749 resultados para Oligo-microarrays
MYCN oncogene amplification/expression is a feature of many childhood tumors, and some adult tumors, and it is associated with poor prognosis. While MYC expression is ubiquitary, MYCN has a restricted expression after birth and it is an ideal target for an effective therapy. PNAs belong to the latest class of nucleic acid-based therapeutics, and they can bind chromosomal DNA and block gene transcription (anti-gene activity). We have developed an anti-gene PNA that targets specifically the MYCN gene to block its transcription. We report for the first time MYCN targeted inhibition in Rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) by the anti-MYCN-PNA in RMS cell lines (four ARMS and four ERMS) and in a xenograft RMS mouse model. Rhabdomyosarcoma is the most common pediatric soft-tissue sarcoma, comprising two main subgroups [Alveolar (ARMS) and Embryonal (ERMS)]. ARMS is associated with a poorer prognosis. MYCN amplification is a feature of both the ERMS and ARMS, but the MYCN amplification and expression levels shows a significant correlation and are greater in ARMS, in which they are associated with adverse outcome. We found that MYCN mRNA and protein levels were higher in the four ARMS (RH30, RH4, RH28 and RMZ-RC2) than in the four ERMS (RH36, SMS-CTR, CCA and RD) cell lines. The potent inhibition of MYCN transcription was highly specific, it did not affect the MYC expression, it was followed by cell-growth inhibition in the RMS cell lines which correlated with the MYCN expression rate, and it led to complete cell-growth inhibition in ARMS cells. We used a mutated- PNA as control. MYCN silencing induced apoptosis. Global gene expression analysis (Affymetrix microarrays) in ARMS cells treated with the anti-MYCN-PNA revealed genes specifically induced or repressed, with both genes previously described as targets of N-myc or Myc, and new genes undescribed as targets of N-myc or Myc (mainly involved in cell cycle, apoptosis, cell motility, metastasis, angiogenesis and muscle development). The changes in the expression of the most relevant genes were confirmed by Real-Time PCR and western blot, and their expression after the MYCN silencing was evaluated in the other RMS cell lines. The in vivo study, using an ARMS xenograft murine model evaluated by micro-PET, showed a complete elimination of the metabolic tumor signal in most of the cases (70%) after anti-MYCN-PNA treatment (without toxicity), whereas treatment with the mutated-PNA had no effect. Our results strongly support the development of MYCN anti-gene therapy for the treatment of RMS, particularly for poor prognosis ARMS, and of other MYCN-expressing tumors.
In the past decade, the advent of efficient genome sequencing tools and high-throughput experimental biotechnology has lead to enormous progress in the life science. Among the most important innovations is the microarray tecnology. It allows to quantify the expression for thousands of genes simultaneously by measurin the hybridization from a tissue of interest to probes on a small glass or plastic slide. The characteristics of these data include a fair amount of random noise, a predictor dimension in the thousand, and a sample noise in the dozens. One of the most exciting areas to which microarray technology has been applied is the challenge of deciphering complex disease such as cancer. In these studies, samples are taken from two or more groups of individuals with heterogeneous phenotypes, pathologies, or clinical outcomes. these samples are hybridized to microarrays in an effort to find a small number of genes which are strongly correlated with the group of individuals. Eventhough today methods to analyse the data are welle developed and close to reach a standard organization (through the effort of preposed International project like Microarray Gene Expression Data -MGED- Society [1]) it is not unfrequant to stumble in a clinician's question that do not have a compelling statistical method that could permit to answer it.The contribution of this dissertation in deciphering disease regards the development of new approaches aiming at handle open problems posed by clinicians in handle specific experimental designs. In Chapter 1 starting from a biological necessary introduction, we revise the microarray tecnologies and all the important steps that involve an experiment from the production of the array, to the quality controls ending with preprocessing steps that will be used into the data analysis in the rest of the dissertation. While in Chapter 2 a critical review of standard analysis methods are provided stressing most of problems that In Chapter 3 is introduced a method to adress the issue of unbalanced design of miacroarray experiments. In microarray experiments, experimental design is a crucial starting-point for obtaining reasonable results. In a two-class problem, an equal or similar number of samples it should be collected between the two classes. However in some cases, e.g. rare pathologies, the approach to be taken is less evident. We propose to address this issue by applying a modified version of SAM [2]. MultiSAM consists in a reiterated application of a SAM analysis, comparing the less populated class (LPC) with 1,000 random samplings of the same size from the more populated class (MPC) A list of the differentially expressed genes is generated for each SAM application. After 1,000 reiterations, each single probe given a "score" ranging from 0 to 1,000 based on its recurrence in the 1,000 lists as differentially expressed. The performance of MultiSAM was compared to the performance of SAM and LIMMA [3] over two simulated data sets via beta and exponential distribution. The results of all three algorithms over low- noise data sets seems acceptable However, on a real unbalanced two-channel data set reagardin Chronic Lymphocitic Leukemia, LIMMA finds no significant probe, SAM finds 23 significantly changed probes but cannot separate the two classes, while MultiSAM finds 122 probes with score >300 and separates the data into two clusters by hierarchical clustering. We also report extra-assay validation in terms of differentially expressed genes Although standard algorithms perform well over low-noise simulated data sets, multi-SAM seems to be the only one able to reveal subtle differences in gene expression profiles on real unbalanced data. In Chapter 4 a method to adress similarities evaluation in a three-class prblem by means of Relevance Vector Machine [4] is described. In fact, looking at microarray data in a prognostic and diagnostic clinical framework, not only differences could have a crucial role. In some cases similarities can give useful and, sometimes even more, important information. The goal, given three classes, could be to establish, with a certain level of confidence, if the third one is similar to the first or the second one. In this work we show that Relevance Vector Machine (RVM) [2] could be a possible solutions to the limitation of standard supervised classification. In fact, RVM offers many advantages compared, for example, with his well-known precursor (Support Vector Machine - SVM [3]). Among these advantages, the estimate of posterior probability of class membership represents a key feature to address the similarity issue. This is a highly important, but often overlooked, option of any practical pattern recognition system. We focused on Tumor-Grade-three-class problem, so we have 67 samples of grade I (G1), 54 samples of grade 3 (G3) and 100 samples of grade 2 (G2). The goal is to find a model able to separate G1 from G3, then evaluate the third class G2 as test-set to obtain the probability for samples of G2 to be member of class G1 or class G3. The analysis showed that breast cancer samples of grade II have a molecular profile more similar to breast cancer samples of grade I. Looking at the literature this result have been guessed, but no measure of significance was gived before.
Theory of aging postulates that aging is a remodeling process where the body of survivors progressively adapts to internal and external damaging agents they are exposed to during several decades. Thus , stress response and adaptation mechanisms play a fundamental role in the aging process where the capability of adaptating effects, certainly, also is related the lifespan of each individual. A key gene linking aging to stress response is indeed p21, an induction of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor which triggers cell growth arrest associated with senescence and damage response and notably is involved in the up-regulation of multiple genes that have been associated with senescence or implicated in age-related . This PhD thesis project that has been performed in collaboration with the Roninson Lab at Ordway Research Institute in Albany, NY had two main aims: -the testing the hypothesis that p21 polymorphisms are involved in longevity -Evaluating age-associated differences in gene expression and transcriptional response to p21 and DNA damage In the first project, trough PCR-sequencing and Sequenom strategies, we we found out that there are about 30 polymorphic variants in the p21 gene. In addition, we found an haplotpype located in -5kb region of the p21 promoter whose frequency is ~ 2 fold higher in centenarians than in the general population (Large-scale analysis of haplotype frequencies is currently in progress). Functional studies I carried out on the promoter highilighted that the ―centenarian‖ haplotype doesn’t affect the basal p21 promoter activity or its response to p53. However, there are many other possible physiological conditions in which the centenarian allele of the p21 promoter may potentially show a different response (IL6, IFN,progesterone, vitamin E, Vitamin D etc). In the second part, project #2, trough Microarrays we seeked to evaluate the differences in gene expression between centenarians, elderly, young in dermal fibroblast cultures and their response to p21 and DNA damage. Microarray analysis of gene expression in dermal fibroblast cultures of individuals of different ages yielded a tentative "centenarian signature". A subset of genes that were up- or downregulated in centenarians showed the same response to ectopic expression of p21, yielding a putative "p21-centenarian" signature. Trough RQ-PCR (as well Microarrays studies whose analysis is in progress) we tested the DNA damage response of the p21-centenarian signature genes showing a correlation stress/aging in additional sets of young and old samples treated with p21-inducing drug doxorubicin thus finding for a subset of of them , a response to stress age-related.
Anhidrotic Ectodermal Dysplasia (EDA), is the most frequent form among Ectodermal Dysplasias, hereditary genetic disorders causing ectodermal appendages defective development. Indeed, EDA is characterized by defective formation of hair follicles, sweat glands and teeth both in human patients and animals. EDA, the gene mutated in Anhidrotic Ectodermal Dysplasia, encodes Ectodysplasin, a TNF family member that activates NF-kB mediated transcription. This disease can occur with mutations in other EDA-NF-kB pathway members, as EDA receptor, EDAR and its adapter, EDARADD. Moreover, mutations in TRAF6, NEMO, IKB and NF-kBs genes are responsible for Immunodeficiency associated EDA (EDA-ID). Several molecules, as SHH, WNT/DKK, BMP and LTβ, have already been reported to be EDA pathway regulators or effectors although the knowledge of the full spectrum of EDA targets remains incomplete. During the first part of the research project a gene expression analysis was performed in primary keratinocytes from Wild-type and Tabby (EDA model mouse) mice to identify novel EDA target genes. Earlier expression profiling at various developmental time points in Tabby and Wild-type mouse skin reported genes differentially expressed in the two samples and, to increase the resolution to find genes whose expression may be restricted to epidermal cells, the study was extended to primary keratinocyte cultures established from E19 Wild-type and Tabby skin. Using microarrays bearing 44,000 gene probes, we found 385 “preliminary candidate” genes whose expression was significantly affected by Eda defect. By comparing expression profiles to those from Eda-A1 (where Eda-A1 is highly expressed) transgenic skin, we restricted the list to 38 “candidate EDA targets”, 14 of which were already known to be expressed in hair follicles or epidermis. This work confirmed expression changes for 3 selected genes, Tbx1, Bmp7, and Jag1, both in primary keratinocytes and in Wild-type and Tabby whole skin, by Q-PCR and Western blotting analyses. Thus, this study detected novel candidate pathways downstream of EDA. In the second part of the research project, plasmid constructs were produced and analyzed to create a transgenic mouse model for Immunodeficiency associated EDA disease (XL-EDA-ID). In particular, plasmids containing mouse Wild-type and mutated Nemo cDNA under K-17 epidermis-specific promoter control and a Flag tag, were prepared, on the way to confine transgene expression to mice epidermis and to determine EDA phenotype without immunodeficiency for a comparison to Tabby model phenotype. EDA-ID mutations reported in patients and selected for this study are: C417R (C409R in mouse), causing Zinc Finger protein domain destabilization and A288G (A282G in mouse) affecting oligomerization of the protein. Moreover, the ex-novo mutation, ZnF, C-terminal Zinc Finger domain deletion, was tested. Thus, the constructs were analyzed by transient transfection, Western blotting and luciferase assays techniques, detecting Nemo Wild-type and mutant protein products and residue NF-kB activity in presence of mutants, after TNF stimulation. In particular, MEF_Nemo-/- cell line was used to monitor NF-kB activity without endogenous Nemo gene. Results show reduced NF-kB activity in presence of mutated Nemo forms compared to Wild-type: 81% for A282G (A288G in human); 24% for C409R (C417R in human); 15% for ZnF. C409R mutation (C417R in human), reported in 6 EDA-ID human patients, was selected to prepare transgenic model mouse. Mice (white, FVP) born following K17-promoter-Flag-Nemo_C409R plasmid region pronuclear injection, were analyzed for the transgene presence in the genotype and a preliminar examination of their phenotype was performed. In particular, one mouse showed considerable coat defects if compared to Wild-type mice. This preliminar analysis suggests a possible influence of Nemo mutant over-expression in epidermis without immunodeficiency. Still, more microscopic studies to analyze hair subtypes, Guard, Awl and Zigzag (usually alterated inTabby mouse model), Immunohistochemistry experiments to detect epidermis restricted Nemo expression and sweat glands analysis, will follow. This and other transgene positive mice will be crossed with black mice C57BL6 to obtain at least two indipendent agouti lines to analyze. Theses mice will be used in EDA target genes detection through microarrays. Following, plasmid constructs containing other Nemo mutant forms (A282G and ZnF) might be studied by the same experimental approaches to prepare more transgenic model mice to compare to Nemo_C409R and Tabby mouse models.
A systematic characterization of the composition and structure of the bacterial cell-surface proteome and its complexes can provide an invaluable tool for its comprehensive understanding. The knowledge of protein complexes composition and structure could offer new, more effective targets for a more specific and consequently effective immune response against a complex instead of a single protein. Large-scale protein-protein interaction screens are the first step towards the identification of complexes and their attribution to specific pathways. Currently, several methods exist for identifying protein interactions and protein microarrays provide the most appealing alternative to existing techniques for a high throughput screening of protein-protein interactions in vitro under reasonably straightforward conditions. In this study approximately 100 proteins of Group A Streptococcus (GAS) predicted to be secreted or surface exposed by genomic and proteomic approaches were purified in a His-tagged form and used to generate protein microarrays on nitrocellulose-coated slides. To identify protein-protein interactions each purified protein was then labeled with biotin, hybridized to the microarray and interactions were detected with Cy3-labelled streptavidin. Only reciprocal interactions, i. e. binding of the same two interactors irrespective of which of the two partners is in solid-phase or in solution, were taken as bona fide protein-protein interactions. Using this approach, we have identified 20 interactors of one of the potent toxins secreted by GAS and known as superantigens. Several of these interactors belong to the molecular chaperone or protein folding catalyst families and presumably are involved in the secretion and folding of the superantigen. In addition, a very interesting interaction was found between the superantigen and the substrate binding subunit of a well characterized ABC transporter. This finding opens a new perspective on the current understanding of how superantigens are modified by the bacterial cell in order to become major players in causing disease.
Introduction. Ectodermal Dysplasias are a heterogeneous group of inherited disorders characterized by dysplasia of tissues of ectodermal origin (hair, nails, teeth, skins and glands). Clinically, it may be divided into two broad categories: the X-linked hypoidrotic form and the hidrotic form. Hypohidrotic Ectodermal Dysplasia (H.E.D) is characterized by the triad oligo-anodontia, hypotricosis, hypo-anhydrosis (Christ-Siemens-Tourane syndrome). The incidence of HED is about 1/100,000. Mutation in the actodysplasin-A (EDA) and ectodysplasin-A receptor (EDAR) genes are responsible for X-linked and autosomal HED. The clinical features include sparse, fine hair, missing or conical-shaped teeth, decreased sweat and mucous glands, hypoplastic skin, and heat intolerance with exercise or increased ambient temperature. Complete or partial anodontia and malformation of teeth are the most frequent dental findings. Incisors and canines are often conical-shaped while primarily second molars, if present, are mostly affected by taurodontism. Treatment is supportive and includes protection from heat exposure, early prosthetic rehabilitation, skin, hair ear, nose and nail care, and genetic counseling for family planning. The diagnosis of HED in the neonatal and early infancy period may be difficult since sparse hair and absent teeth are normal finding at this age. In childhood the diagnosis is more easily made on the basis of history and clinical examination. Dental abnormalities are the most common complaint. Prosthetic rehabilitation has been recommended as an essential part of the management of HED because is important from functional, esthetic, and psychological standpoint. A team approach that includes input from a pediatric dentist, an orthodontist, a prosthodontist, and an oral and maxillofacial surgeon is necessary for a successful outcome. Conventional prosthodontic rehabilitation in young patient is often difficult because of the anatomical abnormalities of existing teeth and alveolar ridges. The conical shaped teeth and “knife-edge” alveolar ridges result in poor retention and instability of dentures. Moreover, denture must permit jaws expansion and a correct pattern of growth. Materials and Methods. Complete removable dentures were provided to allow for normal physiological development and a corrected masticatory function. Initial maxillary and mandibular impressions were made with smallest stock trays and irreversible hydrocolloid and then final impressions ware made with light-bodied polysulfide rubber base impression material. A base of autopolymerizing resin was constructed and a wax rim was added to the base. The patient’s vertical dimension of occlusion was established by assessing phonetic and esthetic criteria. Preliminary occlusal relations were recorded, and the mandibular cast was mounted on the articulator. Acrylic resin teeth specific for children dentures were selected and mounted. The dentures were tried in and, after proper adjustments, were inserted. The patients were monitored clinically every month to fit prostheses. Cephalometric radiographs were taken every 6 month with the prostheses in place in order to evaluate correct pattern of growth. Cephalometric measurements were realized and used to evaluate the effect of rehabilitation on craniofacial growth. Cephalometric measurements of sound patients were compared with ED patients. After two month expander screws (three-way screw in the upper denture and two-way the lower one)were inserted in each denture in order to permit the expansion of the denture and the jaws growth. Where conical teeth were present, composite crown were realized and luted to improve the esthetic and phonesis. In order to improve retention the placement of endosseous implants was carried out. TC 3D Accuitomo was performed and a resin model of mandibular bone of the patient was realized. At the age of 11 years two implants were inserted into anterior mandible in a child with anodontia. Despite a remarkable multi-dimensional atrophy of the mandibular alveolar process, the insertion of two tapered screw implants (SAMO Smiler, diameter 3.8, length 10 mm). After a submerged healing period of two-three month, the implants were exposed. Implants were connected with an expansion guide that permits mandibular growth and prosthetic retention. The amount of mandibular growth was also evaluate dusing the expansion guide. Results. Early oral rehabilitation improve oral function, phonesis and esthetic, reducing social impairment. Treated patients showed normal cephalometric measurement. Early rehabilitation is able to prevent the prognatissm of the mandibula . The number of teeth was significantly related to several changes in craniofacial morphology. Discussion. In the present study the 5,3% of ED patients showed hypodontia, the l’89,4% di oligodontia, and the 5,3% di anodontia. The cephalometric analysis supports that ED patients showed midface hypoplasia. ED groups showed an increased pogonion to nasion measurement than sound patients, indicative of class III tendency. The present study demonstrated that number of teeth was significantly correlated with deviation of cephalometric measurements from normality. Oligoanodontia is responsible for changing of cephalometric measuraments also on sagittal plane with a class III tendency. Maxillary jaw showed a retrused position related to the presence of hypodontia.
Squaraine mit ausgedehnter Konjugation: Die vorliegende Arbeit ist in zwei Teilbereiche gegliedert, wobei der erste Teil die Synthese und Eigenschaftsuntersuchung symmetrischer und unsymmetrischer, stilbenoider Squaraine mit ausgedehnter Konjugation (DAD-Systeme) betrifft. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit werden als Modellverbindungen für diese Squaraine Oligo(phenylenvinylen)e (OPVs) mit terminaler Donor-Acceptor-Substitution hergestellt.Es wurden drei unterschiedliche Klassen von konjugationsverlängerten Squarainen synthetisiert: unsymmetrische und symmetrische Monosquaraine sowie Oligosquaraine mit zwei, drei oder vier quarylium-Einheiten. Um eine bessere Löslichkeit zu gewährleisten, tragen die meisten Verbindungen voluminöse, flexible Bis(2-hexyloctyl)amino-Reste. Teilweise konnte die Löslichkeit auch durch zusätzliche Hexylseitenketten noch weiter verbessert werden. Der Aufbau der stilbenoiden Resorcine, die zur Synthese der entsprechenden Squaraine benötigt werden, erfolgte fast ausschließlich über die Wittig-Horner-Reaktion. Die 3,5-Dihydroxysubstitution erhöht die Nucleophilie in der 4-Position, so daß sich die stilbenoiden Resorcine in guten Ausbeuten mit Quadratsäure oder mit einer Semiquadratsäure zu den gewünschten Squarainen kondensieren ließen. Die Herstellung der Donor-Acceptor-substituierten OPVs erfolgte nach einer konvergenten Synthesestrategie, bei der auf eine repetitive Wittig-Horner-Reaktion und eine einfache Schutzgruppentechnik zurückgegriffen wurde. Als Acceptorgruppen dienten Formyl-, Cyano- und Nitrosubstituenten, als Donorgruppe wurden Bis(2-Hexyloctyl)amino-Reste eingesetzt. Die igenschaftsuntersuchungen an den konjugierten Oligomeren konnten zur Aufklärung des ungewöhnlichen spektroskopischen Verhaltens der Squaraine beitragen. Es wurde ein athematischer Ansatz entwickelt, der das Absorptionsverhalten D-A-substituierter Oligo(phenylenvinylen)e exakt beschreiben kann. Semiempirische Rechnungen und elektrooptische bsorptionsmessungen an diesen Verbindungen bestätigten die experimentell gefundenen Trends.
Synthese und Reaktivität styrylsubstituierter p-Benzochinone Oligo- und Poly(1,4-phenylenvinylene) (OPV, PPV) stellen eine für die Materialwissenschaft äußerst interessante Verbindungsklasse dar, die in Form von Halbleitern, Photoleitern, elektrolumineszierenden Systemen und negativen Photoresists breitgefächerte Anwendung findet. Allerdings stellt die Alterung dieser Materialien in Gegenwart von Sauerstoff und anderen Oxidationsmitteln ein signifikantes Problem dar. So wird z. B. die technische Anwendung von Leuchtdioden auf Polymerbasis durch ihre geringe Betriebsdauer eingeschränkt. Als Beitrag zur Untersuchung des oxidativen Abbaus von Poly- bzw. Oligo(p-phenylenvinylenen) [PPV, OPV] wurden verschiedene 2-Styryl-1,4-benzochinone - sowie höhere Oligomere - synthetisiert, die das Strukturelement einer hoch oxidierten Form von OPV's aufweisen. Durch Einführung einer Cyanogruppe an der olefinischen Doppelbindung wurde die Reaktivität der Modellsysteme gezielt beeinflußt. Die 2-Styryl-1,4-benzochinone mit unsubstituierter Doppelbindung dimerisieren in Lösung quantitativ im Sinne von Diels-Alder-Reaktionen zu den entsprechenden Cycloaddukten. Die Dimerisierungen verlaufen chemo-, regio- und stereoselektiv, was sich anhand von Grenzorbital-Betrachtungen erklären läßt.An der Oberfläche von Kieselgel erfolgt eine vollständige Umwandlung der Dimere, deren zwei Hauptprodukte identifiziert werden konnten: Neben Verbindungen, die durch eine intramolekulare [4+2]-Cycloaddition nach erfolgter Dehydrierung / Oxidation gebildet werden, entstehen verschiedene Additionsprodukte der Dimere mit Nucleophilen (Wasser, Ethanol). Cyanosubstitution führt bereits bei den als Vorstufe dienenden Stilbenen zu einer erleichterten (E/Z)-Photoisomerisierung in Lösung, die zu einem photostationären Gleichgewicht führt, welches sich durch einen hohen Anteil der (E)-Konfiguration auszeichnet. Nach erfolgter Oxidation kann ebenfalls eine Dimerisierung beobachtet werden. Bei direkter Nachbarschaft der Cyanogruppe zum Chinonring erfolgt stattdessen ein intramolekularer Ringschluß unter Ausbildung eines Benzofuranderivats.Die beobachtete Reaktivität der synthetisierten Chinonsysteme steht in Einklang mit einem möglichen sekundären Abbaumechanismus, der nach primärer Oxidation zu der Alterung von PPV's beitragen kann.
Recent reports showed that early-interim PET-scan is the only tool predicting treatment outcome in advanced-stage classical Hodgkin lymphoma (asCHL). We evaluated the prognostic impact of a series of immunohistochemical markers, mentioned in literature as prognostic factors, on tissue microarrays assembled from biopsies of 220 patients: STAT1, SAP, TOP2A, PCNA and CD20, both in neoplastic (HRSC) and microenvironment cells (MC); RRM2, MAD2, CDC2, BCL2, P53, BCL11A and EBER in HRSC; ALDH1A1, TIA-1, granzyme B, perforin, FOXP3, and PD-1 in MC. All patients had been treated with standard ABVD ± Rx therapy. Interim-PET after 2 ABVD courses was evaluated according to the criteria indicated by Gallamini in his study (Journal of Clinical Oncology, 2007). The survival analysis has been performed in a subset of 138 patients whose complete clinical information were available: the mean age was 33.3 years (14-79), the stage III-IVB in 98 and IIB in 40, and the mean follow-up 38.1 months (7.6-71.9). Histopathology review showed: NS-I 75, NS-II 22, MC 20, DL 3, and CHL/nos 18 cases. Interim-PET was positive in 30 patients, while treatment failure was recorded in 32. In univariate analysis the factors related to treatment outcome were BCL2 on HRSC (cut-off value 50%), STAT1/SAP on MC, and PET (Log-rank 6.9, 7.9 and 93.9 respectively). The combined expression of STAT1 and SAP was scored in three levels depending on the architectural pattern: score 0 for expression of both with a diffuse/rosetting pattern; score 1 for discordant combination of diffuse/rosetting and scattered patterns; score 2 for both markers with a scattered pattern; the 3y-PFS were 87.4%, 69.9% and 61.9% respectively. In multivariate analysis PET, BCL2 and STAT1/SAP remained significant (HR: 24.8, 4.6, 7.5 and 5.6, respectively; p<.01). The proposed model is able to predict treatment response in AsCHL, even if with a lower efficacy than PET. However, unlike PET, it can be applied upfront therapy.
In dieser Arbeit wurden neue, ionische Oligo- und Poly-thiopene synthetisiert. Diese Verbindungen wurden unterAnwendung der Multischichttechnik von Decher zwei- unddreidimensional strukturiert. Zur Synthese der Verbindungen wurde die Stille-Kupplung vonThiophenbromiden und -zinnorganylen eingesetzt. Als ionischeGruppen fanden Sulfonium- und Phosphoniumsalze Verwendung. Bei optischen Untersuchungen konnte die effektive Kon-jugations länge der Substanzen bestimmt werden. MittelsCyclovoltammetrie wurden ihre Redoxeigenschaften untersucht.Die Polymere wurden mittels GPC, DSC und TGA charak-terisiert. Die Charakterisierung des Polythiophen-Multischichtaufbausdurch UV-Spektroskopie bewies die Gleichförmigkeit desSchichtaufbaus. Der Schichtaufbau unter Verwendung vonBolaamphiphilen verlief ebenfalls erfolgreich. Elektrochemische Untersuchungen an den Multischichtenergaben ein reversibles Verhalten, ebenfalls durchgeführteImpedanz-Messungen bewiesen das reversible Verhalten derRedox-Reaktion. Polyelektrolytschichten wurden ebenfalls auf ionisch imMikrometerbereich vorstrukturierten Substraten aufgebaut, umeine dreidimensionale Struktur zu erhalten. Ionischfunktionalisierte Polymerlatices wurden ebenfalls alsTemplat zum Aufbau dreidimensionaler Strukturen eingesetzt. Es wurden Gelbildner auf Terthiophenbasis synthetisiert,deren Struktur durch Röntgenmessungen untersucht wurde. DerGelbildner konnte ab 4% Massenanteil organische Lösungs-mittel vergelen.
Die Dissertation 'Azobenzol- und Perylendiimid-funktionalisierte Polyphenylen-Dendrimere - Synthese, Charakterisierung und Eigenschaften' gliedert sich in vier Themengebiete. Der erste Abschnitt beschäftigt sich mit der Synthese unterschiedlich dichter Dendrimere um einen Azobenzol-Kern. Einkristallstrukturen und Molekülvisualisierungen verdeutlichen die dreidimensionale Gestalt der Dendrimere. Die Dendrimere zeigen erstmalig eine Abhängigkeit des Isomerisationsverhaltens von der das Chromophor umgebenden Struktur. Der zweite Abschnitt hat Interaktionen von Chromophoren, deren Distanz und Orientierung zueinander gezielt durch einen äußeren Impuls geändert werden können, zum Thema. Die Verbindung von Azobenzol und PMI führt durch deren gegenseitige Beeinflussung zu einem Verlust der charakteristischen Eigenschaften der Chromophore. Eine Oligo-L-Lysinkette, deren Enden mit NMI und PMI funktionalisiert sind, stellt ein FRET-System dar. Distanz und Orientierung der Chromophore zueinander werden durch den mittels TFE induzierten Übergang des Peptids vom Knäuel zur Helix verändert. Der dritte Abschnitt führt die Synthese von PDI-gekernten Dendrimeren durch Substitution in der bay-Region des Chromophors ein. Die Eignenschaften der Verbindungen wurden mittels optischer Methoden und cyclovoltammetrischen Studien untersucht. Weiter wurde die Oberflächenfunktionalisierung mit Aminosäuren und Oligopeptiden zu wasserlöslichen Dendrimeren mit hoher Oberflächenladung verfolgt. Das letzte Kapitel stellt Untersuchungen zur Organisation von Polyphenylen-Dendrimeren auf HOPG vor. Es lassen sich einerseits Nanofasern formieren, andererseits können auch geordnete Mono- und Multilagen erzeugt werden.
Gliomas are the most common primary brain tumours. Despite advances in surgical techniques, postoperative supportive care, radiation and adjuvant systemic therapy, the life expectancy of patients with high grade glioma has remained essentially poor. Furthermore differential diagnosis among astrocytomas, oligodendrogliomas and oligoastrocytomas is very challenging and subject to inter-observer variability. The purpose of the research was: 1) to investigate a series of high grade and low grade gliomas at gene and protein (immunohistochemistry) levels to disclose possible genetic portraits of malignancy; 2) to verify the utility of Nogo-A, Olig-2 and synaptophysin in providing a correct histological diagnosis of oligodendroglioma and to investigate a possible complementary role in selecting the best areas suitable for detecting 1p/19q codeletion using FISH analysis; 3) to study the role of microRNA in high grade gliomas. In order to obtain these goals large series of brain tumors were studied with DNA microarrays, immunohistochemistry and RT-PCR The results demonstrated that: - Overexpression of IGFBP-2 and CDC20 is highly related to glioblastomas and their immunopositivity can be useful for the identification of glioblastoma in small biopsies. - Nogo-A is the most useful and specific marker in differentiating oigodendrogliomas from other gliomas. Furthermore, using a Nogo-A driven FISH analysis, it is possible to identify a larger number of 1p19q codeletions in gliomas. - microRNAs can be studied in paraffin embedded tissues better than in fresh tissues. A series of six microRNA, significatively deregulated in glioblastomas, may represent a genetic signature with prognostic and predictive value and could constitute candidates for novel anti-cancer therapeutics.
Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Synthese arenoanellierter Naphthothiete und Benzobisthiete, sowie mit der Umsetzung der aus diesen Thieten thermisch generierbaren Valenzisomeren (Thiochinonmethide). Diese Thiochinonmethide sind hochreaktive Diensysteme, die mit zahlreichen Dienophilen (homo- und hetero-Doppel- und Dreifachbindungssysteme) nach Diels-Alder abreagieren, die dabei entstehenden S-Heterocyclen können im Sechsring noch weitere Heteroatome (N, P, O, S) enthalten. Daraus resultiert ein großes Potential der Arenothiete zur Synthese neuer Thioheterocyclen. Durch die erstmals gelungene Synthese der beiden Benzobisthiete 2H,3H-Benzo[1,2-b:4,3-b']bisthiet und 1H,4H-Benzo[2,1-b:3,4-b']bisthiet mit gewinkelter Anellierungsgeometrie hat das synthetische Spektrum der aus Arenothieten darstellbaren Thioheterocyclen nochmal eine deutliche Erweiterung erfahren.
Die Darstellung der Arenothiete erfolgt in einer mehrstufigen Synthese, in deren finalem Schritt sie mittels Blitz-Vakuum-Pyrolyse aus Arylhydroxymethylthiolen gebildet werden, dabei wird das Edukt mittels molekularer Strömung in den "Reaktor" eingebracht. Da die Arylhydroxymethylthiole in der Regel nur eine sehr geringe Flüchtigkeit haben, waren die Arenothiete meist nur in geringen Mengen darstellbar. Daher wurde in dieser Arbeit sowohl die Synthese neuer Arenothiete (gewinkelte Benzobisthiete) als auch eine Optimierung der bisherigen Synthesemethode angestrebt; diese erfolgt bevorzugt durch Variation der Pyrolyseedukte in Richtung zu potentiell höherflüchtigen Verbindungen.
Im Rahmen dieser Versuche war die Darstellung zweier Arenothiete ausgehend von cyclischen O,S-Acetalen als alternative Pyrolysevorstufen erfolgreich.
Ein besonderes Interesse speziell an Benzobisthieten begründet sich in ihrer generellen Fähigkeit zum Aufbau von bandartigen Strukturen durch Oligo- und Poly-Diels-Alder-Reaktionen. Durch die Synthese einiger Modellverbindungen konnte ihre prinzipielle Eignung zum Aufbau von Bandstrukturen auch für die beiden Benzobisthiete belegt werden.
The aim of this thesis was to investigate novel techniques to create complex hierarchical chemical patterns on silica surfaces with micro to nanometer sized features. These surfaces were used for a site-selective assembly of colloidal particles and oligonucleotides. To do so, functionalised alkoxysilanes (commercial and synthesised ones) were deposited onto planar silica surfaces. The functional groups can form reversible attractive interactions with the complementary surface layers of the opposing objects that need to be assembled. These interactions determine the final location and density of the objects onto the surface. Photolithographically patterned silica surfaces were modified with commercial silanes, in order to create hydrophilic and hydrophobic regions on the surface. Assembly of hydrophobic silica particles onto these surfaces was investigated and finally, pH and charge effects on the colloidal assembly were analysed. In the second part of this thesis the concept of novel, "smart" alkoxysilanes is introduced that allows parallel surface activation and patterning in a one-step irradiation process. These novel species bear a photoreactive head-group in a protected form. Surface layers made from these molecules can be irradiated through a mask to remove the protecting group from selected regions and thus generate lateral chemical patterns of active and inert regions on the substrate. The synthesis of an azide-reactive alkoxysilane was successfully accomplished. Silanisation conditions were carefully optimised as to guarantee a smooth surface layer, without formation of micellar clusters. NMR and DLS experiments corroborated the absence of clusters when using neither water nor NaOH as catalysts during hydrolysis, but only the organic solvent itself. Upon irradiation of the azide layer, the resulting nitrene may undergo a variety of reactions depending on the irradiation conditions. Contact angle measurements demonstrated that the irradiated surfaces were more hydrophilic than the non-irradiated azide layer and therefore the formation of an amine upon irradiation was postulated. Successful photoactivation could be demonstrated using condensation patterns, which showed a change in wettability on the wafer surface upon irradiation. Colloidal deposition with COOH functionalised particles further underlined the formation of more hydrophilic species. Orthogonal photoreactive silanes are described in the third part of this thesis. The advantage of orthogonal photosensitive silanes is the possibility of having a coexistence of chemical functionalities homogeneously distributed in the same layer, by using appropriate protecting groups. For this purpose, a 3',5'-dimethoxybenzoin protected carboxylic acid silane was successfully synthesised and the kinetics of its hydrolysis and condensation in solution were analysed in order to optimise the silanisation conditions. This compound was used together with a nitroveratryl protected amino silane to obtain bicomponent surface layers. The optimum conditions for an orthogonal deprotection of surfaces modified with this two groups were determined. A 2-step deprotection process through a mask generated a complex pattern on the substrate by activating two different chemistries at different sites. This was demonstrated by colloidal adsorption and fluorescence labelling of the resulting substrates. Moreover, two different single stranded oligodeoxynucleotides were immobilised onto the two different activated areas and then hybrid captured with their respective complementary, fluorescent labelled strand. Selective hybridisation could be shown, although non-selective adsorption issues need to be resolved, making this technique attractive for possible DNA microarrays.
Das hepatozelluläre Karzinom (HCC) ist mit ungefähr 1,000,000 neuen Fällen pro Jahr einer der häufigsten malignen Tumore weltweit. Es ist hauptsächlich in Südost-Asien und im südlichen Afrika verbreitet. Risikofaktoren sind chronische Infektionen mit Hepatitis Viren (HBV, HCV), Aflatoxin B1-Belastung und chronischer Alkoholkonsum. Um Veränderungen auf genomischer Ebene in HCCs zu untersuchen, wurden in der vorliegenden Untersuchung Frischgewebeproben von 21 Patienten mit HCCs und formalin-fixiertes, paraffineingebettetes Material von 6 Dysplastischen Knoten mittels Comparativer genomischer Hybridisierung (CGH) analysiert. In den untersuchten HCCs konnte Zugewinne auf 1q (12/21), 6p ( 6/21), 8q (11/21), 17q (6/21), 20q (6/21), sowie Verluste auf 4q (7/21), 6q (4/21), 10q (3/21), 13q (4/21), 16q (3/21) identifiziert werden. Die Validität der mit diesem Ansatz erzielten Ergebnisse konnte anhand von unabhängigen Kontrollexperimenten mit Interphase-FISH-Analyse nachgewiesen werden. Die in Dysplastische Knoten identifizierten Veränderungen sind Gewinne auf 1q (50% ) sowie Verluste auf 8p und 17p. Daher stellt 1q eine Kandidatenregion für die Identifizierung jener Gene dar, die bereits im frühem Stadium der Hepatokarzinogenese aktiviert sind. Die Gen-Expressionsanalyse eines HCCs mit Gewinnen auf 1q, 8q, und Xq zeigte die Überexpression von einigen Genen, die in den amplifizierten Regionen liegen. Daher kann spekuliert werden, dass die DNA-Amplifikation in der Hepatokarzinogenese bei einigen Genen ein Mechanismus der Aktivierung sein kann. Zusammengefasst konnte somit durch CGH-Analyse charakteristische, genomische Imbalances des HCC ermittelt werden. Der Vergleich mit Veränderungen bei prämalignen Läsionen erlaubt die Unterscheidung früher (prämaligner) und später (progressionsassoziierter) Veränderungen