938 resultados para Palos Hills


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Se presentan los resultados del comportamiento de la red de arrastre pelágico modelo alemán Engel 988/400 utilizada para la evaluación de los recursos pelágicos anchoveta (Engraulis ringens), sardina (Sardinops sagax sagax), jurel (Trachurus picturatus murphyi), caballa (Scomber japonicus peruanus) y samasa (Anchoa nasus) durante el Crucero Hidroacústico 9803-05 a bordo del BIC Humboldt entre Caleta La Cruz, Tumbes y Los Palos, Tacna, del 20 de marzo al 7 de mayo 1998. Se determinó la distancia entre puertas, el área de la boca de la red y el volumen de agua filtrada que tuvo la red en los arrastres efectivos de una milla náutica de distancia durante los 144 lances de comprobación, obteniéndose un buen rendimiento; se capturó un total de 39.912,14 kg, correspondiendo para anchoveta 16.838,15 kg, sardina 6.800,74 kg, jurel 1.384 kg, caballa 1.404,58 kg, samasa 8.071,8 kg y otros recursos hidrobiológicos 5.413,48 kg, con un índice de captura (CPUE) de 788,79 kg/h. Los valores de datos de comportamiento de la red como la abertura horizontal de la boca, abertura vertical, profundidad de la red y distancia entre la relinga inferior al fondo, etc., se obtuvo en forma directa por medio de una net sonda FS 900 SIMRAD, los arrastres tuvieron en promedio una duración de de 20,8 minutos con una velocidad de arrastre promedio de 3 nudos.


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Se efectuaron mediciones de TS (Fuerza de Blanco, Target Strenght) durante los 108 lances de comprobación de ecotrazos realizados por el BIC Humboldt en el marco del Crucero 9808-09 de Evaluación Hidroacústica de Recursos Pelágicos. Se consideran para el análisis únicamente aquellos lances donde más del 90% de la captura perteneció a una sola especie. Los factores b20 de la ecuación de TS (TS=20 log L - b20) que han sido determinados, las cuales deberán ser considerados como provisionales, son las siguientes: Pez cinta (Trichiurus lepturus) = 70,95 (120 kHz); Vinciguerria o pez linterna (Vinciguerria lucetia pacifici) = 83,29 (120 kHz); Samasa (Anchoa nasus) = 86,57 (120 kHz); Caballa (Scomber japonicus) = 83,09 (120 kHz); Pez cinta (Trichiurus lepturus) = 71,41 (38 kHz); y Vinciguerria o pez linterna (Vinciguerria lucetia pacifici)= 82,04 (38kHz).


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Describe los cambios en la distribución, estructura por tamaños y estructura de la biomasa de los principales recursos pelágicos. La biomasa de anchoveta continúa en bajos niveles y su disminución está altamente correlacionada con el incremento de la salinidad y los bajos volúmenes de plancton. Otros recursos mesopelágicos y demersales como, vinciguerria, falso volador, y bagre han incrementado sus biomasas. El porcentaje de juveniles de la mayoría de recursos pesqueros se ha incrementado notablemente, indicándonos que se encuentran en proceso de renovación total de sus poblaciones. Las tallas de anchoveta mostraron un cambio significativo respecto a los cruceros anteriores, con predominio de ejemplares pequeños de talla modal en 6,15 cm, mientras que en sardina, jurel y caballa persiste la incidencia de buenos reclutamientos. En el aspecto reproductivo destaca la continuidad del proceso reproductivo de anchoveta iniciado en otoño de 1998, coincidente con el inicio del periodo post-niño. Se incluyen además algunas notas sobre distribución de cefalópodos.


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Se analizaron 538 estómagos de anchoveta, colectados entre el 24 de agosto y 17 de setiembre de 1998. La anchoveta se alimentó principalmente de copépodos y eufaúsidos y en menor cantidad de diatomeas y dinoflagelados. La similitud alimentaria latitudinal fue significativa entre las zonas 11°02 'S y 15°59 'S, basada en el alto consumo de organismos zooplanctónicos. La ración diaria de alimentación ha disminuido en 26,6% y se ha incrementado en 22,4% respecto a la obtenida en los cruceros 9709-10 y 9803-05. Estos cambios dependerían de las condiciones ambientales propiciadas por El Niño 1997-98


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Se colectaron muestras de zooplancton con red Hensen, en la columna de 0 a 50 metros, a lo largo del litoral peruano y hasta fuera de las 100 millas, con la finalidad de determinar la composición, distribución y abundancia del ictioplancton y verificar el desove de las especies pelágicas de mayor importancia en la pesca. Los resultados permitieron corroborar los cambios producidos en esta componente del ecosistema por efectos del fenómeno El Niño. Se verificó el desove de anchoveta Engraulis ringens de característica muy diferentes a las observadas en años precedentes, para el mismo periodo de estudio, en los cuales os huevos y larvas de esta especie cubrían todo el litoral, con varios núcleos de concentración.


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Describe la distribución de abundancia de diversos recursos pelágicos y demersales: anchoveta (Engraulis ringens), sardina (Sardinops sagax), jurel (Trachurus picturatus murphyi), caballa (Scomber japonicus peruanus), samasa (Anchoa nasus), Vinciguerria lucetia, falso volador (Prionotus stephanophrys), bagre (Galeichthys peruvianus), pez cinta (Trichiurus lepturus) y múnida (Pleuroncodes monodon). Como plataformas de muestreo en el Cr. 9808-09, se utilizaron: para la zona Paita al Callao: el BIC Humboldt y la lancha IMARPE IV; y para la zona Los Palos (Tacna) al Callao, el BIC José Olaya Balandra y la lancha IMARPE V. Para la distribución de abundancia se utilizaron las ecosondas científicas SIMRAD EK 500 con frecuencias de 38 y 120 kHz de ambos buques, en un rango de detección de 3,5 a 400 m de profundidad, distribuidos en nueve capas de integración. Para el muestreo acústico se utilizó una grilla sistemática paralela con una separación de 12 mn entre cada transecto; se realizaron en total 352 laces de pesca. Las áreas de distribución de cada recurso se determinaron mediante un programa de software de interpolación de datos.


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Los resultados del Crucero 9902-03 de Evaluación Hidroacústica de los Recursos Pelágicos: anchoveta (Engraulis ringens), sardina (Sardinops sagax sagax), jurel (Trachurus picturatus murphyi), caballa (Scomber japonicus) y samasa (Anchoa nasus), a bordo del BIC José Olaya Balandra, entre Zorritos (Tumbes) y Los Palos (Tacna), del 10 de febrero al 1 de abril 1999, muestran que la red de arrastre pelágica 124/1800 tuvo una buena eficiencia y comportamiento en 168 lances de comprobación. Se obtuvo una captura total de 57.032,55 kg; correspondieron a la anchoveta 36.902,6 kg; sardina 302,6 kg; jurel 43,9 kg; caballa 1.256,3 kg; samasa 3.160,8 kg y otros recursos 15.366,35 kg. El índice de captura total (CPUE) fue de 1.035,07 kg/h ejerciendo mayor esfuerzo en la anchoveta con 669,74 kg/h. Se determinó que el mayor porcentaje de mezcla de los 153 lances con recursos pelágicos correspondió a la anchoveta con otros recursos a 5 mn de distancia de la costa. Se determinó el área de la boca de la red y el volumen de agua filtrada en una milla náutica de arrastre. Los datos de comportamiento de la red: abertura horizontal de la boca, abertura vertical, profundidad de la red y distancia entre la relinga inferior al fondo, etc., se obtuvieron en forma directa por medio de una net sonda RX 400 SCANMAR interconectada a un sistema de post-procesamiento.


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Los sedimentos submarinos colectados a fines de setiembre 2004 a profundidades <50 m, al sur de la desembocadura del río Sama (18°10’S), fueron predominantemente arenosos (>60%). El mayor contenido de la fracción fina, de limo y arcilla (±35%), se ubicó en las zonas más profundas del área en estudio y en los extremos norte (frente a Cerro Cortado) y al sur (Los Palos), que incluyen también zonas de menor profundidad. En la zona central, la pendiente tiene la mayor inclinación de toda la zona estudiada, y el tamaño promedio del grano del sedimento es más grande; estas condiciones constituyen un reflejo de la mayor energía hidrodinámica que existe. En la zona central también se observa la típica disminución del tamaño de grano, según se incrementa la profundidad y la lejanía de la línea de costa. La distribución de materia orgánica mostró tendencia similar a la de fracción fina, con un máximo de 5,02%.


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Competitividad y valor compartido


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During 1982 and 1983 I studied male attributes and attributes of the territory of male Eastern Meadowlarks (Sturnella magna) in order to determine whether there was a correlation between any of the attributes investigated and the number of females attracted by a male. Seventeen males, nine of which were polygynous and eight monogamous, were studied in 1982 and sixteen males.of which .. seven were polygynous and nine ~onogamous, were studied in 1983. The study was conducted in Short Hills Park, 10 km southwest of St. Catharines, Ontario and was designed to compare two hypotheses: the "sexy son" hypothesis (Weatherhead and Robertson,1977) and the polygyny threshold model (Verner and Willson,1966, Orians, 1969). Male attributes investigated were male size and song behaviour. Six measures of male size were taken: weight, flattened and natural wing chord length, culmen length, bill depth and length of the tarsometatarsus. In 1983 song repertoire size and song versatility measures were investigated. Attributes of the territory studied were: territory size, density of plant stems, percentage plant cover and measures of vegetation structure. In 1983 Arthropods were collected from each territory and sorted according to taxonomic group and size. During 1983, territory attributes were sampled twice, once early and once later in the nesting season. Analysis of data involved univariate comparisons between monogamous and polygynous males using T-tests and multivariate comparisons were made using discriminant function analysis (DFA) and principle components analysis (PCA).No correlations were found between the number of females attracted with, .ny measure of male size or with me, .sures of song versatili or size of song repertoire. Also no correlation was found between terri size and the number of females nesting on a terri . Some attributes of the male's terri id distinguish between monog,mous and po s males of thistudy. Analysis of Arthropod numbers showed that e~ .eran counts were significantly great~r on polygynous territories, a1 the total numb~rs of Arthropods collected showed no s fico .nt differences between territories of monogamous and po males. DFA chose ear teran and Hymenopteran counts as multivariate discriminators; both variables we' e more vegetation revealed that there were no univariate differences between the two groups of males fOT 1982 stem densities, but ~ spp. and Solidago spp. were chosen DFA as multivariate discriminators. The total number of plant stems and of Vicia spp. stems were s ficantly the early 1983 ing on monogamous territories for however DFA found no multivariate discriminators" Variables concerned with the overall aspects of vegetation structure showed significant differences between territories of monogamous and polygynous males. DFA of the 1982 sampling of vegetation structure showed significantly greater mat depth and vegetation height on polygynous territories, a finding which was not supported, however, by peA. For the early 1983 sampling period, plant height was greater on polygynous territories. Multivariate analysis identified greater green cover on polygynous territories, greater ground cover on monogamous territories, and greater depth of mat material on monogamous territories as discriminators between territories of monogamous and polygynous males. A DFA on the major variables of the study showed no significant difference between the territories of monogamous and polygynous male Meadowlarks. Of the correlations found, some were for non-prey Arthr~ods, for cover plants with very small samples sizes, or for variables which were greater for monogamous males during one sampling period and polygynous males during the next. While multivariate discriminators were found, peA showed no grouping of monogamous or polygynous males according to any of the variables investigated. On the basis of the univariate and multivariate analysis of major variables, I concluded that there were no correlations between the number of females attracted with male attributes and no unambiguous correlation with attributes of the territory. My study does not unequivocally support either the "sexy son" or the polygyny threshold hypothesis.


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In the literature, introduced taxa are assumed to be present, more abundant, and occupy greater physical space in portions of ecosystems disturbed by human activity. This study tested this principle in two sites, Short Hills provincial Park ("SHU) and Backus Woods ("B~l"). spatial distribution of introduced taxa of vegetation, isopods, and earthworms was determined with the runs test along 300m transects encompassing gradients of anthropogenic disturbance severity. The hypothesis was that introduced taxa would be aggregated along these transects; the null hypothesis was that they would not be aggregated. The null hypothesis was rejected for the introduced taxa as a unit, and vegetation and earthworms individually. Introduced taxa were aggregated along 53.33% (N~30) and 57.14% (N~21) of the transects in SH and BW (respectively). Introduced vegetation (90.00%, N~10 and 100.00%, N~7) and earthworms (50.00%, N~10 and 50.00%, N~8) were also significantly aggregated within the sites. Introduced isopods, however, were not significantly aggregated at either place (20. 00%, N-=10 and 16. 67%, ~J~6). This study demonstrated that introduced taxa are aggregated within ecosystems disturbed by human activity. However, since introduced isopods were not significantly aggregated it was also shown that taxa respond differently.


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Despite the fact that theorization has been established as an important social mechanism in a variety of contexts, little research has explicated how this process works. I argue that theorization entails strategic constructions of history, or rhetorical history, in order to persuade audiences of legitimacy. I examine the role that history plays in actors’ theorizations of the Ontario wine industry as world class. By conducting a rhetorical analysis of the newsletters and websites of Ontario wineries, I find that various themes of history are routinely employed to re-theorize the industry as one that produces world class wines. In general, the findings suggest that the narratives of Ontario wineries tap into global repertoires of fine wine to portray the continuity of current practices with those of Old World winemaking. In addition, wineries sometimes tap into local histories to convey a sense of uniqueness, but they also obscure the history of poor winemaking in the region.


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The Bruce trail is Canada’s longest and oldest continuous footpath. The trail runs along the Niagara Escarpment from Niagara to Tobermory through private and public land. The main trail is 890 km long and the side trails measure 400 km. In 1961, a “Save the Escarpment” conference was held in Hamilton. Gerry Wolfram, a writer for the St. Catharines Standard proposed that a committee be formed to develop a hiking trail. The Peninsula Field Naturalists Club formed a committee and President Bert Lowe contacted landowners along the proposed route to gain permission to cross their properties. Through Bert Lowe’s effort and dedication, the trail was completed in October 1963. The trail was officially opened on May 24th, 1964 in a ceremony at Queenston. The Niagara group joined the Bruce Trail Association in 1968 at which time the Niagara Bruce Trail Club was formed. The Bruce Trail Association is a charitable, membership-based volunteer organization. Their goal is to preserve public access to the Niagara Escarpment while restoring its natural habitat. The head office of the Bruce Trail Association is located in Hamilton, Ontario. The Niagara Bruce Trail Club’s goal is to secure and preserve a natural corridor along the Niagara Escarpment while providing education, awareness, and access for the public and the future. The club has organized many hikes including special hikes such as the one to commemorate the St. Catharines Centennial. The club has also hosted children’s hikes, cross country skiing hikes, wildflower hikes, jogging hikes, snowshoe hikes and bike outings. They hold annual events such as the End to End hike which is a 3 day walk from Grimsby to Queenston and the 30 km Laura Secord hike to commemorate Laura Secord’s famous walk. Charity hikes have also been held for the Heart and Stroke Foundation and the Lung Association as well as other causes. Major changes have taken place along the trail throughout the years, some of these include: a reroute which eliminated the tunnel passage (1976) and a bridge which eliminated the need to walk to Mountain Road to cross the Queen Elizabeth Way (2008). Other major changes and clean-up projects have been undertaken by the club. The Bruce Trail Conservancy (formerly Association) is made up of 9 clubs including: Niagara Bruce Trail Club (Queenston to Grimsby), Iroquia Bruce Trail Club (Grimsby to Kelso), Toronto Bruce Trail Club (Kelso to Cheltenham), Caledon Hills Bruce Trail Club (Cheltenham to Mono Centre), Dufferin Hi-Land Bruce Trail Club (Mono Centre to Lavender), Blue Mountains Bruce Trail Club (Lavender to Craigleath), Beaver Valley Bruce Trail Club (Craigleath to Blantyre), Sydenham Bruce Trail Club (Blantyre to Wiarton) and Peninsula Bruce Trail Club (Wiarton to Tobermory). Sources: http://www.niagarabrucetrail.org/index.html and http://brucetrail.org/


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This collection contains 129 aerial photographs of the Niagara region. The dates vary from 1921-1991, with some photos undated. Some of the areas covered include the Welland Canal, the Queen Elizabeth Way (QEW), Niagara Falls, the Short Hills, and St. Catharines. Most of the photos are black and white.