527 resultados para Nasalidade (Fonética)
This paper intended to observe the alphabetization process in Brazil, looking for the constructivist model and its difficulties also observing the phonic and the syllabic methods in order to consider the adaptations of these methods for the children’s learning writing language. Without choose between one method in particular this article purposes to do a study of the difficulties that the children shows during the learning of the lecture and writing, in order to help the teachers to think about the problems found and how they may obtain solutions for them when they are in the front of a different group of students.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
to each other. These approaches reveal the speaker's attitudes, their feelings expressed in statements and in the contexts in which those expressions are used. Cagliari (1989) calls this kind of discursive reference as prosodic markers in literary writing. In this project, the corpus for the analysis comes from the work of Guimarães Rosa: Manuelzão e Miguilim. The main goal of the present project is to develop studies on the subject, since there is virtually nothing done about the prosodic writing markers. Develop working methods is an important objective, in order to show how the prosodic markers can be studied. This type of study is not only important to linguistics: phonetics, textual analysis and discourse, but also to literary studies. Different ages of literary expressions used differently such resources as shown by the work of Cagliari (1989). The methodology of this project starts collecting data to compose the corpus with examples categorized as prosodic markers. Then, according to prosodic theories, these expressions are classified in types. The contexts in which they appear are important elements and they will be highlighted. The narrative of the plot is also an important context. Dialogues are good source of prosodic markers. In the work of Guimarães Rosa: Manuelzão e Miguilim, it was observed that the author likes to reveal the feelings of the characters in the novel through stated words in their speech. There are prosodic markers showing feeling like: intimidating, serene, gentle, cheerful, worried, angry, with irony, etc. The authors also refer to the fact that the character pronounced his speech with different voice qualities such as loud, hoarse, whispering, etc. This project studies the association between some prosodic elements of speech and their occurrence in literary texts as prosodic writing markers, as defined in the project. The data come from the phonetic descriptions of words and expressions regarded as prosodic...
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
to each other. These approaches reveal the speaker's attitudes, their feelings expressed in statements and in the contexts in which those expressions are used. Cagliari (1989) calls this kind of discursive reference as prosodic markers in literary writing. In this project, the corpus for the analysis comes from the work of Guimarães Rosa: Manuelzão e Miguilim. The main goal of the present project is to develop studies on the subject, since there is virtually nothing done about the prosodic writing markers. Develop working methods is an important objective, in order to show how the prosodic markers can be studied. This type of study is not only important to linguistics: phonetics, textual analysis and discourse, but also to literary studies. Different ages of literary expressions used differently such resources as shown by the work of Cagliari (1989). The methodology of this project starts collecting data to compose the corpus with examples categorized as prosodic markers. Then, according to prosodic theories, these expressions are classified in types. The contexts in which they appear are important elements and they will be highlighted. The narrative of the plot is also an important context. Dialogues are good source of prosodic markers. In the work of Guimarães Rosa: Manuelzão e Miguilim, it was observed that the author likes to reveal the feelings of the characters in the novel through stated words in their speech. There are prosodic markers showing feeling like: intimidating, serene, gentle, cheerful, worried, angry, with irony, etc. The authors also refer to the fact that the character pronounced his speech with different voice qualities such as loud, hoarse, whispering, etc. This project studies the association between some prosodic elements of speech and their occurrence in literary texts as prosodic writing markers, as defined in the project. The data come from the phonetic descriptions of words and expressions regarded as prosodic...
Facebook is a medium of social interaction producing its own style. The present study analyses how users from Malaga create this style through phonetic features of the local Spanish variety and how they reflect on the use of these features. Moreover, the use of non-standard variants by users from Malaga is examined and compared to an oral corpus. Results demonstrate that social factors work differently in real and virtual speech. Thus, the electronic medium constrains the phonetics of the local variety employed on Facebook. Facebook communication is seen as a style serving to create social meaning and to express linguistic identity.
Como profesoras de Fonética y Fonología Inglesa hemos percibido que nuestros alumnos –hispano-hablantes- enfrentan una serie de dificultades en relación con la percepción y producción de las formas débiles de las palabras estructurales. En consecuencia, evaluamos la percepción y producción de las formas débiles y fuertes en nuestros alumnos, a través de una prueba de escucha y otra de habla, una vez que los estudiantes de primer año de la Facultad de Filosofía, Humanidades y Artes, Universidad Nacional de San Juan (UNSJ), habían finalizado el período de entrenamiento en estas formas. Para la recolección de datos utilizamos dos tipos de tests: uno de percepción y otro de producción. En general, los resultados corroboraron nuestra percepción: los alumnos continuaron teniendo mayor dificultad en la percepción y producción de las formas débiles de las palabras estructurales que en la de las formas fuertes, aún después de haber estado expuestos al entrenamiento explícito.
Se realizó un estudio de expedientes judiciales para verificar la presencia de lesiones dentarias en litigios judiciales y corroborar si los baremos aplicados fueron pertinentes. Siendo muy importante el porcentaje de casos donde no existió pérdida dentaria pero sí lesión y no existiendo un baremo que contemple estos casos, surge entonces la necesidad de formular un nuevo baremo o modificar los existentes para que se incluya no sólo la pérdida total del elemento dentario sino también los traumatismos que no producen pérdida del elemento dentario pero si lesión, porque representan una importante incapacidad masticatoria, fonética y estética. Se propone agregar a los baremos en uso o redactar un nuevo baremo que incluya la siguiente valoración: - En caso de fracturas dentarias con compromiso pulpar y traumatismos que producen pérdida de vitalidad pulpar, adjudicar un porcentaje de incapacidad del 50% de los valores otorgados por los baremos existentes (Bertini, Briñon, etc.) para la pérdida total de dicho elemento. En los casos de fracturas dentarias sin pérdida de vitalidad, otorgar un 25% de los valores de los baremos existentes.