä, joka laskee värispektrien eron siten, että tulos vastaa CIEDE2000-värieroa. Kehitystyön tuloksena syntyi menetelmä, joka perustuu ennalta laskettuihin eroihin tunnettujen spektrien välillä ja niiden perusteella johdettuihin laskentaparametreihin. menetelmällä pystyy laskemaan spektrieroja vain niiden spektrien välillä, jotka saadaan sekoittamalla tunnettuja spektrejä. Laskentaparametrien laskenta on työläs prosessi ja siksi menetelmään toteutettiin hajautus usealle tietokoneelle. Menetelmä saatiin vastaamaan hyvin CIEDE2000:ia suurimmalle osalle spektrejä harvoja poikkeuksia lukuunottamatta. Ongelmat johtuvat mallissa olevasta matemaattisesta ominaisuudesta. Spektrieromittari näyttää metameerisille spektreille nollasta poikkeavan arvon, vaikka CIEDE2000 näyttää nollaa. Tämä osoittaa spektrieromittarin oikeamman toiminnan CIEDE2000-värieroon verrattuna.
Forty-seven patients with unilateral obstructive calculi (12 males and 35 females) were submitted to 99mTc-diethylene triamine pentaacetic acid (DTPA) or 99mTc-dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA) scans for assessment of renal function. The scans revealed unilateral functional deficit in 68 and 66% of the patients, respectively. A calculus size of 1.1 to 2.0 cm was significantly associated with deficit detected by DTPA, but duration of obstruction and calculus localization were not. After relief of the obstruction, the mean percent renal function of the affected kidney was found to be significantly increased from 25 ± 12% to 29 ± 12% in DTPA and from 21 ± 15% to 24 ± 12% in DMSA. Initial Doppler ultrasonography performed in 35 patients detected an increased resistive index in 10 (29%). In the remaining patients with a normal resistive index, ureteral urinary jet was observed, indicating partial obstruction. The high frequency of renal function impairment detected by DTPA and of tubulointerstitial damage detected by DMSA as well as the slight amelioration of unilateral renal function after relief of obstruction suggest that scintigraphy assessment may help evaluate the unilateral percentage of renal function and monitor renal function recovery when it occurs. The presence of a urinary jet detected by Doppler ultrasonography further indicates the severity of obstruction and the recovery prognosis.