966 resultados para Produto dose-comprimento (DLP)


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Le diagnostic de lymphome représente 4% de tous les cancers et a une incidence particulièrement élevée dans les pays industrialisés. La proportion de lymphomes T, évaluée en Europe et aux Etats Unis, représente environ 5 à 10% des lymphomes. Alors que des progrès très sensibles ont été apportés dans la prise en charge et le pronostic des lymphomes B agressifs durant ces dernières décennies et en particulier depuis le début des années 2000 avec l'utilisation des anticorps anti-CD20 associés à la chimiothérapie, le pronostic des lymphomes T reste très décevant. La survie globale des lymphomes T à 5 ans est estimée entre 28% et 38%. Le bénéfice réel d'une chimiothérapie intensive suivie d'une autogreffe de cellules souches hématopoïétiques périphériques au terme d'un traitement de chimiothérapie d'induction dans le lymphome T périphérique reste débattu. Les résultats des rares études prospectives et des études rétrospectives à disposition sont discordants. Nous avons donc analysé rétrospectivement 43 patients successifs de mars 2000 à mars 2011, atteints de lymphome T, issus de notre base de données du programme autogreffe lausannois. Nos analyses statistiques permettent, sur la base d'un suivi médian de 63 mois, une estimation à 12 ans, de la survie globale de nos patients à 40%, de la survie sans progression à 34% et de la survie sans événement à 30%. Ces chiffres s'inscrivent parfaitement dans les résultats des études prospectives qui montrent un bénéfice de l'autogreffe dans le lymphome T. Parmi les différents paramètres pronostiques habituellement évalués, l'âge et l'absence de symptômes B au diagnostic sont les seuls paramètres statistiquement significatifs en analyse univariée dans notre cohorte. En effet, Les patients de moins de 50 ans et ceux qui ne présentent pas de symptômes B au diagnostic ont un meilleur pronostic. Nous concluons de cette analyse que les patients traités par chimiothérapie intensive et autogreffe de cellules souches hématopoïétiques périphériques ont une survie moyenne supérieure aux résultats rapportés dans la littérature avec des traitements de chimiothérapie conventionnelle de type CHOP. En effet, on estime à environ 50% les patients répondant à une chimiothérapie conventionnelle de type CHOP.


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Os fungos micorrízicos arbusculares (FMAs) desempenham importante papel nos ecossistemas naturais pelo seus impactos na nutrição vegetal e estrutura do solo. O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar o potencial do inóculo micorrízico e a relação do comprimento do micélio micorrízico (CMM) dos FMAs na agregação de solos de ambientes fluviais. Foram realizadas coletas em áreas de ambiente fluvial da bacia hidrográfica do rio Itajaí-Açu, entre os municípios de Gaspar e Navegantes, em Santa Catarina. Oito áreas foram amostradas em três classes de solos, sendo elas: Cambissolo (C), Gleissolo (G) e Organossolo (O). Nos solos coletados, foram avaliadas as seguintes variáveis: potencial de inóculo micorrízico, número de esporos, CMM e análise dos atributos físicos e químicos do solo. A porcentagem de colonização micorrízica da Brachiaria brizantha no ensaio do potencial de inóculo variou de 13,8 a 55,3 % e nenhum padrão foi observado de acordo com a classe de solo. O CMM no solo variou de 10,48 a 44,67 mg g-1. O número de esporos em 100 cm3 de solo variou de 2,4 a 80. Foi observada correlação negativa entre o CMM e a proporção de macroagregados estáveis em água e correlação positiva entre CMM com microagregados. Este trabalho demonstrou que os solos da bacia do rio Itajaí-Açu possuem potencial de inóculo micorrízico suficiente para iniciar a colonização das raízes das plantas em curto período de tempo, o que pode ser importante facilitador no crescimento de espécies arbóreas usadas no processo de recuperação desses ambientes.


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For the general practitioner to be able to prescribe optimal therapy to his individual hypertensive patients, he needs accurate information on the therapeutic agents he is going to administer and practical treatment strategies. The information on drugs and drug combinations has to be applicable to the treatment of individual patients and not just patient study groups. A basic requirement is knowledge of the dose-response relationship for each compound in order to choose the optimal therapeutic dose. Contrary to general assumption, this key information is difficult to obtain and often not available to the physician for many years after marketing of a drug. As a consequence, excessive doses are often used. Furthermore, the physician needs comparative data on the various antihypertensive drugs that are applicable to the treatment of individual patients. In order to minimize potential side effects due to unnecessary combinations of compounds, the strategy of sequential monotherapy is proposed, with the goal of treating as many patients as possible with monotherapy at optimal doses. More drug trials of a crossover design and more individualized analyses of the results are badly needed to provide the physician with information that he can use in his daily practice. In this time of continuous intensive development of new antihypertensive agents, much could be gained in enhanced efficacy and reduced incidence of side effects by taking a closer look at the drugs already available and using them more appropriately in individual patients.


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Synthetic atrial natriuretic peptide, containing 26 amino acids in the rat sequence, L-364, 343 (Ileu-ANP), was infused intravenously at increasing rates (1-40 micrograms/min) into four normal volunteers. Mean intraarterial blood pressure decreased and heart rate increased in cumulative-dose-dependent fashion. Skin blood flow as measured with a laser Doppler device rose already with a cumulative dose of 55 micrograms Ileu-ANP and further rises were directly related to dose. The only side effects observed were those accompanying symptomatic hypotension at higher doses. These findings provide strong evidence that Ileu-ANP acts as a vasodilator in normal volunteers.


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PURPOSE: To evaluate the diagnostic performance of abdominal radiography in the detection of illegal intracorporeal containers (hereafter, packets), with low-dose computed tomography (CT) as the reference standard. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study was approved by the institutional ethical review board, with written informed consent. From July 2007 to July 2010, 330 people (296 men, 34 women; mean age, 32 years [range, 18-55 years]) suspected of having ingested drug packets underwent supine abdominal radiography and low-dose CT. The presence or absence of packets at abdominal radiography was reported, with low-dose CT as the reference standard. The density and number of packets (≤ 12 or >12) at low-dose CT were recorded and analyzed to determine whether those variables influence interpretation of results at abdominal radiography. RESULTS: Packets were detected at low-dose CT in 53 (16%) suspects. Sensitivity of abdominal radiography for depiction of packets was 0.77 (41 of 53), and specificity was 0.96 (267 of 277). The packets appeared isoattenuated to the bowel contents at low-dose CT in 16 (30%) of the 53 suspects with positive results. Nineteen (36%) of the 53 suspects with positive low-dose CT results had fewer than 12 packets. Packets that were isoattenuated at low-dose CT and a low number of packets (≤12) were both significantly associated with false-negative results at abdominal radiography (P = .004 and P = .016, respectively). CONCLUSION: Abdominal radiography is mainly limited by low sensitivity when compared with low-dose CT in the screening of people suspected of carrying drug packets. Low-dose CT is an effective imaging alternative to abdominal radiography.


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The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of continuous and acute L-carnitine supplementation of total parenteral nutrition (TPN) on protein and fat oxidation in severe catabolism. A critically ill and severely malnourished male patient received TPN (non protein energy = 41 kcal/kg/day, provided equally as fat and glucose) over 38 days, without L-carnitine for 23 days and with carnitine supplements (15 mg/kg/day) for the following 15 days. Subsequently, he was given carnitine-free enteral nutrition for 60 more days. A four-hour infusion of 100 mg L-carnitine was given on day 11 of each TPN period. Indirect calorimetry was carried out after 11 days of either carnitine-free or supplemented TPN and at the initiation of enteral nutrition. Additional measurements were performed 4 hours and 24 hours after the acute infusions of carnitine. The rate of protein oxidation and the respiratory quotient were found to be higher, and the rate of fat oxidation to be lower, with carnitine-supplemented TPN, than with either carnitine-free TPN or enteral nutrition. Acute infusion of carnitine resulted in an increased rate of protein oxidation and a reduced rate of fat oxidation on both TPN-regimens. These unfavourable effects on protein metabolism may be due to an impairment of fat oxidation by excess amounts of carnitine.


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ABSTRACT Background: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is characterised by an abnormal inflammatory response mainly to cigarette smoke that flares up during exacerbations of the disease (ECOPD). Reduced activity of histone deacetylases (HDAC) contributes to enhanced inflammation in stable COPD. It was hypothesised that HDAC activity is further reduced during ECOPD and that theophylline, an HDAC activator, potentiates the antiinflammatory effect of steroids in these patients. A study was performed to investigate HDAC activity during ECOPD and the effects of theophylline on the anti-inflammatory effects of steroids in a randomised single-blind controlled study. Methods: 35 patients hospitalised with ECOPD and treated according to international guidelines (including systemic steroids) were randomised to receive or not to receive low-dose oral theophylline (100 mg twice daily). Before treatment and 3 months after discharge, HDAC and nuclear factor-kB (NF-kB) activity in sputum macrophages, the concentration of nitric oxide in exhaled air (eNO) and total antioxidant status (TAS), tumour necrosis factor a (TNFa), interleukin (IL)-6 and IL8 levels in sputum supernatants were measured. Results: Patients receiving standard therapy showed decreased NF-kB activity, eNO concentration and sputum levels of TNFa, IL6 and IL8, as well as increased TAS during recovery of ECOPD, but HDAC activity did not change. The addition of low-dose theophylline increased HDAC activity and further reduced IL8 and TNFa concentrations. Conclusions: During ECOPD, low-dose theophylline increases HDAC activity and improves the anti-inflammatory effects of steroids.


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The purpose of this article was to review the strategies to control patient dose in adult and pediatric computed tomography (CT), taking into account the change of technology from single-detector row CT to multi-detector row CT. First the relationships between computed tomography dose index, dose length product, and effective dose in adult and pediatric CT are revised, along with the diagnostic reference level concept. Then the effect of image noise as a function of volume computed tomography dose index, reconstructed slice thickness, and the size of the patient are described. Finally, the potential of tube current modulation CT is discussed.


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PURPOSE: Exercise improves insulin resistance and is a first line for the prevention and treatment of type 2 diabetes. The extent, however, to which these responses are dose dependent is not known. The purpose of this study was to examine whether exercise dose was associated with improvements in insulin sensitivity after 4 months of exercise training in previously sedentary adults. METHODS: Fifty-five healthy volunteers participated in a 16-wk supervised endurance exercise intervention with a pre/postintervention design. Insulin sensitivity was assessed by euglycemic hyperinsulinemic clamp, peak oxygen uptake by a graded exercise test, and body composition by dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry. The exercise intervention consisted of three to five sessions per week with a minimum of three sessions supervised. A ramped exercise prescription protocol was used to achieve 75% of peak HR for 45 min per session. Exercise dose, expressed as average kilocalories expended per week, was computed as the product of exercise intensity, duration and frequency. RESULTS: Improved insulin sensitivity was significantly related to exercise dose in a graded dose-response relationship. No evidence of threshold or maximal dose-response effect was observed. Age and gender did not influence this dose-response relationship. Exercise intensity was also significantly related to improvements in insulin sensitivity, whereas frequency was not. CONCLUSIONS: This study identifies a graded dose-response relationship between exercise dose and improvements in insulin sensitivity. The implication of this observation is of importance for the adaptation of exercise prescription in clinical situations.