657 resultados para Normose informacional


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Digital repositories are currently being used by education and research institutions in Brazil as an alternative for propagating scientific and academic results, mainly to reach institutional memory and visibility. However, the way these results are presented may influence their use, affecting user-system interaction through the interface components. Thus, it is possible to state that an unique digital information environment can offer different ways of visual presentation, customizing informational and visual components for specific users communities. In this context, tools are being developed as a resource to make access and use of information easier, and to increase the usability of digital informational environments. One of these tools, Manakin, is presented in this paper, as well as its integration with the DSpace platform, in order to enable multiple visual presentations, stressing the importance of the differentiation and direction of interfaces by a single repository to the various knowledge fields. So, results and examples of repositories with multiple visual presentations are introduced, to facilitate the use of the presented tool, as well as to reinforce the importance of a differentiated visual identity by areas of knowledge in a single repository, by means of literary and exploratory analysis.


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In the capital market the information are used as subsidies for the decision making of investors, among the main highlights are the economic, political, accounting and relating nature to the financial results of companies which have stocks traded at Stock Exchanges. In this perspective, it is essential that the agents involved especially brokerage companies establish management processes that contain a set of criteria for the organization and treatment of information collected in newspapers, news agencies and the companies that trade in stocks. Thus, it is essential to establish rigor in relation to recovery mechanisms of such information, which requires more than technology, because actions are necessary that will propitiate the informational content are made available with consistency, clarity and trustworthiness, so as that users can retrieve them in a timely manner. Furthermore, those processes should provide the efficient use of the information retrieved by users, so that they can use them aiming to subsidize the decisions of sale or purchase shares. Considering that the information systems are responsible for the information dissemination in the framework of capital market, it is necessary to present requisites that contemplate the set organization, treatment, retrieval and use of information. That way, we sought to evidence in this paper these issues, utilizing as a premise the elements proposed by Guimarães (2003) from the perspective of the information environment of a values brokerage companies reflecting through the model used, how these companies realize their work considering the dimensions of the documentary analysis, informational treatment, and the instruments for retrieval and use of information.


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Organizational environments are related to hierarchic levels existing in a determined organization, and they influence in the formal and informal flows origin and in their monitoring and/or extinction. Informational environments are a result of organizational environments, of which focus is information and knowledge. Information flows are a fundamental element to informational environments, in a way that there´s no informational environments if there´s no information flows. Informational flows are natural reflections from their environments, in terms of content and in the way they occur. This qualitative and quantitative research was developed in three stages, in a way to allow the comprehension of the phenomena related to information and knowledge environments and information flows that occur in the meat sector from the Province of Salamanca, Spain. We used Laurence Bardin´s ‘Analysis of Content’, more specifically the ‘Categorical Analysis’ technique to data analysis. As data collection procedure we accomplished a field research, applying a questionnaire as an intentional sample of the meat industries segment from the Province of Salamanca, Spain. From data tabulation and analysis, we infer that information environments and flows are relevant to these companies business development, as well as we emphasized the need of information and knowledge management deployment, in a way to insure organizational processes quality, industrial chain production and companies competition to conquer potential markets.


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The Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) can be combined with the acquisition of academic knowledge and cultural development of students, as they improve their information literacy, and why not say, also digital. Weaim in this research seek references and present experiences that encourage a new concept of school library with the use of ICT in teaching and learning in individual and collective development of the student community. To complement this study we prioritized the following objectives: to insert the technology into the routine of a school library; identify the informational and technological profile of adolescents; understand the needs and technological resources they use to obtain information in daily life and also analyze the importance the effective participation of the school library in the educational context of the school, through greater interaction between the librarian, teacher and pedagogical coordination seeking a cooperative and informal ICT teaching and learning for along with the students, sharing the search for information and knowledge, in a conscious and responsible way. Chosen as theoretical foundation the cognitive studies of Jean Piaget, witch explains how the stages of assimilation and accommodation of knowledge in cooperative practices work. As a methodology was developed a participatory-action research, to learn the behavioral state of young people and adolescents, based on the model of information search for the everyday life (Everyday Life Information Seeking) – ELIS, developed by Finnish researcher Savoleinen (2006), as well as identify the informational and technological profile of adolescents from two selected approaches in the scientific literature (HUGUES-HASSEL; AGOSTO, 2007; UCL, 2008). Thus, came up the initiative to create a Confraternity of the Library in a collaborative digital environment, providing the participants discussion and learning technologies as well as digital information literacy enhancement.


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At first, this paper presents the epistemological and theoretical bases that support the inclusion of an operational concept for the findability of information in the field of Information Science. In a second moment, it defines the key attributes and recommendations for the findability of information, with a view to their understanding in a practical perspective, from the epistemological and theoretical support presented. From a theoretical, exploratory, bibliographic and documentary study, the results reveal that epistemologically the findability of information fits in Information Science in post-custodial paradigm that focuses on access to information and is significantly influenced by Information and Communication Technologies. The theoretical conclusions of this concept focus on the evolution of the Web and from the perspective of the dimensions of language, where there is as pragmatic trend, as technological development that combines the actions taken by informational and institutional individuals in digital information environments. Given that these actions turn enable or not the findability of information, these individuals can be understood as mediators. Therefore, the concept of infocommunicational mediation is the basis for the findability of information. For its application in digital information environments, were defined attributes and guidelines which should be considered in the context of Information Architecture. The attributes characterizing the concept and guidelines point at practical actions for the design and for evaluation of the findability of information. Epistemological, theoretical and practical concepts addressed underpin the called operative concept in information science and should be further explored in this scientific field.


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Corporate governance can be understood like a management model that aims to build a good relationship between managers, controllers, minority shareholders and other stakeholders. Implement corporate governance in an organization often requires a cultural change. Corporate governance as an organizational model needs reinforce cultural behaviors of its members so as which support the principles and values that increment the relationship between the organization and its stakeholders. The process of corporate structuring of an organization is largely determined by culture. Being the culture a set of organizational values that distinguishes one organization of other, it is natural that these organizations find adjustment difficulties during the implementation of international values. The organizations in the context of corporate governance can t think and act over themselves, but instead must think and take action on a set of actors who are strongly linked with them in order to achieve the same goals and objectives planned.


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In the contemporary world, the Internet enables the development of a Collaborative Web where the decentralization and sharing of information and knowledge generate new cultural configurations of increasing representation in informational flows. In this environment, collaboration and remix practices are covered by a legislation established for another context, and an imbalance is created between what is provided by the technology and what is established by Copyright. Therefore, it is necessary to address, under the perspective of the third time in Information Science, contemporary issues concerning creation, recreation, use, reuse, sharing and dissemination of intellectual content under the legislation which regulates them. This article seeks to highlight the dilemma that contemporaneity is experiencing and how important is for both society as a whole and specially the professional of Information Science to know the legal conditions for the processes of generating, processing, using, recovering and, especially, re-using information on the Web at a larger scale. The Creative Commons licenses are emerging alternatives that offer individuals options to become not only users but also holders and creators of intellectual content under legal conditions.


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The current nature of World Wide Web (Web), which highlights the collaborative participation of users in some digital information environments, lead to development of guidelines with a focus on Inclusive Digital Information Architecture for a different audiences in multiples informational ambiences. This research proposes guidelines for a inclusive digital information environment, aiming to identify the elements of accessibility that allow the promotion of inclusion digital information, in order to highlight the references of the Architecture of Digital Information, the international recommendations and the structures representation of information (specially accessibility attributes), with the look of Information Science and New Technologies of Information and Communication. The thesis is as to the need to develop methodologies with guidelines that contemplate the elements of digital accessibility focused on the task of the user. The research problem is that actual methodologies and recommendations used for the development of digital information environments do not cover all the elements of accessibility with a focus on user needs. The proposition is to present, through a methodological approach (exploratory and descriptive), a theoretical-methodological proposal to promote elements of digital accessibility to the development of digital information environments, for users with or without special needs. The overall objective of this study is to contribute to the development of inclusive digital information environments, in perspective of union of theories, recommendations and technologies for the development of digital accessibility guidelines. In a theoretical dimension, the research covers a critical review of the specialized literature in the areas of Information Science and Computer Science and, in the applied part, the analysis and development of a proposal of guidelines for the architecture of a digital information environment with accessibility.


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The indexing process aims to represent synthetically the informational content of documents by a set of terms whose meanings indicate the themes or subjects treated by them. With the emergence of the Web, research in automatic indexing received major boost with the necessity of retrieving documents from this huge collection. The traditional indexing languages, used to translate the thematic content of documents in standardized terms, always proved efficient in manual indexing. Ontologies open new perspectives for research in automatic indexing, offering a computer-process able language restricted to a particular domain. The use of ontologies in the automatic indexing process allows using a specific domain language and a logical and conceptual framework to make inferences, and whose relations allow an expansion of the terms extracted directly from the text of the document. This paper presents techniques for the construction and use of ontologies in the automatic indexing process. We conclude that the use of ontologies in the indexing process allows to add not only new feature to the indexing process, but also allows us to think in new and advanced features in an information retrieval system.


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The information process should be understood as essential to the success of any institution, mainly those that produce knowledge. Information mediation being part of this process must be understood as an action capable of directing the knowledge construction of individuals. The information mediation in universities is a way of mediating the knowledge generated within and outside the university environment, including its specialized audience and to society. Thus the concept of information mediation is discussed in this work and its role within universities and the role of information professionals as information mediators. The social responsibility of universities needs to be reaffirmed into the society and the information is a possible way for the success of this action.


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The archival institutions should for the elevation of the statistical indices of social and economic to integrate with sustainable development yours communities through regional entrepreneurship and improving informational. The Commerce and Industry Association of Marília (ACIM) archive provided to analyze the influence of the files on regional growth to development sustainable of industries and trade. The management theory and archives processes, set up data to create a model template guiding sustainable which suggested the results provided for: Transparency in the processes; global and local integration; culture and collaboration of the community; physical and human factors; improvement for work management and; to utilized to generate the economy of the ecosystem as a form of natural resources.


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The worry to assess the information Literacy is growing up on literature, which points out the need to verify the effectiveness of information literacy programs. In Brazil, the movement to de actions to assess is turn to the diagnostic line. There are few specific initiatives to assess the development of the programs, called formative assessment. Researchers of the area of education defend assess like a social practical that requires rigor and methods and confirmed that this can‟t be considered just like a measure. Before these aspects, approach to methods and tools for formative assessment of information literacy, the way in the instruments don‟t to be seeing like principal pieces in assess, but like auxiliary tools for the measurement of results and principal as school guiding that are useful for learning.


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This article brings to light a reflection about the possibility to enlarge the notion about document. Beyond the French school explanation, and taking up again important author of Information Science campus, the debates exposes within the Brazilian Catholic dimensions is possible to extrapolate the revision about the document’s idea, which is generally restrict to informational spaces. The National Sanctuary of Aparecida protects in a specific room the votive offerings – objects leaved there whether to pay a promise or to thank for any miracle that someone believes receive it. It is mediation’ space and it is can be thought as an environment, because there are possibilities to establish mediations inside it. Although, the room of the promises is a sacred and profane place, it involves a Cathequesis mission, expositive, informational, in spite of this last characteristic does not be explicit. First of all, the article reflects about the room of the promises and follows analyzing the document’s comprehension; in a second moment we finish purposing to understand the votive offering as a faith’s document, because they assume the position as proof of miracles and received graces, and these special objects brings with them a materiality positive and a documental value which the room fo the promises give to them.