960 resultados para Nonlinear Schrodinger model
We study energy localization on the oscillator chain proposed by Peyrard and Bishop to model DNA. We search numerically for conditions with initial energy in a small subgroup of consecutive oscillators of a finite chain and such that the oscillation amplitude is small outside this subgroup on a long time scale. We use a localization criterion based on the information entropy and verify numerically that such localized excitations exist when the nonlinear dynamics of the subgroup oscillates with a frequency inside the reactive band of the linear chain. We predict a mimium value for the Morse parameter (mu>2.25) (the only parameter of our normalized model), in agreement with the numerical calculations (an estimate for the biological value is mu=6.3). For supercritical masses, we use canonical perturbation theory to expand the frequencies of the subgroup and we calculate an energy threshold in agreement with the numerical calculations.
An optimisation technique to solve transmission network expansion planning problem, using the AC model, is presented. This is a very complex mixed integer nonlinear programming problem. A constructive heuristic algorithm aimed at obtaining an excellent quality solution for this problem is presented. An interior point method is employed to solve nonlinear programming problems during the solution steps of the algorithm. Results of the tests, carried out with three electrical energy systems, show the capabilities of the method and also the viability of using the AC model to solve the problem.
The behavior of average velocities on a dissipative version of the classical bouncer model is described using scaling arguments. The description of the model is made by use of a two-dimensional nonlinear area contracting map. Our results reveal that the model experiences a transition from limited to unlimited energy growth as the dissipation vanishes. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Sudden eccentricity increases of asteroidal motion in 3/1 resonance with Jupiter were discovered and explained by J. Wisdom through the occurrence of jumps in the action corresponding to the critical angle (resonant combination of the mean motions). We pursue some aspects of this mechanism, which could be termed relaxation-chaos: that is, an unconventional form of homoclinic behavior arising in perturbed integrable Hamiltonian systems for which the KAM theorem hypothesis do not hold. © 1987.
In this paper we study the interplay between short- and long-space scales in the context of conservative dispersive systems. We consider model systems in (1 + 1) dimensions that admit both long- and short-wavelength solutions in the linear regime. A nonlinear analysis of these systems is constructed, making use of multiscale expansions. We show that the equations governing the lowest order involve only short-wave properties and that the long-wave effects to leading order are determined by a secularity elimination procedure. © 1999 The American Physical Society.
The ability of neural networks to realize some complex nonlinear function makes them attractive for system identification. This paper describes a novel barrier method using artificial neural networks to solve robust parameter estimation problems for nonlinear model with unknown-but-bounded errors and uncertainties. This problem can be represented by a typical constrained optimization problem. More specifically, a modified Hopfield network is developed and its internal parameters are computed using the valid-subspace technique. These parameters guarantee the network convergence to the equilibrium points. A solution for the robust estimation problem with unknown-but-bounded error corresponds to an equilibrium point of the network. Simulation results are presented as an illustration of the proposed approach.
Here we present two-phase flow nonlinear parameter estimation for HFC's flow through capillary tube-suction line heat exchangers, commonly used as expansion devices in small refrigeration systems. The simplifying assumptions adopted are: steady state, pure refrigerant, one-dimensional flow, negligible axial heat conduction in the fluid, capillary tube and suction line walls. Additionally, it is considered that the refrigerant is free from oil and both phases are assumed to be at the same pressure, that is, surface tension effects are neglected. Metastable flow effects are also disregarded, and the vapor is assumed to be saturated at the local pressure. The so-called homogeneous model, involving three, first order, ordinary differential equations is applied to analyze the two-phase flow region. Comparison is done with experimental measurements of the mass flow rate and temperature distribution along capillary tubes working with refrigerant HFC-134a in different operating conditions.
This paper describes a nonlinear phenomenon in the dynamical behavior of a nonlinear system under two non-ideal excitations: the self-synchronization of unbalanced direct current motors. The considered model is taken as a Duffing system that is excited by two unbalanced direct current motors with limited power supplies. The results obtained by using numerical simulations are discussed in details.
We establish a Green-Nagdhi model equation for capillary-gravity waves in (2+1) dimensions. Through the derivation of an asymptotic equation governing short-wave dynamics, we show that this system possesses (1 + 1) traveling-wave solutions for almost all the values of the Bond number θ (the special case θ=1/3 is not studied). These waves become singular when their amplitude is larger than a threshold value, related to the velocity of the wave. The limit angle at the crest is then calculated. The stability of a wave train is also studied via a Benjamin-Feir modulational analysis. ©2005 The American Physical Society.
In this work, the dynamic behavior of self-synchronization and synchronization through mechanical interactions between the nonlinear self-excited oscillating system and two non-ideal sources are examined by numerical simulations. The physical model of the system vibrating consists of a non-linear spring of Duffing type and a nonlinear damping described by Rayleigh's term. This system is additional forced by two unbalanced identical direct current motors with limited power (non-ideal excitations). The present work mathematically implements the parametric excitation described by two periodically changing stiffness of Mathieu type that are switched on/off. Copyright © 2005 by ASME.
We present a simple mathematical model of a wind turbine supporting tower. Here, the wind excitation is considered to be a non-ideal power source. In such a consideration, there is interaction between the energy supply and the motion of the supporting structure. If power is not enough, the rotation of the generator may get stuck at a resonance frequency of the structure. This is a manifestation of the so-called Sommerfeld Effect. In this model, at first, only two degrees of freedom are considered, the horizontal motion of the upper tip of the tower, in the transverse direction to the wind, and the generator rotation. Next, we add another degree of freedom, the motion of a free rolling mass inside a chamber. Its impact with the walls of the chamber provides control of both the amplitude of the tower vibration and the width of the band of frequencies in which the Sommerfeld effect occur. Some numerical simulations are performed using the equations of motion of the models obtained via a Lagrangian approach.
Some dynamical properties of the one dimensional Fermi accelerator model, under the presence of frictional force are studied. The frictional force is assumed as being proportional to the square particle's velocity. The problem is described by use of a two dimensional non linear mapping, therefore obtained via the solution of differential equations. We confirm that the model experiences contraction of the phase space area and in special, we characterized the behavior of the particle approaching an attracting fixed point. © 2007 American Institute of Physics.
In this paper, we consider the propagation of water waves in a long-wave asymptotic regime, when the bottom topography is periodic on a short length scale. We perform a multiscale asymptotic analysis of the full potential theory model and of a family of reduced Boussinesq systems parametrized by a free parameter that is the depth at which the velocity is evaluated. We obtain explicit expressions for the coefficients of the resulting effective Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) equations. We show that it is possible to choose the free parameter of the reduced model so as to match the KdV limits of the full and reduced models. Hence the reduced model is optimal regarding the embedded linear weakly dispersive and weakly nonlinear characteristics of the underlying physical problem, which has a microstructure. We also discuss the impact of the rough bottom on the effective wave propagation. In particular, nonlinearity is enhanced and we can distinguish two regimes depending on the period of the bottom where the dispersion is either enhanced or reduced compared to the flat bottom case. © 2007 The American Physical Society.