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Includes bibliography


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Der 1795-1798 verfasste Text "De re scholastica Anglica cum Germanica comparata" (Über das englische Schulwesen im Vergleich zum deutschen) des sächsischen Rektors Friedrich August Hecht ist die erste bekannte Schrift zur Vergleichenden Erziehungswissenschaft. Ihre zentrale Materialgrundlage bilden englische und deutsche Schulbücher für Latein- und Gelehrtenschulen. Aus deutschsprachiger Sekundärliteratur übernimmt Hecht darüber hinaus Informationen über schulorganisatorische, curriculare und didaktische Besonderheiten der englischen Public Schools Westminster und Eton, und setzt sie zu den ihm aus eigener Praxis bekannten deutschen (sächsischen) Schulverhältnissen in Beziehung. Der Gedanke der Transnationalität im Bildungsbereich, der sich aktuell etwa im Begriff von transnationalen Bildungsräumen ausdrückt, hat bei Hecht der Sache nach drei Anknüpfungspunkte: die bildungspolitische Wirksamkeit transnationaler Herrscherfamilien, die gemeineuropäische Bedeutung der Gebildeten- und Gelehrtensprache Latein und die nationübergreifende Dimension des humanistischen Bildungskanons. Das alte Europa kannte Nationen und Staaten, aber es kannte noch keine Nationalstaaten. Die Deutschen sind für Hecht noch eine alteuropäische Nation, die Engländer dagegen auf dem Wege zur oder sind schon Staatsnation. Die Vergleichende Erziehungswissenschaft entsteht mit Hechts Schrift in einer Situation, da die alte transnationale Ordnung der Nationen und Staaten in die neue internationale Ordnung der Nationalstaaten übergeht. (DIPF/Orig.)


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La constitución política en su artículo primero ha establecido el modelo político en el cual se enmarca el Estado Colombiano, precepto que por su prevalencia normativa, se convierte en fundamento de todo actuar y que se expresa así: Colombia es un Estado social de derecho, organizado en forma de República unitaria, descentralizada, con autonomía de sus entidades territoriales, democrática, participativa y pluralista, fundada en el respeto de la dignidad humana, en el trabajo y la solidaridad de las personas que la integran y en la prevalencia del interés general. La introducción de este nuevo modelo político implica un cambio radical en la forma de concebir el Estado, ante la pérdida sacramental del texto legal entendido como emanación de la voluntad popular y la mayor preocupación por la justicia material y por el logro de soluciones que consulten la especificidad de los hechos (M.P. BARÓN, Ciro., 1992), situación que conviene un cambio de pensamiento en la elaboración de las normas y que a partir, de 1991 debe consultar su impacto en la solución de los problemas que aquejan la sociedad. Consecuente con lo anterior, el sistema tributario, no puede ser ajeno a los postulados incluidos en el artículo primero de la constitución política atrás citado, y en tal sentido la Asamblea Constituyente, aunque en su momento no acogió las recomendaciones dadas por el Instituto Colombiano de Derecho Tributario, en el sentido de incluir un artículo que dijera que los tributos debían fundarse en la capacidad económica del sujeto pasivo, si consagró en su artículo 363 que el sistema tributario debía fundarse en los principios de equidad y progresividad, entre otros (BRAVO, 1997). Es aquí donde se centra el presente proyecto de investigación, que busca indagar por el principio de progresividad, que por efecto metodológicos se limitara a las pyme, específicamente en la pequeña empresa, aquella con planta de personal entre once (11) y cincuenta (50) trabajadores y activo total entre quinientos un (501) y menos de cinco mil un (5.001) salarios mínimos legales mensuales vigentes. Estas personas jurídicas, se ven abocadas a una fuerte carga impositiva directa, en el cual el impuesto de renta recobra relevancia, haciéndose necesario analizar su impacto a las luces de la nueva reforma, a efecto de vislumbrar la efectiva materialización del principio de progresividad o por si el contrario los recientes cambios normativos han contradicho el mandato impuesto en la Constitución política en cuanto al respeto que debe contener toda norma en materia tributaria, en cuanto al principio objeto de estudio.


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The main thesis of this article is that the increasing recourse to the use of unmanned aerial systems in asymmetric warfare and the beginning routinization of U.S. drone operations represent part of an evolutionary change in the spatial ordering of global politics -- Using a heuristic framework based on actor-network theory, it is argued that practices of panoptic observation and selective airstrikes, being in need of legal justification, contribute to a reterritorialization of asymmetric conflicts -- Under a new normative spatial regime, a legal condition of state immaturity is constructed, which establishes a zone of conditional sovereignty subject to transnational aerial policing -- At the same time, this process is neither a deterministic result of the new technology nor a deliberate effect of policies to which drones are merely neutral instruments -- Rather, military technology and political decisions both form part of a long chain of action which has evolved under the specific circumstances of recent military interventions


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Part 12: Collaboration Platforms


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Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Centro de Desenvolvimento Sustentável, 2013.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Gestão Empresarial, Faculdade de Economia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015


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One of the core ideas that animate neo-liberal globalization is the promise that with increased integration there will be a concomitant decline in the power of the nation state and a decline and dissipation of issues such as ethnic hatred, nationalist extremism which can be overcome by the spread of enlightened self interest. Competition based on individual merit and the prevalence of markets over politics signals a new neo-liberal order. According to its supporters neo-liberal globalization heralds a new era of cosmopolitanism individualism, choice and the breakdown of barriers to the peoples of the world. Freedom, free markets, open competition, democracy and development are said to follow in the wake of neoliberal globalization. The powerful discourse of competition and economic development provides neo-liberal globalization with a critical and central driver


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This study extends previous research by examining the role of cultural intelligence (CQ) in both culture shock and reverse culture shock. Specifically, this study asserts that CQ acts as a moderating mechanism that lessens the negative effects of both culture shock and reverse culture shock on psychological and sociocultural adaptation among international students. Two studies were conducted in Australia to test these assertions. Study 1 (n = 189) was participated in by new international students. An online survey was set up and disseminated. Results indicated that culture shock is significantly but negatively related to both psychological and sociocultural adaptation. In addition, results demonstrated that CQ moderates the relationship by lessening the impact of culture shock on students’ psychological and sociocultural adaptation. Study 2 (n = 123) was participated in by international students who had recently graduated and returned to their home countries. An online survey was also set up and disseminated. Results indicated that reverse culture shock is significantly but negatively related to both psychological and sociocultural adaptation. CQ also served as a moderator in lessening the impact of reverse culture shock on both forms of adaptation.


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This article analyses public opinion in order to explore the politics of immigration in South Korea. It argues that there are divergent views about immigration and the obligations of the host society to accommodate migrants. Younger, better-educated citizens are representative of a majority that has a generally positive view of immigrants and immigration. A sizeable minority of older and less well-educated citizens, however, is warier of immigration and its effects on South Korean society. Men were more likely than women to have a positive view of immigration, but the differences along gender lines were small. The article also finds that attitudes towards immigration depend to a significant degree on how migrants are described. It thereby highlights the possibility that South Korea’s leaders could use immigration for political gain while also seeking to attract new migrants in order to resolve the country’s economic and demographic problems.


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We examined a model, informed by self-regulation theories from the health psychology literature, which included goal adjustment capacities, appraisals of challenge and threat, coping, and well-being. Two-hundred and twelve athletes from the United Kingdom (n 147)= or Australia (n = 65), who played team (n = 135) or individual sports (n = 77), and competed at international (n = 7), national (n = 11), county (n = 67), club (n = 84), or beginner (n = 43) levels participated in this study. Participants completed measures of goal adjustment capacities and stress appraisals two days before competing. Athletes also completed coping and well-being questionnaires within three hours of their competition ending.The way an athlete responded to an unattainable goal was associated with his or her well-being in the period leading up to and including the competition. Goal reengagement positively predicted well-being, whereas goal disengagement negatively predicted well-being. Further, goal reengagement was positively associated with challenge appraisals, which in turn was linked to task-oriented coping, and task-oriented coping positively associated with well-being.When highly-valued goals become unattainable, consultants and coaches could encourage athletes to generate alternative approaches to achieve the same goal or help them develop a completely new goal in order to promote well-being among athletes.


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New paradigms in science education are focused on moving towards a sustainable society, meaning redefining the educational practices and developing new methods in order to establish better relationships among individuals, groups, and the society. Being able to reflect upon developing new pedagogic strategies, that support collective action, is crucial to favour social change. Education in the twenty-first century should be based on critical and social theories of the environment and development, in order to link the prospects for sustainability to new forms of economy, social welfare, governance and education (Barraza et al., Environ Educ Res 9(3):347-357, 2003). The nature of contemporary knowledge and knowledge construction demands increasing collaboration and communication between once isolated disciplines. Curriculum integration can reduce curriculum fragmentation, promoting a better awareness of the way different forms of knowledge work and contribute to collaborative knowledge construction, stimulating a critical and a reflexive perspective in their learners. This chapter will focus on the pedagogic strategies used in a research project aiming to provide potential young scientists from rural communities of Mexico and Alaska with a unique opportunity to learn more about their own local knowledge whilst gaining a better understanding of how it intersects with global processes. The project has helped students make cognitive links between their scientific knowledge and life experience, and has established affective and behavioral links which have intensified the ways in which they value their environment, culture, traditions and communities (Tytler et al. 2010; Bodenhorn, Learning about environmental research in a context of climate change: an international scholastic interchange (pilot project). Final report. BASC (Barrow Arctic Science Consortium)). The conjunction of collaborative, interdisciplinary work and multiple pedagogic strategies applied in this specific educational practice has shown the potential of implementing research group initiatives in science education. We believe that educational approaches that create spaces for students to work together towards a goal defined as a common good, can contribute significantly to develop effective science programs in schools.


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Eighty per cent of the world's population professes religious belief. Such beliefs provide precepts on how individuals should conduct their private lives and (often) how society should be organized. Given there are 2.1 billion Christians worldwide and 1.3 billion Muslims, understanding the religious approach to social life based on sacred texts and social teachings of Christianity and Islam has a strong relevance to those interested in implementing international economic development policies. This paper argues that religion can thus play a positive role in development and specifically support development economic policies at the international level. The purpose of this paper is not to present a fully formed development economic policy, but rather to identify teachings of the world's two largest religions – such as preferencing the poor, minimizing inequality and having the economy serve wider realms of society – that directly speak to how sustainable economic development is understood within these faith traditions and how these teachings could scaffold and support and international policy frameworks aimed to achieve sustainable economic development. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.


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Dada la persistencia de las diferencias en ingresos laborales por regiones en Colombia, el presente artículo propone cuantificar la magnitud de este diferencial que es atribuida a la diferencia en estructuras de mercado laboral, entendiendo esta última como la diferencia en los retornos a las características de la fuerza laboral. Para ello se propone el uso de un método de descomposición del tipo Oaxaca- Blinder y se compara a Bogotá –la ciudad con mayores ingresos laborales- con otras ciudades principales. Los resultados obtenidos al conducir el ejercicio de descomposición muestran que las diferencias en estructura están a favor de Bogotá y que estas explican más de la mitad de la diferencia total, indicando que si se quieren reducir las disparidades de ingresos laborales entre ciudades no es suficiente con calificar la fuerza laboral y que es necesario indagar por las causas que hacen que los retornos a las características difieran entre ciudades.


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La conformación de grandes organizaciones de comercio de bienes de consumo como resultado de una integración de empresas comercializadoras, entre ellas la del Grupo Casino, han adquirido participaciones mayoritarias en empresas nacionales. Este nuevo modelo de negocios corporativo ha generado algunos beneficios al consumidor en aspectos de precio, variedad y calidad a la luz de compradores, investigadores y de los propios dueños. Sin embargo, son más los daños y perjuicios que ha ocasionado estos procesos de internacionalización que los beneficios a primera luz, pues vienen acompañados de prácticas desleales que han atentado con los intereses de empresas productoras y proveedoras eliminando de tajo la libre competencia y desapareciendo reglas y conductas sanas que han caracterizado a la economía de mercado. Se examinará las teorías y conductas que se aplican a estas negociaciones, así como las prácticas que ejecutan en el comercio en la defensa de la competencia y su impacto competitivo en sector comercio de Colombia.