1000 resultados para Periódicos en Antioquia
El interés político de este trabajo investigativo ha sido poner en evidencia y analizar los discursos sociales descalificativos acerca de la homosexualidad masculina en medios escritos de comunicación masiva en dos estudios de caso: 1963-4 (revista La calle) y 2009 (dos periódicos de difusión nacional y en la red social satelital) como límites del derecho al ejercicio político democrático. Situación que se debe a la violencia, la desigualdad política, la desprotección social y civil que han padecido los varones homosexuales _o quienes han sido nombrados como tales_ y la injusta discriminación de la opción sexual, utilizada como mecanismo de desprestigio ético profesional dentro de la contienda política ecuatoriana. Consecuencia de los prejuicios construidos históricamente; los cuales, se han asentado principalmente en las construcciones sociales y culturales que regenta la sociedad ecuatoriana de corte heteropatriarcal cargada de preceptos de matriz judeo cristiana.
La presente investigación analiza la manera cómo tres medios de comunicación impresos del país dieron a conocer en sus publicaciones el incidente suscitado el 29 de marzo de 2013 entre las etnias Waorani y Taromenane. El estudio se centra en dos procesos complementarios: el análisis del discurso realizado a los titulares y lead1; y las vertientes discursivas a través de las cuales la prensa nacional y local redactó los contenidos expuestos. Este trabajo explora los discursos de diario El Comercio y los periódicos locales Semanario Independiente y Espectador Amazónico para entender cómo la prensa participa dentro de un proceso de transmisión de contenidos simbólicos. El estudio se divide en tres capítulos. La intención es responder a la pregunta ¿desde qué estrategias discursivas e ideológicas el diario El Comercio y los periódicos Semanario Independiente y Espectador Amazónico, representaron el conflicto suscitado el 29 de marzo, entre las comunidades Waorani y Taromenane?. El primer capítulo explora el contexto socio histórico que envuelve a las comunidades Waorani y Taromenane. El segundo capítulo examina los factores que permiten la concepción de significados con los que se representa a las dos comunidades de manera semántica. Y cómo estas formas simbólicas son trasladadas a los medios de comunicación y fomentan racismo hacia estas etnias. El tercer capítulo examina el lenguaje con el que los tres medios dieron a conocer el hecho acaecido el 29 de marzo de 2013 entre estas dos comunidades indígenas. Y analiza la ideología que subyace de manera sutil en sus narrativas. El análisis de los titulares y lead parte de los fundamentos teóricos y metodológicos del lingüista Van Dijk y muestra la forma a través de la cual la prensa estereotipo el suceso y fomentó racismo hacia los Waorani y Taromenane. Finalmente, la presente tesis expone unas conclusiones al lector que reflexionan sobre el poder que cumple el lenguaje en la prensa para configurar representaciones sociales, que persiguen sostener creencias, con el fin de legitimidad un determinado orden social.
Current challenges of humanity require a new paradigm for animal production, and invest time and attention to the development of new production techniques that take into account the principles of sustainability and animal welfare science. To do this, we must be committed to promoting animal welfare and health, ensure environmental sustainability, consumer satisfaction and profitability for producers. To change our relationship with animals there is no need for changes in market conditions or large investments, it is enough to know better the needs of the animals we raise, the management system adapted to its characteristics. Even in the most favorable management conditions, on farms that have technological resources and trained personnel, there is much to change, especially in the daily management of the animals. Some of the risks more evident in the traditional systems of beef production are: problems during parturition, morbidity and mortality of calves, lack of shade in the pastures, improper handling of animals, risk of injury, inadequate infrastructure, poor management practices during routine processing (marking, castration, vaccination, dehorning), poor welfare during loading, transport, unloading and slaughter. To remedy this, you can adopt good management practices, which have been shown to reduce risk and improve the welfare of cattle in different stages of the production chain. The objective of this review is to show some of the risks that reduce the welfare of cattle and examples of how the adoption of best management practices impact on improving the productivity of these production systems. Finally, some indicators for assessing welfare in production systems are shown.
This work presents a bibliometric profile of Bioethics Journal according to the following journal databases: MEDLINE, LILACS, The Philosopher' s Index, Ulrich's, SciELO and Qualis classification system (Brazil). We found that: from 38 titles indexed in MEDLINE, 25 (66%) still exist; the country with the highest number is the U. S. A (36%); most Bioethics journals appeared in the 1990's (47%), and 36% have less than 10 years of existence. From those that disappeared (34%), the average survival time was about 4 years. There are only 12 countries with indexed journals. In Brazil, from 3 Bioethics journals, only one is (partially) indexed. English is the preponderant language (45%). Only 3% of journals are monthly. LILACS has two additional publications (Acta Bioethica, Chile, and Revista Latino Americana, Colombia). SciELO has only Acta Bioethica. In Ulrich's database, there are eight additional publications. In "Qualis" classification system there are four journals.
Apresenta um estudo bibliográfico referente ao tema ética e preconceito no âmbito da educação escolar em periódicos nacionais das áreas de educação, psicologia e filosofia a partir da década de 1970 até o ano de 2003. No total, foram categorizados e analisados 570 textos. Constatamos que, especialmente, nas três últimas décadas, houve uma preocupação, por parte dos pesquisadores, com questões éticas e a problemática da diversidade e suas relações com a educação escolar. Percebemos, também, que algumas revistas científicas se destacaram por apresentar um maior número de produções científicas publicadas com o tema e no período que compreende este estudo. Além disso, a maioria dos trabalhos realizou estudos teóricos e pesquisas bibliográficas em detrimento às pesquisas empíricas. Foi elaborado um índice dos textos pesquisados que, juntamente com o material coletado, funcionará como banco de dados para pesquisadores, ligados a diversas áreas do conhecimento, que possuam interesse em estudar o tema ética e preconceito e seus diversos subtemas.
The bovine Herpesvirus type 1 and type 5 (BoHV-1 and BoHV-5), causing diseases and significant economic losses in farms of worldwide. Both affect the nervous system of cattle, although BoHV-5 has been the most associated with this type of pathogenesis. Given the death of animals with nervous symptoms and negative diagnoses for rabies virus in the area of study, this research focused on the detection of positive reactors to bovine herpes virus serum neutralization. We collected 518 blood samples from animals without Herpesvirus vaccine, in the municipalities of Caparrapi, Cimitarra, Honda and Victoria, in the Middle Magdalena River Region. In addition, epidemiological information useful to discuss neurological disease was collected through primary and secondary sources. For the analysis of data was used chi-square test by identification of relationship between evidence of viral infection and the variables recorded. The results revealed that 286 cases were positive for Herpesvirus infection, corresponding to a prevalence of 55.5%, however, there was no statistical relationship (p < 0.05) between the presence of antibodies and the variables analyzed. In conclusion, some cases of neurological disease in cattle in this region could be due to infection with herpes viruses. We discussed about the presence of BoHV-1 and BoHV-5 in the ambient, diagnosis and monitoring plans, as well as economic losses, which may cause in herds in this area.
Objetive. To estimate the heritability of interval calving in crossbred cattle. Materials and methods. Information from database of La Leyenda farm, in the municipality of Caucasia (Antioquia) was used. A single-trait animal model was used, that included genetic group, year of birth, season of birth and the number of calvings as fixed effects and the additive direct genetic, permanent environmental and residual as random effects. Results. The heritability estimated was 0.15 +/- 0.07 and the phenotypic mean was 544 +/- 97 days. Conclusions. The heritability for the interval between calvings was low, indicating that little genetic progress can be achieved by selecting for this characteristic.
Non-linear mathematical functions proposed by Brody, Gompertz, Richards, Bertalanffy and Verhulst were compared in several buffalo production systems in Colombia. Herds were located in three provinces: Antioquia, Caldas, and Cordoba. Growth was better described by the curves proposed by Brody and Gompertz. Using the datasets from herds from Caldas, heritabilities for traits such as weaning weight (WW), weight and maturity at one year of age (WY and MY, respectively), age at 50% and 75% of maturity (A50% and A75%, respectively), adult weight (β0), and other characteristics, were also estimated. Direct and maternal heritabilities for WW were 0.19 and 0.12, respectively. Direct heritabilities for WY, MY, A50%, A75% and β0 were 0.39, 0.15, 0.09, 0.20 and 0.09, respectively. The genetic correlation for β0 and WY was -0.47, indicating that selection for heavy weight at one year of age will lead to lower weight at adult age. These data suggest that selection based on maturity traits can generate changes in characteristics of economic importance in beef-type buffalo farms. © 2012 Universidad de Antioquia.
Incluye Bibliografía
Incluye Bibliografía
En ediciones anteriores de este informe, el año que figuraba en el título correspondía a aquel para el que se presentaban los datos. A partir de ahora, y para alinearse con el resto de los informes periódicos de la CEPAL, el informe llevará en el título el año en el que se publica. Esto significa que no existe la edición 2014 de esta publicación.
The concept of ontoloy as a tool for knowledge organization and representation, which is not yet stable, is analyzed in two spanish journals of information science, namely “Scire: representación y organización del conocimiento” and “Ibersid: revista de sistemas de información y documentación”, both published by the University of Zaragoza. The term "ontology" and its variations were searched in the fields of title, keywords and abstract. A corpus of eighteen articles was obtained. The approaches to ontologies were classified into four categories of analysis: conceptualization, comparison, application and new applications. It was observed that the way which the concept of ontologies is treated in both periodicals is in consonance with their editorial policies. The term ontology is suffering a process of meta-terminologization, from the field of philosophy towards information science, a fact that deserves further and more vertical studies.
The professional development of teachers to work with children with disabilities is a recurring theme in the literature, as it is one of the keys to effective educational inclusion. However, studies carried out so far have mainly focused on training elementary school teachers. Given this context, this study sought to investigate: the occurrence of articles whose main objective is professional development for teachers of early childhood education to work with children with disabilities; and the methodology used in the professional development programs assessed by those papers. Articles published from 1990 to 2012, in the following journals, were analyzed: Educação e Pesquisa (USP), Revista Psicologia Escolar e Educacional, Pro-Posições (Unicamp), Revista Brasileira de Educação Especial e Revista Educação Especial (UFSM). After selecting the journals, the titles of all articles published within the period considered were read. Articles deemed relevant articles were read in full, and analyzed, according to the purposes of this research. The results indicated that within the period considered, and based on the journals chosen for investigation, there were no specific articles on the subject directly, although there have been articles that touch on the issue. This literature review emphasizes the importance of expanding research on the subject, in order to widen knowledge in the area, especially knowledge aimed at contributing to early childhood education and the professional development of its teachers.
Identidade das Ciências Humanas e métricas de avaliação: qualis periódicos e classificação de livros
This article aims to discuss the evaluation metrics adopted by Capes in the evaluation process of national graduate programs in the field of the Human Sciences, especially with respect to the classifications of scientific journals and books.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)