838 resultados para Popular housing
Dados los grandes cambios y desarrollos científicos, económicos y sociales, la industria ha generado avances tecnológicos de gran magnitud que contribuyen con el mejoramiento de la calidad de vida de los habitantes. A pesar de las buenas contribuciones que conlleva dicho desarrollo, se puede ver que soporta igualmente un sacrificio ambiental y social para hacerlos posibles. De acuerdo con el principio que establece la primacía del interés general sobre el particular, se han tolerado legalmente algunos daños ocasionados a los administrados en beneficio de la comunidad; pero lo anterior no puede desconocer las situaciones en las cuales se generan perjuicios que no deben ser soportados por la comunidad. Igualmente, la Constitución política establece mecanismos de protección en cabeza de todas las personas con el fin de proteger sus derechos, dentro de los cuales se encuentran los derechos de tercera generación. Estos derechos son protegidos a través de la acción popular como mecanismo idóneo, eficaz y directo, el cual busca su restablecimiento.
The public service enterprises are victims of crimes and felonies which may reduce their capacity to perform their functions. These enterprises expend much money and effort in order to prevent those criminal behaviors. For this reason they ask from the authorities more efficient measures against crime; however, such enterprises may feel that they are not being given sufficient importance and/or remedies in dealing with such crime. The aim paper of this is not to study the problem from de substantive criminal law point of view. Rather, this paper’s goal is to study the Colombia’s Rules of Criminal Procedure, which regulate the investigation of this kind of crime. The article will look particularly at the competency of the relevant authorities at the investigative stages. Finally, it will make some recommendations regarding a proper route towards the investigation of these criminal behaviors.
La duración de la cinta de vídeo es de veinticuatro minutos
The current housing problems in the city of Buenos Aires revolves around two phenomena, the precariousness and the evictions, in a context that is conceived like housing emergency. In response to this situation, some institutional organisms and certain social organizations with territorial roots in the south of the city, began to take forward actions of resilience opposing to the massive evictions, which take place as consequence of the real-estate pressure, and were concerning to the hotels, pensions, tenancies, and usurped houses of this zone of the city. It will be analyzed the actions of resilience displayed by them in their individual and collective dimensions and their relation to housing policies.
In this work we analyze the reforms carried out by the Mexican state in the nineties of the 20th century, in the items concerning the policies of housing and urban land, based on an exhaustive review of the main actions, programs and changes in the legal and institutional frame that applies for each of these fields. The nineties represent a "breaking point" in the way the State considers the satisfaction of the right to the housing and attends the offer of urbanized land for a tidy and sustainable urban development. In this period of time, the approach of direct intervention in developing and financing housing and creation of land reserves has changed into another one, ruled by the logic of the market. The balance to the first decade of the 21st century is ambiguous, as neither the housing policy has solved the housing shortage for low-income population, nor the land policy has eliminated the illegal urban growth.
The urban growth in Latino American cities, in a neoliberal context, has led to several population groups to having no possibilities to the access to urban land. Informal and irregular urban settlements increase, requiring attention from local governments, with actions and strategies in order to achieve both the regularization of such situation and further prevention. In the city of Córdoba different informal and irregular operations have taken place promoted by different actors. Furthermore, policies focused on regularization which have been promoted, have few intervention mechanisms, a fact that becomes critical, especially for the urban problems it causes. The main aim of this article is to present a classification over different modes of urban land acquirement taking place out of both urban and civil legislations. Afterwards, different informal settlement typologies are described, as well as the policies focused on them, together with their respective effects and impacts.
For years it was believed that in Caracas an informal rental housing market did not exist. A survey (n:832) in seven informal areas shows the opposite. The article analyzes the socio-legal aspects and characteristics of the market: the negotiated property, the rent, the actors and the norms that regulate the market. It is concluded that the Venezuelan State, with its controls and social policies, has become the principal promoter of the informal rental market and that because of the freedom to rent, the poor are the real estate agents that contribute most to meeting the increasing demand for housing.
This paper presents an approach to the relationship between land use planning and socioeconomic residential segregation, from the location of social housing in Medellin, Colombia, during the period 2006-2011. The first part introduces the land use regulations regarding the location of social housing, identifying ambiguities in the current spatial plan. Next, we present the intersection of regulatory information and the location of the projects that were under construction during the study period, highlighting the need to consider the location as an important characteristic of social housing and residential segregation as a phenomenon that must be recognized and worked on land use planning in our cities.
The review of the terms used as keywords in three journals (published in Mexico and Chile) and the Brazilian meetings of regional and urban research are used to analyze the trends in housing research. Their dynamics are interpreted in the light of the general changes identified for urban and regional research, synthesized by other authors as the emergence of new research topics and agents of urban change (civil society, participation, environment, gender) and the process of globalization (in its facets of productive restructuration, job flexibility, social exclusion) as a general framework of analysis. It is found that the central themes of research in housing relate primarily to government action in housing. New concerns, such as citizen participation, the environment or gender are linked to these actions as normative elements to the evaluation of programs or policies, but not as autonomous fields of study of the housing.In addition to this central concern, a significant growth of academic production and ome indication of the internationalization of research are mentioned
This article characterizes the conditions of the informal land and housing supply during the first decade of the xxi century in Bogota, regarding magnitude and location of the informal urban growth (new occupations in the periphery and informal densification of consolidated areas), housing conditions in recent occupations and the characteristics of the land market. The situation of the last decade has been reconstructed based in aerial photography analysis, census data quantification and data analysis from planning and control public entities. Results suggest that due to the relative land scarcity in Bogotá, among other aspects, the informal market dynamics have experimented changes compared to previous decades, because the growth in consolidated urban areas becomes more important than the informal urbanization of the peripheries, but at the same time informality transcends the municipal perimeter to the neighboring municipalities.
El art??culo expone la experiencia de la Unidad de Adaptaci??n Curricular de Sant Vicen?? dels Horts como uno de los recursos de respuesta a un colectivo de chicos y chicas dentro del sistema educativo reglado, pero con unas necesidades educativas especiales derivadas de la inadaptaci??n al medio escolar en los centros donde se imparten educaci??n secundaria obligatoria.
Este artículo forma parte del dossier 'Eleccions al parlament: Educació' (Elecciones al parlamento: Educación)
El autor empieza resaltando la importancia de la literatura oral y describe sus caracter??sticas b??sicas en el primer punto. Dedica el segundo y m??s extenso apartado a hablar de los campos para trabajar la literatura oral en el aula, resaltando sobre todo la importancia de los juegos ling????sticos por ser un recurso para la did??ctica de la ense??anza de una segunda lengua, en este caso la catalana, para hacer que el aprendizaje tenga un componente l??dico y atractivo para los alumnos. El tercer punto corresponde a la reflexi??n final.
En este trabajo encontraremos algunas herramientas ilustrativas de manera específica en cuanto a Recuperación, Preservación y se pretende con la muestra que se presenta sobre el caso de Toledo (N. de S.) tener a mano una ejemplificación concreta