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Resumen: Se realizaron las experiencias planificadas con el objeto de analizar el comportamiento del catalizador en la columna metálica, para simular condiciones de planta piloto. Se modificaron las masas de catalizador y se realizaron ciclos de adsorción, desorción y readsorción sucesivos sobre una misma muestra, con lo que se determinaron variaciones en la eficiencia del mismo. En otra fase se desarrolló el estudio teórico de la adsorción de O2 y CO2 sobre el mismo sustrato, y el estudio de la cinética de la reacción entre CH4, SO2 y el O2 por medio del programa VASP (Vienna Ab-initio Simulation Package). Se verificó, a través de los datos experimentales y teóricos y en colaboración con el Dr. V. A. Ranea y el Prof. E. E. Mola (INIFTA, UNLP), la presencia de especies sulfito y sulfato sobre la superficie del soporte. Experimentalmente, se observa que la eficiencia de adsorción del catalizador respecto al SO2 es cercana al 100%. Se observa un pico de termodesorción a 1120 K. Luego, se estudió la oxidación de CH4 con SO2. Se observa que hay producción de CO2 desde temperatura inicial, seguida de un aumento en la formación de CO2 hasta 330-340 K. Luego, la producción de CO2 se mantiene aproximadamente constante. Mediante el empleo de la ecuación de Arrhenius y resultados experimentales, se obtuvo la energía de activación de la reacción global, de 7 Kcal/mol. También se observó que el incremento del flujo de SO2 a valores superiores a 200 ml/min no incrementa la cantidad de SO2 retenida en el rango de 923-1023K. Para un incremento de masa de sustrato catalítico de 0,025 a 0,050 g, la masa retenida de SO2 se incrementa un 70,61%. Mediante estudios teóricos, se determinó que la energía de quimisorción del SO2 sobre el Cr2O3 es de -3.09 eV para la configuración más estable.
Resumen: Se propone utilizar un óxido como el Cr2O3 como catalizador ya que se ha determinado anteriormente, en la primera etapa de esta investigación, (“Estudio comparativo de la retención de SO2 sobre óxidos de metales de transición soportados en alúmina”), que la retención de SO2 sobre su superficie es un proceso de quimisorción con formación de especies sulfito superficiales sobre sitios básicos y un proceso de óxido reducción del ión metálico. Apoya este mecanismo el hecho de que la cantidad de SO2 adsorbido es función de la temperatura. La mayor eficiencia del Cr2O3 puede explicarse en base a sus propiedades superficiales, lo cual ha sido utilizado en la segunda etapa de reacción de reducción, ya que se ha completado la etapa inicial de quimisorción. En la segunda etapa de esta investigación (“Estudio de la reacción de reducción de SO2 con CH4 a altas temperaturas sobre catalizador de Cr2O3 soportado en alúmina”), se apuntó al estudio de un nuevo tipo de sinergia entre propiedades ácido-base y propiedades redox en una misma superficie. La tercera etapa apuntó a determinar la influencia que tiene el O2 en este proceso, ya que el O2 se encuentra presente en las chimeneas industriales en las condiciones de reacción entre el SO2 y el CH4, y produce modificaciones en los parámetros de reacción. Se experimentó con diferentes masas de catalizador y flujos de los distintos gases, y se estudió la influencia de la presencia de oxígeno en la reacción y particularmente con diferentes flujos del mismo, y la posibilidad de regeneración del catalizador.En esta cuarta y última etapa se están estudiando los cambios que se producen en la reacción al pasar de escala laboratorio a planta piloto utilizando una columna de mayor diámetro construída en metal. A través de los datos experimentales se está estudiando, en conjunto con el INIFTA, la presencia de especies sulfito y sulfato sobre la superficie del soporte. Adicionalmente, por medio del programa VASP (Vienna Ab-initio Simulation Package), se analiza la interacción entre los reactivos gaseosos y el soporte.
[ES] Cada vez son más numerosos los programas de fidelización que ofrecen al titular la posibilidad de comprar puntos o conseguir premios, viajes o billetes aéreos pagando una parte de los mismos con dinero. Dicha característica, unida a la propia estructura y dinámica de los programas de fidelización y a la actual coyuntura del sector turístico, ha permitido desarrollar plataformas de venta directa desde las que ofrecer servicios a los titulares.
Barnacle cement is an underwater adhesive that is used for permanent settlement. Its main components are insoluble protein complexes that have not been fully studied. In present article, we chose two proteins of barnacle cement for study, 36-KD protein and Mrcp-100K protein. In order to investigate the characteristic of above two proteins, we introduced the method of molecular modeling. And the simulation package GROMACS was used to simulate the behavior of these proteins. In this article, before the simulations, we introduce some theories to predict the time scale for polymer relaxation. During the simulation, we mainly focus on two properties of these two proteins: structural stability and adhesive force to substrate. First, we simulate the structural stability of two proteins in water, and then the stability of 36-KD protein in seawater environment is investigated. We find that the stability varies in the different environments. Next, to study adhesive ability of two proteins, we simulate the process of peeling the two proteins from the substrate (graphite). Then, we analyze the main reasons of these results. We find that hydrogen bonds in proteins play an important role in the protein stability. In the process of the peeling, we use Lennard-Jones 12-6 potential to calculate the van der Waals interactions between proteins and substrate.
Case study on how Furness College are collaborating with BAE Systems to co-develop an interactive learning package to support the delivery of the performing engineering operations qualification.
El Cine Digital es aquel que utiliza la tecnología digital para grabar, distribuir y proyectar películas. En los años 90, el cine comenzó un proceso de transición, del soporte fílmico a la tecnología digital. Pero el salto definitivo se dio con las grandes superproducciones de principios del 2000. Con este cambio de era y debido a la rápida difusión del digital y la proliferación de formatos se creo el DCI (Digital Cinema Initiative), para cambiar el modo en que las personas consumen cine. Trabajando junto con los miembros del comité SMPTE (Organización americana encargada de crear los estándares de la industria audiovisual formada por ingenieros, técnicos y fabricantes) publicó un sistema de especificaciones que han adoptado las mayores productoras estadounidenses. Mediante este acuerdo, aseguraban la calidad técnica de las producciones, la compatibilidad entre sistemas y como no, su hegemonía particular. Entre las especificaciones técnicas que suscribieron que son la base actual del DCI figuran la resolución de fotograma, el espacio de color, la compresión de imagen, la encriptación y el método de empaquetado de archivos. Y hoy en día son un estándar en la masterización, distribución y en la proyección final en las salas de cine. Una de las grandes esperanzas que hay puestas en la tecnología digital es la democratización en el mundo del cine y la supuesta abolición de las barreras económicas a la hora de realizar películas, dado lo barato que puede resultar la grabación digital y la posibilidad de pasar el material a video y editarlo en un ordenador domestico. Independientemente de los sistemas de edición que se utilicen, el formato de archivo o incluso el códec usado, los servidores de cine digital solo aceptan un tipo de archivo llamado DCP (Digital Cinema Package). Hay que aclarar que el DCP es abierto, documentado y que esta basado en los estándares SMPTE. Por lo tanto, existen en el mercado actual herramientas de software libre que permiten crear un DCP válido según las normas del DCI y compatible con los actuales servidores de cine digital. El propósito de este proyecto principalmente es documentar desde un punto de vista técnico la creación de un archivo DCP y analizar las diferentes herramientas existentes en el mercado para poder realizarlo: tanto las de uso comercial, como las de software libre. Como base se partirá de las aplicaciones creadas por la empresa alemana Fraunhofer (EasyDCP Creator, Player) - es el software utilizado en el estudio REC - y de otras herramientas más rudimentarias y escritas en C++ como (asdcplib) de Cinecert.
The present thesis is focuses on the problem of Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping (SLAM) using only visual data (VSLAM). This means to concurrently estimate the position of a moving camera and to create a consistent map of the environment. Since implementing a whole VSLAM system is out of the scope of a degree thesis, the main aim is to improve an existing visual SLAM system by complementing the commonly used point features with straight line primitives. This enables more accurate localization in environments with few feature points, like corridors. As a foundation for the project, ScaViSLAM by Strasdat et al. is used, which is a state-of-the-art real-time visual SLAM framework. Since it currently only supports Stereo and RGB-D systems, implementing a Monocular approach will be researched as well as an integration of it as a ROS package in order to deploy it on a mobile robot. For the experimental results, the Care-O-bot service robot developed by Fraunhofer IPA will be used.
Support in R for state space estimation via Kalman filtering was limited to one package, until fairly recently. In the last five years, the situation has changed with no less than four additional packages offering general implementations of the Kalman filter, including in some cases smoothing, simulation smoothing and other functionality. This paper reviews some of the offerings in R to help the prospective user to make an informed choice.
This Alliance for Coastal Technologies (ACT) workshop was convened to assess the availability and state of development of conductivity-temperature sensors that can meet the needs of coastal monitoring and management communities. Rased on the discussion, there are presently a number of commercial sensor options available, with a wide range of package configurations suitable for deployment in a range of coastal environments. However, some of the central questions posed in the workshop planning documents were left somewhat unresolved. The workshop description emphasized coastal management requirements and, in particular, whether less expensive, easily deployed, lower-resolution instruments might serve many management needs. While several participants expressed interest in this class of conductivity-temperature sensors, based on input from the manufacturers, it is not clear that simply relaxing the present level of resolution of existing instruments will result in instruments of significantly lower unit cost. Conductivity-temperature sensors are available near or under the $1,000 unit cost that was operationally defined at the workshop as a breakpoint for what might be considered to be a "low cost" sensor. For the manufacturers, a key consideration before undertaking the effort to develop lower cost sensors is whether there will be a significant market. In terms of defining "low cost," it was also emphasized that the "life cycle costs" for a given instrument must be considered (e.g., including personnel costs for deployment and maintenance). An adequate market survey to demonstrate likely applications and a viable market for lower cost sensors is needed. Another topic for the workshop was the introduction to the proposed ACT verification for conductivity-temperature sensors. Following a summary of the process as envisioned by ACT, initial feedback was solicited. Protocol development will be pursued further in a workshop involving ACT personnel and conductivity-temperature sensor manufacturers.[PDF contains 28 pages]
The co-organized Alliance for Coastal Technologies (ACT) and National Data Buoy Center (NDBC) Workshop "Meteorological Buoy Sensors Workshop" convened in Solomons, Maryland, April 19 to 21,2006, sponsored by the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science (UMCES) Chesapeake Bay Laboratory (CBL), an ACT partner institution. Participants from various sectors including resource managers and industry representatives collaborated to focus on technologies and sensors that measure the near surface variables of wind speed and direction, barometric pressure, humidity and air temperature. The vendor list was accordingly targeted at companies that produced these types of sensors. The managers represented a cross section of federal, regional and academic marine observing interests from around the country. Workshop discussions focused on the challenges associated with making marine meteorological observations in general and problems that were specific to a particular variable. Discussions also explored methods to mitigate these challenges through the adoption of best practices, improved technologies and increased standardization. Some of the key workshop outcomes and recommendations included: 0cean.US should establish a committee devoted to observations. The committee would have a key role in developing observing standards. The community should adopt the target cost, reliability and performance standards drafted for a typical meteorological package to be used by a regional observing system. A forum should be established to allow users and manufacturers to share best practices for the employment of marine meteorological sensors. The ACT website would host the forum. Federal activities that evaluate meteorological sensors should make their results publicly available. ACT should extend their evaluation process to include meteorological sensors. A follow on workshop should be conducted that covers the observing of meteorological variables not addressed by this workshop. (pdf contains 18 pages)
This paper describes Mateda-2.0, a MATLAB package for estimation of distribution algorithms (EDAs). This package can be used to solve single and multi-objective discrete and continuous optimization problems using EDAs based on undirected and directed probabilistic graphical models. The implementation contains several methods commonly employed by EDAs. It is also conceived as an open package to allow users to incorporate different combinations of selection, learning, sampling, and local search procedures. Additionally, it includes methods to extract, process and visualize the structures learned by the probabilistic models. This way, it can unveil previously unknown information about the optimization problem domain. Mateda-2.0 also incorporates a module for creating and validating function models based on the probabilistic models learned by EDAs.
Attempts to model any present or future power grid face a huge challenge because a power grid is a complex system, with feedback and multi-agent behaviors, integrated by generation, distribution, storage and consumption systems, using various control and automation computing systems to manage electricity flows. Our approach to modeling is to build upon an established model of the low voltage electricity network which is tested and proven, by extending it to a generalized energy model. But, in order to address the crucial issues of energy efficiency, additional processes like energy conversion and storage, and further energy carriers, such as gas, heat, etc., besides the traditional electrical one, must be considered. Therefore a more powerful model, provided with enhanced nodes or conversion points, able to deal with multidimensional flows, is being required. This article addresses the issue of modeling a local multi-carrier energy network. This problem can be considered as an extension of modeling a low voltage distribution network located at some urban or rural geographic area. But instead of using an external power flow analysis package to do the power flow calculations, as used in electric networks, in this work we integrate a multiagent algorithm to perform the task, in a concurrent way to the other simulation tasks, and not only for the electric fluid but also for a number of additional energy carriers. As the model is mainly focused in system operation, generation and load models are not developed.
A three-dimensional MHD solver is described in the paper. The solver simulates reacting flows with nonequilibrium between translational-rotational, vibrational and electron translational modes. The conservation equations are discretized with implicit time marching and the second-order modified Steger-Warming scheme, and the resulted linear system is solved iteratively with Newton-Krylov-Schwarz method that is implemented by PETSc package. The results of convergence tests are plotted, which show good scalability and convergence around twice faster when compared with the DPLR method. Then five test runs are conducted simulating the experiments done at the NASA Ames MHD channel, and the calculated pressures, temperatures, electrical conductivity, back EMF, load factors and flow accelerations are shown to agree with the experimental data. Our computation shows that the electrical conductivity distribution is not uniform in the powered section of the MHD channel, and that it is important to include Joule heating in order to calculate the correct conductivity and the MHD acceleration.
Sustainable aquaculture Contrasting community management and revenue sharing practices of culture-based fisheries in Lao PDR Saphakdy, B., Phomsouvanh, A., Davy, B., Nguyen, T.T.T. and De Silva, S.S.; Floodplain aquaculture in Begumgonj: New horizon for rural livelihoods in Bangladesh Hossain, M. S.; Promoting small-scale inland aquaculture in Papua New Guinea Edwards, P.; Group approach to shrimp farming: The key to sustainability Kumaran, M.; Research and farming techniques Native catfish culture - a technology package for fish farmers Haniffa, M. A.; An assessment on the influence of salinity in the growth of black clam (Villorita cyprinoides) in cages in Cochin estuary with a special emphasis on the impact of Thennermukkom Salinity Barrier Arun, A. U.; Aquatic animal health EUS in Asia and Africa: Stimulus for regional initiatives!!! Mohan, C.V. Marine Finfish Aquaculture Network Offshore opportunities for artisanal aquaculture Stock, C.; Grouper aquaculture in Brazil Sanches, E.G. and Von Seckendorff, R.W. NACA Newsletter