1000 resultados para Política pública - Portugal
Los derechos sexuales y reproductivos como temática de debate en la agenda pública de nuestro país cobran visibilidad recién a mediados de la década del '90. La ausencia de políticas en esta materia se debió por un lado, a la férrea oposición de la Iglesia Católica a la regulación de la fecundidad, por otro lado, a la ideología pro natalista que ha primado en el Estado desde su conformación hasta la reinstauración democrática en la década de los '80. El propósito de este trabajo es analizar el proceso en cual el Programa Nacional de Salud Sexual y Procreación Responsable se definió como política pública, identificando los actores involucrados, sus tomas de posición y estrategias de acción desplegadas en el transcurso de dicho proceso, enfatizando en la acción de los poderes del Estado. Este trabajo es resultado del análisis de diversas fuentes, entre ellas: la Ley Nacional 25673/2002 de Salud Sexual y Procreación Responsable y el decreto que la reglamenta, las versiones taquigráficas de los debates parlamentarios, el documento base del Programa Nacional de Salud Sexual y Procreación Responsable, material de prensa y bibliográfico sobre la temática. Se concluye, que la ley sancionada es un herramienta válida para el ejercicio de los derechos sexuales y reproductivos, a pesar de que la presión ejercida por la Iglesia sobre el poder político haya logrado limitar los alcances de la misma. La puesta en marcha del Programa ha abierto nuevos interrogantes, nuevos debates y nuevos enfrentamientos entrelos sectores que dentro y fuera del gobierno apoyan el Programa y las autoridades eclesiásticas y los sectores más conservadores de la sociedad
Este trabajo apunta al análisis del programa denominado ProProE (Programa de Promoción de Egreso de las Carreras de Grado), como política pública, implementado en la Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata con el objetivo de acompañar hasta la graduación a los alumnos avanzados que han tenido demoras o detenimientos hacia la finalización de sus trayectorias. Se exponen los antecedentes existentes en la UNLP, las características del programa, con sus diferentes etapas, y evaluación final, el material considerado de interés para su investigación, y se desarrolla el marco teórico metodológico con el que se abordó la investigación. El estudio de las políticas universitarias como herramientas que apuntan al progreso y egreso de todos los estudiantes, sus aplicaciones y los resultados de las mismas es fundamental para comprender de qué modo las autoridades universitarias enfrentan fenómenos como el de la heterogeneización y masificación matricular. Se describe la experiencia desarrollada en la FCNyM, considerando los diferentes desempeños y vivencias vinculados a los gestores del programa, los alumnos incorporados, y los docentes que trabajaron en el mismo. Respecto a sus resultados se exponen los progresos y el objetivo futuro de rediseño y aplicación del programa considerando lo relevado en la primera experiencia de aplicación
Some sectors in Brazil are earning notoriety in the international market, configuring itself in dynamic areas for the Country. The most typical case is the agribusiness. Rio Grande do Norte state has important role, because 90% of the output of the melon exported by Brazil is produced at Assu/Mossoró. The present work planned to verify the evolution of the culture of the melon produced at Assu/Mossoró area, from 1990 to 2003. Through descriptive research, utilizing the case study and documentary analysis of secondary data this work showed the evolution of the area reaped of melon in the pole Assu/Mossoró, the quantity produced of melon and of the value of the output of the melon between 1990 and 2003. The research verified that all of the factors studied show growth during the analyzed period, showing up the importance of the agribusiness for the region. However the analysis shows the vulnerability of the sector concerning external macroeconomics factors, such as the exchange rates. Showing the importance and/or dependence of the producers for public actions to development of the culture, that might be on areas like infrastructure, economics or taxes
This survey has to general objective to evaluate the Food Safety Policy implemented by Restaurantes Populares do Rio Grande do Norte. The survey is qualitative of type exploratory and descriptive. The universe of survey is all Units of Food and Nutrition (UAN) of the Restaurantes Populares do Rio Grande do Norte. To collects of data were used two instruments: interview and form. The interviews were intended to analyze the four axes of the Food Safety: access, food quality, production and marketing of food and organizational arrangement. The form was used to check the quality of nutrition and sanitary-hygienic food served. We used two types of forms: a spreadsheet with the weekly menu and the portions served to verify that the meals serve the nutritional needs proposed by the program; and the check-list of ANVISA to verify the sanitary-hygienic conditions in each unit. Through the survey data and analyses made observe that the access category have some problems such as lack of registration, lack of advertising of Restaurants and wastage of public resources, making policy that should be of included in a policy of exclusion. In the nutritional aspect there is neglect on the daily nutritional goal, because it is not accomplished nutritional analysis of menu offered, the nutritionists do not know what should be the nutritional value of meals served; in the hygienic-health aspect trough the problems identified is concludes that there is no guarantee of food quality hygienic-sanitary, committing the program as a Food Safety Program. About the production and marketing of food is observed some problems as: the goal of sale of meals is not achieved in full, the purchase of genres does not stimulate the local economy, nor generates jobs and income, and inefficient performance of the MEIOS's supervision. In the analysis of organizational arrangement is concluded that the partnerships are beneficial, despite some negative points, therefore, are these partnerships the problems of non-compliance, as both the MEIOS and Nutriti of important criteria established in the partnership. Therefore, it is understood that the Programa Restaurantes Populares in its original formulation is proposed to be a food safety policy, but has some problems that impossible to meet its goal, making it unprofitable like Food Safety Policy
The research aimed to understand the challenges for the implementation of the proposed integration between the Civil Police and the Military Police in Rio Grande do Norte to the proposals of the SUSP. This study aimed to explore the gap with regard to the deepening of the possible causes that may hinder the implementation of integrated working between the police in public security, through a specific analysis on the state of Rio Grande do Norte. Was based on a theoretical framework that includes policies: general concepts, the steps of a public policy, the implementation stage , public security : conceptual definitions, policies on security in Brazil, the structure of public security in Brazil and systems police, Military Police x Civil Police: Roles and conflicts , integrating public security: the challenges to be overcome, the Unified public Safety (SUSP) and the main difficulties in the integration of the police. Being classified as to the purposes as an exploratory research on how to approach ranks as qualitative. The research unit was the Center for Integrated Operations Public Safety (CIOSP) through three subjects who were the chief CIOSP, the representative of the military police acting with the CIOSP, and representative civil police also active with the CIOSP. These subjects were chosen because of the understanding that individuals occupying senior positions would have more ability to respond to questions that guide the research problem. Data were collected through a set of interviews, qualitative data analysis was performed based content analysis, based on the definition of categories of analysis, gated time cross. With the results, it was revealed that the main problems of integration between the state police are treatment protocols, lack of political will and lack of infrastructure. The relationship between the Military Police and Civil Police in Rio Grande do Norte has differing cultural aspect, but can be considered as good value, professionalism and integrated operations. The implementation of CIOSP-RN followed the characteristics of the top-down model, the main difficulties in implementing the proposals of the SUSP, lack of own resources, the lack of standardization in public safety and the lack of professional training of public safety. It was concluded that with respect to the challenges to the implementation of the proposed integration between the Civil Police and the Military Police in Rio Grande do Norte to the proposals of the SUSP, the actions follow the characteristics of the top-down model, with no autonomy of administrators public to say in decisions, which restricts the view of the public safety of the state
The urban mobility has in the bicycle its symbol of the most environmentally sustainable modal of transportation of the planet, title conferred by the United Nations Organization (ONU). Nevertheless, the cities suffer with the traffic jam caused by the automobile fleet growth, what implies in a larger displacement time, injuries to the environment, to financials and to the quality of life. In order to build in a sustainable way the urban mobility, public policies are necessary to encourage the preferential usage, by the society, of the mass transit or the non-motorized type of transportation. Objecting cooperate with the public power and the civil society, this study intents to, through an analysis about the UFPR Extension Program - CICLOVIDA, propose a sustainable urban mobility public policy development, with emphasis in the bicycle´s usage. eferentially, it is discussed concepts such as Society, State and Government as well as public policies, which go in cycles to the State´s and Government´s responsibilities; and are presented the Sustainable Urban Mobility Public Policies (PPMUS) in Brazil. Also, it is debated about the transport by bicycle as an option to the sustainable mobility. Methodologically, the study is of an empiric-social nature, with the application of both qualitative and observational methods, what characterizes as an exploratory level of research, with the researcher´s involvement in the participant form, due to her acting on the Program. Regarding the research lineation, it was used the bibliographic and documental form as well as case study, by means of the nonparametric sampling by accessibility or convenience. Related to the data collection technique, it was used structured interviews with self-applied questionnaires and natural participant observation. Aligned with the research´s objective and matter, the outcome confirmed that the Extension Program CICLOVIDA of the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR) may effectively contribute in the development of a PPMUS proposal with emphasis in the bicycle usage. Thus, it was built a political proposal with a free form writing, objecting subsidize policies both institutional as public MUS through the bicycle usage and therefore, support the mobility, also contributing to the sustainability and to the public development planning.
Este estudo pretende divulgar a análise preliminar dos dados da atividade gripal em Portugal na época de 2015/2016 (setembro de 2015 a junho de 2016). Segundo o Programa Nacional de Vigilância da Gripe (PNVG) a atividade gripal foi considerada de baixa intensidade, tendo ocorrido o período epidémico entre as semanas 1/2016 e 9/2016. O valor máximo de incidência foi observado na semana 3/2016 (59,4 casos por 100 000 habitantes). O vírus da gripe foi detetado em 40,7% (449/1.104) dos casos de síndroma gripal (SG) estudados. O vírus da gripe do subtipo A(H1)pdm09 foi detetado em 90,4% (406/449) dos casos de gripe. O vírus A(H1)pdm09 foi o mais frequente em todos os grupos etários, sendo a percentagem mais elevada no grupo etário 65 ou mais anos (97,4%). O vírus da gripe do tipo B (linhagem Victoria) foi detetado com maior frequência nas crianças entre os 5 e os 14 anos de idade (14,3%). Todos os vírus da gripe A(H1)pdm09 isolados e caraterizados antigenicamente foram semelhantes à estirpe vacinal A/California/7/2009, contemplada na vacina antigripal do Hemisfério Norte 2015/2016. Os vírus da gripe do tipo B (linhagem Victoria) caraterizados foram antigénicamente diferentes da estirpe contemplada na vacina antigripal do Hemisfério Norte 2015-2016. Foi detetado em circulação o vírus do subtipo A(H3), semelhante à estirpe selecionada para a composição da vacina antigripal da época de 2016/2017 (A/Hong Kong/4801/2014). Os vírus da gripe A(H1)pdm09 que predominaram em circulação em Portugal durante a época de 2015/2016 foram antigenicamente semelhantes à estirpe que integrou a vacina antigripal para o mesmo inverno.
O Histoplasma capsulatum é o agente etiológico da histoplasmose, apresenta duas variedades com caraterísticas epidemiológicas diferentes var. capsulatum e var. duboisii endémicas no continente americano e no continente africano, respetivamente. Nas últimas décadas têm sido descritos casos de histoplasmose na Europa e em países asiáticos como a China, onde esta infeção não é considerada endémica. A facilidade de movimentação das populações tem contribuído para alterar o padrão epidemiológico desta infeção. Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar o número de casos registados em Portugal e chamar a atenção para a importância de melhor se conhecer a epidemiologia desta infeção no nosso país. A histoplasmose não é uma doença de declaração obrigatória, os casos de histoplasmose existentes resultam de diagnósticos clínicos observados no âmbito dos internamentos hospitalares. O número médio de episódios de internamento hospitalar referenciados nos Base de dados de Grupos de Diagnóstico Homogéneo durante o período de 2009 a 2014 foi de 23 episódios/ano. No mesmo período foram descritos na literatura dez casos de Histoplasmose em Portugal, tratando-se sobretudo de apresentações clínicas de interesse científico em que algumas se referem a casos com período de latência de 40 anos após exposição. Apesar de ser considerada uma doença rara na Europa, clínicos e microbiologistas devem estar em alerta e aumentar o seu conhecimento sobre a patogenicidade, os métodos de diagnóstico diferencial, o tratamento e a evolução do padrão epidemiológico desta e de outras infeções fúngicas.
La renovación integral del espacio público y privado de las áreas turísticas maduras se plantea como el elemento de articulación de la política turística. Sin embargo, la experiencia acumulada plantea la necesidad de generar escenarios de buena gobernanza del territorio, en detrimento de la implementación de una estrategia de intervención pública por la vía impositiva de la norma. Para ello, la política pública de las Islas Canarias (España) ha incorporado un singular y novedoso instrumento de ordenación territorial: los “Planes de Modernización, Mejora e Incremento de la Competitividad”. Se trata de planes ad hoc que, con un carácter excepcional, pretenden convertirse en los mecanismos que, vía convenio urbanístico, deben dar cobertura, viabilizar y agilizar la ejecución eficiente de los proyectos de renovación física de los alojamientos turísticos. Sin embargo, la implementación de estos planes no está exenta de complicaciones, las cuales están reduciendo su eficiencia. El principal objetivo de este trabajo es analizar las debilidades y potencialidades de estos instrumentos, susceptibles de ser aplicados a ámbitos turísticos similares.
O iodo é um oligoelemento indispensável para a síntese das hormonas da tiroide. A alimentação é a maior fonte natural de iodo. Assim, o principal objetivo deste trabalho foi a determinação de iodo em alimentos como consumidos e representativos da dieta portuguesa. A metodologia escolhida para a quantificação deste nutriente foi a espectrometria de massa acoplada ao plasma indutivo (ICP-MS). Analisaram-se seis grupos de alimentos: peixes, mariscos e bivalves, leite e derivados, vegetais, fruta e refeições compostas. Os grupos do pescado (peixe, marisco e bivalves) foram os que apresentaram concentrações de iodo mais elevados, com um valor médio de 114 μg/100g. Os laticínios são também uma fonte importante para suprir o aporte diário de iodo (150 μg/dia) apresentado valores médios de 22 μg/100g. Os resultados permitem concluir que em Portugal uma alimentação rica em pescado e lacticínios supre a dose diária recomendada de iodo para um adulto saudável.
Os esteróis desempenham um papel fundamental nos processos fisiológicos de praticamente todos os organismos vivos. O esterol mais abundante nos seres humanos é o colesterol, o qual desempenha uma multiplicidade de funções desde a estrutural à sinalização. A extração e análise de esteróis no plasma é complexa devido à sua insolubilidade, sequestração dentro das lipoproteínas e à grande diferença entre cada tipo de esterol. Os autores apresentam a casuística referentes à análise de 13 esteróis e fitosteróis em plasma e líquido amniótico.
Everyone has a right to health and the State’s duty is to provide it. SUS (unified health system) main principles are universalization, integrality and equality which are based on the decentralization, regionalization and hierarchization directives and shows the importance of a territorial perspective for planning healthcare actions. Decentralization was the strategy chosen to implant SUS, since municipalities were in charge of providing and organizing the municipal healthcare services. Nevertheless regionalization, that’s to say service, institution and practice integration, was not performed satisfactorily, thus jeopardizing the health system decision making process and causing disputes between municipalities over financial resources instead of developing an interdependent and cooperative net. This way, it is important to analyze if health regionalization has a good potential for being used as public governance tool. The present study aims at giving answers to the following research problem: What are the contributions of regionalism to the State of Paraná public governance applied to health? Besides that, it also aims at assessing the State of Parana health regionalization to identify healthcare gaps and help the State actions through public governance principles applied to healthcare. Therefore, the study used a quantitative-qualitative, exploratory and descriptive research, plus secondary data concerning bibliographic and documental research. The present study analyzed the current hospital bed distribution by compared to the ideal distribution allowing the identification of healthcare gaps in the regional healthcare centers, besides considering medical specialties in the State of Paraná. The study conclusion is that health regionalization is an important tool for reducing healthcare gaps concerning hospital beds permitting the use of seven to ten public governance principles applied to healthcare, as established in the present study, and shows health regionalization is an important pubic governance tool.
Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Educação, Programa de Pós-graduação em Educação, 2015.
This report was prepared as part of the Project “Monitoring Influenza vaccine effectiveness during influenza seasons and pandemics in the European Union” and describes the results obtained in Portugal under the Protocol Agreement celebrated between EpiConcept SARL, Paris and National Health Institute Dr. Ricardo Jorge, Lisbon. Data and activities related to the individuals 65 years and more were funded by European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no 634446.
Some sectors in Brazil are earning notoriety in the international market, configuring itself in dynamic areas for the Country. The most typical case is the agribusiness. Rio Grande do Norte state has important role, because 90% of the output of the melon exported by Brazil is produced at Assu/Mossoró. The present work planned to verify the evolution of the culture of the melon produced at Assu/Mossoró area, from 1990 to 2003. Through descriptive research, utilizing the case study and documentary analysis of secondary data this work showed the evolution of the area reaped of melon in the pole Assu/Mossoró, the quantity produced of melon and of the value of the output of the melon between 1990 and 2003. The research verified that all of the factors studied show growth during the analyzed period, showing up the importance of the agribusiness for the region. However the analysis shows the vulnerability of the sector concerning external macroeconomics factors, such as the exchange rates. Showing the importance and/or dependence of the producers for public actions to development of the culture, that might be on areas like infrastructure, economics or taxes